View Full Version : To Claim a Lifemate (Epona/Dante)
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 3rd, 2004, 01:14:45 PM
Dominik rose the next evening with one thing on his mind. Epona. She had become his reason for breathing, his reason for waking every evening so that he could see those eyes of lavendar look up at him lovingly.
Moving to sit up, he swung his feet to the floor and leaned on his knees with his elbows, his hands running through his hair. Every moment the two of them were together, his mind and body screamed to make her his own, to say the words that would bind the two of them for eternity and to finally take her blood and her body to make them one, to make her his lifemate and he her's. She was meant for him and he knew it. Dominik knew Epona was feeling the same trouble, but was not yet aware of why she was feeling it.
Even now, Dominik's body screamed to claim her and she was no where near him. The need was growing more and more each evening and the kisses, the intimate embraces they shared were becoming not enough to sustain him. The Pack, as well as her father Dante, were all very protective of their Darkling. He had a feeling Dante would think it was too soon for his turned daughter to be claimed as a lifemate, but the elder vampyre should know that once a lifemate is discovered, the claim must be made or the male would go insane with need and jealousy.
Dominik let out a slow breath, calming his nerves, his body. He closed his eyes, for a moment, then went to dress carefully as he made the decision to talk with Dante before claiming Epona. There were two ways a lifemate was made, either the Council of Nine made the match and it was successful, like Redeemer and Icilian....Dominik paused for a moment, reflecting on what he was told about their joining. They had been paired when they were young, but never told of it before Icilian went to deep sleep for attacking Redeemer. His claim was made fifty years later when he arose and the need for her became too great. Dominik smiled as he dressed, realizing that the two were destined as lifemates even if the Council hadn't decreed they were. And he was destined to make Epona his lifemate.
Pulling on his leather jacket, he turned and ran his hands over his shirt, making sure he looked presentable before making his way over to the House of Imoralia to see Epona and Dante. He wanted to see Epona first, to hold her in his arms and to drink from those luscious lips of her's. He smiled, his gray eyes dancing with laughter as he headed out the door to see his love.
Epona Rhi
Jan 4th, 2004, 06:54:54 AM
She had just woken up and was finding herself needing to be with her Dominik. She didnt have a clue as to why either. She would ask he Da but she asked him enough questions as it is. He'd never say anything though, because he loved her so. She was still new to the ways of vampyres, And did not understand that what she was going through was the symptoms of her finding her lifemate.
Sighing in frustration, Epona stood up from her bed and padded barefoot across the floor to stand before the mirror. She wore her gauzy white sleeping gown and her hair was worn down and was a bit messy from sleeping. She sat on the plush chair, picked up her brush and began to drag it through her silky locks.
Gazing at the reflection in her mirror, she pictured herself with Dominik. Both sharing a household of thier own, sharing a bed...children. A smile broke across her face as she slowly ran the brush through her hair.
She couldnt help it, he was what she wanted.....he was what she needed......he was her ...lifemate.
More so the smile showed itself. And why not? He would make such a good lifemate. She giggled softly and continued her brushing of her hair.
Dante Imoralia
Jan 4th, 2004, 11:20:17 AM
Dante moved across his study, freshly showered and changed, his hair falling in wet tendrils down his back. A lot has been on his mind lately and he sat behind his desk, leaning back in the chair as his mind went to that of Epona and Dominik. He let out a sigh, his hand coming up to curl into a fist as he rested the side of his jaw on to it. He knew what was happening between the two of them, it was evident in the way Dominik began acting lately and the confusion Epona had begun to feel. He just wasn't too happy about how soon it had happened, but there was nothing he could do. It was obvious they were meant for one another.
A smile began to play on his lips at the thought of his daughter. Poor Epona, so confused when Dominik was not around. She would get better once the lifemate claim was made. He was expected Dominik soon to appear at his door to make it. Although it was not necessary, most male vampyres did that out of respect and he knew Dominik was that kind of male...just like Dante knew Dominik would not make the claim without Epona's permission.
Only few in their kind have done that, his son one of them and he laughed softly, thinking of Redeemer and Icilian. Their's had been a joining no one could forget. Redeemer had fought the joining tooth and nail but eventually gave in when she came face to face with her actual feelings for Icilian. Dante'a laugh turned into a chuckle as he got up from his desk to go check on his daughter. He was going to speak to her of the things that bothered her so she knew what was in store.
Epona Rhi
Jan 4th, 2004, 03:22:25 PM
Hearing the door open, she turned and smiled at the sight of her father coming through the entryway. Epona stood up and walked quickly to him and hugged him tight.
"Mmmmmm....Good Evening Da."
She looked up at him with her girlish smile, and glowing eyes. She liked how he looked lately, he seemed more happy and himself. And rumor had it that he was "smitten". But with whom?
"You look happy."
Dante Imoralia
Jan 4th, 2004, 03:33:34 PM
Dante hugged her back, holding her tight and placing a kiss on her forehead. He smiled down at her, laughing when she spoke of him looking happy. He knew what she was getting at and he only smiled secretively at her, leading her to sit at the couch by her window.
"I am happy, Epona." Dante said, his eyes dancing with merriment. "And I have a feeling you have a few questions about I right?"
Before Epona could answer him, he took her hand in his and placed a kiss on the back of it.
"You seem quite anxious these days when Dominik is not around." Dante searched her face, seeing the signs of distress. He sighed, knowing that the claim needed to be made and soon. "Epona, my daughter, you know of our ways when it comes to lifemates, do you not?"
Epona Rhi
Jan 4th, 2004, 04:01:09 PM
She was about to answer his question about her asking about his happiness and fell silent as he took her hand and kissed her knuckle.
"You seem quite anxious these days when Dominik is not around. Epona, my daughter, you know of our ways when it comes to lifemates, do you not?"
She nodded slightly, she knew some...but not all.
"I know when we take one its a unbreakable bond which only death or ourselves can sunder."
Beyond that she was clueless to it. And her look spoke that. She knew something was up and couldnt puther finger on it. But Dante was right....she had been anxious when away from Dominik, and sometimes she was so deep into it she wanted to cry.
"Does my acting strange have anything to do with that Da?"
Dante Imoralia
Jan 4th, 2004, 04:11:09 PM
Dante smiled tenderly at her, kissing her hand again.
"Yes, my Daughter, it does." He spoke softly. "You and are lifemates. The way he is acting...your sense of two were destined to be together."
Dante watched the subtle blush appear in her cheeks and he leaned over and kissed her cheek, then continued.
"The claim of lifemate must be made or what you are feeling, what he is feeling, will grow worse with each passing evening. The need you feel for each other will in turn madden you if it is not quenched."
Dante stood up, releasing her hand and walked the length of Epona's room before turning back to look at her.
"Dominik will not make the claim without your permission. Only few have done that. Once the verbal claim is made, you will be mentally bound to each other...acting as if being with each other is like an addiction, an addiction that will get worse if the claim is not followed through. There are two other ways of the claim that must be met. The physical exchange between the two of you and finally that of the blood exchange. Either one can happen first, it won't matter in what succession. During either one, Dominik will say the verses passed on to each male that will secure the bind, that will cement the two of you together for eternity. Should anyone else, male or female, try to get between the two of you, that could mean their death."
Dante paused, his mind going to Dorian and his situation with Redeemer and Icilian. He truly liked the mortal, but if he was to keep interfering...the Council could not fault Icilian for anything he dealt out.
"Any questions?"
Epona Rhi
Jan 4th, 2004, 04:51:08 PM
She nodded, a mischievous smile showing. She definately had a question for him. Maybe one he didnt expect cause she was about to switch up on him.
"Who has your attention Da?"
She said as she curled her legs up under her as she looked at him. She was worried about him, about his being sad and alone....but it seems she wouldnt have to worry any more....she could now concentrate on herself and Dominik.
Dante Imoralia
Jan 4th, 2004, 04:59:59 PM
Dante looked at her, one eyebrow raising over a crimson eye. He tried to fight the smile that was creeping onto his face and he successfully kept it to a smirk.
"And just what makes you think someone has my attention, Daughter?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest knowing full well that she knew what he as saying was fodder. Epona was giving him that 'look' and he laughed, shaking his head.
"You are too smart for your own good, Epona." Dante sighed, taking his place next to her once again. "Her name is Kiku...Kierin Kuan. Her mother is Mau-Yin Kuan, the only female that sits upon the Council of Nine. Kierin is one of the Lost Children that has been brought back to us."
He looked at his daughter to find her smiling brightly at him and he shook his head.
"Now don't go getting all excited on me. Things are right now between her and I. Things have happened to her that she needs to heal from....but something is definately there, Epona." He ended, his voice growing soft as the image of his jade eyed beauty came into mind.
Epona Rhi
Jan 4th, 2004, 05:16:47 PM
Epona laughed happily and rested her hands on her thighs, she knew something good was to come of this.
"I have a feeling things will be ok for you and this Kierin, Da.... I have been worried about you lately, and now I feel I dont have to be anymore."
Now for her next question, one on the matter at hand.
"Will he do it soon?? Dominik I mean, will he ask soon? I cant stand it anymore Da....I feel like crying lately when Im alone and away from him."
Dante Imoralia
Jan 4th, 2004, 05:26:04 PM
Dante laughed, hugging her to him as he stroked her hair lovingly.
"I have a feeling it will be soon, Epona. I have witnessed the two of you together and know the signs. He is suffering as you do." Dante whispered against her hair.
"As for Kierin and myself...we shall see, my Daughter." He smiled, knowing things would work out between the two of them, they just had to be patient.
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 4th, 2004, 05:31:37 PM
Dominik rapped on the door of Dante's home with his knuckles, waiting anxiously for the door open. When it did, he bounded in, asking where Epona and Dante were.
"They are in the Mistress' quarters, Sir." The butler replied, watching with a smile as Dominik turned and bolted up the stairs without waiting to be announced.
Dominik heard voices coming from the partially opened door of Epona's rooms and he slowed his pace, listening quietly for a moment.
"Will he do it soon?? Dominik I mean, will he ask soon? I cant stand it anymore Da....I feel like crying lately when Im alone and away from him."
"I have a feeling it will be soon, Epona. I have witnessed the two of you together and know the signs. He is suffering as you do."
Dante smiled to himself, relief flooding over him as he now knew Epona would be open to his claim. Letting out a slow breath, he knocked on the door, letting it swing open to reveal his presence. He nodded to Dante and then let his eyes look greedily upon Epona as she sat next to her father looked beautiful as ever.
"Am I interrupting anything?"
Epona Rhi
Jan 4th, 2004, 06:05:20 PM
Epona's eyes flew to his form standing in the doorway, looking as gorgeous as ever. She flashed a huge smile, and bolted from her perch on the couch and flew to his waiting arms. Her arms wrapped around his waist, and she rested her head upon his chest, sighing with relief and happiness that he was there, and she in his arms once again.
Came out in a soft songlike voice. She caressed his chest through hi stop and closed her eyes to relish this moment.
Looking up, she tiptoed to kiss him and treat him with her glowing lavender hues.
"I've missed you terribly."
Epona admitted to him ,even though they were together all last night.
Dante Imoralia
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:02:13 PM
Dante stood, walking to the pair, waiting to be recognized. The two turned to look at him guiltily and he smiled at them, reaching out to pat Dominik on the shoulder.
"I will leave the two of you alone. I'll be in my study." Dante said, his eyes telling Dominik that he knew of his plan and approved, watching the sides of Dominik's eyes crinkle as he smiled.
With another soft laugh, Dante turned and left the two alone to 'discuss' things and headed for his study.
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:08:20 PM
Dominik nodded towards Dante as he left, then turned his full attention on the creature in his arms.
"Epona." He whispered right before capturing her lips in a passion filled kiss, his hands coming from their place on her hips to stroke her sides before resting right underneath her breasts. "I've missed you as well, Beautiful." He murmured, nipping at her lips with his teeth.
He pulled away, staring at her with eyes that bored into her's, showing her how he was feeling at the moment. They stared at each other for a few moments before Dominik brought his head back down and kissed her again, this time crushing her to him.
"Gods, Epona..." He panted, his hands coming up to frame her face. "Do you feel what you are putting me through? You are my lifemate! You were meant for me."
Epona Rhi
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:22:31 PM
Her breath was stolen from her as he kissed her like she'd never been kissed before. Her hands running through his hair. A soft laugh came from her lips as he nipped at her lips. When his hands came up to her face, her lavender pools softened and looked upon him lovingly.
"Gods, Epona.....Do you feel what you are putting me through? You are my lifemate! You were meant for me."
She smiled and knew her next words would be music to his ears.
" Yes....I do....I feel like crying when we're apart..I cant sleep properly as Im going insane! "
She looked at him a pleading look in her eyes.
"Please......make me your's Dominik."
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:42:19 PM
Dominik felt his body harden and his knees grew weak at her words and he had to pull away from her to take a deep breath or he would have taken her right then and there, but he wanted to do it right. Dante was a vampyre of old and he would do nothing to disrespect him. Running his hands through his hair, he turned back to look at his lifemate, a brilliant smile on his face.
"Oh I will, my love." Dominik said, his voice raspy with need. "But I must speak to your father first."
He knew if Epona was any closer to him, he would speak the beginning verses of the ritual, binding them, but he didn't even want to do that without the elder vampyre's verbal approval.
He stood there watching Epona as she took a step towards him and he groaned, feeling his self discipline resolve. He reached out for her, pulling her roughly into his arms, kissing her until both of them were breathless and aching with need. He caressed her hair with his hands, kissing her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, whispering to her how much he needed her. Framing her face with his hands once again, he stared into their lavendar depths, the beginning words of the ritual spilling out of him,
"I take you as my lifemate. My life is now your's, you are under my protection as of now. We are one....." Dominik stopped suddenly, breathing deep, gaining control as he felt the change within himself. He now faintly felt Epona's heartbeat with his, how they merged to beat as one. His body screamed out to finish the ritual, to take her blood and she his, but he pulled back, his eyes hard and his need for her great.
"Epona...I-I must speak to Dante before completing the ritual." He groaned, stepping away from her.
Epona Rhi
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:09:38 PM
She was demanding him to finish it...he could se it in her eyes, a desperate need. And her jaw clenched as he stopped and pulled away. He wanted to speak with her father and part of her understood it and the firey sideof her said frell that! She wanted to hear those words and damn the pleasantries!
She stepped back and nodded her head as she looked down, she wanted to hide her frustration from him, but he didnt leave and talk to her Da right now, she'd make him finish it whether he liked it or not.
"Then hurry my lifemate.....I cannot be held responsible for what may happen if you dont."
Her eyes slowly coming up to look athim accompanied by a mischievous smile.
Dante Imoralia
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:15:35 PM
Dante sat at his desk, a wide smile on his face as he felt Epona's urgency. He softly laughed, knowing it was torture for them both right now as Dominik wanted to speak with him. He decided to throw respect to the wind and reached out to Dominik.
'My son, forget speaking to me. Make her your's. I cannot stand what I am feeling from my daughter right now. You have my blessing.'
He about nearly fell out of his chair when he felt the immense relief come from Dominik and he laughed out loud, tossing his head back. Getting up from the chair, he was going to give the two the house for the night and spend time with his son.
'Epona my daughter, you can find me at Icilian's if the need arises for me...but I doubt it will.'
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:35:23 PM
Dominik nearly collapsed when Dante reached out to him and once the connection ended, he closed the distance between himself and Epona, swung her up in his arms and walked to her bed, throwing her on it and watching as she landed softly on it. He grinned, climbing on the bed, covering her body with his.
"Your father just gave me permission to proceed." He whispered against her cheek, nipping her jawline gently. "I cannot turn back now, my love."
He pulled back to see the same need mirrored in her eyes and he bent his head to kiss her softly, then pulled back to rid himself of his jacket, throwing it across the room, not caring where it landed. Kissing her once more, he trailed kisses across her cheek down to her throat, breathing in deeply the natural scent of her, hearing her blood call out to him to take. He growled against her neck, his fangs lengthening in anticipation. His body trembled and he whispered his love for her before sinking his incisors into her skin, the warm liquid flowing into his mouth as he drank greedily from her, his body on fire as she filled him. He could hear her thoughts, her heart beating, her breathing as he drank from her and he groaned, removing his teeth to lick the pinpricks closed.
"Epona." He whispered, moving back to rip his shirt open. He brought a fingernail up to run it across his chest, just right above his heart. "Become mine and drink from me."
Epona Rhi
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:52:43 PM
A gasp esacped her as he bit into her neck ever so gently and so frelling eroticly. Her hands curled into his hair and held him there as her eyes went orange and her own fangs appeared. A smile showed as her eyes closed and then reopened to give her a sleepy look. When he pulled away and she knew it was her turn, she let him sit up and as he was about to run his nail across his chest, she grabbed his hand and stopped him, looking at him with a predatory smile, she got up and her own knees.
She tilted her head forward and that smile widened...even a sadistic chuckle escaped as his eyebrows arched. She slowly reached her hand to his head and ran behind it, as her other hand was slowly placed upon his chest. And as she canted her head and changed her expression to that of an innocent smile, she roughly pshed him back and pounced on him, straddling his waist she chuckled at his surprise and began kissing his neck before sinking her own fangs into his neck.
Her eyes eye rolled back and a soft groan was heard as she drank from him. Her senses reeling as she tasted him....melded with him body..mind....and soul. She could hear his thoughts and feel his heartbeat....crimson streaked as she cried in happiness...she slowly pulled away and looked at him....two red streaks running down her cheeks.
" Now.....for the final part....."
She said seductively as her fingers wrapped around his clothing he had on....and with a wicked grin and a glare from her now orange eyes, a loud rip sounded as she leaned forward and laughed.
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 4th, 2004, 10:03:52 PM
At first Dominik was surprised, then the surprise turned to happiness at knowing the tiny spitfire was his and his only. He looked down at his now shredded clothing and looked up at her as she straddled his waist. His own sadistic smile appeared on his lips as he reached up with a fingernail, catching it on the bodice of Epona's nightgown. She looked at him and he winked at her, dragging the nail down and watching as the fabric cut away from the sharpness of his fingernail.
"Two can play that game." He murmured huskily, stripping her of her now useless garmet.
Dominik reached up for her, bringing her down to kiss her, then rolled her over to where he was ontop of her, looking deep into her eyes.
"I take you as my lifemate. My life is now your's, you are under my protection. We are one. We are the same. No others will do for us, no others will come between us. You are mine, I am your's...for eternity."
Dominik smiled at her, feeling the bond between them grow and strengthen, his need for her greater than anything else in the universe.
"Forever, Epona." Dominik whispered, his body shaking as they completed the last of the ritual, sealing their love, their future as one.
Epona Rhi
Jan 5th, 2004, 03:17:57 AM
She had woken later and slid off of the bed they had shared, she padded barefoot to the closet door and retreived a black robe. She put it on and snuck out to get something to drink while her lifemate slumbered. She smiled all the way down at her fortune she now held.
She was indeed a lucky woman to have someone so caring and endearing as Dominik. She entered the huge gathering room and went to Dante's drink chill box. She took out the decanter of bloodwine and poure dherself a glass. She drank it and savored the taste as well as the coolness it gave her as it travelled down her throat. She grabbed another glass and the decanter and made her way back upstairs.
On the way, she sent her sister an small image of her becoming Dominik's....she wanted to share her most happiest moment with her....she giggled as she walked quickly down the large hallway and entered her room quietly.
She poured both glasses and sipped hes as she slid in bed next to Dominik. She bent down and kissed him....bidding him to wake.
"Wake up love...."
She said softly as she traced his jaw with her finger as she sipped her bloodwine, his was waiting for him behind her on the nightstand..
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 5th, 2004, 08:51:45 AM
He could hear the silken caress of her voice through the haziness of sleep and he slowly opened his eyes, smiling at the vision infront of him and also how at peace he felt. He reached up with one hand to curl it behind her neck, bringing her down to kiss her. He moaned a little, tasting the bloodwine on her lips.
Sitting up, he pulled the sheet around him as she pointed out the glass next to him. He grinned, reaching for it. As he turned back, he pulled Epona next to him as he took a long drink.
"You're beautiful." He whispered with a smile.
Epona Rhi
Jan 6th, 2004, 05:30:06 AM
Nestled against him, she stole a few kisses upon his forehead and cheeks. She sipped her bloodwine and watched him. Her eyes were back to thier lavender, yet they seemed to glow a more prominent hue.
"I am?.....It is because you make me so Dominik....."
She said as she leane din to kiss him fully on the lips.
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 6th, 2004, 09:08:29 AM
Dominik stroked her cheek with the back of his knuckles as he stared into her eyes and smiled.
"No, Epona. You are beautiful. I have nothing to do with it." He whispered, pulling her into his arms, feeling the need for her grow again. Brushing her hair away from her face, he smiled again and then let out a sigh of contentment.
"Thank the dark forces your Father left when he did." Dominik chuckled. "I do not think I could have lasted another minute without claiming you."
Epona Rhi
Jan 7th, 2004, 05:00:47 AM
Pushing herself into the kiss, her breath left her. She marveled at the way he made her feel. She wanted to give him more. So much more....he deserved it all, but she knew anything se did for him was always enough, her being with him like this was all he wanted and needed.....just like her.
"Thank the dark forces your Father left when he did." Dominik chuckled. "I do not think I could have lasted another minute without claiming you."
She smiled as she answered that little remark.
"I wouldve made you finish it.....regardless if you wanted to ask my Da."
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 7th, 2004, 09:49:56 AM
"Oh you would have, huh?" He asked with a smile, leaning back on to the bed, his hands behind his head. "Now why do I believe that?"
Dominik laughed for a bit, watching his lifemate closely. She was what he had ever wanted in someone. Soft and loving but also tough and at the quick when need be. She was definately meant for him.
"Why do I have the feeling you are going to keep my life extremely interesting, Epona Korvinus?" Dominik asked, throwing his last name after her's to test it out.
Epona Rhi
Jan 7th, 2004, 04:50:14 PM
She ran a finger along his jawline and smiled seductively at him. Keeping her eyes on his as she spoke softly.
"Because Dominik Korvinus, its what I do best..... " She got an amused smile when he used her new last name...."Mmmmmm...Epona Korvinus....I love the sound of that."
She laughed softly as she leaned in to kiss him once more, this time pushing herself into that kiss and tossing her glass behind her....her hand yanked the sash that held her robe closed and smiled against his lips as it fell open around him.
She kissed her way down to his neck and nipped at his flesh, then sunk her fangs into him....taking a little.
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 7th, 2004, 05:27:18 PM
Dominik growled in her ear as she drank from him, pressing her naked body against his. His hands came out from behind his head as his arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her to him as she drank. He closed his eyes, tilting his head back, enjoying the sensation of her mouth on his neck and sighed, his hands clenching handfulls of her hair.
"It is my turn." Dominik hissed, gently pulling her away from him. His eyelids lowered as he saw the tell tale signs of his blood on her lips and he crushed her to him, kissing her deeply as he rolled her over, his body sliding between her legs.
Dominik broke the kiss, nipping her jaw line with his teeth as he made his way down her neck, dipping his tongue into the hollow of her throat before moving up to the side of her neck. He could feel her nails digging into his back and he groaned, sinking his teeth into her skin, her arms tightening around him as he drank, the taste of her blood intoxicating.
Taking only what he dared to, Dominik pulled back, his gray eyes a haunting black as he stared into her eyes.
"You are like a dream, My Beauty. One that I do not want to wake up from." He whispered against her lips.
Epona Rhi
Jan 8th, 2004, 02:32:54 AM
She smiled at him. She felt the same, she didnt want to wake either.....not from this.
"You wont.....I will keep you dreaming forever my love."
She kissed him as they both gave in to another bout of sharing thier bodies once more.
She woke up but this time with him, she poured two more glasses of bloodwine and handed his to him. She sipped hers and slid into her robe, she fastened the sash and slid next to him and into his arms.
"I wonder where Da is, we should get him. Although he gave us the time to be alone, I do feel bad of kicking him from his own home."
She said with a laugh. She did feel bad about that.
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 8th, 2004, 06:01:09 PM
He placed the glass on the table and sat up, reaching out to stroke her luxurious hair and smiled at her.
"I'm sure your father is well taken care of, Epona." He said, pulling her into his arms. "He's probably over at Icilian's getting spoiled by Ree or at Fulkrehm's lusting over Kariss." He ended the sentence on a chuckle, remembering the smoldering looks he used to give the lifemate of Ezra before snapping himself back into reality.
Dominik had noticed a change in the elder vampyre when he came back from rescuing Kierin. A dimple appeared in his cheek and he realized it was probably she that put the 'bounce back in his step' or something like that.
"Dante is fine, Epona." Dominik murmured against her hair as he placed a kiss on the side of her head before sliding out of the bed, taking her hand in his and leading her towards the bathroom.
Epona raised an eyebrow at him and he grinned, making a comment about a bath as he lead her in, trapping her body against the counter as he captured her mouth in a heated kiss before turning away to run the bath.
Epona Rhi
Jan 9th, 2004, 01:09:41 AM
Loud squealing laughter resounded in the room as Epona came running out with a towel in hand and nothing else. Dominik had gone to reach for his own towel when she zinged him on his rear with her towel and she ran out with him in tow.
They were on opposite sides of the bed and he was smiling with thoughts of revenge and she was laughing hard. He slowly stepped up on the bed to cut short the distance and she brought he hand up withher fingers spaced a bit.
"Nuh uh uhhh....I dont play fair oh love of my life...."
He dared her as he took another step and she used the force to take his legs out from under him and cause him to land on his back bouncing harmlessly upon the bed. She ran, grabbed her robe and slipped it on as she headed out the door for a little fun of "hase master". She was tieing her sash as she laughed, knowing he was not far behind.
She would show him the fun of being with her.
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 9th, 2004, 08:57:52 AM
Dominik laughed heartily as he chased after Epona, well, after grabbing his pants. He never knew he could be so happy to have someone like her in his life as his lifemate. She was almost too good to be true.
"Just because I don't use it, my Lifemate, does not mean I am not adapt in the force!" He called after her. "So you better watch it!"
They both ran down the stairs, Epona squealing as the rounded the corner coming face to face with the butler. They halted, the smiles still on their faces as the elder butler gave them the once over, then cracked a smile of his own before heading off into this private rooms at the back of the house to leave the new couple on their own.
Dominik looked at Epona and they laughed again and before she could get away, he wrapped his arms around her waist, dragging her to him.
"You're not getting away that easily, Darkling." He murmured, kissing her lightly.
Epona Rhi
Jan 10th, 2004, 10:04:51 AM
She kissed him gently and laughed happily.
"Now who ever said anything of "Getting away"?
She smiled at him, then playfully pushed him away and took off running again, laughing merrily at thier little game they played....she would definately keep him on his toes.
She ran into the library and turned the lights off, her lavender pools working in the way they were meant too.....seeing in the dark. She hid among the bookshelves and watched the door with a smile.
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 10th, 2004, 02:03:36 PM
Dominik chuckled as he watched Epona disappear into the library. Having her in his life was going to be exciting, to say the least. He walked slowly into the library, his eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness and he grinned when he found her by the bookcases.
"My Beauty, you forget I can see just as well as you in the dark!" He called out to her, letting the magic of his voice wrap around her, surrounding her.
Within a heartbeat, he was there infront of her, his hands capturing her wrists to raise them above her head, holding her prisoner between himself and the bookcase. Epona looked at him and a wickedness appeared in his eyes as he captured her mouth with his, pressing his body into her's. With one hand, he held her wrists as the other one slid down her body to quickly untie the sash holding her robe together. When it fell open, a predatory smile appeared on his lips.
"Just the way I want you to be." His whispered huskily against her mouth.
Epona Rhi
Jan 13th, 2004, 09:01:39 AM
If someone had told her earlier of Dominik, She wouldve beat them within an inch of thier lives due to them tlling her "lies". He was a dream she couldnt believe in till the night she met him. Even then she was a little skeptical....but the sigs had showed themselves then.
She was on her side, her discarded robe within arms reach. A finger traced lines along his chest. She was smiling contently and gazing upon him. Then looked at the stewn books they had knocked over in the throes of passion and began to chuckle.
"Let's see if we can explain this to Da as to why his favorite reads are ...... in such disarray."
She laughed as she straddled his stomach and ran her fingers of both hands up his flesh like two spiders. Smiing down at him.
"I love you Dominik..."
Dominik Korvinus
Jan 13th, 2004, 02:11:04 PM
He laughed then let it die away as she spoke of her love for him. Dominik smiled, reaching up to caress her cheek with the back of his knuckles.
"I love you, too, Epona." He replied softly, then dragged his eyes away from her's to look around the room. "As much as I would love to stay here like this with you, we should straighten this mess up. I do not want your father's first impression of us as a couple to be that we are so lust crazed we cannot keep it in the bedroom....which we can't." He added with a smirk.
Dominik let his hands roam her back and then the gentle sloap of her rearend. He smacked her with one hand, laughing as he helped her off of him, handing her robe to her.
"Let's clean this place up and let your father back into his own home."
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