View Full Version : The Anti-Force User (Challenge)

Jan 3rd, 2004, 12:04:03 PM
The dumpster levitated up and to Galavander's hands with the Magnetic field at work. It hurled the massive container at the man running several feet away; the container would have seemed to miss the target until it bounced and clipped the heel of the man. His body jolted from the force of a dumpster landing on his foot and he screamed in pain as his body slammed into the muck of the alleyway.

He turned frantically to see his hunter but the dumpster blocked his view. For moments he heard nothing but his own breathing until a *snap hisssssssss* was heard. Light seemed to emanate from the other side of the container before he heard a whirring noise. The top of the container began glowing bright red and a line worked its way down until it was almost cut entirely in half. It split in two, trash being spilled everywhere and the sides shattering the brick walls they fell against.

The quarry's face displayed such horror at seeing a seven foot tall humanoid before him with an equally long lightsaber in his left hand. The hunter clenched its fist, lightning crackling around it as its electro-emitters charged up. It casually walked through the trash to reach the disabled quarry and knelt beside him.

"No, nooo, noooooo-"

Galavander put its right hand on the man's face; its sensors instantly felt his body temperature rise to an astonishing rate. The man tried to scream longer but it only came out as an indescernable gurgle. Galavander's hand came away, some of the flesh melted to his hand. The electro-emitters warmed up barely and the flesh dripped off with ease. The look on the man's face was no longer horror but sheer agony.

-What entirely occured within the human Galavander? I am not fully aware of the human frame and it seems you dealt him an extremely fatal blow by merely running supercharged currents of electricity through his body?

-Correct Processor. Most organisms would call it "lightning" though. And I made the man a simple circuit of electricty where it ran a course through his body and returned to my own to use minimal energy. This in effect, heated his body to the point that most of his internal organs and systems have melted altogether. The human body is highly susceptable to "lightning." One charge could jolt their heart from its regualr beating pattern and they could most likely die. It is a very efficient method against most organisms.

-Agreed Galavander. We should go collect the rest of our bounty.

Galavander agreed with the suggestion and disengaged the lightsaber. The next movement was faster than most organisms could catch but the lightsaber would have appeared to disappear. The handle was actually placed within a secret compartment in Galavander's arm. It also had an extra compartment in it's thigh for varying access but the wrist was more useful for an efficient kill.

Galavander didn't even look down at the man and noticed his necklace, a metal amulet that had sunk into the softened flesh and burned its way through. The Nuero Net served far better than any of its other sensors; it was almost as if it was in touch with everything and could feel the entire surface of anything within the Net's range. It raised its hand out and pulled the amulet off the dead carcass with the magnetic field. It couldn't be as delicate as undoing the lock on the back so it yanked the chain and broke it before it came to his hand. This was the proof he would need for the bounty.

It left the alley casually, a ragged black cloak over its shoulders covered the massive plates on them and the valves upon those and running down Galavander's back. Galavander was still in the same black combat suit he had been since his "awakening" and he saw no need of changing for sometime. The suit was made to be resistant to most of the elements and resistant to several possible forms of attacks and it served Galavander well.

He approached the bar; the guard recognizing Galavander from earlier allowed passage in. Galavander got amusement out of this bar's entryway. It had a droid scanner, an obvious sign that they weren't allowed. Galavander entered, scanning the room for its employer of the moment. Quickly found inhaling a glass of whiskey, Galavander met the Mr. Yank Fohmile at the bar. It stood right behind him and held out his hand over the man's shoulder to drop the bloody amulet on the table.

"Dominic Sykes is dead Mr. Yank Fohmile. My credits?"

The man spun quickly in his stool with a slurred smile and half closed eyes.

"Dat's amazin'... Alreadeeee? Its bein' like two maybe three hours hasn' it?"

Galavander realized instantly how quickly its tolerance was waning for these organisms.

"Twenty eight hours, fifty seven minutes, three seconds and counting to be exact. Where are my credits?"

The man stared at Galavander for a moment, dazed it would seem and then snapped back into the galaxy.

"Rioght... yooour creditsssssss."

He moved his mouth around, as if his tongue were reaching for something between his teeth before reaching into his wallet and pulling out a credit card.

"It's all yours... five hundreded thoussands credits beefore and now the fives hundedred K's after righ'?"

Galavander took the card, passed it to the bartender with a few extra credits to cerify its worth. A simple scan and a nod and Galavander now had one million credits. Even if the bounty was simply helping one organism in his gang's warfare against another, it didn't matter to Galavander either way. It required credits to advance further and get off this planet with its own ship and not sneaking on a mechanical freighter. A ship would allow it to accomplish long distance travel as it willed and opened new oppurtunities of achieving its objectives.

It stepped outside and stood by the entrance, debating its next moves. A debate within Galavander that took more than a few seconds meant the development was so indepth it would be equal to straight months of a meditation for an organism.

Sanis Prent
Jan 5th, 2004, 12:21:15 AM

A voice sounded from across the street.

"...you got a light?"

Jan 5th, 2004, 03:53:16 PM
Galavander didn't look up, still contemplating its decisions. One organism calling out for something irrelevant across the street had no priority for Galavander at the moment. Crossing its arms by suggestion of one of the Drives, Galavander attempted to convey the image of being left alone.

Galavander was having troubles as of late discerning which of the two Drives were giving suggestions. They were drives that, from the AI's opinion, should have canceled each other out. But the company engineers had created them as almost a from of conscience for Galavander that would assist in making most choices. But recently they were conflicting in decisions.

-Galavander... I'm afraid to bring to your attention a possible defect within your system...

-Silence Processor. You know nothing of my system and I suggest you stay away from inspecting it.

Sanis Prent
Jan 5th, 2004, 04:00:26 PM
Maybe he didn't hear me.

"You got a light?"

Jan 5th, 2004, 04:32:08 PM
- I believe the organism is talking to you Galavander.

-Silence Processor.

Galavander tilted its head up, white hair shifting out of its face. It was annoyed to see in fact an uglier than normal organism facing it from across the street.

"What exactly is it that you require?"

Sanis Prent
Jan 6th, 2004, 06:51:08 PM
I held up a stim in plain sight.

"A light for a smoke. Got one?"

I eyed the cybernetic figure up and down, and rested my other hand at my belt.

Jan 7th, 2004, 04:08:35 PM
A stim? Galavander's AI had encountered this cultural activity barely and it was still confused as to the point of disabling one's self further than already being organic. It reverted to using a phrase it had recorded from a previous engagement with another organism.

"No, get lost."

Sanis Prent
Jan 7th, 2004, 05:41:14 PM
"I've got a better idea."

I lit my stim with a lighter I had anyways.

"Half of your previous bounty's take, and Mr. Sykes associates will forget about this little incident. Water under the bridge, and what you will."

Exhaling, I looked at the automaton.

"Pretty reasonable."

Jan 9th, 2004, 06:42:16 PM
After dealing with the slob of an organism Fohmile, Galavander had no patience of some petty organism's veiled demands. The android was sure that its Drives would have been able to decipher the details of the situation but the recent and seemingly ongoing malfunction had Galavander left to its own AI. Galavander ran over the words, "pretty reasonable" in its databanks over and over. The literal meaning sounded fallacious of the organism and the databanks had several situations in which not to trust humans in particular. The "water under the bridge" was a statement that Galavander was very unfamiliar with though. Its patience was waning very, very thin.

"No... I do not will for any water under any bridges, human. Your ideas are irrelevant and your reason is defficient. Leave my proximity."

Galavander wasn't going to move just yet. If the human left, then it might consider not killing it. Galavander had decided this human was not worth keeping around and thus worthy of extermination as all organisms were slowly and would eventually become nothing but targets of termination.

Sanis Prent
Jan 10th, 2004, 01:25:22 AM
"I thought you'd say something like that."

I fished about in my jacket pocket for a while, until I pulled out a small jewelry box. Holding it up for examination, I tossed it to the android.

"Consider that as incentive."

Jan 10th, 2004, 05:24:12 PM
The object was easily caught within the black encased hand of Galavander. It examined the box for a moment. The object appeared to be some form of container, a definition coming from the databanks... a jewelry box being the most prominent of assumptions. The malfunction seemed to cease within Galavander's Drives as to what it could only see because of an agreement. Both Drives delivered barely comprehendable information that the container may be a trap. But they quickly went silent again once its focus shifted from the box, the trap being a possible caution it would risk.

"What is this of value to me?"

The word incentive made the proposal seem more than just handing over half of the bounty as reimbursement of a dead oranism. Galavander felt compelled now to understand the situation. Without the help of the Drives at the moment, deciding the most advantageous choice was rather difficult.

Sanis Prent
Jan 13th, 2004, 03:23:49 PM
"Not sure. It's hard to put a price tag on an electromagnetic pulse."

With that, I tapped a control at my belt, and the small EM pulse emitter in the box activated, immolating every unshielded circuit, servo, and device in Galavander's frame.

I stepped back twice, tapping another device at my belt. A slight, brief whine could be heard, as everything began to get very fuzzy for Galavander.

Jan 13th, 2004, 10:24:28 PM
Galavander's unshielded drives and advanced faculties were gone with one touch of the organism's belt. Its basic structure and general functions still worked so far and its hands lunged forward at the misshapen form of the organism. It still had its strength and speed but its programming was becoming increasingly undecipherable to itself as time went on.

-pR!0o0(3ss0IR... I N336 Yur3 helPPP... Processor!?

Galavander's AI development would still be at the maturing stage in its growth and without it's incredible data banks at its controls, it was nothing more than a personality. A personality that knew extreme hate towards this human... it wouldn't forget. Self sustaining... Objectives unclear... but emergency hardware at work... Self preservation... Terminate Organism...

Galavander was an assassin android, built to sustain an EMP and still function enough to get a job done if given the right circumstances, such as the human who had gotten too close to still deliver the EMP. Galavander had lost most its senses but it still had an amazing strength and speed, this organism would die.

Several questions flew through the AI's proccessing as it swiftly moved in. How had the human known Galavander was mecha? How had the imperfect organism found him? What were the organism's directives? Either way, he had miscalculated the effect of the EMP on Galavander as it came down on him.

Jan 14th, 2004, 02:22:01 AM
The Gun's sight crosshair came upon the being as indicated. Cycling through the scans Eldorack apprised Mockadane of the situation

"Cyborg possible, mecha definate!"

The small clicking noise allowed Eldorack full use of the wheapon... the little red light assured him the safty was disenguaged.

Jan 14th, 2004, 02:54:42 AM
Watching Sanis's movements worked out to be a lot more trouble than there worth. The idle chatter that came through on Mock's earpeice told him that Sanis knew they were there. dis beleif was the vassad Mock wore untill this unknown figure hampered the following of Sanis. Perhaps he did it as a drawing out measure, but only He will know.

Mockadane's displeasure was vented as he gave the command to his hidden assasin ... "Rip that fool"

Mockadane watched the SUB-SONIC rifle stop the beings assault on Sanis with a scurring affect. One of the two projectiles fired, powerd its way through the beings central lower back lodging in the ground and dispensing its enrgy several meters down. The other pulled its way vicariously through the shoulder attatchments making them unuseable before proceeding into the pavement beyond.

The rattle of His sabers scabbard was heard before his entrance from the shadowy alcove into the light of the alley

Sanis Prent
Jan 14th, 2004, 11:12:20 AM
Galavander's quick lunge seemed to slow as it approached Sanis. The automaton's arms met Sanis' kinetic defense field, causing them to slow to a halt, a few inches away. With Galavander overextended, Sanis tilted his shell gun, in its sling holster at his hip. A loud crack sounded, as he discharged a blue shell. Once the projectile left the barrel, it projected a force field ahead of itself. Thus, the round's impact was not lethal, but very forceful. It threw Galavander off his feet, on his back 10 feet away.

Sanis pulled his shell gun from its loop, and leveled it at the prone android.

Jan 14th, 2004, 04:00:44 PM
Galvander's body hit the ground from the impact. Its sensors were out... Dragged beyond its normal running time under such damage, it pushed itself up on its elbows slowly, black blood seeming to drip and stream everywhere. From a distance, anyone would have thought the tall figure living and soon to be dead.

But self preservation was still upheld. Galavander was to survive even if this shell was destroyed. If that was truly the organism's intentions. Its optical sensors noticed another organism appear in the alley way... How?... So well planned...

The one way conversation with the disabled Processor within Galavander's mind continued...

-PROCESSOR... 1t 53eMs tH@T l %@^e underesssssssssssssssstimated... the organisssssssmmmmssss... OR so it would appeaR...

Feb 16th, 2004, 11:23:43 AM
After the Assasin had fired upon the foe that was attacking Sanis, it slowed to a hault, just before Sanis had fired upon it. A blue projectile was hurled towards the being that was attacking the scoundrel, and it was sent flying back. Sanis rose from his previous position, about to shut down the being that had just attacked him.

Eldorack said a few brief words over the com unit that connected the two friends. "You'd better get in there if we are to find out what that thing is before Sanis destroys it."