View Full Version : Taking a look around (Open)
Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 1st, 2004, 05:18:56 PM
Jaiden walked into the Bar&Grill, and was surprised to see guards at the door taking weapons. She handed over her blaster and her lightsaber. She figured that since this place was Jedi-run, she wouldn't need her weapons anyway.
She ventured further inside. This place wasn't really like the cantinas she had been to back home on Corellia. There were some questionable looking characters here and there, but all in all, it maintained a friendly atmosphere.
She went to the bar and requested a ruby bliel before finding herself a seat. The booth she chose wasn't too close to the forefront, nor was it in the shadows. It was a place where she could sit back and observe the happenings. She had been to Coruscant before, but it was mainly with her father, and she hadn't had much time to observe the people.
She took a sip from her drink as she watched her surroundings.
Seck Jervanus
Jan 1st, 2004, 05:36:43 PM
He had watched her venture in from under his gaping hood. As attractive as she was, it seemed as if she was the only decent humaniod woman in the bar and grill but also not one to mess with to much. And he would'nt.
Taking a sip of his whiskey he kept a low profile, observing the woman from the other side of the bar, from the dimley lit section of the bar of course, he was not one to be seen when the call did not need him to.
He would watch, observe and assess...this was not your average babe in a bar.
Shade Magus
Jan 1st, 2004, 05:39:06 PM
"Mind if I join you?"
The Jedi Knight seemingly appearring out of nowhere, was now standing behind the newcomer with his eyeblaster in one hand and his other motioning at the empty chair.
"My name is Shade Magus, Jedi Knight, by the way. Pleasure to meet you."
Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 1st, 2004, 05:43:19 PM
Jaiden smiled. "I would love some company," she said, gesturing to the seat across from her and making a point to get used to people popping up from nowhere. "My name is Jaiden Starslinger. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Shade Magus
Jan 1st, 2004, 05:47:13 PM
Shade smiled as he slid into the seat across from the young lady.
"Hello Jaiden. I have not seen you around her before are you here to train or is this just a short stop for you?"
Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 1st, 2004, 05:56:54 PM
"I'm here to train," she replied. She took another drink of her ruby bliel and put the glass on the table. "This is something I've always wanted, so I'm pretty excited."
imported_Blade Ice
Jan 1st, 2004, 11:44:11 PM
"Why in this big dark universe would training her be something you have always wanted to do?"
The voice of a scoundril looking man came from behind her booth. Blade had his normal cocky smile on with a cig hanging out the side of his mouth.
Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 2nd, 2004, 02:22:11 AM
She scowled at the newcommer. "What business of yours would that be?" she asked, annoyed by the interruption. She looked the man over and almost immediately decided she didn't like him. She resolved not to be so judgmental, but it didn't change the fact that he gave a bad first impression.
Shade Magus
Jan 2nd, 2004, 05:57:02 PM
Shade nodded at Jaiden.
"Then I hope you enjoy your stay. And if you need anything please ask."
Shade then turned to the man who had spoken.
"Sir, I ask you, why do you hold such a grudge for this place? Is it because you are frightened or is it just that you are full of hatred? Also I ask ou of your name."
Shade reached out in the Force. He had heard somethings about the man who was standing in front of him. If it was who he thoguht it to be then the man was a Sith and that would explain his thoughts about training to become a Jedi. If that was not the case then he had no idea, but still he could feel darkness around the man.
Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 3rd, 2004, 04:54:05 PM
Jaiden turned away from the man, still scowling, but she gave a brief smile to her new friend before picking up her almost forgotten ruby bliel. This place was turning out to be very interesting. She wondered how many interesting people she would meet at the temple. Probably quite a few.
imported_Blade Ice
Jan 3rd, 2004, 07:02:42 PM
"I'm just curious onto what brought you to such as place. I'm mean when I went in search of training this was the last place on my list.
As for you sir my name is Blade Ice terror of the night. I do not fear this place for I am what this place fears. My grudge for this place comes from the lies I know it teaches, I have learned the truth and I only wish to spread it."
Blade turned away from the group and sat back in his seat. He took a quick swig of his drink and then looked around the bar again.
"Problem with spreading the truth is that the people here are to blind, you can't even show them the obvious."
Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 4th, 2004, 02:12:51 AM
Jaiden didn't know what this "truth" Blade Ice was referring to could possibly be, and she decided she didn't really care. The path of the Jedi is what she chose, and for better or worse, she would be a Jedi. Besides, she figured this Blade Ice guy had to be on the Dark Side if he said such things about the Jedi. She did wonder about what could be so "obvious" that the Jedi were blind to, but brushed the comment aside. She had barely just gotten here and been accepted into the GJO, she wasn't about to let that slip away from her.
She looked at Shade, wondering what his reaction would be. He was a Jedi Knight. She knew that there were better chances of Tatooine freezing over than the Jedi responding in any kind of anger.
Shade Magus
Jan 4th, 2004, 11:30:56 PM
"Well then sir, please enlighten me. What is the truth you speak of? My ears all your's."
Shade leaned back in his seat and took a sip of his eyeblaster.
Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 5th, 2004, 01:10:58 PM
Jaiden had to admit that wasn't quite what she expected from the Jedi, but now that he had invited the man to tell him what this "truth" was, she decided she might as well stick around and listen. She flagged down a server droid and requested another ruby bliel, then leaned back casually in her seat. She stopped short of putting her booted feet on the table. That Corellian confidence washed over her as she made herself comfortable. This might be interesting. She doubted anything the man said would make her change her mind about becoming a Jedi.
imported_Blade Ice
Jan 6th, 2004, 04:49:11 PM
"They say there is two sides to every coin. In this case there are sith and then they’re Jedi. You being a Jedi would say that the sith are evil or cruel. The sith would say the Jedi are passionate and fools for protecting the innocent.
Me being neither sith nor Jedi no that both sides are exactly the same. They are both out to get one thing and that is power, their means are different to be sure. The Jedi use manipulation to get there power, they claim to serve and protect the people. Yet they shed their emotion, they say it’s to better understand the force. No its not there is only one being above the races that does not show emotion in his decisions and that is a God. Jedi are out to make them selves gods, they are hypocrites saying that the sith ideals are wrong.
You see the sith are out for the same thing they only accomplish there goal through torture and murder. They gain fear and through that they claim to be gods. The major difference is this the sith show there motives openly and the Jedi hide there motives. I'd rather trust a sith then a Jedi cause I'd know from the start that a sith is going to stab me in the back."
Blade took a long drag of his cig and a swig of his drink.
"But you being a Jedi Knight will not notice this you have already been corrupted by their views. I was only attempting to help this young new comer realize her mistake but it seems I have failed. I will now have yet another enemy to add to my list it seems."
Shade Magus
Jan 6th, 2004, 05:03:30 PM
Shade smiled.
"Believe it or not Mr. Ice, but I do share your same thoughts......well almost. I do agree that there are not two sides to the Force and there is only one. But as for motives, I see none in the Jedi other than to help others. I believe that the only darkside comes from within and not from the use of the Force. I am a Jedi Knight, but I do not conceal my emotions during a battle or any other incident for that matter, but I do know how to restrain them."
Shade took a sip of his drink as he waited on a response from either. This was beginning to look good. He hadn't really be able to discuss his new theories since his return and now that he can he might learn a few more things about the Force as well.
Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 7th, 2004, 06:30:01 PM
Jaiden openly gawked at Blade. Everything he had just said was not only ludicrous, but it went against everything she had ever learned about the Jedi. "They're not like that at all," she said after she had regained herself. "I know a Jedi. He's nothing like that!"
She calmed down and looked at Shade. Obviously, they both agreed that what this man had just said was completely insane. She then looked back at Blade. The things he had just said strengthened her dislike of him, but she forced herself to remain calm. She was more surprised at what he said than angered by it at any rate.
imported_Blade Ice
Jan 9th, 2004, 01:00:53 PM
"Both your friend and this Knight over here have been corrupted by the Jedi Teachings."
Blade smirked when he sensed Jaiden feelings it was bad to show emotion in front of a darksider. She Just left Blade with a Chance to prove his point.
"You want to hate me but you can't bring yourself to do it young lady. Is it because you are caught up in the old teachings of the great Yoda himself? Fear leads to hate, Hate Leads to anger, Anger leads to the dark side, and we all know the dark side is a powerful enemy. Come on darlin just say it you hate me?"
Shade Magus
Jan 9th, 2004, 09:22:25 PM
Shade looked from Blade to Jaiden and then back.
"To hate a person would be against the character of a Jedi, and hate is truely what brings a person to the darkside. Out of hate a person will do almost anything to destroy that which they hate and that is the foundation one must lay to destroy a Jedi. Teach them to hate another being."
Shade took a sip of his drink before continuing.
"But on the other hand a Jedi can dislike a persons habits or even some of their traits and they to rid a person of those if it would be a greater good for all. For example, I hate it when when a person kills another for no reason. True this person has done something horrible, but let's say this person is a great intellect or good with kids or someone you know you can trust. You can destroy the killer without the destruction of that being."
Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 10th, 2004, 02:35:18 AM
Jaiden listened to what Shade had said. It was a truth that she would do well to learn. Turning to Blade, she said, "I don't hate you. People are allowed to have opinions. Just because your opinion differs from mine doesn't mean I should hate you for it."
imported_Blade Ice
Jan 10th, 2004, 07:16:29 PM
"Dislike breeds hate Jedi. Hate is an emotion why forsake something that makes you human, is it because you believe you are above humanity in your thinking. No I think its because you are Hypocrite who try’s to force his ways onto others."
Blade turned away from the Jedi and looked at the young lady Jaiden. He wasn't about to lose this fight no he had proven his point but weather it got through was another matter.
"Now if you choose to continue on the path towards being a Jedi someday you will see me on the other end of the battlefield. Just remember this you better not hesitate to kill me cause I won't hesitate for you.
If you choose to believe me there are many place that would be willing to take you in and show you the true power of the force. All you need to do is ask and I will show you."
Blade turned back again to Magnus with a smirk on his face of vial disgust. The Jedi had talked his way into a corner first speak of how he used his emotion freely then back stepping forsaken one of two emotion that separate us from animals love and hate.
"My offer is to you when you finally realize that this path you take is full of lies come in search of Blade Ice. I will lead your eyes to the truth and set you free."
Shade Magus
Jan 11th, 2004, 04:52:31 PM
Shade shook his head.
"You still do not understand do you? Is it really that hard to open your eyes and see what I am saying? I have already said that I agree with you and yet you say I am blind? One should never forsaken that which makes them a sentinent being, but one should also have the strength to control themselves. That is the difference between a Jedi and one who follows the 'darkside'. Control."
Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 15th, 2004, 11:30:05 PM
Jaiden was not liking the turn of events. She touched Shade's shoulder. "Hey, it was nice to meet you, Shade, but I think I'm gonna take off. I hope I run into you again sometime." She just looked at Blade and left without saying anything to him.
Shade Magus
Jan 20th, 2004, 06:14:13 PM
Shade nodded.
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