View Full Version : Death Sentence Question
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 30th, 2003, 11:03:12 PM
okies I want to post but.....I dont know anything about J'ktal and the dual postition he is in.. could you give me a summary since the council supposedly knows this but I dont?
:) I'd appreciate kindly
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Dec 30th, 2003, 11:53:46 PM
I'm sorry, I sort of take it for granted that everyone knows backstory on some of ym characters.
J'ktal is an eliete soldier/diplomat from Nehantish, and his title is called the Death-Shadow. On Nehantish, he is regarded as the ultimate level of protection, and also a master of espionage and the lethal arts. The Death-Shadow program trains boys and girls from birth to become these perfect agents, and only one out of every ten selected actually makes it, and nearly a third of those selected either die or are badly wounded in training.
He has little sense of humor, and is constantly spinning angles and manipulating situations in his mind. He is very smart, and very lethal in amlost any situation. Right now, his current assignment from the Royal comission is to train as a Jedi, and to improve the name of the Jedi in the eyes of Nehantites. In the events that happened in the thread, "The Best Archer in Nottingham," Sejah basically became the most hated person on the face of Nehantish, and because he was training as a Jedi, the Jedi Order as a whole was given a bad name by Nehantites. But, as the Sultan knows that it would be beneficial to be on good terms with such a group, he assigned J'ktal to go and become a Jedi himself.
That isn't to say that J'ktal's willingness to train isn't duty alone, he is genuinely interested in it. But, when he joined he made it clear that he could not give up his duty as a Death-Shadow, and has since carried out a few small missions on Coruscant, including at least one known assassination. Now he has been given an order to kill someone who is a member of the order, and his sense of duty is torn. His honor as a Death-Shadow requires him to carry out the order, but his honor as a Jedi will not allow it, not to mention it would get him expelled from the order.
That make more sense?
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 31st, 2003, 06:42:15 PM
wow.. that is wonderful :) thank you very much and yes, it makes a lot of sense... shall post tomorrow when I have time for a proper response.
new years afterall ;)
Estelle Russard
Jan 4th, 2004, 03:01:48 PM
Apologies, J'ktal - I clued in after that your title read "Council Only"
Estelle will only remain as a watcher anyway, but if you prefer Ill have my post deleted.
sorry again. great thread though.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 4th, 2004, 04:44:17 PM
That's fine, I jsut didn't want everybody joining in that really isn't involved like usually happens with Council threads like that one.
And, if you guys ever want to call for Sejah, feel free to do so. But I'd avoid telling him what it's about, because if you do, he's probably going to run away.
Morgan Evanar
Jan 4th, 2004, 05:19:17 PM
Which is why I called for Loki. ;)
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 4th, 2004, 05:30:32 PM
Though it might still be rather informative if you do call on Sejah afterward.
Loki Ahmrah
Jan 6th, 2004, 04:12:34 AM
Well, I'm not sure when to make a post in that thread so just give me a heads up here when it's time. Don't want to go barging in on a council meeting and all.
Morgan Evanar
Jan 6th, 2004, 06:21:47 AM
^ this is one of the many reasons we love you.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 6th, 2004, 03:16:18 PM
Well, anybody else ready for a little Loki yet? We're not going to get much further with J'ktal being as dodgy as he is.
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 7th, 2004, 02:23:57 PM
i think it is a good idea.. might as well summon the lad
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 8th, 2004, 02:00:16 AM
All righty, well, if someone wants to call for Loki, that would be great. Either that or you can jsut show up, Dru. It's up to you.
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 8th, 2004, 09:55:26 PM
whoever wanted Loki in the thread should be the one to summon IMO :)
Sejah Haversh
Jan 16th, 2004, 02:05:08 AM
Okay, Loki has been summoned, and he's up for questioning.
I had hoped that this thread could really bring the Council together to work on a problem that affects more than jsut one member of the Order. It had been my thought that with so many people on the same level of status in the Order that conversation would be easier, and multiple points of view could easily be expressed.
Speak out, say and ask what you want. If you have a problem with the accusations, then ask Loki if they are true, and really go at it. Get some fire lit under your butt, folks! Have some fun here, that's what it's all about.
I know that the thread isn't planned, and that can make it a little difficult for some of you, but I'm mostly goign this on the fly, and your decisions will affect the outcome of the case against Sejah.
In case you're wondering, he is guilty of most of those charges in one way or another. His past is not clean, in fact it is quite tarnished. And J'ktal does not have anything personal against him, he is just doign his job.
So, please post, and treat the matter like you yould if you were your character. And if you ahve any questions, ask me, be it in this thread, in a PM or in an IM conversation. I don't want to see wo important a thread just die on me.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 2nd, 2004, 01:56:31 AM
So, thanks to everybody who's hopped into the thread so far.
I think that a little more questioning of Loki, and possibly Anbira if Charley is going to be around enough at the moment, and then we can move on to summoning Sejah. Sound good to everybody?
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 2nd, 2004, 09:32:38 AM
Sounds good to me. :)
Sejah Haversh
Feb 13th, 2004, 01:59:03 AM
Oy vey, that detailed crime list took forever to write! But, it's up, and I still abriged some of it.
Sejah has been summoned, and he has prettymuch figured out what is going on, and so he very quickly ran out of there. This is where it starts getting good, folks, so let's have some fun.
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