View Full Version : Fall Away (open)
Cassidy Williams
Dec 30th, 2003, 09:09:02 PM
let the world fall away
just let the whole damn world fall away
there's nothing we can do to stop it
we're way over our heads
let the people fall away
just let the people go away
they don't have faith anyway
why try to stop it when there's no hope?
doesn't make a lot of sense
no it doesn't sense a lot of good
why bother when there's nothing left
of the sanity intended?
doesnt matter what is said
decenency's already dead
no ressurection planned in the future
i cannot stand to hear the lies
of something left deep inside
when i know it's flowing down the Styx
let the world fall away
the whole damn world fall away
let the people go away
we're way over our heads
doesn't make a lot of sense
to waste our time and precious breath
when there's only hatred left
to greet us at the door
theres nothing left inside of me
that should want to believe
that somehow there is still a chance
to end this twisted dream
so why cant i let it fall away?
just let it go and fall away
why cant i forget this martyred faith?
why can't i let the people go
why do i have to let them know
that maybe things will shine up in the morning?
let the world fall away
please just let it all go away
i don't know if i have the strength
to do this anymore
Upon waking a certain Jedi padawan had tuned into the GNN, just as a million other beings on Coruscant did. Stock reports and entertainment news had preceeded the real stories. The stories of the violence, and the famines, and the crimes. Though it always saddened Cassidy Williams to hear of such things, it had been different this morning. Or rather, it had not been different, and that was what bothered her. Every time she tried to watch the news, the thirteen-year-old found herself learning, on an uncomfortably blunt level, what the history books and travel brochures never mentioned.
So through the urban sprawl of the upper levels of Coruscants, and then down to the hazy, artificially lit lower levels the girl had walked. Normally Cassidy was more than energetic, a flamboyant, enthusiastic teenager. But as she plodded along past seedy joints offering all kinds of entertainment, it was clear to see that there was no bounch in her step.
Was there even a point in trying to make a difference?
In the back of her mind Cassidy knew that, of course, there was. But it seemed so minimal compared to all the hardness in the Galaxy. Like trying to use a bucket to stop a flood.
The padawan walked until she came to an expansive salvage heap. Her father had loved to come to places like these and root around for useful bits'n'pieces. Cassidy wasn't particularly interested by them, but she found that for the most part one could go and not be disturbed.
The girl pulled her long brown hair into a ponytail and walked deeper into the piles of disposed junk. Her eyes searched for a place to sit and after a good deal of spying about came to rest on a hopeful prospect. Hitching her robes up with her thumbs Cassidy clambered into the dented and rusting body of the old speeder. A cloud of dust rose as she flopped down into the pilots seat, making the girl sneeze.
Sometimes it helped to be alone with your thoughts. Sometimes it helped to talk about things with other people. Now, sitting in the relative silence of the junk yard, Cassidy had a sneaking suspiscion that the latter would have been a better plan. It was too late now however. Who else would be down here?
Xazor Elessar
Dec 31st, 2003, 12:38:12 PM
Indeed, who else would be down there? Surly no upperclass citizens of Coruscant. Not mayors, lawyers, or businessmen. Certainly no Jedi or the like would ever find themselves in a junkyard, seeking to help those who actually made a life in such filth. Even Sith would be hard pressed to visit the domain of wretchedness themselves. Would anyone ever have enough honor or hold enough duty to the people of the streets to visit a place like this? Indeed -- but they were few and far between. They were The Lost Jedi.
Taking a step forward, a tall figure clad in flowing black robes waded through piles of garbage and pure junk. The hood of the stranger's robes were drawn over their head, hiding their identity from all. The sun rarely touched this place and so, the artificial lights had to do to guide her way through the mountains of waste. It was then that the figure stopped and crouched low, picking up sounds from far off in the distance. Her ultrasensitive ears twitched from within and her nose wrinkled up at the familiar smell. Moving slowly forward, the young Lost Jedi who had been masked beneath the robes began formulating a plot.
It was then, at the edge of a pile of garbage, that the Garou woman stopped and placed her hand firmly upon the hilt of her lightsaber. "I'll find out if you truly have been neglecting your training, little one." She thought to herself as her mind raced through all of the information that she now had on Cassidy Williams, her younger sister. It had been long since the two had seen face to face -- before Xazor was forced to leave the Jedi Order and the public eye, well -- the good public eye. Now all she could do was her duty and hide. In the meantime, she caught herself on the news daily and listened to reports of how the authorities were still looking for her. She had even heard that a few officers of the law suspected her dead or long gone off Coruscant. "Now it's your turn." She thought to herself and grinned.
Suddenly the Knight drew forth her lightsaber and ignited it. Two blue beams shot forth from each end of the hilt and the weapon hummed in her hand. It was a good feeling, and the familiarity of the saber was comforting. Spinning swiftly on her heal and mimicking the motion with her saber, the Knight ended up facing Cassidy with the end of the blade pointed right at the girl's neck. "What are you doing here." Xazor demanded in a rough voice, unlike her own. She stepped forth when the young Padawan was quiet and inched the blade closer to her skin. "Tell me now!" The Knight shouted, remaining completely hidden to Cassidy. This would be one hell of a surprise to the girl -- and perhaps she would even learn a few more things today than she originally thought.
Cassidy Williams
Dec 31st, 2003, 01:03:27 PM
Cassidy was just beginning to wonder whether it would be worth it or not to go and take a look at her old apartment. There had always been a key hidden under a piece of the vinyl siding, as per Uncle Eddie's insistence, and she wondered if perhaps, even after a year, it was still there. She toyed with the idea as she fiddled with the ripped material of the speeder seat...
... and then quite suddenly found herself at the wrong end of a lightsaber. The girls heart went into overdrive, pounding against her chest with such a force that she was sure that it would knock her head over heels. Mouth agape, Cassidy just stared at the hooded figure.
"What are you doing here."
The padawan shook her head ever so slightly, and then cringed as the glowing blade moved closer to her skin. The girl's breathing was erratic, at best, and so the first thing she did before trying to answer was to slow it down, and relax somewhat. When the initial panic was tamed somewhat, Cassidy felt it.
For weeks when she left the Temple grounds, Cassidy had been completely alone, wandered freely. But then, on occasion, she began to feel eyes on her. There was never anyone to see--though she tried looking--but the young padawan could never shake the feeling that something, or someone rather, was watching her. A flicker of a familiar presence.
Here it was again. Cassidy squinted her eyes slightly, trying to see beneath the cloak. All she could make out was the outline of a face. The girl sniffed the air, subtly, and slowly began to formulate an idea. Cassidy couldn't be sure of it though.
"I-I was just restin', and-and-and thinking..."
She played the part of the terrified child with ease, though now in truth she was more curious than anything. Deciding to go out on a limb, Cassidy lifted her chin up suspiciously.
"... where have you been?"
Xazor Elessar
Dec 31st, 2003, 01:52:17 PM
Xazor saw the hurt expression in Cassidy's eyes and her own heart broke in two. "I can't go on like this without you." She thought to herself as her eyes searched those of the girl. Moving back a step, the shrouded figure pressed the black button on her saber and it disengaged. The blade retracted back into the hilt and the Knight placed the weapon back on her belt. Silence swept over the area and hung awkwardly between the sisters as Xazor chose her words carefully.
With one last thought, the woman slowly raised a hand up to her hood and drew it back, allowing it to fall to her shoulders. Her face was the same as it always was -- perhaps a few more lines had appeared due to all of the care she now bore upon her chest, but her smile was still kind and her cyan blue eyes glowed with the joy of life. Looking down at the ground for a moment, the Garou woman sighed and shook her head. "Too far away from the people I love." She whispered in answer to the Padawan's question.
No movement was made by the elder, though she wished to wrap her arms around Cassidy. She knew there were many hard feelings built up by the girl and so, she would allow her to move at her own pace -- no more intrusion. There she stood in all of her glory as a Lost Jedi -- yet, she was filled with shame and her eyes teared at the thought of rejection. "I'm so sorry young one." She whispered as a solitary tear fell down her pale cheek.
Shade Magus
Dec 31st, 2003, 04:54:36 PM
Shade had been in the lower levels of Coruscant looking for a few pieces for a new experimental lightsaber. He could find nothing of use at any of the many stores, but he had been directed to a nearby junk yard. Even though it was mostly garbage he was sure he could find something there. Even if it just be a few wires or scrape peice of metal.
He had been on the other side of the junk yard when it happened. He had felt a presence that he had not sensed in a very long time, but somehow it was different. The person had changed. Shade enclosed himself in the Force and ran towards her, making no noise and leaping the piles of junk on his way.
When he arrived he saw a hooded figure with a lightsaber blade held to a young woman's throat. He had just about gone out there, when the hooded figure disengaged he weapon and pulled back her hood.
The name was barely above a whisper infront of him stood the woman that he had once loved, but she was different. He could not put his finger on it but she had changed. He decided to hang back for a moment to see how things would unfold.
Cassidy Williams
Apr 22nd, 2004, 11:53:20 AM
She'd been right.
Oh god, she'd been right!
Cassidy stared at her sister, scarcely breathing. After all this time... after she'd just left... and not only her, little Valanya as well and...
"I hate you."
She stood up, hands clenched at her sides and jaw tight. Her eyes sparkled with tears that suddenly fell down her face silently. A million times she'd thought of this moment, and a million times it had been a happy one. But this wasn't happy... this was too much. Too much hurt and love and feelings she couldn't even begin to untangle. Cassidy shook her head slowly and then fell forward, grasping her sister around the waist tightly.
"I hate you so much."
She cried and held tighter still, clinging to the fabric of Xazor's robes.
"Y-you... You just left... !"
Shade Magus
Apr 23rd, 2004, 12:28:19 AM
Shade watched the scene unfold before him. He himself knew what it was like to be on both ends of that encounter. I wish there was something I could do to help her.
Xazor Elessar
Apr 23rd, 2004, 01:12:01 PM
"I hate you."
The words stung like a slap to the face and Xazor's eyes shut tightly. Slowly her head fell as she played the shame over and over again in her mind. It was like a never-ending tape real that tortured her soul and brain. With a deep sigh, the Knight mustered a bit of courage and glanced up at Cassidy as her own tears began to cascade down her porclain cheeks. "I know."
"Silence is my self-defense." The thought crossed her mind.
Suddenly Cassidy lunged forward, in what felt like a fall, and wrapped her arms tightly around the Knight's waist. Xazor was hesitant at first, but slowly her arms came to hold the little girl close. Gently her hand fell to the child's head and her fingers ran through her matted hair.
"I hate you so much."
Again, the words stung as the child began to cry into the Garou's chest. She knew exactly how the Padawan felt, for she too felt the same way. In truth, Xazor did hate herself. She hated herself for leaving, she hated herself for the things she had done, and most of all -- she hated who she had become. As Cassidy opened up and yelled at her for leaving, the woman took it and turned her cheek, waiting for the next blow. She knew she had done wrong and whatever Cassidy had to say to her -- she would listen.
Cassidy was right.
"I'm so sorry young one. I'm sorry for the pain I've put you through. I'm sorry about leaving and I'm sorry for not telling you." Xazor paused for a moment as her tears continued to fall. She held complete hold on her emotions, however, and did not allow herself to be angered in the slightest. She deserved everything terrible that could happen to her, even if it was just the hurt of a child's words.
The pair was silent for a moment and Xazor soon felt another presence. He was strong in the Force and quite familiar, but different in the same way. Slowly her eyes, red with crying, moved to the shadows and sought the face of one she had loved. Indeed, he was one she had truly loved at one point -- but things had gone wrong and time had torn them apart. She thought he was dead -- and one day he miraculously returned. A slight smile was given in recognition as she continued holding Cassidy close to her.
" not cry for my soul. I am here now -- and I will not leave again, I promise you."
Shade Magus
Apr 23rd, 2004, 05:28:21 PM
Shade stood up and walked towards the pair. There was probably nothing he could do to help, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try.
Cassidy Williams
May 4th, 2004, 11:55:14 AM
"I don't believe you."
Cassidy gripped her sisters robes tightly, twisting the heavy cloth in her fists. The girl pulled away ever so slightly and looked up, her tear-stained face angry.
"You said before that we were family, and that... that you needed me... and that family looked out for each other. But that was all lies and you're lying now!"
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