View Full Version : Death Sentence (Council Only)
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Dec 30th, 2003, 05:06:10 AM
It is the duty of the Death-Shadow to complete whatever assignment given to him, or her, by the Royal council. When J'ktal had been given his first real assignment, he did it without question. He assassinated a seven year old boy in front of the child's father, then watied to the grief to sink in before lining up his second rifel shot and ending the older beast's life as well. He was a drug lord, and was marked for death. It is the role of the Death-Shadow to protect society, even if the means he or she uses are violent or disturbing.
He no longer knew how many he had killed, how many lives had been ended by his paws. J'ktal was an idea Death-Shadow, loyal to the core and very good at his trade, but the paper he held in his paws gave him worry. He had questioned orders before, but never had he disagreed with them outright. But there it was, in paw-drawn ink, an order for death.
His internal contemplation was interrupted as the doors to the council room opened, and he was motioned to enter. Rising from his seat, the mongoose straightened his uniform and took a deep breath before entering the council chambers. J'ktal hated feeling nervous, it made him feel... imprefect.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the Council," he adressed them in a still voice. "It is not like me to come to you for advice, or to concern you with matters of my profession. When you accepted me, you knew of my past, and how I cannot lay down who and what I am. But I have recently come to a stumbling block." He held up the folded parchment to illustrate his point as he continued. "I hold in my paw a writ of commandment from the Royal Council of Nehantish. As a Death-Shadow, I cannot refuse to obey it, but as a member of your order, I also cannot comply with it. It is an order for death to be carried out immedately, and it concerns another member of this order."
The tension in the air was thick enough to be felt even without the Force, but the mongoose soldiered on. "Before you forbid me from carrying out my task, I must inform you that his crimes in the past do warrant such a punishment many times over, according to our law. Here is the writ, you may examine it for yourself."
Stepping forward, J'ktal handed the parchment to the nearest Council member, and then stepped back into place once it was out of his paw. The writ would do the reader little good, because it was written in in the old form of Nehantite, but it still had to be verified by them as being authentic. Even for being a master forger at times, J'ktal could not have created a true writ himself.
Ryla Relvinian
Dec 31st, 2003, 06:50:31 PM
"This is indeed a dilemma."
I had no reason to doubt the authenticity of this summons. Although I could not read the ornate and beautiful script, I recognized it as the very same measured glyphs I had seen in the books that J'ktal had shown me.
That very thought made me refrain from expressing my opinion in this matter... simply because I thought of the being before me as J'ktal and not Padawan Anajii. I looked up at him, hoping he understood why I was not saying anything at the moment, then gazed around at my collegues, passing the heavy piece of paper to the council member beside me as I waited for their opinions.
Morgan Evanar
Jan 1st, 2004, 08:44:25 PM
Morgan left his chair and manually bolted the council chamber doors shut. Once satisfied that the door was secure, he stared at the lettering over Rie's shoulder.
He frowned. Morgan could read about four (plus six programming lanuages) different languages, but not Old Nehantitish script. Ryla had showed some recognition. She knew J'ktal better than anyone save Sage, but he had not been present for some time.
"You'll have to translate it, Padawan Anajii." He said, looking over the parchment. He looked up at the Death Shadow.
"Unfortunately, none of us know Nehantitish, much less an older form."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 1st, 2004, 09:05:42 PM
Clearing his throat lightly, J'ktal straightened his shoulders and began to speak, looking ahead, though not directly at anyone. "It states that it is from the Royal Council, and that it is an official order for a Death-Shadow, specifically myself, to carry out the execution of a wanted criminal. You know him as Sejah Al'jazhaar Haversh, and you should also know how I helped to save his life on Nehantish. Now it seems that the government has changed their mind, and wishes him dead. I cannot argue with their ruling. It is not within me to do so, So I have come to you for an answer. Am I to obey the order and execute a known criminal and murderer, or am I to break a sacred vow and refuse, forever comprimising my spirit of honor?"
Figrin D'an
Jan 2nd, 2004, 12:28:44 AM
Figrin's eyes went wide as he heard Sejah's name. Somehow, in his heart, he knew that Sejah was in some way involved in all of this, but that didn't make it any easier to stomach the cold reality of the writ now presented to the Council.
He stood slowly, maintaining an outward calm as he spoke.
"As the master of the accused, I request disclosure of the precise details of crime in question."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 2nd, 2004, 12:46:21 AM
JHis paws clasped properly behind his back, J'ktal remained looking straight ahead and reported the list as if he were reciting a list of crimes to a judge.
"Sejah Al'jazhaar Haversh is wanted for numerous crimes against the public and private sectors of Nehantish. He is charged with the operation of a place of business without proper licensing, child abuse involving both physical harm and verbal abuse, posession and marketing of controlled substances, some lethal, posession of an unlicensed firearm, discharging of a firearm in city limits, attempted murder, failure to cooperate with law officials, participation in and gambling on ulicensed fighting matches, promotion of unlawful lifestyles, illegal entry to areas above class level on numerous occasion, theft, grand theft, grand theft auto, arson, with intent to commit insurance fraud, involuntary manslaughter, illegal planetary exit, illegal planetary enterance, murder in the second degree, deception of a Death-Shadow, payment dodging, murder in the first degree, corruption of innocent minds, failure to recognize class status, illegal planetary exit with help of accomplices who are charged with murder in the second degree but were never identified," he paused to glance at Anbira at that one, then continued. "Accepting material and monetary goods against the rules of the Rho'istaan and joining of a military sect without Royal approval, most likely with intent to harm Nehantites in the future. A more detailed list can be provided if necessarry."
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 2nd, 2004, 09:11:55 PM
There was much surprise upon hearing the almost endless list of accusations about Sejah. It just didn't seem plausible but from the feeling she was getting from some of her fellow Council Members... it seemed that the Padawan's activities were only a new revelation to her. Perhaps this happened mainly when she was gone from the Order?
"I do presume that there is a detailed account of when this all happened and proof?"
She already knew the answered but Navaria had to try...
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 3rd, 2004, 01:25:36 AM
"I can retrieve a fully detailed list if you require," J'ktal replied without hesitation. "But it will take me at least three hours to retrieve a properly translated version, and another hour to proofread it. Our translation guild is good, but not always perfectly accurate."
An silence fell in the room as the Masters thought, and J'ktal spoke up once again. "Masters and Council members, I would like to make my position in this very clear. I have no personal vendetta against Mr. Haversh, but he is a wanted criminal, and if the Royal coulcil has deemed him punishable by death, then their findings must have warranted such an outcome. I wish little to kill him, though, for he is a fair paw with a blade the likes of which our world has not seen in many years. But I am still bound by duty to crown and corps."
Finally he broke free from his stiff posture and looked into the faced of the council members, his still devoid of any visible emotion. "As I said, I have never questioned an order before as much as this one. Were I not a member of your order, Mr. Haversh's head would already be in ice and en route back to Nehantish. They will require it as proof of his death. I am sorry to bring such a heavy decision to you, but there was no avoiding it. I hope you can understand."
Estelle Russard
Jan 3rd, 2004, 01:49:14 PM
Estelle had been in the Council Chambers talking quietly with Figrin D'An when J'Ktal had entered.
A fabulous looking individual, whose proud and bold bearing could not help but inspire awe to those who looked on him. Everything about J'Ktal bespoke Warrior - his disciplined, authoritive manner left no doubt as to the confidence in which he held himself, and surely was held in by his peers. Estelle was very impressed.
By the time she realised Council Business would be discussed, Morgan had shut the doors, with her remaining inside. She felt it better to wait quietly rather than be disruptive by making her exit as the Nehanite explained his dilema. While not on the Council, Estelle still felt comfortable that her presence here was acceptable. However, she refrained from comment and stood behind and off to the side, listening with no small amount of concern.
To her, the decision was a clear one, though a very difficult one.
Standing, she waited for the Council to give their guidance, wondering if they saw the issue as she did. This developement was bad news for both Sejah and J'ktal. And for the Order itself.
Estelle felt the weight of it opress her spirit.
Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 3rd, 2004, 09:18:29 PM
Anbira looked to the Nehantite.
"And what if you fail in your task?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 3rd, 2004, 10:39:36 PM
J'ktal turned to look Anbira dead in the eye and replied flatly, "Then I would lose all my honor, and my family name would be disgraced. I would also be compelled to leave this order, if not conteplate suicide. A Death-Shadow does not fail, Master Hicchoru."
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 3rd, 2004, 11:56:43 PM
Wei had been holding it in for quite sometime. At first the whole thing was just off-putting. Then after hearing all the accusations the whole thing turned quite comical in Wei's eyes. At last he laughed.
"Corruption of innocent minds?" Wei managed to squeeze out between guffaws. "Surely you must be kidding me?"
The whole thing was absurd. Wei had met Sejah coming and going, never really knowing him beyond an aquaintance. But there was one thing Wei was certain of: Sejah Haversh was a Jedi after Wei's own heart. He was good to the core and had a heart of solid gold.
"Now that I've had my laugh..." Wei said, wiping a tear from his eye, "I have an idea. But first, I got to know something. Is there anyway that Sejah's innocence could be proven?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 4th, 2004, 04:02:20 AM
The look J'ktal gave Wei as he suddenly snapped his head to the site to glare at him could have frozen mercury. The gray mongoose stared him down and made sure that Wei knew that it was no laughing matter.
"Hold your tongue, Master Wei," he growled, stepping closer and becoming very threatening. "His trial has already been had, and his sentence has been decided. Besides, even the best lawyers could not prove Mr. Haversh's innocence. He is indeed guilty of all crimes attributed to him, and I am willing and able to supply proof. He will even attest to the validity of my claims, if you were to ask him."
Getting up in Wei's face, J'ktal's pink eyes were cold as frozen rosebuds, and there was no compassion or humor in them. "On more than one occasion has he put a boy in the hospital with broken bones after 'training' exercises at that school of his. Even padawan Ahmrah was present during many of those listed crimes. This is not fun and games, Master Wei, this concerns his very life." Easing back, he returned to the center of the room and resumed his attention stance, his gaze turned form Wei.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Council, Mr, Haversh does not yet know of my orders, or that his trial was carried through. As far as he knows, nothing out of the ordinary is going on. He will easily be found in his room, however, and could quickly be summoned here if you wish to hear his defense."
Morgan Evanar
Jan 4th, 2004, 10:24:54 AM
"And I suggest you watch your tounge, Padawan Anajii." Morgan glared at him.
"I believe I speak for the council when I say that someone high up has a vendetta against Sejah. From what I know of his history, it sounds like almost all of it has been taken out of context at the very least." The Jedi Master drummed his right fingers against the tabletop as he spoke, as if it helped mental caluclation.
"I think Padawan Haversh is fine where he is for now. However, I would like very much to speak to Padawan Ahmrah."
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 6th, 2004, 12:31:25 PM
"You yourself have already stated that we will not allow you to carry out the punishment. Though we endeavor to respect the cultures of others, we must draw a line here. If there is indeed no way that you can alter the verdict, then it appears you have no other choice but to betray one of your allegiances." Dasquian wondered how, as a Jedi, the Padawan could even contemplate slaughtering one of his peers, and one of his own species at that.
Jan 6th, 2004, 12:35:48 PM
:: Even though AB had heard all that had been said, it was still nearly impossible to grasp. She didn't know Sejah as well as some of the other jedi at the Order, but he had helped her on occassion (one being a gift for Morgan), and she felt certain that the accusations placed against him had to be false. ::
:: She shook her head slowly from side to side, not believing that which was being brought forth. ::
:: At Morgan's request, she too nodded her head in agreement. ::
While I still don't believe these accusations are true, I still want to hear from all sides.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 6th, 2004, 01:12:40 PM
It was going to be even more difficult than he thought. J'ktal stood at attention in the center of the room while the others spoke around him. Dasquain was Sejah's roomate, and would naturally stick up for him, and the others at least knew the padawan by reputation. At the Order, Sejah had become an icon of perserverance through bad luck, and a symbol of overcoming adversity. But in the eyes of the average Nehantite, he was a criminal whose crimes were at an outrageous level.
His attention turning to Dasquain, he spoke in a correcting, but not reprimanding tone, "I did not say that there is no way you will let me serve justice, I merely stated that it would be your natural perogative to protect and shelter one of your own order." Looking straight ahead once more, he moved back to the immedate problem. "So what is it that we do now? I am willing and able to answer most of your questions, or I would be willing to surrender the floor to others if you so desired to speak with them."
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 6th, 2004, 01:25:37 PM
Wei had been thoughtful for a while. This was indeed serious. He could only imagine the pressure of having to pick one side over the other. "J'ktal, does Sejah know you're a member of the GJO?"
Being the only two Nehanites at the Order, Wei figured the two would have spoken at least once. But the GJO was indeed a big place, and there was no way to know every last one of its members.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 6th, 2004, 01:32:36 PM
J'ktal answered promptly, "Yes, he is quite aware of it. We first met on Nehantish while he was competing in the Rho'istaan. I save his life by shooting a man bent on killing him. Mr. Haversh thanked me properly for it when he first saw me here."
Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 7th, 2004, 01:21:07 PM
"The difficulty involved is that there is no legal compatibility between Nehantite and Republic law. As Padawan Haversh has become a steward of the principals of the Jedi Order, the only applicable stance that can be taken is that of Ex Post Facto."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 8th, 2004, 01:32:39 AM
"I do not suggest use of that defense, Master Hicchoru," J'ktal said calmly, not trying to attack him.
"Should Mr. Haversh claim to be of Citizenship or Stewardship of this Order, then he would be sujbcect to another, very severe punishment. He took part in the Rho'istaan torunament, a tournament that is strictly forbidden to any outside of my race, and outside of Nehantite citizenship. If he says he is part of this Order, then he will have comitted a great fraud, and his punishment would be nearly lethal. Also, I would not be the only Nehantite to ensure that his punishment is doled out. I can protect most men, Council, but from a Death-Shadow, there is no true protection."
Turning to look at the rest of the council, he continued, "I am sorry to bring to light so much of my own law that you are not familiar with. I do not ask you to sympathize with me, or to understand my motivations. You have known Mr. Haversh longer, and he is a good member of this order. It is not my will to carry out his execution, but it is my duty. I will surrender the floor if you wish to call someone else forth for questions."
Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 10th, 2004, 03:07:03 AM
"I suggest then, that you come to terms explicitly in how your allegiances lie. There can be no half measures here."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 10th, 2004, 03:10:57 AM
"Mr. Haversh must decide his first. Only then will my obligations be made clear," J'ktal contested in a civil tongue.
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 10th, 2004, 12:11:12 PM
"Shall we send for Sejah?" Wei asked. "I mean, we are talking about the orders to assassinate him. That, and J'ktal here wants to know who Sejah is loyal to."
Wei was halfway out of his seat to go get a messenger to Sejah, but thought it would be wise to check with is other Council members.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 10th, 2004, 12:14:06 PM
"Yes, send for him. I don't believe this discussion can or should go on without him."
Loki Ahmrah
Jan 11th, 2004, 10:02:45 AM
It was his first formal summons before the Jedi Council and Loki was stuck somewhere between excitement and nervousness; he knew he hadn't done anything wrong or at least wrong enough to warrant a punishment so his curiousity boiled inside. The hall outside the chamber housing the Council was unusually quiet and empty which gave rise to the possibility that the proceedings on the other side of the door were of a rather serious nature and if he was to address his elders in a matter of importance then he wanted to make sure he did a good job.
"Settle down now. Settle down." He told himself to little effect, shifting his weight from one foot to the other in anxiety. "Oh, come on. Let's get this underway."
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 11th, 2004, 12:32:01 PM
Wei got up from his seat and stepped outside to look for someone to get Sejah. Finding nobody, Wei was just about to step back inside the council chambers when he ran into Loki.
"Hello there, young Padawan," Wei said with a bright smile, despite the dark business at hand. "Are you waiting for something?"
Loki Ahmrah
Jan 11th, 2004, 01:10:43 PM
"Yes, Master Wei." Loki answered, straightening up after giving a curt bow. He swallowed. "I've been summoned to stand before the Council."
Morgan Evanar
Jan 11th, 2004, 07:29:02 PM
(OOC: We don't have aides, this is a closed council meeting.)
"Ahm, I'd prefer if we waited to clear some facts up with Loki before we called for the other Padawan in question." Morgan got up and crouched down beside Loki, still dwarfing him.
"Allo Padawan Ahmrah. The Council needs your help. All we want you to do is be completely truthful. Its very important. It doesn't have anything to do with you. However, we need you to keep what is said in these wall here. Do you understand?"
Loki Ahmrah
Jan 12th, 2004, 04:30:53 PM
Another bow when addressed by Morgan, who had caused a stir in Loki's stomach with the words: 'Very important'. The padawan didn't like this at all, he didn't want to be involved in something of such importance let alone have influence upon the outcome of a significant Council decision.
"I understand, Master Evanar." Loki answered uneasily, not daring to look past the tall Jedi to the rest of the elders. "I will answer any questions the Council has to ask with the best of my ability."
Ryla Relvinian
Jan 16th, 2004, 02:48:12 AM
"Don't be afraid, Padawan Ahmrah..." It was one of those things that adults say to make those younger than them feel better, and I knew it, but it simply would not do to have him panic in this serious situation.
"We're wondering if you could tell us a bit about your friend Sejah... And don't worry, neither of you are in trouble with us. We're simply checking up with you about your training so far."
I shifted in my seat to lean forward and assume somewhat of a less-frightening pose, examining him not only with my eyes but though the force. The padawan was indeed frightened, but somewhat excited as well. It was likely that he had no idea about what was going on, which confirmed the earlier statements about Sejah being ignorant of all charges as well.
Loki Ahmrah
Jan 20th, 2004, 02:20:00 PM
Straightening up, Loki walked steadily into the centre of the chamber and he cleared his throat. His master wasn't sitting directly in his line of sight but as long as he could manage to catch his eye every now and then, Loki was sure he could handle this well. The eyes of the council were upon him and he could feel each gaze piercing him through and through.
"When it comes to Sejah there is so much to tell." He began, his face screwed up in a look of concentration. "I'll begin with telling you that I consider him a very close friend and that in being his friend, I can also say that his story is not a happy one.
"Sejah has been burdened with bad luck and much turmoil in the last year, the most recent stroke of ill fortune is evident in his current state of disability. And as it appears that it is his training in which you're interested then I'll continue to add that he has been suffering with some difficulty in coming to terms with his injury and the implications it holds for his future and the threat is presents to his training."
Satisfied with his response, Loki concluded: "But he is healing, physically at least; he's been through too much misery to fully mend emotionally and perhaps even psychologically. I like to be there for him as often as I can now - to cheer him up and the like - but that's neither here nor there, suffice it to say that he is recovering."
Morgan Evanar
Jan 24th, 2004, 08:15:30 AM
Morgan looked at Loki and tried to smile, but his lips refused to comply.
"Sejah is supposedly guilty of a long list of crimes, but I think it' has been taken out of context. I don't know Sejah very well, though." Loki looked worried. Morgan felt worried. He'd rather not have to kill J'ktal.
"One of the things Sejah is accused of is child abuse. Did Sejah work with children while he was back on Nehantish? If he did, could you tell us what it was, exactly?"
Loki Ahmrah
Jan 24th, 2004, 07:31:16 PM
"Back on Nehantish," Loki started speaking immediatly, deciding not to let his mind wander despite the sudden revelation that Sejah may indeed be in trouble. "Sejah was an instructor at a fencing school, that was his home too while he lived on his homeworld. Unfortunately it burned to the ground towards the end of our stay, that was during the tournament. I observed one of his lessons and took part too but he was a very decent, kindly and fair teacher. So those allegations can go right out the--"
Then he suddenly cut himself off and went silent for a moment while thinking; he'd remembered something from the lesson in which he'd been involved with Sejah and his class; he stalled, contemplating whether he should disclose information which may damage his friend's chances up against the allegations. Then he could feel the eyes of the council upon him and defeatedly, he continued.
"Well, there was one incident in which he treated one of his students a little rough--" He glanced around and in his friend's defense hastily added: "But that was because the pupil in question had been taking a drug, Venom, and Sejah discovered the marks on his arm and threw him out of the lesson and told him not to return until he had cleaned up his act. Sejah is a good person and only did what he did for the benefit of his student!"
That was when Loki saw J'ktal standing across the room from him, immediately his voice turned cold and his eyes narrowed.
"Is this your doing?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 24th, 2004, 07:41:35 PM
J'ktal turned his face to look straight into Loki's eyes, and he responded in his usual, cold voice, "I am not the subject here, Mr. Ahmrah, nor is this my doing. You will recall that I saved your friend's life on more than one occasion, as well as vouched for your person in order to have you released from the arena prison. Or have you so quickly forgotten your ally?"
Straightening up, he concluded, "I am here only on official business,"
Morgan Evanar
Jan 25th, 2004, 07:18:53 PM
Morgan looked over his shoulder to the Death-Shadow.
"Please explain, if you can, how Loki ended up in prison?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 25th, 2004, 07:25:37 PM
"Before you get the wrong impression, he was not in a standard prison, but in one of the cells beneath the arena," J'ktal clarified.
"On the fourth day of the Rho'istaan tournament, an assassination attempt was carried out on Senator A'arkantheil. Mr. Ahmrah had somehow managed to sneak into a restricted area, and then was foolish enough to overbalance on a rail and fall into the Senator's box at the same time that the sniper's shot was fired. He was considered to be a lethal threat, and was dealt with as the stituation warranted until I learned of his identity, and had him released. Other than a bump on the head, he was no worse for wear," he explained curtly, the looked to Loki. "And he should be grateful that he was not shot immediately. Were he an adult, I am sure that he would have been."
Morgan Evanar
Jan 25th, 2004, 07:37:44 PM
"I see." While Loki's face remained troubled, J'ktal was telling the truth, or close enough to it.
"Supposedly, Sejah had an illegal firearm of some sort, stole a speeder, gambled, commited arson, and..." He turned back to J'ktal.
"Promotion of unlawful lifestyles?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 25th, 2004, 07:49:23 PM
"Illegal discharge of an unlicensed firearm, and it was an automobile, not a speeder. A two-year-old model of the Krarr Flagline GT, to be exact." J'ktal corrected Morgan.
"Promotion of unlawful lifestyles could suggest anything from gang membership to boasting of criminal acts, to brazenly defying set class rules. I am not certain which aspect of the term he has been charged with, but I will be able to supply full details in a few hours. Please remember that these charges span his whole life, not just since the point at which he joined the Order."
Wei Wu Wei
Jan 27th, 2004, 05:28:22 PM
Wei shrugged. "What? So you're saying that Sejah might have been involved with a bad crowd or something in his past? Well, if that's the case it certainly seems as though Sejah has turned over a new leaf. If Sejah truly has repented, then I see no reason for you to follow through with his punishment."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jan 27th, 2004, 09:39:20 PM
"Master Wei, the list of crimes may cover his entire life, I can assure you that I know most of them have come from the recent past," J'ktal countered.
"Would you pardon a murderer who has eluded the law for twenty years and had not committed the crime since? No, he still broke the law, and must be brought to justice Mr. Haversh's case is no different. He is also partially responsible for the death of one of my brethren. But that guilt is also dispersed among two others of this order, and the circumstances do not warrant a charge of murder, but manslaughter. However, Master Hicchoru and Mr. Ahmrah are not to be charged, for it was because of Mr. Haversh that the incident occurred in the first place. They are also not Nehantite, and are not subject to our law."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 1st, 2004, 01:34:39 PM
Wei's brow knit as he thought on J'ktal's words. "Well, that changes things."
This was quite a fix Sejah and Jk'tal were in. Wei wasn't entirely sure that Sejah knew that he was in the fix yet. The gears in the Jedi Knight's head turned around and around as he tried to come up with some way to get around the whole sticky business. Coming up with no solution, he glanced over at the other council members to see if they could come up with something.
Morgan Evanar
Feb 1st, 2004, 08:33:07 PM
"Well, why now? If Sejah supposedly commited most of these crimes years ago, why wasn't it dealt with sooner? I don't understand the timing in this." Morgan raised an eyebrow.
"Perhaps you can attempt to enlighten us, Padawan Anajii."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 1st, 2004, 10:54:48 PM
"Would you throw a hungry man in jail for stealign an apple when it would cost more to house him and keep him behind bars than it would to give him a slap on the wrist and pay the merchant?" J'ktal countered.
"And, the Nehantite Legal recordkeeping system is admittedly behind the times. They are currently in the process of converting from paper files to a computerized log system. Many of Mr. Haversh's past infractions had been dealt with on a case by case basis, if even dealt with at all, but his greater whole was not known until recently. The great deal of research ino his more recent infractions has also caused many previously unknown crimes to surface, and caused many to step out and testify against him. It is truly not an uncommon phenomenon for such to happen, as any law official can tell you. Many of the listed crimes are from the recent past, and even a handful of them would be enough to condemn him. I am merely the messenger, and in this case I have just been declared an operative agent. Even my information is still not complete."
Estelle Russard
Feb 2nd, 2004, 04:47:39 PM
Estelle had listened on as the questioning had gone back and forth. She spared an encouraging smile for Loki, who understandably was in a difficult position.
As was J'ktal. Duty was a terrible thing sometimes.
But Estelle was unwavering in her opinion, though she still held her peace. Many at the Order had done things that were wrong, even unlawful, in their past. Why should Sejah be held accountable and not everyone else? It was wrong. They should not subject Sejah to this accounting. She wanted to say so, but not being on the Council at this time, she felt her opinion would have to be asked for.
Or perhaps it was already clear by the frown on her face her thoughts on the matter as J'ktal gave his last answer.
Kelt Simoson
Feb 2nd, 2004, 10:18:44 PM
Kelt had been sitting quitely as all this had been going on and within his thoughts he agreed totaly with Estelle but of course he had no idea she felt the same. He, as always, let others speak before he himself gave his opinion giving them time to speak their mind and present the facts.
Inside he was arguieng with himself on who to put faith into.
Sejah had been Kelt's friend since the very start, the two had trained together, slept in the same dorm for months, ate together, had interlectual talks, had heart felt discussions the mongoose had even let Kelt try to heal his legs, the two had shared a close friendship, it was simply to hard to accept.
' I cannot accept these acts as Sejah's i am sorry.' Kelt said finaly after musing over the situation as everyone spoke.
' I have spent the best part of the Jedi life as a friend with Sejah and i personaly concider him one of the closest friends i have ever had. It would be apsaloutly against i beleive his morrals and his personality to perform such terrible acts against your planet and its civilization especialy against the children of your planet.' Kelt seemed slightly hurt that anyone would accuse his friend of such deeds but he was willing to keep an open mind.
' I would like if we may, like to see Sejah now and hear his side of the conflict, i think basing our discision on a biased account from you Mr. Anajii would be unwise'
Loki Ahmrah
Feb 4th, 2004, 12:47:05 PM
"I suggest," Loki perked up irritably, addressing J'ktal. "That you contact your superiors first of all and ask them to sort out the admittedly behind Nehantite Legal recordkeeping system. The guilt or innocence of Sejah cannot be discussed when there are no facts; all we have been given are a list of charges, all without detail or elaboration. I will vouch for Sejah and will help him dismiss these accusations because I am sure I can clear up the facts behind any allegation as I have done with this supposed child abuse offense. We cannot debate matters for which we have no facts to discuss or contest."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 4th, 2004, 02:15:19 PM
"Loki, I know this is hard to bear, but please try to stay calm."
As Wei paused to think over Loki's actions, he had an idea. "Loki, I don't believe Sejah did those things any more than you do. But it appears that the Nehanite government is positive that Sejah did those things. Perhaps someone has it in for Sejah and has sent an imposter to ruin him? But that leaves us to wonder if Sejah has any known enemies. Hmm..."
This was all very confusing business to Wei. Too many possibilities. Perhaps Wei was trying to hard to come up with something to get Sejah off the hook. Wei paused to see if anyone might be able to pin down his argument with some sort of evidence.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 4th, 2004, 03:51:01 PM
J'ktal was not injured by Loki's words, or affected by Kelt's own bias. He simply stood there and waited his turn to speak.
"Master Simoson, by your own words, you express far more bias than you say that I do. Mr. Ahmrah, though our recordkeeping system might have been behind, it is beacuase it has progressed far enough that all these crimes might have been collected. I came here to give the Council as much advance warning of this event as I could, for I saw that to be the prudent thing to do. And Master Wei, an imposter would be highly doubtful. To teach another the information that only Sejah would know would require inside information, admittedly information that only I would be qualified to give. But it would not behoove me to do so, so you can plainly see that I did no such thing," he explained.
Folding his paws behind his back again, the gray mongoose addressed the entire council once more. "I believe that calling Mr. Haversh would be the best course of action now. I see little progress occurring until he is here, and I grow tired of these personal attacks on my character."
Loki Ahmrah
Feb 4th, 2004, 04:09:33 PM
"I cannot be calm when the life of my friend is in jeaopardy," Loki shot back indignantly. "My point is this - now that we have been warned about an impending investigation regarding Sejah's allegedly unlawful actions, there is precious little we can do until the details of each incident are released. Then and only then can Sejah, Master Hicchoru or myself can defend his innocence."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 5th, 2004, 12:42:20 AM
"Your point is well and valid, Mr. Ahmrah," J'ktal concurred. "I am-" he suddenly ceased his speaking and placed two fingers behind his left ear, looking down and away from the Council. After a moment's pause the Death-Shadow removed his paw and looked back up.
"Pardon the interruption, but it seems as if the N.I.S.C. has upgraded its servers, and the fully detailed information I requested has arrived. If you will excuse me for a moment, I will retrieve the file for the Council's review."
Morgan Evanar
Feb 11th, 2004, 02:55:26 PM
"By all means."
The truth was somewhere in those details. Hopefully it would shed some positive light on the situation.
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 11th, 2004, 03:05:58 PM
"So, uh, you guys," Wei said once J'ktal had left to get the files, "What do you all make of this? I must admit, I'm nearly stumped. It's hard to find a way around this one."
Morgan Evanar
Feb 11th, 2004, 04:01:36 PM
Morgan looked over at Wei and raised an eyebrow.
"We haven't even examined any evidence beyond Loki's testimonial."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 11th, 2004, 05:34:21 PM
"Yeah, but even the sheer idea of all this is pretty loaded. Evidence or not, this is still a pretty big deal. A Jedi has been called a first class criminal. The reputation of the Jedi would appear to rest on Sejah's shoulders. Myths don't need facts, only supporters to be validated. And if the evidence is there, well..."
Wei leaned forward and propped his elbows on his knees, then ran an exasperated hand through his hair. "If worse comes to worst, at the very least we need to try to keep this between the GJO and the Nehantish government."
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 12th, 2004, 06:06:58 AM
The download was simple enough, and J'ktal copied the information to several of his spare datapads, but finally found that he was a few short. Rifling through his things, he located a few more, but didn't take the time to erase them all before adding the new data. Two contained various notes and calculations, and a third held several recipies that he had downloaded to try out in the coming weeks.
Setting them all in a briefcase, the Death-Shadow checked his appearance in a mirror and straightened his tie before heading back to the Council Chambers. It was only a ten-minute trip, but enough time had passed while he was gone for them to begin preliminary discussions.
"My apologies for the delay," he spoke upon reentry of the room. "I had difficulty locating enough spare datapads." With a light click, he opened the case and removed the stack of datapads and distributed them to each Council member, and even one to Estelle, just for good measure.
The information spelled our the charge and detailed description of each crime slated against Sejah. They read as follows:
Record of Illegal Activities: Sejah Al’Jazharr Haversh
Operation of a place of business without proper license: Three counts.
Haversh ran a fencing school of his own, offering private lessons for a set fee. On three accounts he was caught to be operating without a license. Haversh failed to appear in court each time.
Child Abuse: Physical Harm: Twenty-two counts.
In scenarios both in and out of the classroom, Haversh is known to be violent in temper, and short in patience with slower students. Haversh applied excessive force in corrective strikes while teaching at Master Rej’s Fencing Academy, as well as landing blows when a student would not agree with him. Haversh is responsible for seven broken bones among his students, age ranging from six to sixteen.
Child Abuse: Mental Harm: Untalliable, numerous counts suspected.
Often in conjunction to hash physical pain, Haversh used cruel and demeaning language to humiliate students at a level beyond that acceptable by the Rho’istaan panel. Inferiority complexes, defeatism and depression effects tested high among his students. Haversh also used gender-demeaning language to further press his students, and used inappropriate language in front of minors.
Possession and Marketing of Controlled Substances: Two counts.
Haversh tested positive for Venom traces in his bloodstream, and was caught with a small cache of vials of cobra and adder product in high concentration. Also located on his person was a list of clients, and several hundred credits in cash. Second offense related to a near overdose of Venom, after which a larger supply was found when his residence was searched, as well as tools for testing Venom purity, and further client lists. Two deaths by overdose are attributed directly to his selling of the illegal substance.
Possession of an Unlicensed Firearm: Three counts.
Haversh is known to be in the possession of three slug-firing handguns. Two Goterr revolver Model 72 .38 Specials, and one Dokar .45 semi-automatic. His class is not permitted ownership of semi-automatic firearms, and none of the three weapons are licensed. Bullet tracing attributes one shooting death to one of the revolvers, but evidence is insufficient to link Haversh to the crime.
Discharge of a Firearm in City Limits: Four instances.
Over a period of eight years, Haversh is known to have discharged rounds from various handguns within city limits, often in events known to be tied to gang behavior. Also, he opened fire on a news helicopter, nearly killing the pilot.
Attempted Murder: Three counts.
Count One: Haversh opened fire from a moving vehicle, wounding one teenage male suspected to be of a rival sword school.
Count Two: Haversh went into a rage after losing an unlicensed fencing match, and leapt at the victor. He nearly strangled the victor to death before he was stopped by a spectator with a solid blow to the head from a metal pipe.
Count Three: Haversh fired six shots at a male of similar age, hitting him four times in the upper body. Victim survived only by close proximity to a hospital. Crime alleged to be a blood feud between rival gangs because no charges were pressed.
Failure to Cooperate With Law Officials: Five Counts.
Haversh is known to be obstinate, and uncooperative. When questioned about his illegal activates, he lied or misdirected officials to serve his own end, or would refuse to answer questions. In separate cases where his witness could be instrumental in serving justice, Haversh refused to give his account, or appear in court as witness. When he does answer questions, he is bitter, unyielding, and abusive with his words.
Participation in Unlicensed Fencing/Boxing Matches: Twenty-eight counts.
Haversh is known to participate in illegal sword or empty paw contests for money. Such events are unsupervised by a Rho’istaan Official Referee, and often end in severe injury, and occasionally death. Haversh is reputed to have paralyzed one opponent, and brutally beaten many others in the ring, but is more famed for losing.
Betting, and Booking Bets on Unlicensed Fencing/Boxing Matches: Fourteen counts.
Not content to remain in the ring, Haversh acted as an agent to many friends from his fencing school, and even to two of his students. Haversh is believed to have lined up over fifty such matches, and is known to have bet on several of them as well as acting as a bookie in others. Oddly, he often bet against his own fighters, so foul play is suspect.
Promotion of Unlawful Lifestlyes.
Acts of this nature are difficult to exactly categorize. Haversh is known to have supported a gang lifestyle, as well as promoting violence and anti-social behavior among younger members of society. He is also known to have frequented underground clubs to gamble and drink while underage, and promoted use of said clubs to friends and also to some of his students when he was older.
Illegal Entry to Areas Above Class Level: One hundred thirteen counts.
Haversh is a fourth-class citizen, enjoying rights and privileges under the benevolent rule of the Sultan, but he insists on mocking authority by sneaking into upper-class establishments and meeting places. Haversh became so notorious for party-crashing that his photograph was distributed to most bouncers and security guards of First and Second Class locations. He is also known to have participated in a mass break-in of the Royal Library, and is suspect of theft.
Indecent Exposure
From his hotel balcony, Haversh appeared naked to a news helicopter, and his young human companion also from the Jedi Order was witness to his nudity.
Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Destruction of Property
From that same balcony, Haversh opened fire with a semi-automatic hangun of large caliber on the news helicoptor, with five rounds penetrating the cockpit, and six destroying the craft’s mounted camera. The helicopter pilot fled the scene before Haversh could reload.
Possible Child Molestation
From eyewitness accounts, Haversh is suspect in engaging in inappropriate acts with his young male human companion during the duration of the Rho’istaan Tournament. Speculation also suggests that he may have treated some of his students in similar fashion.
Theft: Seven counts.
Ranging from miscellaneous food products to high-end electronics, Haversh is suspect of numerous counts of retail theft.
Grand Theft: Two counts.
Haversh broke into a residence and stole a valuable greatcoat of historical importance. The item was never recovered. He is also suspect-deemed-guilty in the theft of a Holy Book from the Royal Library.
Grand Theft Auto: Three counts.
While a teenager, Haversh broke into and hotwired two compact cars which were later discovered at a chop shop only blocks from his residence. During the Rho’istaan Tournament, he broke into and stole a Krarr Flagline GT and raced at reckless speeds through city streets. The car was abandoned at the scene of an arson fire.
Arson, With Intent to Commit Insurance Fraud.
Also during the Rho’istaan tournament, Haversh is suspect-deemed-guilty in the arson of Master Rej’s Fencing Academy. Remains of a time-controlled incendiary device was found in the remains of his former apartment loft above the fencing school. Haversh also appeared on the scene before the event had been broadcast on radio or televised news, indicating he knew it was to happen. Master Rej was to collect a hearty sum for the loss of his livelihood, which coincided well with his planned retirement. Payment was denied on grounds of arson.
Involuntary Manslaughter: Two counts.
Both counts ruled as excessive use of self-defense bordering on aggressive assault. Haversh used a live blade to dispatch an opponent in an unlicensed fencing match who would not accept a loss. Haversh suffered extensive flesh and muscular wounds to his arms and left shoulder before retaliaton by slashing through his opponent’s throat.
The second count is clearly visible in the attached video file from the Rho’istaan Tournament. Another opponent would no accept defeat, and rushes Haversh, who responds by impaling him on a blunted blade when a simple block would have sufficed. The assailant died on the way to the hospital.
Illegal Planetary Exit
Haversh did not obtain proper authorization papers to leave Nehantite space, and pursued a career forbidden to one of his class level.
Murder in the Second Degree
In an attempt to free himself of a very troublesome, and potentially lethal angry customer while he was dealing Venom, Haversh is believed to have spiked a batch of Venom so it would be instantly lethal, and knowingly sold it to his customer. The user was found dead of overdose, and Haversh’s pawprints still on the Venom vial.
Deception of a Death-Shadow.
In the Rho’istaan, Haversh appeared to be losing in a battle with a far-less skilled opponent in a brawl in the locker room. The Death-Shadow opened fire, shooting the attacker thirty-six times (One full magazine) in the back in an attempt to save Haversh’s life. Video of superior level of skill in later tournament matches indicate that Haversh was playing unskilled in order to have his assailant shot to death.
Payment Dodging: Six counts.
Frequently tardy in his rent and utilities payments, Haversh evaded collection agencies.
Murder in the First Degree
In revenge of the shooting death of one of his friends and fellow gang members, Haversh is suspect-found-guilty of shooting his killer three times in the head. The victim was fifteen years of age, and Haversh was fourteen at the time.
Corruption of Innocent Minds
Using his school as a platform to speak from, Haversh fed class-defeatist propaganda to minors, and exposed them to elements of gang life as well as inappropriate subject matter.
Failure to Recognize Class Status: Forty-seven recorded counts.
Ever defiant of the superior classes, Haversh entered himself in upper-class fighting tournaments only to be denied, and then showed up anyhow insulting the honor of his prospective opponents. Dealt out unfair discipline against a Judge’s son in his fencing class, intentionally offended elderly females of the first and second class who required his help with temporary physical labor, and many other charges. Haversh is also known to challenge authority in the Rho’istaan panel to gain access to further training in exclusive schools.
Unauthorized Planetary Exit with Assistance of Two Members of the Jedi Order Responsible for the Death of Three Nehantites, one of them Death-Shadow.
Haversh, slated for executions for crimes against the crown and society, was freed by two members of the Jedi Order, an old man and a young boy. In their escape, they caused a section of the Rho’istaan arena to collapse, crushing three security members under tons of stone masonry. One of the three was Death-Shadow, but no charges are to be placed for the deaths as it was ruled as an unfortunate accident. Still, Haversh was removed from Nehantish without permission.
J'ktal gave the Council time to read over the list. He knew more details about most of the crimes listed, so he did not have to read so in-depth. After a long silence, he spoke up, "These are the detailed charged leveled against Mr. Haversh. I know many of them to be true without possible question, and I would reserve the right to question Mr. Haversh before the Council if you will allow it."
Figrin D'an
Feb 12th, 2004, 10:37:29 PM
The cold, hard reality of these charges began to set in, as Figrin could only read silently and ponder what was to come. While some of the charges had no doubt been outlandishly trumped up to ensure a decree of death by the Nehantite government, it became clear that Sejah was, far more likely than not, guilty of several listed in the complaint.
He put aside the pad, his reaction equally cold and steely as the mood in the Council chambers.
"You may question Sejah," he replied, an edge in his voice, "as I'm sure all of us are eager to hear his answer to these charges. Be warned, however, that we will end any attempt to extract information from him that may incriminating. This will not be an interrogation. If he admits guilt, it will be of his own doing, and no one elses."
Sejah Haversh
Feb 13th, 2004, 01:08:51 AM
Sejah had been reading a book on molecular structures of common metals when his room intercom buzzed. He was being summoned to the council room, and it was his master who did the calling.
Seeing as his book wasn't terribly engrossing, he stuffed a piece of paper in to mark his place before gettign up from his bead and pulling a light jacket on over his caual clothes, and then dropping his lightsaber into the side pocket of his cargo pants. Odds were that Figrin had a new lesson for him, and he had chosen the Council Room because it was so frequently empty. After all, the training rooms in the Academy had been booked solid for the last two weeks.
It had been two and a half months since he regained use of his legs, and two weeks since he returned from Geia on a botched camping trip with Terran. He had been working out quite a bit, and his body was nearly back to the shape it was in before his accident, and he was feeling great, except for some recent bouts of depression. Still, there was a spring in his step as he made his way to the council room, and his face was graced with a light smile.
His good spirits vanished as he found the Council room was full, and J'ktal standing near the center of it. Instantly the mongoose's heart started racing, and he looked around, quite worried. But when he caught sight of the writ in AmazonBabe's hand, his eyes went wide, and he glanced back to the look on J'ktal's face. Sejah shook his head slowly, his mouth hanging open. The fear in his heart was so thick that it would be impossible not to feel. "No..." he whispered.
Without warning, Sejah boosted backwards and bolted out of the room, his canvas sneakers squeaking across the highly polished floor. He didn't know where he was going, he just knew that he had to get away from there as fast as he could.
Figrin D'an
Feb 13th, 2004, 02:17:25 AM
The moment the Nehantite had turned and ran, everyone had sprung to their feet, instinctively, though most in shock at what they had witnessed. A few had made moves to pursue. J'ktal, a bit to everyone's surprise, remain fixed in place, seemingly unconcerned.
"Wait!" Figrin yelled, holding his arm out to signify to everyone to halt. "Full pursuit isn't going help here. He's scared... we all could sense it. This is best left to a few people. Besides, he won't get far."
Moving to his council chair, Figrin tapped a few buttons on the left arm console.
"The internal security systems are on alert. The entire floor is isolated."
Figrin turned to the others.
"He's my student... I feel I should handle this. Morg... I could use your help. Everyone else, remain here."
Sejah Haversh
Feb 13th, 2004, 02:28:32 AM
Sejah's heart beat like a jackhammer in his chest as he pounded the turbolift button. "Come on, you piece of crap!" he muttered.
When he realized that the lift wasn't coming, he frantically looked around for another exit. The stairs. Fire code demanded that there be stairs.
Bolting around the corner, Sejah nearly tripped over his own footpaws, and he glanced off the wall in his clumsy haste. He had to get away, he had to get out of there. They had all turned on him, somehow he just knew it.
The mongoose slammed into the door to the stairs, but they wouldn't budge. Squeezing his fingers into the crack between the two panels, he tried to pry them apart, but to no avail. The floor was sealed, and there would be no escape. Sejah's pink eyes were still wide with terror and darted around to see if he could find any other avenues of escape as he heard footsteps approaching quickly. His paw jamming into his pocket, the Nehantite whipped out his lightsaber and brought it to life, then hacked out a crude hole through the door to the stairs.
It was a stupid move, but he made it anyhow. Sejah dove through the hole and tumbled down the first flight, his lightsaber droppign and clattering down several floors after shutting off. He rolled to a painful stop at the base of one flight, and tried to catch his breath as he was hyperventilating. As he heard the door open, Sejah scrambled to his feet and tried to run again.
Loki Ahmrah
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:41:35 AM
"Don't make me stay." Came Loki's voice, he was standing at the entrance to the chamber wearing a look of panic on his ghostly white face. With one foot in the Council Hall and one foot out, there was precious little that would convince him that the best course of action was not to follow his friend.
Ryla Relvinian
Feb 13th, 2004, 10:32:27 PM
I glanced back towards Loki from examining the list of charges that Rie had passed to me. "Padawan Ahmrah... Please, I know he is your friend, but you must remain calm, for his sake."
The charges ranged from the easily explainable to the downright amazing... And I could not believe that so many of them were based on some sort of oppressive system of dehumanization. J'ktal had dodged the questions when last we spoke about his life and training, but to see them so plainly writ, Failure to recognize class status, and Corruption of Innocent Minds...
All of it made me slightly sick to my stomach, bringing back years of frustration at my own treatment, insults and degradation at being treated less than worthy... But I was certain that the counts of Innapropriate conduct with Padawan Ahmrah were altogether false. That was not the Sejah I knew.
Gazing at Loki, hoping that he would remain in the room, I tried my best to calm him down. "All things will be explained, in time. You must believe us... we would not let Sejah be harmed unless he is given ample time to justify himself."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 14th, 2004, 09:24:08 AM
Wei sat down, but slowly. "Oh wow, this is insanity."
Tired was not the word for how Wei felt. The exhaustion was there, sure. But it was a bit deeper than all that.
The Jedi Knight slumped forward in his chair, catching his forehead in his left hand and raising his right hand, as though to ward off or keep at bay some unknown pain or botheration.
"Sejah, calm down. Loki, calm down. Wei, calm down. Everybody calm down," he said to himself. Oh, but it was overwhelming, the fear and anxiety that settled in the middle of the Jedi Council chamber.
Morgan Evanar
Feb 14th, 2004, 11:25:49 AM
Morgan bolted out of the council chambers, and skidded to a halt at the door.
He looked at the hole Sejah had made, and immediately assessed there would be no way he would fit through. The security lockdown wouldn't time out for another four minutes and thirty seconds.
snaphisssshrrrummmmmmmm Morgan's lightsaber attacked the door hinges. After ten seconds of work, he kicked it. The door crashed to the bottom of the landing, and he swung himself over the railing, in hot pursuit of Sejah. He saw the mongoose dart down a corridor.
"Sejah! Stop!" Morgan called out as he pounded after him.
Sejah Haversh
Feb 14th, 2004, 05:50:37 PM
The rubber soles of his cheap sneakers squeaked on the polished floor like he was runnign a basketball court on full press. Sejah's steps were unstead as he ran, half from panic, and half from the pain the sudden burt of speed was causing his healing legs.
He had no idea where he was going, and his lack of direction quickly became a detriment. The crash of the door, and Morgan's calling to him only heightened his fear. Every corner looked the same, and he took whatever one he randomly felt like, though Morgan's heavy footsteps were close behind. Finally, Sejah stumbled on one of his shoelaces, which had come untied while he was running, and the momentary pause was enough for Morgan to catch him in a flying tackle, and throw him to the ground.
The mongoose hit the floor solidly, the wind knocked from his lungs. Wheezing, he still tried to escape, but it was no use; Morgan's grip on him was too strong. "L-let me go," he pleaded through wheezing breaths. "Please."
Figrin D'an
Feb 14th, 2004, 07:25:30 PM
Though he moved quickly, Figrin was no match for Morgan's long strides that carried him quickly down down the stairwell in chase of the Nehantite. The stairs thundered with the sound of boots pounding the steps, and in the distance, the squeak of Sejah's shoes was only slightly audible.
I should have saw this coming... I should have saw this coming..., was the singular thought repeating in Figrin's mind. He cursed himself for not bringing Sejah to the Council chambers personally. He should have told him what was to take place before he saw everyone, including J'ktal, gathered together. Now, things would be far more difficult to explain to his padawan, if the mongoose would even listen.
He was several seconds behind when Sejah had finally been caught, and finally reached the spot where Morgan had tacked Sejah. Sejah struggled to get free, but Morgan was simply too strong for him.
"No one is going to hurt you, Sejah," Figrin huffed, trying to catch his breath. "Not under our watch. But you must return to the Council chambers to answer some questions."
Sejah Haversh
Feb 14th, 2004, 07:42:59 PM
As Morgan let up, Sejah rolled over and sat up, his breath returning, but his pink eyes still full of fear. "You promise?" he said, almost more of a demand rather than a question. "You promise he won't hurt me? I know what he's here for."
Morgan Evanar
Feb 14th, 2004, 09:35:29 PM
Morgan pulled Sejah to his feet.
"As long as you are on our grounds, you're protected by the Order. If that means I have to incapacitate Padawan Anajii, I will."
He sighed.
"And if you try to bolt again, I'll incapacitate you." Morgan said it solemnly, making it clear that he absolutley did not want to do that.
Sejah Haversh
Feb 14th, 2004, 09:51:54 PM
Sejah rubbed his left hip, which he had glanced off of while tumbling down the stairs. Between short breaths, he replied, "Don't worry, I don't think I could run again if I wanted to."
Looking to Figrin, then back to Morgan, he could see that they didn't want to hurt him, so he nodded and started back to the Council Room, limping up the stairs he had so recently come down, and trying not to look at the door he had destroyed. He would have to track down his lightsaber later, and probably have to pay for the replacement of the door.
All eyes were on him as Sejah re-entered the Council Room. The mongoose tried to avoid eye contact, but found himself looking J'ktal in the face momentarily. The Death-Shadow did not stare at him like prey, and that was a good thing, Sejah thought. In fact, it was incredibly difficult to read just what J'ktal was thinking at all.
Clearing his throat, Sejah said, "Um, I'm sorry about that. It won't happen again." As the Council all retook their seats, the brown Nehantite asked, "Might I know why you called me here?"
Figrin D'an
Feb 14th, 2004, 10:39:34 PM
Figrin didn't sit down. He couldn't sit down. He was too tense be comfortable in his chair.
"First of all," he began after sighing deeply, "understand that this meeting is only to answers some questions. The matter is quite serious. Even we are unsure of what will come of it. But, it is important that you know you are protected from harm within these walls, and that you trust us."
"Padawan Anajii has brought before us a legal writ, issued by the Royal Council of your homeworld," the Jedi Master explained. "It contains a list of criminal acts that, according to the Nehantite government, you have committed over the years. They have issued orders to Padawan Anajii to... handle the situation. He felt it wise to bring this to our attention, however, and allow the Council to aid in resolving this matter."
"We are only attempting to discover the truth behind all of this," Figrin explained calmly, trying to ensure Sejah would not react rashly again. "We have already heard the stance of the Nehantite government from J'ktal. Padawan Ahmrah was summoned to tell us about the time the two of you spent on your world. Now, we'd like to hear your version of the events in question."
Sejah Haversh
Feb 14th, 2004, 11:04:26 PM
The waves of fear and tension that had previously been rolling off of Sejah dissipated, and he calmed down. There was still a sense of dread, but it was understandable.
Sejah was handed a datapad with the full listing of the crimes, and he was given a few minutes to read over it at his slow pace. As he went, his facial expressions changed from sadness, to anger, and to remorse. It was more than evident that he knew the intimate details of all the charges filed against him.
When he looked back up, he took a deep breath and spoke, "Ladies and gentlemen of the Council, I am afraid I have to offer you my deepect apologies. Most of the offenses are true, and I will admit to them." After another deep breath and troubled sigh, he continued, "I have not been open with many of you about my past. I was not the same beast you know now, and even what you do know of me isn't entirely true. How much information do you want. The only possible reason for the Royal Council to send a Death-Shadow with this list is because they have put out an order for my execution, so I have little to lose by coming clean."
His demeanor was calm, but defeat alreay rang in his heart.
Figrin D'an
Feb 15th, 2004, 01:26:59 AM
"There's a lot to go over," Figrin said indifferently, "but I think for the moment, you should start with your travels with Loki and the events surrounding the tournament in which you participated."
"Clearly, there are details most of us do not know."
Sejah Haversh
Feb 15th, 2004, 02:46:51 AM
Scratching the back of his neck, Sejah simply started talking, and let his story go.
"I was invited to participate in the Rho'istaan tournament, the most prestigious contest of any kind on my homeworld. It's a fighting tournament to which only one hundred and fourteen male Nehantites are invited. Though I now know it was a trap to lure me back and make an example of me, I did win the tournament.
"Anyhow, we arrived a few days early, and Loki and I l spent the first couple nights at my old place in a loft above the fencing school. I got to teach again one morning, and it felt great. Loki even got to join in on the class. But there was one boy who I noticed was doing poorly, and I pulled him aside at the end of class. He had numerous cuts on his shoulder, self-inflicted. I know their meaning well, and knew he was doing Venom, a powerful, and very deadly drug on Nehantish. I know its danger, I nearly OD’ed on it myself, and also used to deal it.
“When he would not confess, I smacked him in the stomach with a training sword for punishment. Master Rej always said I was a little rough with the students, but such blatant disregard for school rules, and one’s own safety, made me angry. I called his mother, and suspended him from the school.
“Loki and I were able to move into the Al Rohin Hotel soon after, one of the best hotels in the city. On the first night, Loki and I attended the great baths, something akin to what you would know as a Roman bath, and there was a reporter there with a camera who took my picture while undressed. I got angry and roughed him up, and threw him out. Turns out he wasn’t the only photographer, and images of Loki and myself appeared in some of the raggier newspapers.
“Then the tournament came, and I did my best against my opponents. But, as usual, things went wrong. An opponent of mine refused to admit defeat, and he attacked me with deadly force. I defended myself and accidentally ran him through. He died minutes later, I didn’t mean to kill him. But, in the locker room one of his friends was waiting with a live blade. The only swords used in the competition are blunted, and I had surrendered mine to the sword-boy for examination before heading to the locker room where the dead beast’s friend attacked me. I tried to fight back, but I was exhausted, and unarmed against a live sword. Death-Shadow Anajii was fortunately in the area and shot my attacker just before he was about to finally get me. It was messy, very messy.
“The next day, after the tournament, a news helicopter decided to hover outside our hotel room’s bathroom, and was filming me in the shower. After the debacle of the photographer in the baths, and the stress of the tournament, I got out of the shower and picked up my handgun and went out on the balcony. I emptied the magazine into the chopper, but made sure not to hit the pilot, only scare him. I blasted the camera to bits, though, but I still wasn’t dressed. Fortunately Loki was there to stop me from reloading, because I was furious, and don’t know what I might have done if I had reloaded.
“Another day of tournament seemed to go fine, until an assassination attempt was made on our Senator, and Loki somehow ended up getting arrested as I was beign carried off the field after a brutal beating by a large opponent, whom I still won against. Hours later, Loki was freed, ands he rejoined me and we headed back to the hotel. That evening I received a call that my old sword school was on fire. That was my home, the only place I had any attachment to anymore. It was my life, and it was on fire. In a rage, I smashed in the window of a Flagline, and hotwired the automobile and raced to the school to find it engulfed in flames. I can’t remember much of what happened next, but Loki told me I broke down and sobbed after fighting against bystanders in an attempt to put out the blaze.
“The next day was the last day of tournament, and I put all my remaining focus into my duels. The last duel lasted nearly four hours, and both myself and my opponent were exhausted. Still, I ended up winning, but instead of being congratulated, the crowd booed. The media had made me out to be a monster, and the Royal Guard entered the arena floor and I was arrested. I was charged with a manner of crimes, and taken to an ancient cell where I was stripped and chained. On live television, I was beaten, harassed, and made to confess to those crimes, even the ones I didn’t commit. Then I was sentenced to death by beheading the following morning. I got no sleep that night, my torturers saw to that. My entire abusal was shown on all the major networks live. Had it not been for Loki and Master Anbira, I would be dead right now. They came in and saved me, though there was quite a fight from what I remember. Part of the arena collapsed, and crushed three males. That is all I remember, because I passed out. When I woke up, we were aboard Anbira’s ship, and my surface wounds had been crudely patched up by Loki. I owe them my life.”
Venting a deep breath when he was done, he looked back to his master and then at the rest of the council. "Any onther details you want to know about that trip?"
Morgan Evanar
Feb 16th, 2004, 06:30:36 PM
Morgan shook his head.
"I think that monologue is a more than sufficient explanation." He glanced over at Anbira.
"Any details you can confirm would be appreciated."
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 19th, 2004, 01:07:11 AM
"I was a guest of the Nehantish Senator at the time."
Anbira responded to Morgan's query.
"What I can substantiate is that which was done in the arena. I was there to see Sejah in the tournament."
The Jedi Master's brow furrowed.
When I took my leave on the next to last day of the tournament, I saw what had become of Sejah, and I made the decision to put a stop to it. Naturally, it went against the good graces afforded to me by the Nehantish government, but that is something I am willing to live with. Guards attempted to stop me, and they were incapacitated. I cannot attest to fatalities occurring. Once I had Sejah and Loki with me, I made haste back to my starship, and was off."
Figrin D'an
Feb 22nd, 2004, 09:24:33 PM
"In your opinion, Master Hicchoru," Figrin questioned, "would attempts at a diplomatic solution have failed?"
As stodgy as the Nehantite legal system was, the answer could probably be assumed. Nevertheless, confirmation by a Council member would go a long way to providing a basis of defense.
"Either way," he continued as an afterthought, "we find ourselves dealing the Senator from Nehantish on some level."
Sejah Haversh
Feb 22nd, 2004, 09:52:27 PM
"You won't have to," Sejah glumly admitted. "And he won't budge on his position, anyhow; I defeated his nephew in the last round of the competition, and I am the distant progeny of a relation of his that he particularily hates."
The brown mongoose stood with his shoulders slumped,a nd he looked down at the datapad in his paw. Heaving a sigh, he continued. "I've lied to all of you. Maybe not directly, but I sure haven't been truthful about my past. The things on this list, well, most of them anyway, I did them. And more." Sejah then looked up, his resolve refreshed. "But for good reason!"
Adressing the council with a passion behind his words, he spoke forcefully, "I'm not like any of you! I grew up in the ghetto, and if you don't fight for things there, you die! I'm fourth-class trash there, no education, no practical skills, and no hope. I thought I'd be dead before I turned eighteen. I was in a gang, I stole things, I've dealt Venom, and yes, I have comitted murder. But that's how life is there."
Turning to glare at J'ktal, he pointed at him and continued, "But you and your upper-class no-nothings don't care. We could have a welfacre system, public works, or even uncorrupted police forces, but we don't! We suffer and die, and you do nothing about it. We fend for ourselves, and I feel no remorse for what I've done. None. Garfife knows worse happened to me. Even you can imagine what happens, but you turn a blind eye and a deaf ear. Hooray for the Sultan, hooray for the Royal Council for sending such a shining example of Nehantite corruption to replace me here."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 23rd, 2004, 09:25:25 AM
Wei was nothing short of taken by surprise at Sejah's sudden outburst.
"Well, it is often said that to get rid of a problem, you must attack its source. J'ktal, is the Nehanite government able to defend itself from this accusation of neglect indicted upon it by its own citizen?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2004, 03:46:30 PM
J'ktal had patiently waited in the Council room while Sejah was brought back. He was there to deliver information, not harass Sejah.
The outburst was not unnexpected, but Wei's reaction to it was. For being a Council Member, J'ktal thought, the man certainly needed to learn how to act in a verbal confrontation.
Turning to Wei, the Death-Shadow looked him dead in the eye and said, "I have had about enough of your platitudes, Master Wei. Especially unecessary ones like that. I am not your enemy, so I would prefer not to be treated like one. You have so quickly forgotten that I came to you with my instructions first instead of simply carrying them out. Please weigh my efforts before attacking me."
Looking to the rest of the council, then back to Sejah, J'ktal cleared his throat and announced, "Should you be spared of your punishement, Mr. Haversh, I will not include your last statement in my report, for your benefit. As for your complaint, it is invalid.
"Did not Garfife say, 'It is good that a beast should work and gain his own property, and it is good that a beast should help another out of kindness of his heart rather than pressure?' I believe even you know that verse. We have no welfare system because of how we have seen it destroy other poor civilizations. You are responsible for your own life, and your own welbeing, nobeast else. If you find your police system corrupt, then it was you who elected them into power. Do not shift blame, Mr. Haversh, and do not attack me. I have done more good than you will ever know, and I can very much imagine the things that may have happened to you on the streets. I am not stupid, Haversh, nor am I blind. You forget I saved your life, and you forget your place while speaking to me in such a manner."
Loki Ahmrah
Feb 23rd, 2004, 03:52:13 PM
"His place?" Loki didn't hide his disgust.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 23rd, 2004, 03:58:09 PM
J'ktal turned his head to look down at Loki and very calmly expliained, "Yes. We are both Padawans in a room of Masters, and he is not right in raising his voice as he did to me. We should both be civil, and discuss the matter at hand like adults. He is also aware that so personal an attack on the character of a Death-Shadow is never taken lightly, and has comitted a social faux-pas in such a manner. I do not consider myself as a person to be superior to him, but I speak in a matter of education and learned skills."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 23rd, 2004, 04:33:05 PM
Wei leaned forward on the edge of his seat. "I did not mean to present myself as your enemy, J'ktal. I have heard plenty of your own arguments for your defense and justification of your position. And considering I know little of Nehanite culture, I can only acccept what you say as true on faith. I trust that your government is a good, just government that meets the needs of its subjects adequately."
Wei cleared his throat. "However, Sejah has lived on the streets for years, and knows about the conditions there from first hand experience. If your Garfife does declare that a beast's life is his own business, then why does your government even exist? Government exists to look after the well-being of the people it governs. So, either your government can do its best to address these complaints Mr. Haversh has made, or show him that the complaints he makes are unfounded."
"I am not a mean or condescending man, Mr. Anajii. I am merely gathering information about something I am completely ignorant of, and checking to see if I understand by bouncing ideas off of you and Sejah. It is my firm believe that this Council cannot help either one of you until it has a sufficient understanding of not only this particular situation, but your culture as a whole. Forgive me for trying to make sense of your ways."
Wei settled back in his chair. "Once again, I apologize for offending you. Now, please continue in your questioning."
Ryla Relvinian
Feb 23rd, 2004, 06:06:31 PM
"Wei is correct. There are many things that we do not know about Nehantite culture and legal systems, and though here is neither the time nor the place for a treatise on governmental traditions, you will have to endure our ignorance on this matter."
I shifted my gaze from J'ktal to Sejah, two uniquely born and bread examples of their culture; One elite and educated, one lower-class yet studious... and both were more intense and driven than many of the other Padawans here at the Temple. I wondered if that too was a cultural trait, or perhaps, like many who came to the Jedi, they were simply driven above and beyond the rest of their culture. The matter was a slippery one, and I felt considerably ill at ease with the tension that hung in the room.
"Perhaps there is some way that the council could grant you... a political asylum, of sorts. You have served the Jedi well in your time here, and I believe that, given an opportunity, you would be a great credit to your people. If this were to be done, it would also save Padawan Anajii from any disgrace."
Looking around to the rest of the council, I carefully weighed their emotions in my mind. Some familiar presences, such as Figrin, stood like bastions of common sense amid a haze of indecision.
"Is this not possible? The Jedi have done such things before, I believe."
Kelt Simoson
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:43:30 PM
Before he made any gesture towards Rylas proposal, Kelt addressed what Sejah had said with a nod and thought. Within his mind he could understand both arguments, the Law of ones planet had to be obeyed, welfare or no welfare and as Kelt had come from a very noble background upon his planet, everyone working together for a better future, he had only to agree on major points of the Death-Shadows argument.
But also he agreed with Sejah, a higher and a lower class should not be seperated, money was money and things bought from such wealth were nothing but items and metal but a persons well being was something entirely different all together. A persons livelyhood was his life and although he did not condone the actions set fouth by his friend, he could understand why the Mongoose had did what he did.
' Sejah you and i have been friends for a few years, close friends, and you know very well i was brought up much like you in the mud so to speak, in what you call, the ghetto, not knowing where my next crust of bread was going to come from, having to walk miles to find a clean water supply...' He paused and gazed into the Mongooses eyes.
' But even i had not thought ever to kill or steal from a fellow occupant of mine. But also i can not begin to imagine what you have gone through yourself and i will not try to ether for i, like other here, do not understand the customs and ways of your world...'
He said his pieace and he knew Sejah would understand if the others did not, for they had at many points in time discussed bits and pieces of their past together, though notibly the Mogoose had missed out what had been brought up today.
Looking towards Ryla he smiled lightly and took in what she had said...
' I trust this would be a decent idea Ryla, i have heard this done before, but concidering this is a very diffrent and unique civilization, would they accept this?...' He looked towards Anajii and half smile playing across his lips as he did.
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 24th, 2004, 12:03:03 AM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
"In your opinion, Master Hicchoru," Figrin questioned, "would attempts at a diplomatic solution have failed?"
As stodgy as the Nehantite legal system was, the answer could probably be assumed. Nevertheless, confirmation by a Council member would go a long way to providing a basis of defense.
"Either way," he continued as an afterthought, "we find ourselves dealing the Senator from Nehantish on some level."
"They would not have worked, no. To take their perspective, who are we to intrude upon their cultural foundation? The views of the Nehantish government and of Republic law are incongruent. The only viable course of action I can see is Ryla's proposal, but it in itself is not without significant risk."
Figrin D'an
Feb 24th, 2004, 01:21:06 AM
"I'm inclined to agree," Figrin responded, folding his arms. "It will no doubt anger the Nehantite government greatly, and they will likely petition the Republic for an extradition hearing. The differences in the legal systems may stall things for some time. It could severely strain relations between their world and the Republic. However, I see no alternative. We must do what Republic law will allow to protect Sejah's well-being."
He turned to J'ktal, a new concern on his mind.
"As a Death-Shadow, you were charged with dealing with this situation. If you don't complete your task, the reprecussions for you seem nearly as serious those facing Sejah. If the Jedi Order as a whole were to assume responsibility for preventing the writ from being executed, what sort of consequences would you face?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2004, 01:57:44 AM
That time J'ktal had to think for a moment before he replied. "I am not entirely certain. As my instruction implies, I am not to let any form of resistance stop me. Technically, if any of you should attempt to keep me from accomplishing ym mission, I should eliminate you as well."
A slim smile played on his face to show that he had little intention of doing so. "But, I have a previous assignment by the Royal Council to come here, study, and attain Master status, so killing any of you would seriously hamper that effort. Because I would eb caught between conflicting assignments, I would be forced to choose the greater of the two to follow, and that would be my training here. I would not be punished for that, I do not believe, but I can almost guarentee that another Death-Shadow will be sent to execute Mr. Haversh, and there is no possible way to fully protect him. The Death-Shadow would succeed eventually, even if I were to emplace countermeasures for Mr. Haversh's safety."
His relaxed stance and speech had reverted to stiff formality, and his paws once more became clasped behins his back as he brought up a last point.
"However, I will be withdrawn from this program of study completely, and reactivated to full active duty in the Death-Shadow Corps if I leave Mr. Haversh alone. He is a criminal, and by his own witness does he confess to his crimes. I require one hour in a room alone with him in exchange for his life. That is not a wish, it is my demand as acting law official for the N.I.S.C. in this instance,"
Figrin D'an
Feb 24th, 2004, 02:22:12 AM
It was an odd request, and while he wanted to believe J'ktal would abide by whatever the Council were to decide, there was something inherently insidious to the proposal. Call it a tremor in the Force, or mearly intuition, but Figrin felt uncomfortable, as he was sure did the other Jedi in the room. Caution seemed prudent.
"I'm afraid you must be more forthcoming with this request if we are to consider it as a reasonable alternative," the Jedi Master countered. "And additionally, Sejah must agree to what you propose."
He look back to Sejah, intent on finding any signs that his padawan might know anything of J'ktal's suggestion.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2004, 04:57:16 AM
Nodding, J'ktal expounded, "What I request is known as the Tej Novar Kehash" he spoke its name in his own tongue, suddenly seeming completely foreign. "It means-"
Sejah Haversh
Feb 24th, 2004, 04:59:57 AM
Sejah's calmed mood vanished in a heartbeat as he heard those three words, and his pink eyes flared blood red, as happened in his species when angered.
"It means I'll wind up in the medical ward for three months is what it means, you bastard!" he snarled. "No way! Council, don't listen to him, he just wants to hurt me!"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2004, 05:03:17 AM
J'ktal's pink eyes narrowed and he snapped, "I wish to see that justice is served, Haversh!"
The Death-Shadow met Sejah's angered stance with a solidly defensive one of his own. "You are a criminal, and you will pay for your crimes. I will not let you go free at the price of my honor!" He growled, his demeanor becoming threatening.
Sejah Haversh
Feb 24th, 2004, 05:09:38 AM
"Honor?" Sejah scoffed, then spat on J'ktal's shoes. "You beat us down so that you may live in luxury while we cower in fear of you? I've heard of the things you Death-Shadow do, you have no honor!"
"He wants to put me in a room with no windows, and only one door, dressed in only a simple pair of trousers. Then he gets to beat me, and if I even attempt to fight back, he has the grounds to kill me. And it's not just with his paws, either, no. He gets to use a wooden stave to beat me within an inch of my life and break as many bones as he can. He does that for an hour, that's what the Tej Novar Kehash is! It's legalized torture where this sadistic monster gets to show how superior he is!"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2004, 05:13:39 AM
The empassioned rant had little effect on J'ktal, who still closely watched Sejah, careful for any signs of movement. He was out of reach, but that didn't mean he wasn't dangerous, especially so enraged.
"It is the only acceptable option, Haversh," the gray mongoose spoke in his cold, even voice. "Believe me, I have seen your skills with a blade, and I do not wish you dead, but you must atone for your sins, and as an agent of Garfife, I may help you to do so. Suffer, and you will live. Learn humility and-"
Sejah Haversh
Feb 24th, 2004, 05:17:20 AM
"And live like a dog the rest of me life! Never!" The brown Nehantite screamed, his right paw reachign back and pulling a semi-automatic handgun from the back of his trousers where it had been hidden all along.
With lightning speed, he brought it to bear on J'ktal and squeezed the trigger. The room expolded in the echoing book of the .45 caliber shell firing, and J'ktal's shirt sleeve exploded in a blast of blood, fur and black linen, then the window behind him blew out, causing the winds to whip through the high tower room.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2004, 05:23:49 AM
"Gar!" J'ktal snarled as the bullet tore through the side of his shoulder. Thankfully, Sejah was a lousy shot on the draw, and the Death-Shadow was quick to move as well.
Leaping forward, J'ktal siezed the handgun, and wrestled agaisnt his kinsbeast as two more shots fired off, taking out another window before J'ktal could finally wrest the gun away from Sejah, then pound him across the face with it. Ejecting the magazine, J'ktal then cleared the chamber before sliding the gun across the floor out of reach. Sejah came back up at him swinging a hard fist, but the Death-Shadow operated like a well-built machine, blocking the punch and delivering a swift kick to his assailant's gut, dropping him to the floor.
J'ktal followed him quickly, shoving him chest-down on the highly polished floor, and pinned him there with an arm behind his back. "Assault on a Death-Shadow is punishable by death carried out instantly," he snarled as he withdrew a butterfly knife from his pocket and twirled it about before pressing it hard against Sejah's throat, gaining a drop of blood. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't carry your sentence out right now, cur."
Sejah Haversh
Feb 24th, 2004, 05:27:26 AM
Things had reversed against him faster than he ever thought possible, and Sejah suddenly realized the error in takign on one so well trained in the fighting and lethal arts.
Gasping for breath under his captor, the brown mongoose swallowed carefully and then rhasped, "Put the knife away or we're all dead."
When the blade didn't move, he narrowed his red eyes and growled, "The slugs for that gun, they're spent uranium. Armor-piercing. Only ones I can find anymore. Take that knife away, or I start splitting some atoms. Don't belive me? Look at Figrin, he knows I can do it."
Loki Ahmrah
Feb 24th, 2004, 07:02:36 AM
Loki, who had innitially sprinted at J'ktal the moment he'd gained the advantage on Sejah and spoke of his execution, was now stood dead still, pale skinned with fear in his eyes. The blade was pressing against Sejah's throat and any attempt to stop J'ktal could only result in his friends death.
"Stop this!" He cried out, restraining himself, his frustration building at his inability to help. His eyes shimmered as he fought back his tears. "Please, stop this."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 24th, 2004, 08:27:05 AM
Wei sat bolt-upright in his chair as Sejah fired a round. Then there was a flash of black. The next thing Wei knew, Sejah was on the ground and the councilman was on his feet.
"Slow down! Just, just slow down! Is this anyway for Jedi to behave? Full of fear and anger? Look, already you are at each others throats and sporting new wounds as proof of your lack of control."
The reprimand was sharp, and the Jedi Knight's voice projected loud and clear over the scuffle.
"Now either you two can get a grip on yourselves and let the Council get a grip on this new situation, or we can start all the way over again at square one."
Wei gave a stern look to both of them before returning to his seat.
Figrin D'an
Feb 24th, 2004, 03:12:05 PM
"ENOUGH!," Figrin bellowed, his voice amplified by the Force. Everyone halted their movements and turned to look towards the Jedi Master, seemingly compelled to by unseen means.
He held out his hand, fingertips outstretched and pointed towards Sejah and J'ktal. Small blue sparks of electricity curled and crackled about them, easily visible to the two Nehantite men.
"Separate yourselves, or I'll do it for you," he stated forcefully, accompanied by a cold look that could have frozen the strongest of will.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2004, 03:21:57 PM
Slowly, J'ktal pulled his blade away from Sejah's throat, then flipped it back shut and pocketed it before getting off of his quarry. It was then that he finally looked at his arm, and noticed how much he was actually bleeding. Though the bullet had only cuased a flesh wound, it was a rather large one, and the left sleeve of his shirt was becoming matted to his arm with blood. He would bear it, he had taken far worse.
Trying to make himself look rpesentable again, though the possibility of that was slim to none, the Death-Shadow looked to the council, and to Loki. Between the two Nehantites, he was the less responsible for what just happened. Sejah had attacked him, and he had simply protected himself. They would understand that, he was sure of it.
Sejah Haversh
Feb 24th, 2004, 03:25:43 PM
Grunting, Sejah picked hismelf up from the floor. His nose was bleeding from where J'ktal had struck him with his own pistol, but nothing seemed broken. Nothing but his pride.
Sejah could only look at Loki for a moment before he had to turn away, too ashamed of what he had just done. His fur and jacket rippled in the wind that spun through the room through both broken windows, and his red eyes slowly began to melt back to their usual pink. He had screwed up, yet again. Story of his life, and he braced himself for what he thought was going to be his expulsion from the Order.
Figrin D'an
Feb 24th, 2004, 07:26:13 PM
Figrin lowered his hand, but his cold demeanor remained. This had gone much too far, and it was time to put a stop to it.
"I think the Council will concur that we have heard, and seen, all that we need to for now. We will reconviene when clearer heads can prevail."
He looked to J'ktal, whom stood in a very military-like posture despite his wound, which was still bleeding.
"Someone please escort Padawan Anajii to the medical ward. Once his injury is treated, he's to return to his quarters, where he will remain until the Council decides otherwise."
Figrin now turned to Loki.
"Padawan Ahmrah, you are dismissed. You may return to your normal schedule of activitites. We will summon you again should we require further information."
"Council, we will meet in Conference Room 1 until repairs to the Council Chambers are complete."
Sejah stood, nose bleeding and shoulders slouched. He looked dejected, knowing that he had made a terrible mistake. Figrin looked at him sternly.
"I want to see you in the waiting room. Alone. Right now."
The Jedi Master turned abruptly and walked towards the side room, as the others began to undertake their orders.
Kelt Simoson
Feb 24th, 2004, 08:28:11 PM
Kelt was clearly taken aback. Most often the Jedi Knight would have a word or two to say about the situation but this was a diffrent matter entirely and he was pearched on the edge of his seat bemused at the very thought ot it all.
The orders from Figrin sounded and Kelt, who was sitting next to Wei, stood up and looked around at the damage that had been sent with a hail of confusion with it. Turning towards the window the faint sounds of passing speeders he raised his finger tips and a light wooshing sound force pulled the .45 into his hands, which were gloved thankfully.
' I'll bring this along to the confrence room...' He said absent in thoughts but he was speaking to Wei who now stood next to him. Stepping off from the raised flooring where the seats were located he made his way towards the confrence room behind the other members of the Council.
Sejah Haversh
Feb 24th, 2004, 08:48:27 PM
In the last fifteen minutes alone, Sejah had done enough to warrant expulsion from the Order, or possibly even worse. His mind spun with the possibilities of punishments that would befall him while his heart was filled with fear. Closing his eyes, he nodded slowly at Figrin's request, then shuffled into the nearby waiting room after his master.
He said nothing. No words could undo the damage that he had done, nor would they make him look better in the eyes of his master. All he could do was close the door behind himself and stand there, head hung in shame.
Ryla Relvinian
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:07:35 PM
I quickly arose from my seat in the council chambers and gathered the folds of my cloak about me. For some reason, I felt compelled to see J'ktal to saftey, and now that the council was dismissed, the formality I had upheld as a member was overshadowed somewhat by my duty as a Jedi to protect all life.
Walking over to J'ktal, who stood very still amidst the sudden flurry of activity, I spoke in a quiet voice. "Padawan Anajii... Will you allow me to escort you to the medical ward?"
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:22:32 PM
J'ktal looked back at his wound, then returned his gaze to Ryla as he replied, "No, but you may attend me to my quarters. I will tend to my injury myself; the medics here are not as skilled as I am in treating such a wound under fur."
Allowing Ryla to go first, the Death-Shadow followed her back to his quarters, whose location she knew quite well. At the door, he paused and looked into her eyes, his own pink ones displaying honesty. "I have no desire to kill Mr. Haversh, Ryla, but he does need to be punished, and I should be the one to do it. I know what I suggested sounds severe, but it is the best way. Now, go and return to the others, I do not want to keep you from so important a decision."
Figrin D'an
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:25:39 PM
Figrin was silent for quite some time, looking out over the Coruscant skyline through the rooms bay windows. He didn't look towards Sejah as he mulled over what to say. Where could he even begin? Raising his voice would do little at this point, and he would not allow his personal emotions to better him through anger.
He finally turned, and leaned forrward on the back of a conference table chair. He ran his hands through his hair before finally speaking.
"You may have just signed your own death certificate, Sejah," he said, shaking his head, sadness clearly creeping into his voice. "Attacking another padawan is grounds for an expulsion hearing, and if you are expelled from the Order, we can't protect you."
Sejah Haversh
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:50:25 PM
His nose had finally stopped bleeding, but his face was beginnign to swell. Sejah reached up a paw to touch it gingerly before he replied, "After what I did, I wouldn't expect you to protect me even if I stay in the Order."
The brown mongoose made his way to a seperate window and leaned against the thransparisteel, looking out at the view as well, though his mind was far from Coruscant. "I threatened to kill you," he admitted. "I threatened to kill all of us, and probably everybody in the Order. I shouldn't be here. I'm not the good, upright man you were led to believe I am. When this is done, I'm leaving. After this, no one will miss me. I'll just... dissappear."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 24th, 2004, 10:14:27 PM
With a heavy sigh Wei left the Council chamber. "Kelt, this is an awful occurence. When will people learn to forgive? Sejah has reformed himself very much, if what the accusations say are true. But I can only imagine how he must feel right now. Full of fear and anxiety, not knowing what to do."
Wei pushed up his glasses to find a smear on his lenses. "Hello," he whispered to the frames, and began to wipe at the glasses with his shirt tail. One Wei had determined the glasses were clean enough, he replaced them on the bridge of his nose, brushing his cheek with his hand.
"Hello to you too," Wei said, as he pulled away a moist hand. Then Wei realized what had happened. He had cried. Not much, but he had cried some.
"Kelt, my friend, only when people can learn to love and forgive can peace ever truly be kept in this universe."
Figrin D'an
Feb 24th, 2004, 10:18:04 PM
"You know that's not the answer either, Sejah," Figrin countered. "You're troubled. You need guidance. Dissappearing won't help you obtain that. And you'll be hunted for the rest of your life. That's no life for anyone to lead."
Morgan Evanar
Feb 24th, 2004, 10:26:09 PM
While not a pessimist by any means, Morgan had a fairly realistic outlook on life.
"Don't hold your breath." he said, folding his arms across his chest. The Jedi Master was annoyed at Wei's lack of focus on the issue at hand, not to mention his clumsy words that made things more difficult than was needed.
"No one is the villan here, but Padawan Haversh reacted extremely poorly to Padawan Anajii. In Anajii's eyes, Sejah is baseline scum and a criminal. In Sejah's eyes, J'Ktal is the opressive upper class. I don't know if you've ever lived in such a situation, Knight Wei, but this is just a prelude to what could boil over on Nehantish in the next hundred years--maybe less. The Nehanite goverment is terrified that Sejah could accellerate the process. I don't think you're grasping what the consequences of what our decision today could do.
Sejah Haversh
Feb 24th, 2004, 10:36:02 PM
"Then what?" Sejah snapped, his tension still not fully subsided. "I roll over and take a beating so he can stay all high and mighty? He's no better than I am, he's just had it all handed to him!"
Shoving off from the window, Sejah balled his fists and shouted, "That beast has done far more damage, caused much more pain, and comitted gruesome acts of murder and torture, but he gets away with it because it is accepted from a Death-Shadow! They see themselves as superior to everyone, chosen by Garfife himself, and it's not true! I will not be punished by a monster like him; how could you even let him come here to study? Don't you know what he is?"
Figrin D'an
Feb 24th, 2004, 11:09:49 PM
"He came here to learn our ways, just as you did," Figrin answered. "Yes, we knew of his position in your society. He explained it to us when he first wanted to join. We don't condone what the Death-Shadow organization stands for. We don't condone much of what happens in Nehantite society. But it was our hope that by learning our ways, it would be a first bridge between the Nehantite government and our Order. If we could establish a relationship with those in power positions in your society, it could be a strong influence for change and... "
He stopped short. This wouldn't help matters.
"Preaching about diplomacy isn't what I want do."
He looked at Sejah, and became more animated in his explanation.
"I can't change your past for you. No one can. All you can do is strive to make things better for yourself, and do what you can to live a better life. You've come so far in the time you've been a part of this Order, and to waste that is far greater a crime than anything you have done. To do that... to preserve your future... you'll have to make certain concessions now."
"For the moment, this isn't about your society. This is about you. Your future and your life are in jeopardy. Should the Council decide not to expell you, you must decide what is best for that life, and that future."
Ryla Relvinian
Feb 25th, 2004, 12:17:27 AM
My back was pressed against the closed door of his quarters, staring up into his curious gaze. Though he had asked me to leave, I found I could not. "I believe you. I cannot sense any... vendetta, or spite on your part. But we know so litle about your culture. You must understand... our hands are tied in this matter."
Crossing the room to where he stood, I reached up with tentative hands to untie the neckline of his tunic. "Come, you need to tend to your wound." (
Sejah Haversh
Feb 25th, 2004, 01:26:34 AM
"Then what do I do?" Sejah asked, now needing advice more than ever. "Just wait here while you decide my future? I've tried so hard to change, Master D'an, and this still happens. It's not much incentive, if you know what I mean."
Glumly, Sejah took a seat and rested his ehad on his paws. "Go on and rejoin the Council. I'll stay here. Don't worry, I won't run off this time."
Figrin D'an
Feb 25th, 2004, 01:54:36 AM
The Jedi Master sighed deeply.
"Return to your quarters," he said. "We'll call you when the Council has reached a decision. Just... don't do anything else that will make your position more difficult. We can still save your membership with Order, but you have to learn to control your anger. It's already hurt you. I don't want to see it hurt you further."
As Figrin headed for the door and passed by the seated Sejah, he stopped, and put a firm conforting hand on the Nehantite's shoulder.
"We'll find a way to get through this," he said, projecting as much confidence as he could. "I'm not going to give up on you."
A few moments later, Figrin entered Conference Room 1. Most of the Council was already seated, or standing about the room talking about what had just occured in the Council Chambers.
"Please be seated everyone. We need to get things underway immediately."
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 25th, 2004, 09:19:37 AM
Wei shrugged. "Well, I can't say that I've ever experienced much of anything like Nehantish before," he replied to Morgan.
"I understand your view, and I must agree that I don't understand a thing about what's going on. I've never been to Nehantish, I've never had to live in Sejah's shoes, and I've also never been in J'ktal's situation either."
At the very least Wei felt inadequate. Trying to wrap his mind around the whole complicated process was more difficult than he had imagined.
"So tell me something, Morgan. If Sejah's sentence is carried out, then we lose a very good person. But if Sejah is not executed according to the laws of his people and word gets out, the entire Nehanite society goes up in smoke. Am I right?"
Wei ran tired fingers through his hair. "So I suppose the real question I've been asking and trying to solve this whole time is this: Is there anyway to come to a middle ground in all this? Can Sejah's life be spared and the Nehanite government's authority be maintained?"
Kelt Simoson
Feb 26th, 2004, 12:29:58 AM
' I agree with Morgan...' Kelt started as he sat, once again between Morgan and Wei. ' This could turn to be very nasty, and our very descision rests on that fact, and what we decide could change alot in everyones future, whatever we decide.'
Personally Kelt did not like descided a persons future perticuly if it involved a civilization he knew little about, it was like stealing a means free will from him, thought law was law and it had to be obeyed. Placing the used weapon upon the smooth surface of the table he pulled back his hood to show his quickly combed shoulder length brown hair which in places seemed to be matted.
' Sejahs' eyes seemed regretfull of his attack upon Padawan Anajii as he made his way towards the side room, Master Figrin, is this the case?' He addressed the Jedi Ambassador with a mild tone while turning to view the man settling down to his seat at the head of the table.
Figrin D'an
Feb 26th, 2004, 01:25:51 AM
"Sejah... is remorseful, yes," Figrin replied. "Unfortuately, this seems to be an all too common trend for him, lately. He tends to act without consider all of the consequences first. That is enough of a problem. But the remorse he feels later, along with other emotions like doubt and anger towards himself, is just as great a problem. The gamut of emotions he experiences from it is tearing him apart. We all know where that could lead him."
"At the moment, however," he continued, "we have to address the attack he made upon J'ktal, before we can deal with the legal issues with the Nehantite government and it's criminal punishment system."
"I'm not going mince words on this," he said plainly. "Attacking another Jedi, as you all know, is grounds for severe punishment, the most extreme of which is explusion from the Jedi Order. It is up to the Council to decide what punishment should be dealt, and if an explusion hearing is necessary."
He paused, composing himself as best he could.
"Whatever the decision may be," he quietly added, clearly still disturbed by his conversation with Sejah, "I cannot take part in it. I'm hardly an unbiased party. He's my student... and I cannot help but feel partly responsible for what has taken place. Whatever the will of the Council may be, I will abide by it's decision."
Estelle Russard
Feb 28th, 2004, 01:07:06 AM
Estelle had stepped out of the Council Chambers into the corridor behind Loki, who had been dismissed.
His distress was quite apparent and was still pale from the shock of events. She felt keenly how helpless Loki felt as the Council doors closed against them.
She touched his arm softly, encouraging him.
"Sejah knows you are his friend. That will be a great comfort to him right now."
Loki Ahmrah
Mar 1st, 2004, 10:24:29 PM
Not currently in any condition to make an attempt at speech, Loki turns to Estelle with defeat and exhaustion written on his face and wraps his arms around her, pulling himself into a tight embrace. Instead of telling her how he feels, he simply closes his eyes and wishes that his stomach would stop doing backflips.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 3rd, 2004, 12:37:59 PM
Dasquian was torn. He didn't feel as though his opinion could be considered as unbiased either, due to his living with Sejah. He was also very much aware of the gravity of the decision that needed to be made, and thus was cautious.
"Though attacking another member of the Order is a serious offense, I do not believe it warrants expulsion in this case."
Morgan Evanar
Mar 6th, 2004, 01:06:59 PM
"I think Sejah needs to be under closer scrutiny." Morgan said with a half frown.
"But we also must look at the situation he is in. He's been marked for death after living through hell, escaping it for a few years. If we don't step in he's going to be beaten within a milimeter of his life, and this is the best case. In this situation there are very few beings who would have acted differently. Sejah was attempting to fend for himself in the only way he saw how." Morgan sighed.
"If we expell him, and the Nehanite goverment executes him, as they likely would, the lower classes could martyr him and revolt. If we don't, we might have to deal with Death Shadows, who eventually manage to kill Sejah, martyred, and the lower classes revolt. Or not, in either case. The other scenario is that we are extremely successful in hammering out a treaty of some sort with the Nehanites, and nothing really happens."
"I think the most initially dificult course of action is the best one. Sejah must remain with the Order."
Estelle Russard
Mar 6th, 2004, 09:55:05 PM
Estelle comforted Loki as best she could, murmuring to him softly "its ok" as he clung to her.
When the young padawan seemed to collect himself, Estelle spoke to him.
"Think Loki -- when you were with Sejah, on Nehantish, was there anyone there that would be sympathetic to Sejah's predicament? Anyone that would have authority or influence among the Nehanites that we could call upon to help?"
Ryla Relvinian
Mar 8th, 2004, 02:34:57 AM
"Master Evanar is correct..."
I strode purposefully into the council chambers, cloak once again arrayed about my shoulders, and sat down in my usual chair. My conversation with J'ktal had not taken long, and I noticed that a few of the council members, including Estelle, were still absent.
"The situation here is more delicate than we will ever know. J'ktal, though he does hold alleigance to his Death-Shadow training, still understands his duties as a Jedi. I questioned him about this proposed punishment, and though it does not seem like something one would volunteer for, it does look like one of a very few possible outcomes."
I paused, shaking my long hair back over my shoulder, as I collected my thoughts. Sighing, I continued.
"He gave me his word that, should Padawan Haversh consent to this punishment, he would not kill him. Even among his own people, Sejah's skills are greatly admired. However..."
And here was the difficult part. I knew that it was more than likely that Sejah would refuse the alternative punishment, or worse yet, accept and fight back, which would instantly be his death.
"However, there is only so much we can do. The law of Nehantish superceeds our own law, and should we try to protect Padawan Haversh, it is very likely that a second Death-Shadow will be sent. This one would succeed before we even had knowledge of his activities, such is their skill."
Figrin D'an
Mar 9th, 2004, 03:03:28 AM
Figrin had stepped back from the table, and was listening to the other Council members discuss the situation while he himself stared off into no direction in particular and thought. Part of him was still fathoming how things had become this bad. One event seemed to pile on another, and another, and only now, when the weight was reaching unbearable, was something being done. He silently cursed himself again as he had earlier. He should have been able to see that trouble was mounting. Then, maybe something could been done to prevent all of this...
He tried to shake off the feeling, but it was difficult to not feel some of the burden of responsibility. He instead attempted to focus on the discussion at hand. First Morgan, then Ryla, had brought up valid points that were sticking in the Jedi Master's mind. The sentance levied against Sejah would not be temporarily recinded while the Jedi Council developed and undertook any kind of plan to rectify the situation. The Nehantite was still in danger, if not from J'ktal, then from another Death Shadow sent to kill him.
Figrin turned back to the table, his arms crossed, and spoke his mind openly.
"We need to get Sejah away from here," he said, with a gravity of concern few had ever seen from him. "Even if he is to remain in the Order, he can't stay here. We have to get him off of Coruscant, quickly and quietly, for his own protection. Even if Sejah does agree to the punishment of beating, there is no guarantee that the Nehantite government won't send another Death Shadow to kill him. They see Sejah as a threat, and I suspect nothing will change that opinion. It's clear that they want him dead. Even in the best case scenario, in which we find a way to somehow negotiate this to solution, his life will still be jeopardy during the time it takes to reach that end."
It was almost a plea on behalf of his padawan. He refused to let this end in death. Despite his misdeeds, Sejah didn't deserve that kind of fate, and he could never believe otherwise. Perhaps he was being blind, but it didn't matter. Reason had seemingly abandoned everything since J'ktal had first entered the Council chambers.
Ryla Relvinian
Mar 10th, 2004, 12:25:46 PM
"Yes, quickly and quietly..."
For a moment, I paused, sensing a strange emotion from Figrin. It was rare that his guard was let down. For as long as I had known him, Figrin had always been an incredibly strong Jedi.. and now, his concern was plain in my mind, paired with a strange sense... And I could not pin it down before it was gone again.
"But I will give my word on Padawan Anajii's behalf. Though we do not understand many things about this case, I am sure of his honor in this matter."
Honor... if there was one thing that J'ktal had, would always have, it was his honor.
"If what he says is true, and I have no reason to doubt his word, it would be better for Padawan Haversh to accept his punishment. I do not agree with this, but we are not used to dealing with such a stratified society. Their class system is harsh and absolute, and nothing we do here can change that fact."
Morgan Evanar
Mar 10th, 2004, 05:36:45 PM
Morgan nodded.
"Sejah won't like it, but if he accepts that ritual, it could buy us enough time to move him to a more secure location. J'ktal's duty will have been fufilled unless his orders suddenly change, which would help. I think most of us have accepted the possiblities of what could happen if something goes wrong."
Loki Ahmrah
Mar 10th, 2004, 09:41:14 PM
Originally posted by Estelle Russard
"Think Loki -- when you were with Sejah, on Nehantish, was there anyone there that would be sympathetic to Sejah's predicament? Anyone that would have authority or influence among the Nehanites that we could call upon to help?"
"There's no-one, Estelle. No-one at all and that's what Sejah is trying to tell the council; people like him have fewer rights than those in the higher classes and he is being treated like a lousy cur; their entire way of life is a disgrace and if that J'ktal so much as lays a finger on him--"
Loki stopped himself and heaved out a sigh, relaxing in Estelle's presence. He turned and found a free chair, sitting in it he ran his hands through his thick hair making it wildly untidy.
"I don't want Sejah to be alone in this."
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 12th, 2004, 12:10:23 PM
Anbira had remained silent for a while, and now spoke up.
"If it were my say, I would have them both expelled over this. This affair has been nothing short of utterly reprehensible."
Glancing to Figrin, Anbira continued.
"Yet, there is significant desire to reach a solution on this to retain both in this order. So be it. If it takes Sejah enduring a scourging, then he will have to endure it."
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 13th, 2004, 10:13:38 AM
Wei listened to Morgan and the others before speaking up again. Now that everyone had been able to calm down, things were proceeding much more smoothly. Wei enjoyed the change.
"Ok, so Sejah gets his scourging, then we proceed to ship him off planet. But will we be able to hide Sejah forever? And if this flogging is as bad as Sejah said it would be, he won't be easy to move around."
Estelle Russard
Mar 13th, 2004, 06:18:57 PM
Estelle took a seat beside Loki and looked at him sadly.
"Some things we have to face on our own Loki. We, each of us, are responsible for our own conduct, and must answer for it. Im sure Sejah knows you want to help him, and that you would do anything to make this easier for him or even make it go away.
But the Nehanitish wont sweep aside what they feel are injustices done by him in the past.
Their culture is very different to ours, and it seems very unfair, I agree. My opinion is that Sejah should not be sent back to Nehantish where he would certainly perish. I beleive the Council feels that way too.
He has a new life here at the Order, but I dont see how he can avoid completely the justice of his homeland. He could run, but he would remain a fugitive forever."
She lifted Loki's downcast chin gently.
"And that is no life for a Jedi"
Estelle wished she could give the boy more assurance, but she herself did not feel it. Speaking to herself as much as Loki, she said almost wishfully.
"Have faith Loki. The Council will find a solution."
Figrin D'an
Mar 14th, 2004, 11:33:03 PM
"The acceptance of J'ktal's proposal should be of Sejah's own accord," Figrin responded. "We do not enforce brutality or torture, just as we do take a life unless we have no other choice. The Jedi have never used such methods, and forcing Sejah into this beating would be no different than if we were to administer it ourselves."
Trying to remain calm was becoming more difficult. This was a no-win scenario. No matter what the Council chose to do, someone would ultimately suffer; if not Sejah or J'ktal, then the innocent on Nehantish that could find themselves caught up in riots, or worse yet, a civil war.
"Sejah must be given the choice," he continued. "If he chooses the punishment, it may buy him some time before he becomes a hunted man again, and give us time to determine if we can deal diplomatically with the Nehantish Royal Council. If he chooses against it, he must understand that he will be at much greater risk. And, we then must face the possibility of losing both Sejah and J'ktal. If J'ktal were to carry out the order, and kill Sejah... we would have no choice but to expell him, and turn the matter over to Republic Security as a murder case."
"In either scenario, both need to be removed from the facilties here on Coruscant for the foreseeable future. It too dangerous for either to be here, for the sake of our fellow Jedi as well as themselves."
Loki Ahmrah
Mar 16th, 2004, 10:35:41 AM
"Yeah, you're probably right, Estelle." Loki replied wearily. "The Council will resolve the matter."
Ryla Relvinian
Mar 20th, 2004, 01:44:37 PM
"I agree." I replied, turning to face Figrin with a serious expression, this time born of the knowledge of what should happen if their government did not see the beating as an acceptable punishment... and, it was likely that this would be the case.
"I reccomend that they be separated, for both their saftey and that of the rest of the order. Perhaps Padawan Haversy could be sent on a mission, to recieve further training from his Master."
I took a breath, knowing full well that my next request was at least partially colored by my own opinions... "I also reccomend that Padawan Anajii be released from his training for a short amount of time. I believe that Sejah is not the only one in a very difficult position; In speaking with Padawan Anajii, I sensed a great amount of conflict in him. It is difficult to balance his duties with Jedi life, and I believe a small respite would do him good."
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 21st, 2004, 09:44:22 PM
Wei paused a moment to think about Ryla's idea. "Give J'ktal a vacation? Are you sure he'll spend that vacation time relaxing? He seems like a very driven and task-oriented sort of person. I'm not so sure he'd take any sort of break until he has completed his assignment."
Kelt Simoson
Mar 23rd, 2004, 04:37:25 PM
' Perhaps...' Kelt broke in with a thought ' We could send Sejah to the new facility upon Yavin, that would split the two up and keep him well away from his home planets further intentions upon him?'
In thought Kelt disagreed with Ryla's proposal of a mission objective , the Assassins upon Sejahs world could very well track him down with a new Death-Shadow and kill him without warning and that would throw the whole situation out the window.
' No i trust that sending him to join others in Yavin would be a worthy plan, he could train, and spend a while away from the hunters that once Anajii releases Sejah from his plan of death, shall be hunting him down, that and the fact hes also around people that could protect him such as Morgan and Miss Amazon.'
Morgan Evanar
Mar 23rd, 2004, 07:31:40 PM
"I agree that J'ktal and Master Relvinian could likely use some time off. As for Sejah, he is welcome to travel to Yavin. There isn't really a good place for Sejah to be if his goverment wants to kill him. Yavin is undoubtedly better than Coruscant for security, though."
Ryla Relvinian
Mar 23rd, 2004, 11:03:37 PM
"As far as I know, Master Evanar, any place is just as good for his government. The Death-Shadow take their jobs very seriously, and I fear that to be in a secluded environment would be more harm than good. Right now, what Padawan Haversh needs themost is support; Support from his Master,"
Here I nodded towards Figrin, giving him a slightl smile of reassurance... I knew he would have to go speak with Sejah after this meeting, and I did not envy his job in the least. But, if anyone could do it, and do it well, it was him.
" well as from many Jedi. I reccomend that Padawan Haversh reman here, with his Master, and with the supervision of the Council, as well as the friends he has made."
My thoughts drifted to Loki outside, still distraught to some degree, and another comforting, well-trained presence beside him: Estelle.
"They will be his support system, I can sense this."
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 24th, 2004, 05:56:45 PM
Wei let out a sigh. "So, is it settled then?" he asked. "We'll let Sejah choose whether or not to take the punishment, and then regardless of his choice, we take him somewhere else? And Miss Relvinian will accompany J'ktal to keep an eye on him while he has some time to relax."
Figrin D'an
Mar 28th, 2004, 08:52:18 PM
"Sejah still needs some time to himself," Figrin answered. "He needs time to make certain decisions that will affect the rest of his life. His Jedi training can't continue until he decides to make the commitment to continue that path. His actions of late have shown me that he isn't ready to learn more, and I will forbid him from continuing any form of training until I deem him mentally fit to resume."
"And," he added, "there is still the matter of just how to deal with the Nehantite Royal Council. We cannot simply allow them to send a continual stream of assassins to our doorstep."
Morgan Evanar
Mar 28th, 2004, 09:14:36 PM
Morgan nodded in agreement with Figrin.
"We need to ask Sejah to make a decision soon. We can only stall for so long before J'Ktal is forced to do something." He sighed. The entire situation was wearing.
"And after something gets done, it would be wise to have the two of them seperated. Ryla, I'd like you to consider bringing J'Ktal to Yavin with Rie and I." Morgan rubbed his face. He wanted a meal, and he had eaten his emergency snack bar during the brief interlude.
"Figrin, how should we go about this? You know Sejah far better than I."
Figrin D'an
Mar 28th, 2004, 09:25:19 PM
The Jedi Master sighed and rubbed his beard.
"He'll have to be monitored, continuously, for at least the next several weeks. Sejah has a "running scared" personality... once he has made a bad mistake, he's likely to make several more in quick succession in order to remove himself from the situation as rapidly as possible, rather than think clearly about the consequences. If he is going to remain here, he should be confined to his quarters, and have anything dangerous to himself or other removed from his possession, at least temporarily. He also needs to be alone... his roommate should transfer to different quarters for now. Once we can legitimately believe he won't do anything rash, we'll give him the choices we discussed here. Beyond that... he has to decide his own fate."
Figrin then considered the political arena.
"The diplomatic representative from Nehantish should be consulted, to determine the stubbornness of his government's stance. Someone may have to travel to speak with the Royal Council and the Sultan, to at least explore what diplomatic channels we have. It may fail, but I'd rather face subversive action on their part knowing that we at least tried to solve it peacefully."
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 29th, 2004, 11:01:09 AM
Wei nodded. "All right then, who will go talk to the representative?"
Wei considered himself to be fairly good at talking to other people, and was able to get along with others well. However, he lacked in a sufficient knowledge of how to handle political situations. It was more Wei's thing to be a personal counselor than a diplomat. But he would be willing to give it his best try.
"Or we can go talk in a group of two. I'm willing to go, unless someone else feels they would be better suited to the task."
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 30th, 2004, 12:42:27 PM
Daquian had been living with Sejah for some time now, and understood full well what Figrin spoke of. He made a mental note to do as the Jedi Master had advised; to move quarters.
“Perhaps you and I both could speak with them, Wei?”
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 30th, 2004, 01:38:18 PM
Wei shrugged. "If the other council has no objection, I would be glad to have your company."
Kelt Simoson
Apr 1st, 2004, 08:59:13 AM
' In the mean time i shall go and remove anything dangerous from his posession, i doubt seriously Sejah would want justanyone rumaging through his things, atleast if he knows a friend is doing this he wont be so moved by it...' Kelt said looking towards Figrin.
'As for the political side of this discussion do you fully trust they will be willing to discuss this with two Jedi Knights concidering the actions the Order performed last time they were on their world?' Although he did not disagree with what Anbira had done he still did not agree fully with it ether.
' I must admit i would fear for Dasquian and Wei on their quest, they seem untrusting and rash and even more so now our presence seems threatning towards them from their eyes.'
Figrin D'an
Apr 6th, 2004, 07:21:15 PM
"I'll be going to Nehantish as well," Figrin added. "With all due respect to the others whom wish to go, I cannot sit idly by while the fate of one of my students is decided. Whether there is to be compromise or continued aggression, it will be through me that such things will come to pass. I must do this, and I must bear the burden of whatever consequences come from it."
"Whomever goes with me will be safe," he continued, "Whatever reputation the Jedi might have in the eyes of the Sultan and his court, they would be foolish to attempt any action against a respected Republic diplomat. I doubt they want to bring the Republic into this to any greater degree, much less risk military intervention being authorized by the Chancellor."
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 6th, 2004, 09:23:41 PM
Wei nodded. "Well, I will not deny you that duty, Master Figrin."
Wei paused to consider the mission to Nehantish. "I don't think it would be wise to confront a xenophobic people with three Jedi. I'll leave this up to you, Master Figrin. I'll stay behind."
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 7th, 2004, 12:19:24 AM
"They are not a xenophobic people, Wei." I interjected, "They are cautious and pragmatic out of necessity. We may not understand the logic of a caste-based system, but to them, we present a greater threat than simply being outsiders..."
Here, I paused as I thought back to something Sejah had told me a very long time ago, while we had shared a training spar. "We are the great equalizer. Here, Padawan Haversh and Padawan Anajii may become something that would be impossible on their planet: Equals."
"But that aside," I continued, glancing back at Figrin, "I believe you are the best for this mission, Master D'an. Better one to approach with open arms than three without."
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 7th, 2004, 02:25:00 AM
“Very well, Master D’an,” Dasquian bowed his head in respect. “May the Force be with you on your journey.”
Figrin D'an
Apr 14th, 2004, 11:47:06 PM
"It would appear that we have things under control for now," Figrin commented. "By the will of the Force, let us hope that it stays that way. There is much uncertainty in what lies ahead of us, but we can only bend fate so much. If everyone has their tasks, then let us adjourn for now."
"I feel this will be a test for all of us," he added. "The entire Order could feel the effects of this should things not go well. Let us remember this as we go forward."
Estelle Russard
Apr 15th, 2004, 08:45:02 PM
Estelle heard footsteps from within the Chamber doors, and looked up.
It seemed that the Council meeting was perhaps coming to an end.
She looked over to Loki, keeping her face a blank. There was no real telling whether the time span of decision making was a good thing or a bad thing.
Gently, she touched her hand to his.
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