View Full Version : Pirates of Drunkin Harbor
OW outcast
Dec 30th, 2003, 02:46:40 AM
Space log, year who the heck really cares. Sitting in his normal chair behind the bar of the greatest Pirate organization ever created was a three foot green man. Some called him the Duro Crime Lord or the Green Father but most just called him OW. He had not yet reached fame at this point and he really never thought he would. He was a bar tender first and for most and a common thief second.
The short green man watched as men in drunkin stuppers stumbled out of the bar as it came to closing time. Two more minutes he thought then I can clean up and head to the back for a good nights sleep. Business had been slow as of late and no one of authority had checked up on him for days. No beautiful woman had passed through doors and no had been asking for the SFF.
Just as OW was pushing the last of the drunk locals out in walked man of some importance. He quickly got past the duro and sat down at the bar.
"I'm sir the Bar is closed for the night, you will have to come back in the morning."
The man just ignored him and stared forward at the bar. OW was getting a bit frustrated the man was ether deaf or very stupid for not listening.
"You now I'd be careful if I where you, this place can be dangerous. I suggest you leave now."
The man still looked forward and for some reason had a very calm demeanor about him as if waiting for something. As the last patron was ushered out OW again turned to the man.
" This is your......................"
Nexus Barton
Dec 30th, 2003, 02:59:48 AM
Nexus cut off the Duro before he could finish. He was well aware of the danger he was in being here but he did not fear it. If had fear in his heart his job would be pointless. No he was here to here a story one that would make most men tremble.
"Shut up Duro, you have some explaining to do and I have a long while to listen. Mr. outcast you are being charge with the gravest of sins murder, piracy, lust, gluttony, and Greed. I want you to tell me a story of a place on your home planet you call the Drunkin Harbor."
Nexus pulled out his blaster and sat it upon his leg to show he would use force if necessary. He also used the force to push a beer bottle over the edge of the bar to show he was a force user.
"If you do not tell me the story you will die. If you do tell me the story I will give you a choice. All I can say is you better hurry with the story because by the time your friends arrive you may already be dead."
OW outcast
Jan 4th, 2004, 01:47:36 AM
OW stared at the blaster in the mans hand, etched on the side of it where the initials KB. Those initials reminded OW of someone he had once loved long ago back in his younger years. Now who was this man who want to know about the place that OW had tried long and hard to forget.
"What’s there to know about Drunkin harbor it’s a place along the Duros Sea where ships of the non space variety put into dock. Allot of merchants that is and few scoundrels here and there. I haven't been there in years and would rather not go back.
So I told you about the place, would you now please leave. I would suggest never returning ether sir. I will be telling my boss lady about you."
Nexus Barton
Jan 4th, 2004, 03:03:36 AM
"Ah but you are wrong drunkin harbor is full of greedy Merchants and even greedier Pirates. Odd enough your father was Merchant yet you chose to be a pirate OW."
Nexus brought the blaster closer to his mid section and then with his open hand began to rub the barrel. He looked down at the gun and shook his head as if in sorrow.
"You know the Owner of this gun OW do you not? I believe she was your lover a very beautiful Human woman with nice Blonde hair and Blue eyes, as blue as the sea itself. What ever happened to that girl, I want to know that story next. The Story of your woman KB and of why she is no longer with us?"
OW outcast
Jan 9th, 2004, 02:10:29 PM
"That story is to long and gory to tell. It brings back bad memories I would rather forget mister. I admit I have done things I ain't proud of but if I could only fix one of my mistakes it would be that one."
OW looked down at his boots a sad look on his face of lost love and miss opportunities. There was a pirate on the sea of Duros who could of had everything but greed and family got in the way.
"I don't know your name sir but for some ungodly reason I feel the need to tell you the story. As if I might get some redemption out of telling you."
Nexus Barton
Jan 14th, 2004, 03:10:55 AM
"Well I am Nexus Barton, I am a priest of the lady kamaria. My orders are to go out and follow my visions. I am to give those in my visions a choice forgiveness or death for there sins. You are take the route of forgiveness it is a hard route to take but I admire you for it."
Nexus gave a slight smile and scratched the top of his head with his open hand. Most would consider him a religious fanatic or just plan insane but he was doing as he felt he was commanded to do.
"My goddess will lead you through telling the story and by the end I will forgive you. So please go on."
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