View Full Version : Need a Knight, anyone?

Dec 29th, 2003, 02:13:39 PM
Hey, Mr. Dust is a Knight now... does anyone need a master? I'm willing to take someone (as Dust) but I'd like to know who I'd be taking before I agreed. I'm sure there's somewhere else to put this thread, but I wasn't sure where to start it, so sorry bout that. Just offering to help...

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 29th, 2003, 05:07:47 PM
If Falcon is going to be my Master, that's cool -- but if not, could you maybe be on stand-by to be my Master? I've been here for a while and don't have one, so if he'll do it, that's cool, if not, would you? :) Thanks Ak. :)

Agden Ithrin
Dec 30th, 2003, 04:20:52 AM
(This is Dasquian)

If no one who doesn't already have a Master as another character steps up, I wouldn't mind. Put me at the bottom of the list.

James Prent
Dec 30th, 2003, 02:38:11 PM
Just curious - is the padawan list a list of padawans who have masters?

Shouldn't there also be a list of padwans who need masters? Then new Knights could get the person who's been waiting the longest.

Dec 30th, 2003, 10:35:32 PM
The Padawan list should be just the guys that need masters.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 31st, 2003, 03:50:23 AM
*crawls to bottom of list*

Daen needs a master, but I'm in no rush whatsoever. The solo bit's just as fun, so I can continuing pulling it.


Dasquian Belargic
Dec 31st, 2003, 06:17:25 AM
the Padawan list is in alphabetical order, so we can't tell who came first.

AFAIK it's only Padawan's who don't have Masters

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 31st, 2003, 11:16:39 AM
I'm on the list and I don't have a Master. :\

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 31st, 2003, 11:17:23 AM
sorry, I said the complete opposite to what I meant. fixed.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 31st, 2003, 11:20:35 AM
:lol That's okay, it happens.

AFAIK, that list is of the people who are either in classes or not in classes (or rather...were?). At least that's what I gathered from it.

Maybe to go through it and see (by means of profiles) who joined SWFans earliest and so forth, or check recruitment threads and see who joined first and who's still around and whatnot?

Just a suggestion, but ya'll probably have something figured out already. :)

Rognan Dar
Dec 31st, 2003, 02:17:32 PM
There are a lot of people on the list. And I haven't seen alot of them around in a while. I think we need to clear it up and see who is still around.

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 31st, 2003, 06:37:04 PM
Point of Clarification: The Padawan list was set up as a place that padawans without mastes (more correctly called initiates) would be recorded so as not to get lost in the massive shuffle that is these forums most of the time. It needs to be ammended but I'm waiting on a few rules to be implimented before I go and clean it out. (Admins know what I'm talking about.)

For now, just hang on. :)

EDIT: And let me just also add that it is, ultimately, up to you to further your character. Get out, go on trips, meet people, develop your character, learn skills both IC and OOC and you'll have a much better experience than those who just wait for someone to hold their hand.

Mr Dust
Jan 4th, 2004, 12:33:05 AM
Ok, Zacharia, I'll train you. Meet me in the Combat area in the training threads. Start a thread, and I'll meet you there.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Jan 4th, 2004, 06:57:02 PM
Okay! :) Thanks! :D

Ace McCloud
Jan 5th, 2004, 08:36:55 PM
Yea...i waited 3 months before i got a master that wasn't.....if that makes any since.

But I made it work, it gives my character another chance to go to the darkside later on and blame the GJO for his problems. But that won't happen for a longgg time =P

Draken Chakara
Jan 7th, 2004, 07:55:03 PM
Zacharia... are you going to start that thread yet?

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Jan 8th, 2004, 12:16:33 PM
Yeah, dude -- ran into a problem with RL stuff and the fact that someone also offered to train me besides you. :\

This isn't a fair choice. :lol I guess since you asked first, I'd naturally pick you. *Shrug* I dunno, mate -- I'll start that thread tonight.

Mr Dust
Jan 12th, 2004, 01:35:48 AM
I went ahead and started a thread in the combat section of the training area. Join me there when you can, if you would.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Jan 15th, 2004, 10:55:53 PM
Humpf. :( RL sux, that's all I've got to say. I will reply to this on Saturday when I have time off. :)

Sorry 'bout the delay, but it's finals time for me at school and I'm swamped. :(

Mr Dust
Jan 21st, 2004, 05:33:32 PM
Zacharia? I'm not trying to be mean, but time's running out here. I'll move on to another padawan shortly if you don't post.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Jan 27th, 2004, 09:34:02 AM
Sorry man, I just finished with exams and I'm on the posting chart again. In fact, I just posted. :)

Thanks for being patient with me.

Mr Dust
Jan 27th, 2004, 08:24:36 PM
Cool... I'm on it. :)

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Jan 29th, 2004, 08:53:24 AM
Thanks. :)