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Jaida Starslinger
Dec 29th, 2003, 12:24:08 AM
Full Name: Jaiden Starslinger
Pronounced Jai-den Star-sling-er

Age: 17

Alias: Called Jade by her father

Birthday: February 8th

Place of Birth: Corellia

Species: Human

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 127 lbs.

Hair: Dirty blonde/light brown
Eyes: Blue

Cole Starslinger (Father)
Tyria Starslinger (Mother)
Mirasta Starslinger (Sister)

Partners/Lovers: N/A

Past Occupation and status: Student

Hobbies: Jaiden likes tinkering with machines. When she was fifteen, she built a heavily modified A-Wing out of scrap parts, with the help of her father. She also enjoys listening to her father’s stories about the Jedi Knights, whether or not they are true.

Physical Description: Jaiden has short, sandy blonde hair that goes to about the middle of her neck. She inherited her father’s piercing blue eyes. She is of average height, and has a strong, athletic build. Her appearance is a little rough-and-tumble.

Attitude and feelings: Jaiden is pretty laid-back. She likes working, especially on her A-Wing, but she still appreciates a little break every few hours. She is headstrong and stubborn like her father, but kind and patient like her mother. She is reluctant, however, to show that side of herself. She is also confident, but not overconfident.

Jaiden has a tough girl approach to life. Since she was largely raised by her father, she is somewhat a tomboy. She likes working on machines and having fighter skirmishes with her father.

Since the death of her sister, Jaiden has sobered up quite a bit. She often thinks of Mirasta and misses her deeply. Her sister’s death, and her promise to Mirasta that she would become a Jedi hardens her resolve to do her best in her training.

As for love, the only kind Jaiden really knows or understands is the familial love that she has for her father and sister. She was often considered “just one of the guys” back home, so all the guys she has ever known have merely been her friends, not love interests. Jaiden figures that if she ever falls in love, it happens, but she doesn’t plan on taking that kind of step until she’s much older.

Jaiden was born on Corellia to a former New Republic fighter pilot and his wife, Tyria, who was also a fighter pilot. Tyria died when Jaiden was only a baby, so she has no memory of her. All she really knows is that her father says she looks a lot like her mother. The only mother Jaiden ever really knew was her older sister, Mirasta. Since Cole still worked during Jaiden’s childhood, it was largely left to Mirasta, who was fifteen when Jaiden was born, to take care of her younger sister.

The Starslinger family was, however, a very close-knit one. Jaiden loved her father and her sister, and was very close to both of them.

As a child, Jaiden often heard stories about the Jedi Knights from her father, and his friend, Tress Lightbringer, who was a Jedi Knight. Every time Tress came to visit, Jaiden insisted that he tell her about the Jedi. As Jaiden grew into a teenager, Tress stopped telling her stories, and actually began teaching her the history of the Jedi Knights. Jaiden’s dream was always to become a Jedi like Tress.

When Jaiden was fifteen, Tress told her that she was Force-sensitive. For a while, he taught her the basics of using the Force when he could, but he was often sent on missions and was unable to fully devote himself to teaching her. She was too much of a liability in battle for him to take her as his Padawan learner. He told her that she should pursue actual training instead of merely relying on what he could teach her during those times when he could visit.

Two years later, Jaiden decided to take Tress’ advice, but tragedy struck. Mirasta, who had been sickly all her life, died. Before she passed on, she made Jaiden promise her that she would learn the ways of the Force and become a great Jedi Knight. Jaiden tearfully promised her sister that she would.

Now, spurned by her dream and her promise to her sister, her father has let her take her A-Wing to Coruscant to become a Jedi. He told her that he was proud of her, and that he was sure that she would always make him proud.

Weapons: Jaiden usually travels lightly with her DL-44 heavy blaster pistol that her father gave her, and the lightsaber she built with some assistance from Tress. Her lightsaber is made of a light metal using Artusian crystals to focus the beam. The blade of her saber is yellow.