View Full Version : A new beginning (Finished)

Jark Folem
Dec 29th, 2003, 12:09:25 AM
"...And so my parents left Manaan, while I chose to stay behind. Stuck round there a while, money got short so I started travelling doing odd jobs." Finished Jark Folem to the Wookiee sitting across from him in the Corellian Cantina, who didn't appear to be paying attention.

"You?" he continued.


"Yeah, thought as much."

Sighing, Jark rubbed the new stubble on his chin. Despite being in his twenties, he found he needed to try and look older doing work the way he did. Noone gives jobs to baby faces unless it is unimportant. A beard was still too much to ask for, so stubble had to do. Anyway, half the fight is in the attitude he would often think, meaning he always had an excuse for failing.

Hearing a noise, Jark turned the cause. At the other end of the room stood a large man and a Trandoshan next to an overturned table. Still seated on a chair was an aging man in simple clothing. Clearly there had been some sort of argument. Slowly getting up, Folem walked to the bar in the centre of the room, and slowly began creeping closer to the action. He could hear the standing man speak

"...bounty on your head! You pay us what we demand or we take you, your choice!"

"You don't understand, I did nothing!" replied the old man, slowly reaching into his clothing. Seeing this the Trandoshan swung his fist at him, knocking him to he floor.

"Hands where we can see them." Hissing the reptilian, stroking a blaster carbine in his hand.

Deciding he couldn't let this continue, Jark slowly creeped behind the pair and pulled two pistols out of his belt, pressing them against the back of the two apparent bounty hunter's necks.

"Howdy fellas. Don't move, both of them are set on full power."

"Stay out of this slick, this is hunter business." shouted the man, a slight waver in his voice. Perfect, they're new to this thought Jark, smiling.

"So what's this guy meant to have done?"

"It does not matter, he is on a list." replied the Trandoshan.

"Ooh, life day come already? I haven't sent my parents anything yet. Anyway, I digress. Point is, you two are leaving alone." continued Jark, concentrating hard on making his voice sound deeper.

"And what makes you so sure of this?"

"Well, first you're already with guns pointing at you. You manage to avoid them, you have a whole bar of humans, Wookiees and swoop riders, none of which would like to see an elderly man hurt." was his reply, a lie. Playing on the two hunters inexperience, he hoped they'd never been here before.

"...So what happened now?" inquired the human hunter.

"I count to five, you leave through that door. One...." was all it needed before the pair ran. Breathing a sigh of relief, Jark sat down and looked at the man.

"You're lucky they were new to the hunt. Any more experienced, It'd take a lot more to convince them." he told him.

Getting up, the man looked at his savior in a confused manner, before smiling and babbling.

"..roma...yes, it's you. I can sense it!" he said hurredly, pulling a small bag out of his clothing.

"It is? That's great! What's me?"

"You have a gift. You can be more with training!"

"Sense....gift....training...who are you?"

"I'm an old man who can sense something inside you!"

"...the force?"

"Yes! You must head to Coruscant and find the Jedi. And take these with you." he continued, and pulled three crystals out of the bag.

"What are these for?"

"You'll know when the time comes." finished the old man, before leaving the cantina.

"..Why do I feel I'm missing something here?" asked Jark to himself, still sitting.