View Full Version : A Night At The Opera
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 28th, 2003, 01:37:41 PM
The upper echelons of Coruscant were out in style. All dolled up with a big helping of glitz and glamour, the intellectual elite and their toys were coming out to play. Tonight was the premiere of the much anticipated opera 'Herald of the Kings Decline', to be performed by a cast of hundreds in front of the lucky ticket-holding audience. Posters and flyers announcing the coming of the opera had been drifting around Coruscant for some time, while a gigantic billboard of the female lead – a dark haired young woman – had been erected in the upper strata of the city. It was attracting a lot of attention, and anyone who was anyone had to be there.
Various ambassadors, senators and diplomats would be attending too. Perhaps this was one reason why Dasquian Belargic had chosen it. The Jedi Knight had two tickets for the show. Some time ago, he had been asked to the theater, and had never followed through on the offer. Now it was time for him to make good on his original words. Ten minutes ago he had pulled up at Brielle Acaana's apartment block. Five minutes ago he'd knock on her door. One minute ago they'd both climbed back into his speeder.
"I'm looking forward to this," he commented, as the engine started up, "I'm glad you managed to get someone to cover for you."
OOC: If you'd like to be involved in this thread, please PM me. It's important that certain events play out before the role-play becomes open, but I would like other people in it – especially those of the evil persuasion.
Brielle Acaana
Dec 29th, 2003, 08:32:16 AM
"You'll have a good time, Im sure and there are several people that will be there tonight that Id like to introduce you to."
Brielle didnt say it but this wasnt strictly a pleasure outing for her part. Coruscant Watch had come under some political fire lately with reports of police brutality and payoffs. For a fact, Acaana knew one of the cops the allegations had been leveled at was dirty but the half dozen or so other officers had impeccable records and didnt deserve the heat they were now catching.
With her strong political ties and being on a first-name basis with many of the Senators and their families, the Watch Commissioner himself had requested Acaana's presence at the opera in hopes that she could lessen hostilities and sooth some ruffled feathers.
Though she had accepted the task placed before her, it wasnt until Dasquian had called and asked Brielle to join him that she truly began to look forward to the evening and having a Jedi Knight as an escort could only help 'grease' the wheels of communication. She stole a look at him and grinned.
"I love it when you wear your 'fancy' robes, Dasq. It makes me want to wear a corset, carry a fan and say things like, 'M'lord Knight, thou dost looketh most comely."
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 29th, 2003, 09:07:21 AM
The prospect of being introduced to people Brielle knew was an interesting one. While she had met a number of his fellow Jedi, he didn't really know any of her peers or acquaintances. Hopefully that would change tonight. Her next words made him laugh. It was true – he was wearing what would be considered ceremonial or dress garb, meant for promotions and events such as these.
"It wouldn't be the first time, would it?" he replied, momentarily glancing over to her to return the grin. He was becoming a lot more confident around her now, coming out of his shell so to speak, and it was showing.
Just as Dasquian had expected, the roads were busy. As he pulled out onto the main lane that would take them to the theatre, he saw a huge billboard advertising the show. It had a picture of the four main cast members – two men and two women.
"From what I understand, this is political drama, a love story and a tragedy all in one."
Brielle Acaana
Dec 29th, 2003, 09:50:46 AM
"GNN was reporting that the main actors had some kind of personal feud going on but I didnt hear the details about what it was. Theyre both very good looking men."
She was speaking of course about Arad Kitt and Jorge Naboo, the premiere opera singers and actors. Brielle herself wasnt one to dote on any of the 'stars' but several of the other female Watch officers had practically swooned when she informed them that she would be present at the show.
Kitt had the muscular and dark brooding look about him, while Naboo was tall and lean with the blonde hair and blue eyes that so many of the human females seemed to prefer. Brie glanced at her companion and laughed softly.
"Now that I think of it, at a bit of a distance you could pass for Jorge Naboo."
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 29th, 2003, 10:03:21 AM
A bashful smile came over Dasquian. He had heard about Jorge Naboo – it was difficult not to, really – and his popularity, so guessed that this must have been a fairly weighty compliment, "You aren’t so unlike… oh, what's her name?"
The Jedi racked his brains, but found his question answered as they turned the corner and were confronted with another billboard. This one was animated, and showed the two female leads. First there was Tess Anaria, a petite dark-haired woman with a porcelain complexion and cerulean blue eyes. This faded into the mirror image of Kalia Dammick, a lightly-tanned woman with wavy blonde tresses, "There we go. Kalia Dammick. Seperated at birth, hm?"
They both laughed at the odd resemblance and talked about their own previous venture into a spot of acting for the remainder of the drive, until finally pulling up at the theatre. Some how, they managed to get parked and climbed off, following the crowd on foot towards the entrance. It was a huge building, with people all around the main doors trying to peddle programs and posters. Dasquian bought a program and flicked through it as they entered the lobby, with Brielle trying to find out exactly where in theatre proper they were meant to be sitting.
"Brielle!" he heard, and looked up, wondering who had called for her.
Brielle Acaana
Dec 29th, 2003, 10:54:03 AM
"Ambassador Petriel! How wonderful to see you!"
Brielle slipped gracefully past a small group of people standing close by, her fingers lacing with Dasquian's as she pulled him along behind her. Only as she reached the Ambassador did she relinquish her hold on the Knight to eagerly throw her arms around Turlane Petriel's neck.
"I cant believe its been five years since Ive seen you! And might I add that you look as handsome now as you did then?"
Petriel beamed down at the smaller woman as he hugged her tightly.
"Ah, but you have, Brielle. Gone is the little girl I used to bounce on my knee to be replaced with the grown woman in front of me, now. Youre as beautiful as your mother."
Brielle grinned and blushed but tapped his chest lightly in jest.
"You sir, say that to all the women and I know this for a fact!"
One coal black eye looked over Brielle's head to wink at the slightly puzzled male standing behind the woman. The Ambassador held out his hand.
"Turlane Petriel, Ambassador at large and flirt at heart - but only if the women are pretty."
Petriel winked again.
"Allow me to introduce you. Turlane Petriel, this is Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Dasquian, this Turlane Petriel, Ambassador, flirt and a long time friend of the family."
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 29th, 2003, 11:04:11 AM
Diplomacy, Dasquian, he thought to himself, diplomacy.
"Greetings, Ambassador Petriel. Pleased to meet you," he replied, smiling that disarming little smile of his. Turlane beamed a froggy smile in return and without any further thought embraced the Jedi as if he had known him for years. Somewhat shocked, Dasquian simply gave the man a pat on the back and wriggled back out of his all-encompassing arms.
"Didn't think there'd be any Jedi here, mm! Thought you all stayed cooped up in that tower of yours, practicing your crazy art! Mw-har!" the man snorted, belly jiggling as he laughed along with himself and caused Dasquian to wonder exactly what it was about this man that qualified him to be the representative of a whole nation of people.
"We only come out at night," Dasquian replied jokingly, forcing a broad smile.
"Got to keep an eye on us all, eh?" Petriel slurred, "Could be all sorts of naughty things going on here, mm? Mw-har!"
Another snort and – Dasquian cringed - he gave Brielle a tap on the behind.
Brielle Acaana
Dec 29th, 2003, 11:20:56 AM
With a smile and shake of her head to indicate a long-suffered bad habit - Brielle calmly removed Turlane's hand from her backside and frowned in mock disapproval.
"We wouldnt want my date cutting off that hand with his lightsaber, now would we, Ambassador? Talk about a scandal!"
Poor Dasquian was lost in their good natured ribbing and Brielle knew that he had found nothing humurous about the Ambassador. Offering the Knight an understanding and apologetic smile, Acaana linked one arm through Petriel's and leaned in closer toward him.
"There is a little matter I could use your expertise in, Turlane and Id love to speak to you on it after the opera is over. Perhaps the three of us could make it a dinner date?"
"Lovely! A date it is, then! Until then, why dont the two of you join me in my box?"
Ambassador Petriel's hand grazed her bottom again.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 29th, 2003, 11:55:45 AM
Dasquian smiled politely,
"As marvellous as that offer sounds, I'm afraid we'll have to decline. Perhaps we'll see you at the interval, Ambasaddor."
"Mmm, yes. I'll be popping out for some of their lovely ice cream then. Terribly expensive for the size of the tub, you know? But you don't get any better than on Coruscant…"
As Petriel rambled on about the price of frozen yoghurt, Dasquian couldn't help but wonder what it was that Brielle wanted to talk to the walrus of a man about. Whatever it was, he wasn't sure he was looking forward to sitting through a meal with the man. Somehow, he pictured that he ate like a hutt.
"We should probably be getting to our seats – it looks like there's a bit of a queue…"
Brielle Acaana
Dec 29th, 2003, 12:10:39 PM
"Of course, Dasquian."
Leaning up, Brie planted a firm kiss on Turlane's cheek before relinquishing his arm and threading her fingers between those of the Jedi.
"Enjoy the opera, Ambassador and we'll see you after."
Stifling a laugh as she followed meekly alongside her escort, Brielle turned and waved at her friend, who was definitely watching the sway of her hips. Laughing that he had been caught oogling, Petriel returned the gesture then turned away as someone else commandeered his attention.
"Believe it or not, Turlanes' not really like that in private. Hes calm and thoughtful and quite the gentleman. Thats just his public personae and the public seems to eat it up. Did you know that he actually stopped all the flirting and making passes at anything that wore a skirt and when he did, his popularity fell dramatically? Its true."
Acaana glanced up at Dasquian and finally laughed at his doubtful expression.
"You didnt like him simply because he touched my a - ahh, here are our seats."
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 30th, 2003, 04:08:52 AM
If this was the state of politics, Dasquian had to wonder how Morgan could abide spending so much time in the senate. As Brielle pointed out where they were meant to be sitting – between a couple of Rodians and some humanoids, around about the center of the stalls – Dasquian laughed slightly. He eased down into his sheet.
"I don't trust politicians, that's all," he finally said, "They have too much influence on the workings of the galaxy. Look at what happened with Senator Palpatine – the lure of power brings out the darkside in them."
Looking out ahead of him, Dasquian saw there were about twenty rows between them and the stage. There was a set of huge red velvet curtains drawn across where the actors would finally be. Glancing up, he saw the upper circle and, dotted around the walls, the boxes. They were so high up that it was a small wonder that they could see or hear anything going on down below. To his surprise, the Senator they had spoken with was in one of the lower boxes.
He shook his head, then suddenly laughed, "Then again, I can't imagine him having the strength to do that, so we're probably safe."
Brielle Acaana
Dec 31st, 2003, 11:17:59 AM
"You might be surprised, my judgemental Jedi Knight. His stamina shall I put it?.....'private quarters' is legendary. From what I overheard my father saying one time, Petriel's 'all-nighters' doesnt include rest breaks."
Brielle arched a blonde brow at her companion then lightly poked a finger into his side, laughing at his semi-horrfied look.
"I never discovered just how my father knew that and its probably best I didnt. By the way, I recently heard a similar tale concerning Hallaerans."
Her last comment was completely untrue but Brielle had to say it, just to see if she could get a rise from Dasquian. The Jedi had teased her a few nights before about seeing gray hairs on her head and the Watch officer had spent nearly an hour frantically searching for them until Belargic's laughter revealed his jest.
Brielle's gaze wandered along the rows and boxes of seating, taking note of other individuals that she should speak with during the intermission. She had to keep reminding herself that this wasnt a pleasure only outing.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 31st, 2003, 12:28:15 PM
Dasquian, too, was scouting the area, his eyes taking in familiar and not so familiar faces. He had spotted a couple of Padawan's a few rows back, who waved emphatically at him. He vaguely recognized some lesser senators and their aides, as well as Coruscants usual socialites – he was surprised that Taataani wasn't in sight. His scoping was interrupted all of a sun by a loud, boisterous voice.
"Would all audience members please take their seats, the show is about to start!"
The Jedi smirked, not having expected such a sudden start. The lights began to dip down, and the audience seemed to collectively settle as soft lights illuminated the stage and, to a lesser extent, the orchestra. The curtains drew back, to reveal a rural setting. It looked like a field of some kind, and there was a large settlement drawn in the distance on the back drop. A young woman was sitting, looking distressed, in center stage…
<center>They came for him one winter's night.
Arrested, he was bound.
They said there'd been a robbery,
his pistol had been found.
They marched him to the station house,
he waited for the dawn.
And as they led him to the dock,
he knew that he'd been wronged.
"You stand accused of robbery,"
he heard the bailiff say-
He knew without an alibi,
tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom.
Over the hills and far away,
for ten long years he'll count the days.
Over the mountains and the seas,
a prisoner's life for him there'll be!</center>
The woman was on her feet now; swirling as a chorus of Old Republic garbed townsfolk joined her. The songs went on, telling the story (Dasquian was surprised that they were being performed in Basic, but it didn't make them any less powerful). It seemed that what was going on was Arad Kitt's character had framed Jorge Naboo in a robbery. Jorge was betrothed to marry Tess Anaria's character, but she was in love with Kitt and to top things off, Jorge was secretly in love with Kalia Dammick's character. It wasn't at all confusing – the fact that Kitt and Anaria were dressed in black kept you in the mind that they were the villains and that the other two, in white, were the 'heroes'. It wasn't original by any means, but it was good.
The lights went up and Dasquian stood.
"I'm going to stretch a little… take a walk. I'll meet you and the Ambassador in a little while, alright?"
Brielle nodded as the Jedi disappeared off into the lobby. He felt a little dizzy, for some reason. Perhaps it was being stuffed up inside, so cramped for so long. The space was doing him some good, though and he was quite relaxed until someone suddenly appeared by him, looking terrified.
Brielle Acaana
Dec 31st, 2003, 12:38:08 PM
Taking advantage of Dasquian's departure, Brielle took this opportunity to go and chat up a couple of lesser officials, whose opinions could carry some weight in the situation the Watch now found itself in.
Smiling and greeting the two males and one female politely, Acaana quickly stated her reason for seeking them out and to her relief they seemed eager to discuss the problems.
Thanking the trio, Brielle excused herself minutes later. Intermission would be over soon and she wanted to be back in her seat by the time her escort returned.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 31st, 2003, 12:54:01 PM
Just as Brielle was making her way from the antechamber back towards the seating, she found herself being pulled aside by Dasquian. He looked worried and if a Jedi Knight was troubled over something, you knew it had to be serious.
"I don't have much time to explain, Brielle. I just need you to trust me and follow my lead, alright? Come on, follow me."
Without any explanation, Dasquian lead off away from the doors into the theater and towards a staircase that was marked off limits. The guard let the pair by immediately, as they descended a short flight of stairs into a long corridor that stretched back into the bowels of the opera house. As they moved, Dasquian tried to explain as clearly and quickly as possible what was going on.
"Jorge Naboo and Kalia Dammick have gone missing. The staff says they found strange, ritualistic markings left behind in their dressing rooms – and notes saying that if the Watch was called, or the show stopped, the actors would be killed. The staff, they recognized you as a Watch officer, but couldn't find you – they were elated to hear that I was a Jedi. They want us to take the two main parts, to make sure nothing happens to the rest of the cast … why pick off actors when they have the political hierarchy all around them? I have a feeling that this might be a diversion from something larger. We need to keep on guard-"
A door burst open ahead, and a frantic looking man in a beret rushed towards them.
"There you two are! Hurry, hurry, you have about five minutes to learn your lines and get into costume!"
Brielle Acaana
Dec 31st, 2003, 01:10:45 PM
Had Brielle not known better, she would have thought that this was part of the opera itself. Missing actors, hurried replacements, the Watch and Jedi thrown in together. It had all the makings of a first class soap opera.
A flurry of action was taking place as stage hands placed the new sets and costumers stripped then dressed both herself and Dasquian in their new clothing. Scripts were jammed in their hands as a pair of violet and green eyes scanned the pages, trying to memorize the dialogue.
This was hopeless but Brielle didnt waste a second in casting Dasquian so much as a glance. At least this was a new opera and noone would be the wiser if lines or songs were flubbed.
Taking a deep breath, Brielle flinched as one of the stage hands shouted.
"One minute! Thirty seconds to places!"
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 31st, 2003, 01:20:49 PM
Dasquian's eyes were darting over the pages but nothing was sinking it. He looked down at himself in costume – he didn't look that much different to normal, which seemed to amuse some of the stage hands. Reading over the first page in his hands, he saw that this first scene after the intermission was one where Vitorio (he) and Amara (Brielle) met in secret, after Vitorio had just escaped from prison. Reading ahead, he saw that three quarters through the scene Varia (the dark haired female villain) appeared to confront and kill Amara. A voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Your lightsaber, sir-"
He looked down – the hilt was gripped in his white-knuckles. Looking back up, he shook his head, "No, I'm not parting with it. If there's trouble, I'll need it."
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! Amara, enter stage left. Vitorio, wait for your queue then follow on. Pleeeease don't mess this up!"
Dasquian glared at the man. He wanted to say he should have been thanking them both for covering, but they didn't have time. Brielle was already being pushed towards the stage, trying not to trip up over her elaborate costume, while Dasquian was hurried into the wings to wait for his line. As his counterpart moved onto the stage, trying to recall her first lines (and his signal to enter), the Jedi caught a heated conversation behind him – Tess Anaria was refusing to act, on the grounds that her life was in danger. Luckily, it seemed they'd found a talented young replacement at the last minute. Dasquian was about to ask if they were sure it was safe, when he was shoved out on stage by the director.
His throat tightened all of a sudden, as he tried desperately not to look into the audience.
Brielle Acaana
Dec 31st, 2003, 01:33:41 PM
It wont be that difficult. Its Dasquian, for crying out loud! Just look into those beautiful violet eyes of his and just let things....flow..
Taking her own advice, Brielle did gaze into Dasquian's eyes and found them to look as frightened as she had just been moments ago.
Partly in character and partly from her own desire to comfort them both in this strange situation they found themselves in, Brie threw herself into the role - and her arms around 'Vitorio's' neck.
"Vitorio! Were you followed?"
Dramatically, 'Amara' searched the stage for anyone who might have trailed her cladestine lover, then turned back to gaze lovingly into his eyes. Dasquian had the next lines but lowering her voice to the softest of whispers, Brielle smiled up at him.
"Remember 'Brielle the Black."
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 31st, 2003, 01:49:07 PM
The audience must have noticed, but then, they were far away. The lights were so bright, maybe they could pass for the two. Their voices would have been all that betrayed them – but Brielle had already adopted an accent well. There was a silence, but it seemed to fit somehow – like a dramatic pause.
"No, my love. We're safe. The guards think I have headed north towards the marshes."
Dasquian was lucky. He didn't need much emotion. Rarely were the male leads expected to be anything more than pillars of stone. Brielle would play the part of the emotional damsel, and he would simply have to calm her down.
"I didn't think I'd ever see you again, Amara my love."
Dasquian suddenly felt a pang of panic, and tried desperately to remember if there was a musical number in this scene. As far as he could recall, Varia sung – as a means of belittling Amara – but that didn't come until her entrance later on, so he'd be safe for now.
Brielle Acaana
Dec 31st, 2003, 02:01:35 PM
Dasq had told Brielle many times before that he wouldnt ever 'pry' into her thoughts but this was one of the times she wished desperately that he would. The Knight would be able to 'hear' the questions that were running riot in her mind right now and be hopefully able to answer them.
When do we have to sing? And how can we sing a song we've never heard before? I know youre worried but why do I keep feeling that its more than us being on stage right now?
'Amara' sighed and Brielle added her own frustrations to the sound and was pleased when it reached the back of the auditorium.
"I know of one who can help us and not even on pain of death could be persuaded to tell of where we've gone! Do you remember the priest we met the night before you were framed and sent away, my love?"
Listening to the little internal clock in her head, Brielle knew that it was close to the time when they would exit the stage but for the life of her, she couldnt remember in which direction.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 31st, 2003, 02:10:25 PM
"I… remember him, yes. Father Rion."
Dasquian felt Brielle pleading with him, and for once allowed himself the liberty of listening to her thoughts. When he had made sense of them, he relayed his answer back - I don't think we do sing. I think Tess' stand-in sings and we just… react…
"Come then, we shall find the Father," Dasquian turned towards the side of the stage, and saw about fifteen people waving their hands and mouthing angry 'NO's at him. They weren't meant to leave yet, apparently.
"But wait … we are alone – shall we not treasure this moment while it lasts?" he asked, his eyes darting out into the audience for the first time, as he once again felt something wasn't quite right. The Force was telling him to be careful, but not why. Little warning flags were popping up in his mind wherever he looked – the pit, the boxes, the stalls, even back stage.
Brielle Acaana
Dec 31st, 2003, 02:27:18 PM
Though she hadnt intended for it to happen, her body stiffened as the Jedi entered her mind and her eyes opened wider, giving her a definite surprised expression. But Brielle relaxed quickly enough and gently pulled 'Vitorio' toward a stack of wooden boxes and crates. This, she did remember from her hurried scanning of the script.
Holding one another close and gazing longingly into the 'night' sky with expressions of hope and wistfullness, Amara and Vitorio proclaimed their undying love.
A flurry of action could be heard backstage by the pair and soon hissed whispers of, "Kiss her then exit here!!", drifted out to them. On cue, Dasquian's head dipped and their lips met in a romantic kiss as 'ohhhs' and 'ahhhs' filled the house.
As soon as the curtain dropped, they were whisked offstage and each given a headset so that they could listen and learn the musical number coming up.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 31st, 2003, 02:40:20 PM
"Has there been anymore word about the kidnappings?"
He was barely offstage and already investigating.
"Something else is going on here. We need to get word to the Jedi to send reinforcements. I can feel something is out of place."
"You can feel all you want, sister," a camp voice snapped in, "but we ain't callin no one. Not until we know what's going on."
"You expect to solve this all and deal with it by yourselves?!"
"No, hun, we expect you to do that."
"But I'm only one man!"
"And you're only one man who needs to get his butt back out on stage."
Groaning, Dasquian found himself being pushed back on stage. He heard Brielles thoughts once again – she was telling him it would be alright, and that they both had to sing, but only after Varia. He needed a miracle before then, otherwise the show would be over.
"Almost there, my love," Amara assured.
"It feels as though we have been walking all night," Vitirio sighed, with genuine frustration. He looked up, as Brielle lifted his chin. Apparently, Amara had something she wanted to show to him off 'in the distance'. Looking, Dasquian saw that the actress playing Varia was about to step on stage and begin her song – and he instantly knew what was wrong.
Milivikal k'Vik
Dec 31st, 2003, 04:45:24 PM
Her voice flowed into the crowd, pure, powerful, and chilling. First, she displayed her range, a metaphor for the power she weiled over Amara. Much of the human contigent in the crowd sprouted goosebumps. Her voice was too pure, too smooth, too clean to be natural.
Let me be the one
to put the thorn in thy eye
...let me be the one
Squalid the weak stumbles
through all of life's obscurities
Lost in sacriliege
Revere the name
Accept the modesty
Falter through speres of the pain
Exhausted hours... Exhausted hours
Nothing from thy world will remain thine
except the very priviliege to die
Squalid the weak stumbles...
Mass Hysteria!
You're creeping for a charlatan god
Milivikal scanned the crowd as she sang, picking out members of the Senate. Suggestions were made, some with drinks, some with speeders, and some with tall buildings. She wove them into her words, and only they could hear them. The Siren turned to give “Amara“ a cold look, but she stole a glance at “Vitorio .“ Her eyes widened. The understudy hadn't been force sensitive! Nor, for that matter, present very much. Mili's fingers unconciously twitched twoard the lightsaber strapped to her thigh, and the long dagger running down the length of her spine. Still, a malignant smile pulled at her lips. She was intimately familiar with the opera house. In many ways, the advantage was hers.
Brielle Acaana
Jan 7th, 2004, 11:24:05 AM
Varia sung, her voice and tones flowing out over the audience and drawing their full attention towards her.
Amara and Vitorio strolled back on stage, continuing their imaginary walk through starlit darkness to find Father Rion - the one who could help hide and protect Amara's lover from the authorities.
Whoever the stand-in for the 'real' Varia was, she was quite good and Brielle found herself listening more to the song than paying attention to what she was doing. Had Dasquian not been holding her hand, Brie would have tripped over a floor prop and fallen flat on her face.
A swift glance up at Vitorio's beloved countenance showed that he too was stealing looks, but at Varia who was stealing a glance at him. It was only then that Brielle noticed how tightly Dasq was squeezing her hand, his shoulders rigid and jaw set. Varia's eyes had widened as she caught sight of the Jedi and in that instance, the Watch officer knew who was behind the mischief here at the opera house.
Only one other time had Acaana come into contact with dark force energy and that had been the day her father was murdered. It was a feeling she had never forgotten and the small hairs at the back of her neck began to stand on end. In just a minute or two, her character, Amara, was supposed to be confronted by Varia.
Hoping that Dasquian was still able to pick up on her thoughts, Brielle silently inquired what the Knight wanted her to do.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 7th, 2004, 12:51:44 PM
There was something unnatural about the way 'Varia' sung, that Dasquian couldn't place. As it drew closer and closer for her to end her song and time for their meeting. Finally, the unearthly voice dipped into silence (although Dasquian could have sworn something was still humming in the air), and all cast members came to a stand still on stage. The Jedi Knight had the first line.
"Amara – look yonder. It is Varia," he managed, picking up on Brielle's silent questioning and mentally willing her to keep her thoughts to herself, in the hope that the woman before them wouldn't pick up on the fact that she was a Watch member.
Raising his voice, he called, "Varia, do not trouble us. You have Benicio. Let us leave this place in peace," he said, knowing full well that she would do anything but that.
Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 9th, 2004, 03:19:42 PM
“Varia” snorted.
"Trouble you?" she said disdainfully, and began to circle the pair like a lioness.
"No, you have brought trouble upon yourselves. Why are you here, Jedi?" She glared at “Vitirio” with genuine malice.
“You have disobeyed your father's will, Vitirio. My trouble pales to his. But...” She smiled mirthfully and circled closer. Vitirio became stone stiff, and Amara looked rather flustered.
“Varia” grabbed “Vitirio's” tunic, and yanked his face even with hers. His eyes were so wide, you could have served a meal on them. The Jedi's jaw dropped slighty, and suddenly, he found himself being kissed by the black-haired “Varia.” Her tounge slipped in briefly, carressing his. Dasquian felt his whole body tingle as she hummed during the kiss, and shoved her away.
“Varia” looked at him longingly, drawing “Amara's” horrified glance.
“Benicio is a clod. Amara is little better than a gutter rat. You knew that we were to be married!”
Brielle Acaana
Jan 11th, 2004, 11:58:00 PM
'Varia's' eyes widened as Amara's palm connected with her cheek. It hadnt been in the script for Brielle to slap the other actress but then both she and Dasquian were winging their roles.
Stepping in front of Vitorio, Amara's eyes blaze with indignity at Varia's insult, her fingers curling into fists.
" 'Gutter rat', you say, Varia? Who has let one man woo her yet pines for another? The marriage you speak of - this imaginary betrothal - is a fantasy played out only in your own mind. Be gone, and hound us no further!"
Brielle's chest rose and fell with an anger she had been unaware of. How dare this woman kiss Dasquian right in front of her? It was only when the Jedi pulled her back did Brie realize that she might have just escalated the situation.
Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 13th, 2004, 07:31:00 PM
OOC: my turn, right?
Milivikal's eyes went wide. She could feel the heat of the blood rushing up to her cheek. Brielle's handprint was clearly visible against her nearly porclean skin. The Siren turned her head slowly, letting her pale blue green grey eyes affix to Brielle's first.
“You should not have struck me Amara. Both of you will suffer!” Mili's hand shot forward and grabbed Brille's blonde locks. The Watch officer stumbled backwards.
What is Mellinka doing? Thats not in the script.
The dagger sheathed against her spine floated free. A white hand flashed up and plucked it from the air, and settled the point a milimeter shy of “Amara's” juglar.
“MARRIED, VITORIO!” She shreeked. The whole building seemed to groan in sympathy. Dasquain's body shuddered. The point eased into the first layer of skin, but drew no blood.
”I though love was forbidden for Jedi.” Her voice mocked. “If you move, she dies. Anyone calls for help, she dies. Only you can hear me, Jedi.”
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2004, 01:45:21 PM
Dasquian froze on the spot, feet firmly affixed to the wood beneath them. Emotion seemed to have seized the both of them and thrust them ahead of what Dasquian had planned out in his mind. If the Jedi was playing a three way game of chess, than Milivikal had just second-guessed all of his future moves.
"M-marriage is not something to be taken lightly," he said, voice trembling slightly, as he felt the powerful reaction from the audience, now on the edges of their seats at the sheer raw energy of the scene, "It would be an insult to God to bind ourselves when we are not, the both of us, committed to it..."
With this said, his throat tightened and voice silenced, but his mind spoke out loudly.
... What do you want?
Brielle Acaana
Jan 21st, 2004, 09:22:00 PM
An emotional iron curtain had dropped over Dasquian and Brielle could no longer 'read' him or his thoughts, though his eyes darted severa; times to the blade at her throat.
Acaana followed the Jedi's lead and swiftly fought back the rise of fear in her mind - and her next move. 'Tess' was holding the upper hand at this moment and Brielle meant to ante up and call, all in the same move.
Milivikal had Brie's hair wrapped tightly in one hand with the Watch officer's head tilted backward. Tilting her head even further back until her chin was pointing toward the ceiling, 'Amara' suddenly went limp as she fell away from the tip of the knife.
Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 26th, 2004, 10:53:26 PM
Milivikal yanked Brielle's when she started to fall. There was a nasty pop as her spinal chord fought gravity, and she drew the knife across her throat. The wound was superficial, for now. She lept backwards as the watch officer hit the floor, and tore the black cloak and skirt free.
Mili's black hitlted saber snapped into her free hand. With a flick, a red blade jutted from the hilt.
"If any members of the Senate so much as squirm in their chair funny, they will die." Her voice carried through the air to the senators and their aides. She grinned at Dasqian, and the floor beneath him began to hum.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 27th, 2004, 02:57:25 PM
It was difficult to do two things at once. Dasquian was trying to focus both on Brielle and the now armed woman before him. He palmed his saber into his hand and, as he lowered himself onto one knee beside Brielle, thumbed the orange blade to life with a hiss. The audience gasped in time with the lightsabers appearance - enthralled and terrified all at once by the sudden shift.
Brielle... talk to me... are you alright... where are you hurting...
He kept his eyes focused on Mili, but his mind was concentrating fully on the watch officer at his side.
Brielle Acaana
Jan 27th, 2004, 03:17:05 PM
Get her!
Brielle tried desperately to keep the pain separate from her thoughts. It was more important now that Dasquian give this woman his full attention.
With one hand to her throat, the Watch officer began dragging herself out from between the Force-users. Her presence would only hinder the Knight and there were so many more lives to save other than her own.
Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 28th, 2004, 03:55:50 PM
The stage began to tremble as Dasquain changed focus. With an incredible, but below the range of most hearing, thump, Brielle was hurled into Dasquain.
Much to his credit, he managed to move the saber out of position and turn it off. Blood from her wound smeared into his garments. She begain to chant, a slur of indecipherable basic and humming.
Dasquian began to feel a subtle pulse counter to his heartbeat as he and Brielle began to untangle themselves.
None of the three Senators present had moved. They didn't understand or know what this darksider could do.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 1st, 2004, 01:07:50 PM
Once on his feet, the Jedi had to pause once more. He could feel something, almost like a vibration of some sort, running through his whole body. It made his skin tingle, as if it had gone to sleep, so to speak. With Brielle edging herself away, he felt confident enough to once again thumb the saber to life and set himself in a two-handed defensive stance; left foot further forward than right.
"This is no need for this conflict. It is senseless. Back down now and save all of us unwanted turmoil."
Brielle Acaana
Feb 1st, 2004, 01:41:09 PM
Master Evanar...Ive got to contact Master Evanar.
Still gripping her throat, Brielle was beginning to feel the first small trickle of blood roll over her fingers. Thank the heavens that the wound wasnt any deeper, else the young Watch officer would have already been dead.
Now that Dasquian could turn his full attention to the Darksider, Brielle could turn hers toward fetching reinforcements. As she drew near the side of the stage, two of the workers reached out and pulled her to safety behind the curtain.
"Bring me a comm unit, now- quickly! The rest of you quietly exit the building. Not a sound - dont draw her attention to you."
Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 1st, 2004, 08:49:32 PM
The emergency exits were both sealed with permacrete glue and were blocked from the outside. Such systems had been checked earlier in the week, before the concert. Milivikal had plenty of time to seal them thoroughly.
"If anyone attempts to leave, I will bring the whole building down." Her voice resonated through the entire theater. It was made of granite: smooth, cold, hard and chiseled to an exact, precise shape.
She slapped the floor in front of her with the butt of her dagger. The sound exploded through building. It felt like a weak earthquake, but the sound was terrible--a terrible boom that abused eardrums and induced nausea.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 5th, 2004, 01:35:19 PM
Jedi were trained to find an inner peace in times of conflict. As the sound washed over him, he began searching for this internal point of stability. Squinting slightly, as though that would help block it out, he concentrated as best he could on all that allowed him to tap into the Force - peace, tranquility, serenity. Lulling, soft emotions.
Without looking around, he had already began to sense the lay of the land. Above, there were all manner of lights and props on a catwalk. There was a large spotlight attached to a pully above Milivikal, which Dasquian decided he would try to use to incapacitate her. With a tug at the Force, the light was dislodged from its moorings and plummeted downwards.
Brielle Acaana
Feb 5th, 2004, 02:51:46 PM
The group of stage hands who had quickly dispersed to exit the building, now returned anxiously.
"The exits are sealed! All of them! Theres no way to get out - what do we do??"
The stage manager - who was also one of the men who had helped drag Brielle to safety - now worked on calming his increasingly frantic workers while Acaana tried to place her calls.
A calm, soothing voice responded on the either end of the comm, informing her that she had indeed reached the headquarters of the Jedi.
"This is Officer Brielle Acaana of the Coruscant Watch. I desperately need to speak to Master Evanar - this is an emergency!"
From out on the stage echoed an incredibly loud noise and it rolled throughout the operahouse, covering those backstage as well as in the auidience. Wincing at the noise, Brielle brought one hand up to cover her exposed ear and fought the sudden urge to begin retching.
Hurry up....please hurry, Master Evanar!
Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 6th, 2004, 08:36:02 PM
While the array of light emmiting diodes wasn't heavy, the optics surrounding them were. Milivikal noticed it, but she couldn't move aside quickly enough. The metal casing impacted her shoulder, slamming her into the stage.
Mili's vision swam with tears and pain, unable to focus upon anything. She whimpered beneath the thirty kilos of glass and metal. Dasquian moved closer, with his saber between them. With her free right hand, she flailed at the spotlight, trying to remove it from her shoulder.
She wailed, a terrible screech that gradually shifted upwards in pitch until it dissapeared beyond the range of hearing. Glasses shattered. Heads bowed and hands desperately tried to cap ears. The noise abruptly stopped. Mili shoved the metal cannister off her shoulder, and Dasquian with a teleknetic blast.
Eyeliner had run down her face, giving her dark streaks against her pale skin. Her collarbone was misshapen, broken from the impact of the stage light.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 11th, 2004, 02:38:57 PM
An invisible force threw Dasquian, his feet lifted from beneath him as he stumbled backwards into some of the scenery on stage. A cacophony of screams had gone up in the audience when the light had fallen – they didn’t know who to trust now; who was on which side wasn’t clear at all. The Jedi Knight, recoiling from crashing into a plywood faux-free, stood bedazzled and bewildered as he looked at his now incensed opponent.
“Stop now and you can be healed. This doesn’t need to go on.”
Ever the negotiator, Dasquian was still affirmed in the belief that even evil could be bargained with.
Brielle Acaana
Feb 11th, 2004, 09:31:28 PM
"Im sorry, Officer Acaana, Master Evanar isnt available at this time."
"Youre saying he isnt there? Then can you call A--"
"No, that is not what I said. I said that Master Evanar isnt available."
It wouldnt do to lose her temper and alert Varia's maddened stand-in to what she was attempting to accomplish, so with a determined and calm effort Brielle tried again.
"Youre not understanding what Im telling you. There is an emergency at the Metro Opera house. A force user - one of the bad ones - is on the stage right now. She is threatning the audience and more specifically the Senators who are present. This woman had a knife at my throat and --"
"May I ask how you know this woman is an alleged force user?"
The shattering of glass and the terrific boom! that partnered the tinkling shards was nothing in comparison to what came next. A screeching that caused the small hairs on the back of her neck to stand straight up, filled the now heavy air of the elegant building.
Those backstage clamped their hands, arms, whatever they could find, over their ears to reduce the decibels of auditory pain. Brielle had squeezed the comm unit as tightly as she could to one ear but now pulled it away as the receptionist's once soothing voice barked through the tiny speaker.
"What was that?!"
Acaana's tone was brittle in her response.
"The alleged force user. Do you think Master Evanar might become suddenly available?"
Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 14th, 2004, 04:17:37 PM
"Oh? And THEN what?" She sneered at Dasquian.
"I suppose you think you could get me a pardon, and maybe sway me to the Light side of the Force, mmmmmm?" The hum thrummed through Dasquian's bones. It was disorienting.
"No!" Petriel's balcony seat trembled.
Milivikal pitched forward, and landed on her knees. She gasped, arched her back with her chest pointing skywards and her arms limp behind. The Siren's eyes rolled back, leaving only the whites.
"Yourrrrrrrrr WILL be done... miiiiii-lllllllllaaaaaaaddddddy." The air hummed and pulsed, a nervous breeze uncertain of which way to blow.
"Their bones (theirbones)... to dust. (todustdustdustdust)"
"DUST!" The balcony supporting Petriel collapsed with a terrible groan and crack as the stone gave way.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 19th, 2004, 01:30:02 PM
Dasquian's eyes rose upwards as sprinkles of stone and plaster hit his head. He saw the base of the ornate balcony, as cracks zigzagged across its underside, and heard the yells and screams to match its groaning. Both hands rising into the air, the Jedi Knight strained as he tried to gain a hold over the crumbling edifice. Saber still in head, beads of perspiration formed on his brow as he fought with Milivikal in a battle of mental power.
"Run! Get out!" he grunted, hoping that the Senator within - however deplorable - would be able to make a safe escape before the world came tumbling down.
Brielle Acaana
Feb 21st, 2004, 03:13:47 PM
Rising in alarm, the voice on the other end of the comm began barking out instructions to a group of passing padawans.
"Boy! You there! Run to the training area and see if you can find Master Evanar! Have your friends search, too!"
Nimble fingers flew across the main comm board as the receptionist tried number after number to contact the missing Jedi.
Brielle divided her attention between the comm and the screams emitting from the audience. Something more was happening out there and the Watch officer cursed her inability to be of any real help.
Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 22nd, 2004, 09:45:52 PM
Mili grinned wickedly. Dasquian was fighting to keep the balcony up, but not together.
”You will loose, Jedi. My power is rare. You know not what you face” The stone around the steel reinforcements began to tumble down in chunks as the whole platform trembled from its sonic assault. The diplomat and one of his aides hung four stories above now empty general seating. The centipede in her head chattered happily, and massaged more adrenaline and endorphins into Milivikal’s bloodstream.
“Ahhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm…” she sighed, letting the note carry into the room. The other balconies trembled. Mili dropped her dagger, and her lightsaber snapped into her left hand. She lunged at Dasquian with a terrible laugh that shook the building.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 29th, 2004, 01:31:15 PM
Dasquian saw above the precariously dangling diplomats. His handle upon the situation was slipping dreadfully quickly. When he turned to look back to Millivikal, he saw to his alarm that she was coming right for him. His hold was still on the crumbling stone from the balcony, even if it was not performing its intended purpose. As much as he regretted having to do it, he decided to use the debris as a weapon. Turning to face the darksider, he moved his hands downwards and in a sweeping motion towards her. The rubble came crashing down from the sky, as the Jedi moved edged his footing backwards. He intended to bring the stone crashing down into her, by dipping it down and into the gap between the two of them. Whether or not his theory would work in practice was another matter entirely.
Brielle Acaana
Mar 4th, 2004, 03:55:50 PM
The screaming grew louder from the audience as those below the deteirating balconey watched their own deaths looming before them. Rather than wait for the baloncey to fall on its own, several of its occupants decided to try their luck by jumping down onto those below them.
Swift, brief flashes of thought zipped through her mind as Dasquian weighed the situation from the stage. The Knight was probably unaware that he was 'broadcasting' his conflict to her and again, Brielle wished desperately that she could help him.
The stage manager was still helping the injured Watch officer with the workers backstage, some of whom were on the verge of hysterics from visualizing what was going on in front of the curtains.
From the comm plastered to her ear, Acaana was thrilled to hear the receptionist inform her that Master Evanar had been located and that she would connect his comm with that of Brielle's.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 6th, 2004, 10:52:50 AM
After much banging on the door, and very muffled complaints, Morgan kissed Rie appolegetically. He had shoved the comm into a drawer. After all, they were very busy.
It was very important, whatever it was. Morgan sighed, pulled the drawer back open, and removed the device, which screamed with a shrill emergency tone.
"Yes?" Morgan sounded dissapointed, now that his evening with Rie had been interrupted.
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 6th, 2004, 11:17:35 AM
Milivikal pressed her attack after the retreating Jedi. While not accomplished with a saber by any means, she did know what she was doing.
Swift and silent, the tons of rubble she had just created poured after her. One chunk impacted the stage, ripping through the floor panel. She was catapulted into the air for a moment, before being struck by another piece of debris in the chest and slammed into the set pieces.
Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her head lolled to one side while blood ran down her neck.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 11th, 2004, 11:38:23 AM
Dasquian saw that for the moment seemed to be incapacitated. His head snapped around to where he could feel the presences of others: “Get them out quickly. I need something to restrain her with!” Looking back to Mili, he moved towards her cautiously with his saber still active. As he stood over, it did indeed appear that she had been knocked out by the stone. The Jedi lowered himself to one knee by her, still holding his saber, and waited while the stage hands hurried around to try and find some rope to bond her with.
Brielle Acaana
Mar 28th, 2004, 11:38:43 AM
"No...nonono! - there! Hurry, take the rope to him!"
Green eyes watched as Dasquian carefully approached the downed Sith, drawing her bottom lip between her teeth in anxiety. Her heart skipped a beat as the Knight knelt closer in toward the mad female, then missed a beat again as a male voice echoed across her comm unit.
"Master Evanar, this is Brielle Acaana of the Watch and this is an emergency. Gather as many Jedi as you can and come to the Opera house - theres a woman here, a Sith and shes threatning to kill everyone! I dont think Dasquian can protect the entire audience. Please hurry!"
Morgan Evanar
Mar 31st, 2004, 04:45:58 PM
Morgan was dressed faster than humanly possible.
A loose shirt and hastily thrown on pants, and then his boots. He yanked a drawer open, pulling out a rather large rail pistol in a holster, and clipped it to his belt, along with his lightsaber. Rie had started to get dressed. While she was doing it as quickly as she could, Morgan was ready to leave.
"Royal Opera House." Morgan gave her a kiss on the cheek before dissapearing out the door, and started his mad dash for his speeder.
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 31st, 2004, 05:01:59 PM
It was one of those evenings when Wei just felt compelled to be out and about. It was somewhat unusual for Wei to be walking about without any sort of idea about where he was going or what he was doing. As Wei was wondering about what he was going to do, Morgan flew by, as if on cue.
"Well, he certainly seems to be in a hurry. I wonder what he's up to."
Compelled by curiosity and concern, Wei dashed off after Morgan as fast as he could.
Morgan! What's going on? Where are you going in such a hurry? Wei asked telepathically.
The Jedi Master was much too fast for the Knight, making any sort of shout difficult to hear. And besides, Wei got a sinking feeling that Morgan wouldn't stop for anything.
Shade Magus
Mar 31st, 2004, 05:10:03 PM
The Jedi Knight had heard somone yelling in the hall and walked outside to see what was going on, when he saw Morgan Envanar and Wei Wu Wei come flying past him. Shade barely had enough time to jump back into his room as the duo passed.
"What the..."
It was ver rare to see that, and Shade decided something must be up. He held out his hand, and his belt with his comlink and lightsaber flew into his hand. The Jedi rushed out of his room, while trying to buckle his belt. He tried calling out to the two, but doubted they would hear him.
"HEY! What's going on?!"
Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 31st, 2004, 05:42:09 PM
Figrin D'an's padawan had been in the training area when an exhausted young man ran into the room he was training in; "Master Evanar? Have...*gasp* him?"
Ka' el looked up at him with a raised eyebrow; "No, have you tried his and Master Rie's quarters?"
The boy had the dumbest look on his face, as if it had never occured to him to look for the Jedi Master in his own room.
"No, but I will. Thanks!" He yelled as he turned to run out.
Ka' el called out; "Why do you need him?"
"Something about the Opera House being under attack!"
Ka' el stopped for a second and then darted out of the training area. It seemed that others were being called into the fray. The council member Wei Wu Wei was chasing after Master Evanar and the Knight Shade Magus was following close after.
"Master Shade, what's going on?" He yelled as he focused the Force to flow through his muscles and attempted to catch up.
Milivikal k'Vik
Apr 8th, 2004, 02:37:22 PM
k'Vik's impact had jarred her body's other resident, the symbiotic centipede that resided in her skull. The creature chittered vainly. The lights were out and no one was home.
Still, interesting things could be had with human physiology and needle legs in the right places. Mili's left leg kicked out, spasming randomly. Her body finished its descent onto the stage, with her head in an unnatural postion relative to her body. The creature began to poke and prod nerves that connected to the outer extremeties. The Siren's hands tightend and released. Her eyes shot open, but the irises were dead and unfocused.
Nervous feedback told the creature that it's host was being bound. Mili's legs kicked, but Dasquain was efficient, binding her hands neatly. Dragging Milivikal by her arms was a simple matter.
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