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View Full Version : Idle Hands

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 26th, 2003, 09:05:57 PM
Standing from the cockpit, Grev moved towards the back of the craft; she was still asleep. There he stood, eyeing her blanched form with an absent stare, more shocked than anything that she hadn’t possibly died from hypothermia, or at least bled to death. He did what little he could with no real motive, or at least none he could fathom. He could’ve left her. He probably should have.

They were in Coruscant now, for whatever reason other than having no place else to take her. Maybe she had family - more than likely not. He would’ve just killed her if he could justify it, though since when had he ever justified a death? He had a morbid curiosity towards her, and simply put, his subconscious wouldn’t allow for her death. Guilt had intervened with his instinct; what exactly had become of him?

Extending a hand, he slid his fingers underneath her chin. Her skin was still ghastly cold, though she had a pulse. He began to withdraw his touch, his mind still lingering on where he might dispose of her.

“Wake up.”

His voice was brash and riddled with insolence.