View Full Version : ROTK game
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 26th, 2003, 09:56:19 AM
I got it for Christmas anybody else played it yet? The game is a definte improvement over the last one. I love playing as Gandalf (I wanted that for TTT) and playing as Sam and Frodo is cool too. I also like the secert characters better this time we get Merry, Pippin and Falamir a lot better choices than the awful choice of Islidur in the last game. So far I haven't progressed far in the game, I am on the level with Frodo and Sam trying to escape from the Ringwraiths, that level is hard you can't stay out in the open too long I have to say that. I have lost Frodo like 3 times to the Ringwraith so far.
Lady Winter
Dec 26th, 2003, 01:49:33 PM
I've heard that game is really hard. In EGM, one of the reviewers said that they could have made it a tad easier. I'm still going to get it someday.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 26th, 2003, 10:41:37 PM
The level I am on is hard. I think they made it harder because of how easy the first game was. Also you can use cheats until you beat the game so for those who want to use the coward way out they are out of luck too.
Zasz Grimm
Dec 27th, 2003, 10:49:45 AM
i bought it for my brother for ps2. me and him played it on coop for a while.
I liked it. He was Aragorn and I was Legolas. I'll probably buy it for my Xbox soon. Was a great game.
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 27th, 2003, 02:03:07 PM
I played it about a month ago for Xbox, really liked it. Of course, I sucked, but it was cool. :p
Lady Winter
Dec 27th, 2003, 10:52:41 PM
I'll probably get it . . . If I ever have any money again.
Myn Donos
Jan 1st, 2004, 05:45:44 PM
My brother got it for Christmas, and we've been working at beating it since (PC version) because we'd like to see the secret characters. My main beef is that you can't save in the middle of a level and you have to sit through the ten minutes of cinematics, which gets bloody annoying. :\
Eminy Xaviery
Jan 1st, 2004, 08:17:29 PM
This is a game that I was thinking about looking into. I loved the LOTR movies and I'm loving the books. As far as the ten minutes cinematics go. Ever played Xenosaga for the PS2? I have so I'm used to sitting though long cutscenes.
Myn Donos
Jan 2nd, 2004, 02:31:37 AM
You know what would be cool? Combining Star wars with RotK.
Lightsabre + Force > Orcs
And yes, I do have recognised mental problems. :D
Eminy Xaviery
Jan 5th, 2004, 01:32:39 PM
Lol, Now that would be interesting.
Jan 6th, 2004, 02:56:45 PM
I got the GameCube version for Christmas; this is a very enjoyable game to play. It provides a wonderful sense of getting right into the thick of epic battles. The Paths of the Dead levels are kinda silly as far as the plot goes, but they were still fun to play. The environments and effects are very nicely done.
I only have a few gripes. The game was duly hard, I thought, but there were a couple parts where I was fighting the cutscenes and camera angles as much as the enemies, mainly on the Pelennor Fields. It took me a very long time to find the passage back down into the valley to attack the mumakil on the far side--then, of course, there's a cutscene every time another mumak shows up and every time the nazgul returns to attack Eowyn and Merry. I had orcs sneaking up on me during cutscenes such that they'd get a free hit on me when the action started again. And on the Minas Tirith walltop, the constantly changing camera angles made it very difficult to figure out where I needed to go at any given time, but I eventually memorized the layout--that, to me, wasn't as big a problem.
The camera angles are obviously chosen for cinematic effect, but, most of the time, they provide a good view of the action. You'll end up fighting blind now and then as a catapult boulder splinters in the foreground, but that actually adds to the chaotic intensity of the gameplay.
Unlike the Two Towers, in which Gimli seemed to be poorly equipped for most of the levels, the characters are all pretty well balanced in this game. There's no real secret to mastering any one character, but the fighting animations superbly highlight the differences between the characters. Overall, I think the gameplay engine has been improved. The combos are easier to use, and one of them primes your character to quickly jump into perfect mode--a handy trick when your back's against the wall.
The co-op, I think, is what really makes this game shine. You can be as cooperative or as competetive as you like as far as the kill count goes, but you do have to protect one another to some extent because you only have one respawn between the two of you. In any case, the only thing more fun than hacking through a mountain of orcs and Easterlings is to do it with a buddy.
The cutscenes do get long, but you're only force to watch them through the first time you attempt an unbeaten level in a given sitting. Of course, it's interesting, when you have all the characters unlocked, to mix up the scenarios and bring Sam to the Pelennor Fields or kill Shelob with Gandalf. The actor interviews are also quite entertaining.
A great walkthrough beat-em-up, and it actually does a fair job of telling the story.
Jan 8th, 2004, 12:03:43 AM
I'm inexplicably caught in the part where you fight the ghost-king in the mountain and we're running and then we die for no apparent reason. I got frustrated and haven't gone back to it yet. >_<
Jan 8th, 2004, 03:44:06 PM
Well, I'm not sure exactly how that works, though I'm pretty sure the explanation is that you didn't run fast enough, so you got caught in the falling debris. I've noticed it happening while you're trudging through that last stretch of fog; there seems to be a jut of rock hidden beneath the fog that you can get caught on just before you climb back to level ground. The best way to avoid that is to stay to the center of the path.
I did once get killed by running beyond where the falling debris in front of me let me see... I don't know if I stepped under a falling stone or somehow managed to blunder off a cliff or what. But it hasn't given me much trouble since.
Jan 8th, 2004, 05:27:16 PM
The weird part is both of our characters are still running around when we die. They go so far, then the camera doesn't move forward anymore, then we try something else, but we just die. :x
Cyrel Annat
Jun 4th, 2004, 08:03:40 PM
This very reason is why I haven't played the game in about 4 months, if not more. I kept getting stuck in debris and frankly, I was going as fast as the game would let me. The tip is to watch for dust indicating falling stones and debris. Yeah, you've got about a nanosecond to respond to that and unfortunately, my superhero speed in responding is still on back order.
Jun 9th, 2004, 07:23:36 AM
I got passed that and was fighting at the black gate. That level is SO long. You beat down all these orcs and other losers, then once you think you're done because you've been going hard for 15 minutes, you get nailed with 3 Nazgul. I powered off and haven't played it since. That was about 3 months ago.
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