View Full Version : Rein- Redemption
Slayn Cloak
Dec 26th, 2003, 03:24:08 AM
It had been some time since Slayn had found solace. He had stolen a ship for his cause, which often enough was his main source of transportation. He was now completely alone, and terribly burdened by his thoughts. They were fixed upon his present situation, his master, father, new hope, and what had happened with jehova.
The calm of space was relaxing, but still a vast reminder of the isolation he felt. He was unique in all the universe, and more importantly, just as empty. These were the thoughts that cluttered his mind as he stared out into the emptiness of space, and then gazed into the emptiness of his heart.
it wasn't long at all that the Dark Jedi fell asleep; This is where his burdens became torment, and a new journey begins.
The empty soul experienced millions of moments at once, a great bond that had been far to long neglected was suddenly aroused. He felt, watched, and heard the one person who might have once shared his pain, but was lucky enough to never know it.
" Ahhhe ... Eh... eh... ... "
Slayn awoke in a fit of emotion, a surge of feelings had raped his mind. He was on edge and confused; trying to focus he could think of only one thing.
" Sharia... "
Dec 26th, 2003, 03:35:54 AM
::Her black nameless ship exited the space that was no space. The space that existed beyond the universe and held no importance for time because there time did not exist. Her ship exited hyperspace and the deflated dark side user felt dissapointed. She had left the Shrine and wondered when her presence would be discovered missing.
Things were not working out, she had found her place, yet did not exist in it. She had found peace yet so much dissatisfaction after the study she had devoured. She finally understood her version of the meaning of existance and the significance and at the same time the insignificance of one life.
As for the Shrine, she had enormous respect for those she knew there but yet it was not right for her.
Nieheine was a lost vampiric soul who did not exist anywhere anymore and in that state she had finally found complete freedom without a clue what to do with it.
Her ship alerted her to another ships presence, and also with the lack of fuel it held. She growled and stood, looking at the fuel meter. Space held no sunlight so she was safe so far but she would have to find a planet and wait until night came. She looked at the ship curiously for a moment and reached for her comlink. Sometimes being a vampire was certainly a problem plus the fact that she was hungry.::
Greetings. The captain of the black ship asking for assistance. Does one offer assitance?
::She didnt expect an answer, there was enough fuel to reach the nearest planet, but why not give it a try.::
Slayn Cloak
Dec 26th, 2003, 04:03:36 AM
Then all at once Slayn felt a very old presence one however that had been... perverted. He heard the comm flick to life just a few short moments later. It was indeed her voice, masked in something, but still the same...
"You have always been welcome Sharia..."
Dec 26th, 2003, 04:16:59 AM
::Nieheine knew the voice and froze. He had been gone so long, dissapeared just like TSE, just like Jeseth and her father. She took a while responding, a link to her old self. Saharia, her old name, discarded after she achieve immortality. That name belonged to a living woman who had held passion more than reason. That woman was still a part of her and she half smiled with a sort of affection and pressed the comlink button.::
It is good to hear your voice, may you assist me with fuel and company. Be aware I have changed in appearance much.
::And she had. Red hair and green eyes had taken over brown hair and eyes, her eyes were wiser and older, and her heart was warmer than before for creation, yet colder and harder than before.::
Slayn Cloak
Dec 26th, 2003, 04:26:25 AM
Slayn already knew what had happened, he could feel it; she was dead. This was what he had felt and seen, why was his passion awoken so suddenly? Was it coincidence, could it be believed that this all just happened? He shook his head slowly side to side; He knew these thing were better left alone.
Now, what to do about her... misfortunes?
Slayn mused himself with the situation at hand, and it's many pleasing possibilities.
" You will leave your ship, I have more than enough room. You'll now accept the protection that you once refused cousin..."
Dec 30th, 2003, 07:11:59 PM
::Nieheine half smiled slowly and her chuckle was soft and exotic. he still had that arrogance that ran in the family, and she herself had her own quiet arrogance which she did not refuse to acknowledge.::
Mine changing to a vampire was my own choice and I need a cousin more than a protector. If I needed a protector I would have been long dead before the change. Perhaps we may travel together or join two ships into one, if you be a lover of your ship I'm sure you'd understand my lack of enthusiasm for leaving the Black Ship behind. This but rust bucket has been through thick and thin.
::She did want to see her cousin again, a link to the past. The first time she had seen him he had been suspicious. She had been suspicious. Careful. Enemies came with many different faces. He had never known her with her wings, they had been cut off before she had entered this universe leaving only two angry scarres, so she did not look very Ambrellian. Now he was family and she had very little of that.::
Permission to board your ship and ask for fuel.
::While she awaited a response she took out a jar with red liquid, opening it as the stench of blood drowned her sense and her hunger raged. It was too old, too dead and she frowned in aggrivation. She took out a rat from a cage in a nearby cupboard and procceeded to feed. Eating her cousin would not be very polite.::
Slayn Cloak
Dec 30th, 2003, 10:25:59 PM
Slayn Never traveled in his own ship. He did in fact have one, but made him harder to track when he used stolen ones. Going from place to place with no familiarities, it was easier that way to slip through the cracks.
" You may bored, but you know this isn't my vessel."
The Dark Jedi sat back in his seat and waited for Sharia, He could feel what she was doing, life jumping from body to body; it disgusted him. He wondered had she contracted some kind of disease? The thoughts in her mind were all circuitous; Even she herself had become a little abstruse. He would brood, and wait; This like all things could be changed.
Jan 1st, 2004, 06:23:03 PM
::Nieheine finished the rat and disposed of it, smiling at Slayn's comment. She had suspected that much. To her feeding of living things was of nature, animals killed prey to survive just as vampires sucked blood to stay healthy. During her time as a vampire she had spent hours studying how life worked, the species, nature's patterns. It was ruthless and astonishingly beautiful at the same time disturbing, truthful and somehow appropriate. Perhaps one day she would explain it if he did not already know - it was her favorite topic.
A few commands to her ship sent it next to the stolen one, it used it's pressure pads to connect to the others exterior and both doors opened, letting the woman pass through to where Slayn dwelled.
He was alone, for she smelled nobody else and she let her nose follow him until she stood behind him, his familiar presence and mind ID telling her what her eyes didnt need to know. She used her natural voice, a soft, gentle musical sound.::
Greetings cousin.
Slayn Cloak
Jan 1st, 2004, 08:19:13 PM
Slayn curiously spun the chair around, as he did he noticed this wasn't Sharia at all; What had she done to herself? He watched her come closer, he listened to her speak; She was hardly a shadow of her former self. As she spoke Slayn mused himself with their previous encounters, how good it was to have someone, someone who did care.
All at once Slayn stood up, the Dark Jedi put his arms around her and placed his head on her shoulder. He was moved by previous words and strange, new emotion... his lips parted and he spoke.
" I missed you Saharia... "
Jan 5th, 2004, 09:32:17 PM
::Nieheine felt the pain in his mind, the insecurity and wandered how he had broken, but stories could come later. Perhaps he was already part broken, perhaps they all were. He was arrogant but he was still a sentinal with a heart and everything needed to fall down now and again, and he was her family. His sudden rush of emotion had startled her somewhat, but she had nowhere to go, and he belonged nowhere.
She put her seeminly nimble arms around him, surprising strength wrapping him around. The strong were those who were not afraid to be weak when the time came. There were times in everyones life where everything fell a part, and it had to be allowed to fall a part to allow new life in, to rebuild what was lost or dangling. Not many things could or should be saved. She had to rebuild her own world alone, but Slayn didnt have to, that was a lonely and damaging road with many ghosts that never left you alone.::
Don't be afraid to let your universe fall apart. You don't have to rebuild it alone.
Slayn Cloak
Jan 6th, 2004, 09:54:27 PM
" Let it fall apart... My mind? What does she mean... It, it feels so good here... safe"
Slayn was the younger of the pair, and though he had been "born" with the knowledge of many things, Jeseth had left much out of his imprinting, nearly everything about humanity. Slayn had the sociological prevalence of a child, the body of an adolescent, and the powers of a Master in the force. All this said, it took only moments for tears to fill his eyes.
Huh... Tears, again...
This was the second time he had seen such a thing. The translucent liquid leaving his eyes and in little droplets rolling down his cheek, to fall on Sharia. The first time was when he found his mother, and then when Jehova had confronted him.
Jan 20th, 2004, 08:57:44 PM
::It felt strange to have someone call her by her old name, Saharia. She had never seen Slayn show too much emotion, so this in itself was also strange. She put her hand on his head, feeling the pain throb and wrapped her own sense of self around the angry red area in his mind as far as she could, he had such a strong mind. It reminded her of someone who had thought they were invincable, someone who had failed.
She closed her eyes and listened to the music within the force, her soft violin sound penetrated deeper as she continued to try and wrap herself around the angry red area to create little holes where the pain to leak out, where the emotional 'infection' as such could lessen. The rest would be up to him in that area. Saharia had always been sith but she had sometimes seen sense in the healing of the jedi and taken some notes, even if she was directly opposed to their philosophy. In his pain she added her own pain unknowingly, her own wounds that had healed, her own healing that may come to bloom if his mind allowed it.
The screams of her fiancee as he fell down, his wings torn off his back, bleeding to death. Her sister smiling at her as her own wings were torn off her back, as the blackness faded in. People she had known leaving with only stains of blood. Her mother walking away. The touch of knowing who she was, of picking little pieces of the puzzle and setting them with hopw for oneself when there was none. The days when things just fell apart and she could move because there was no reason to. The broken pieces of furtniture when rage took over. Standing on the cliff in another version of her homeworld and looking down remembering how it was to fly, looking down and not wanting to jump.
Then came images of jeseth, of other faces and things she did not recognise, of memories that were not her own and somewhere in her mind she wandered if she had ventured too far with the healing than she had intended, melding the wounds from one person to both. She swam her concience back up to the higher level and disconnected from his mind, leaving her sense of self to hover over the red angry area, wondering if what she had done would help or hinder. Her feelings of her own pain were the same, if not a tiny little bit tender than normal.::
OOC: sorry about the delay, Ive been away at a camp for a few days.
Slayn Cloak
Feb 3rd, 2004, 06:40:43 AM
Slayn felt somehow, calmed, but bewildered; it had been very infrequent that someone would be so excepting of this kind of display. Still, there was something very wrong with her as well, she was much unlike he remembered, yet timeless and unchanged.
His voice pierced the silence, and broke her concentration, his question quite possibly more disturbing than his actions.
“ Will you stay with me, I need this… you.”
Feb 23rd, 2004, 09:12:09 PM
::Niehiene nodded.::
I will stay cousin, because you are family. One does not abandon family. However what of my ship, we need to deal with that for I will not leave it alone.
::She squeezed his shoulders, the practical side needing attention if she was to stay. She stood and closed her eyes for a moment, feeling time pass, and not touching her. She would also have to feed without him being there as he did not seem to like the idea. Hunters were hunters but that did not mean everyone liked wolves.::
Slayn Cloak
Mar 29th, 2004, 01:59:53 PM
It felt good, being held like this. Slayn had been completely alone, and now he had her. His confusion had torn him apart, pushed him to the brink nothingness. His solos, what had begun as a nessesary step, or tool, had become a prison; He would never again want to be that alone.
" I never travel in the same ship for too long. I suppose this could change for awhile; We could stay on yours."
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