View Full Version : Where the Wild Things Are(open, fight preferablly)
Dec 25th, 2003, 07:28:24 PM
A dark shape moved in the shadows seemingly hiding from the moonlight by keeping close to building walls. Faint flickers of light shone every once and awhile as a tiny bit of light hit the amber ones of the beast that roamed the streets. Despite the large size of the animal, it went unnoticed and in silence as it went. After a few minutes, it wandered out under a street light to finally reveal its true form. Black as a starless night, it looked about, one side of its face marred by three slashes across it but both eyes shone clearly. The wolf pricked its ears forward then looked back, making an almost silent growl as it looked back into the shadows, apparently something else was there.
(a few more little posts to make then this should be ready for others)
Dec 25th, 2003, 07:36:50 PM
A louder growl broke the silence, another pair of eyes now glittered in the moonlight. The sleek form of a inky black panther slinked out of the shadows and under the streetlight where the wolf waited. A paw raised and thwaped the wolf across the face but its claws remained sheathed, the master wouldn't like them to hurt one another so it was the best it could do to air its annoyance. The wolf sneezed at the attack before shaking out his fur a little. It spiked out after the gesture revealing now that the animal was covered in blood and the pawprints behind both animals left a telltale trail in their wake.
The panther's eyes narrowed as its ears flattened against its head, prey was about. A young girl was out alone it seemed the perfect quarry for the pair. Both stalked forward soundlessly and soon attacked the hapless victim. Her screams rung out in the streets as the animals ripped her apart.
(done, their master is around here, she will come if someone appears)
Dec 30th, 2003, 11:38:01 PM
*As Firebird1 saw the two animals tear their prey apart, he felt sorry for the girl. That was a bad way to die, for anyone. Whoever the owner and master of these two animals had much to answer for. Firebird1, Sith Master stepped out of the shadows where he had been lurking, lightsaber drawn, casting a blue light in the area. Firebird1 awaits the eventual arrival of the master of these animals.*
Dec 30th, 2003, 11:49:01 PM
Videl smirks wryly from her spot on a nearby roof before her head turn at a familiar aura, him again? Seemed like he was always around lately but no matter. Her eyes narrowed as she jumped down on top of the lamppost before speaking.
"You again?"
She said in a bored sounding tone, this Firebird was not the one she had known so she was curious as to why he kept showing up over and over.
Dec 31st, 2003, 12:03:32 AM
*Firebird1 smirked a little when Videl appeared.*
So your the owner of these fine young killing machines. I would of thought they would of killed this entire little city, but it seems they left that to you. It appears that you have not changed since the last time we met, care to tell me what is happening here? Any Jedi around? Anyone else?
Dec 31st, 2003, 12:11:13 AM
"You've seen them before so I don't see why you wouldn't recognize them..."
Her wolf snarled softly, he knew things weren't as before somehow and he and his partner in bloody crime drew in close to the master, ears flattened back.
"They bring out the ones I want and my allies don't really matter here, I can fight without them..."
She knew he was probably referring to Sorsha and the others but Videl wasn't always with them.
Dec 31st, 2003, 12:22:00 AM
Allies, whoever they are I'm sure they are impressed with you. After all it must take a lot of skill to sneak up on a little girl, and attack her with a pair of animals. Oh well, if that floats your boat, so be it.
As for my attitude, lets just say watching your friends fight and then gut what you built with them has a strange effect on someone. It makes you realize that friends are more important then most things. So if you wonder why I'm suddenly around alot, thats why.
So any Jedi around?
OOC: Thats the cue for the Jedi to appear, anyways I'm going to sleep now, I'll be around tomorrow night.
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