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Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 24th, 2003, 10:07:43 PM
"Whoa, mate! Back off a bit there, dude -- I don't carry weapons." A voice in complete shock and perhaps a hint of terror rang out as a large guard at the doors of Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill grabbed him around the waist. Letting go of the young man, the guard resumed his place at his post and allowed the Padawan to go on his way. Shaking it off, Zacharia Dawnstrider made his way to an empty booth to his right and sat down.
Reclining comfortably, the young man shook out his shoulder length hair of brown and blonde before brushing out a few wrinkles in his strange attire. Instead of wearing normal Jedi robes, his were rather hacked to his liking and instead of pants -- he wore black cargo shorts. Comfortable in his appearance, despite stares from other patrons, Zacharia smiled and bore his elongated canines as a waitress approached. "Wassup?!" He exclaimed, much to her surprise.
Upon coming to her senses, the woman smiled and shook her head. "Can I take your order, young man?" She questioned and got her pen and paper ready. "Sure! It would be most righteous if you could get me one of those burgers -- ya know, the ones that you have advertised on the sign out on the lawn." He nodded toward the front of the restaraunt and she took note of the small sign hanging on the door. Of course, the woman put two and two together and figured that the 'lawn' must have been the door and he wanted the lunch special. "Yes you may have that -- and to drink?" She questioned with a friendly smile despite the Padawan's strange antics. "Oh yeah! Some of that funky fizzy stuff you have, lass. Dew, or somethin' like that!" The woman shut her little book and nodded. "It'll be a few minutes." And she walked away.
Zacharia was content as he thought of the food that would be coming to him. "Life's good." He said to himself as he leaned back and allowed his eyes to wander out the window and look in the beautiful Coruscant day. It was busy and the streets were packed as people finished up their day's work and shopping. The Bar and Grill began to fill up quickly and Zacharia looked around for some familiar faces and for those he wished to meet.
Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 26th, 2003, 02:06:35 PM
Finally happy and content with everything that was going on around her, Quay'Na entered the B&G. She handed over her lightsabre and nodded towards the guards with a grin.
First, she wanted something to drink and went to the bar. Ordering a Juma Juice, she turned around to see if she knew anyone here. Scanning over the small crowd, she came upon a familiar face...but she couldn't place his name.
"Here ya go, Miss. One credit." the bartender told her as he got her attention.
Quay'Na gave him two with a smile. "Thanks." Then made her way over to the man, sitting by himself.
"Excuse me," she began. "I believe I kinda know you from another acquiantance, but I can't place a name. I'm Quay'Na Rakai. Care if I join you?"
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 26th, 2003, 09:04:00 PM
Just as Zacharia began to daydream, a voice interrupted his thoughts. It was a pleasant voice -- and a familiar one. He looked up and much to his surprise stood a woman he had met so long ago just before he left the GJO for a short tour with his skate team. Smiling, the young man motioned for her to sit. "Yeah! You can join me any day, mate!" He exclaimed with a grin.
Shifting his weight so he was sitting up, Zacharia extended a hand to Quay as she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you again, Ms. Rakai -- the name's Zacharia Dawnstrider, but you can call me Zach or whatever you want." He spoke in an accent quite strange to the norm around Coruscant. "I remember you -- it was so long ago." He commented as he took note of Quay's face.
It hit him then, how she remembered him through an acquaintance. He too recalled this acquaintance -- Mylia. A slight pain touched his heart, but he knew that there was no way that it would have worked out between them with him being gone so often. He was glad that she was happy and now he heard that she was with someone who could take care of her. "Oh yeah -- Mylia -- when she was in the hospital." He said with a sad smile and looked out the window. "You were there too."
Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 26th, 2003, 09:15:47 PM
Quay'Na nodded. "That was quite an ordeal to say the least. You seem to be doing well. Where've you been all this time, if you don't mind me asking."
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 26th, 2003, 09:44:40 PM
Zach nodded and smiled. He was doing quite well -- despite some hidden things that Quay knew nothing of. He was doing well for someone who was dying a long and painful death. Sighing with a hidden sad smile, Zacharia looked from the window back at Quay. "I was here and there and everywhere in between." He smiled and shook his head, knowing that it was no answer to the question she asked.
"I'm a pro skater and I have my own team. We're pretty well known on Coruscant and some of the inner planets. We were called to tour for a year." He grinned as memories of the fun times he had flashed through his mind. Now he was back at the Jedi Order to continue his training -- or so he hoped. "It was righteous! We went to competitions and like -- ripped it up in places I never thought I'd see!" And again, his speech seemed completely alien to Quay. She and many others must have thought him to be one of the strangest beings they'd ever encountered.
Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 26th, 2003, 09:51:20 PM
Quay gave him a strange look. "You destroyed things? Why would you so that?" There was definitely a speech barrier here and the phrases she was lost with for a few moments.
She corrected herself. "Oh, I get it now, you liked being there?"
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 27th, 2003, 02:52:18 AM
Zacharia gave Quay a curious look as she questioned him about his doings. "Destroy things?" He questioned with a slight laugh, but soon her misunderstanding was made clear as she realized what he had said. "Sorry 'bout that chick -- sometimes it's like, no one really knows what I'm sayin' -- ya know what I'm sayin'?" Zach grinned and at that moment, the waitress brought his food to him. "RIGHTEOUS!" He exclaimed with an excitement in his eyes to match no other.
"Eats!" Zacharia dug into the burger and took large gulps of his soda. For being in his late twenties, the man was acting like a teenage boy. "Yeah, I enjoyed being there -- and I pulled a lot of phat stunts!" He grinned as he spoke through mouthfulls of food. "So -- where're you from?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 27th, 2003, 12:03:14 PM
Quay'Na merely laughed as she watched Zacharia enjoy his food. "I'm originally from Raltiir, that was where I was born, but I was taken to Corellia was adopted there. So, I suppose Corellia is really my home, even though I'll never return again. But, now my adopted father has moved to Naboo along with my aunt and uncle and they really like it there. Even though, it's now Imperial owned. But, it doesn't bother them, they don't make trouble. How about you, where are you originally from?"
Dantae Scott
Dec 28th, 2003, 12:13:25 PM
*Quietly in a back corner sat a dark figure cloaked in the shadows. His deep brown eyes moved about the room until they settled upon a figure sitting opposite a young man.*
"Ahhh, it's finally nice to see you, Ms. Rakai. I thought you'd show up eventually."
*He laughed quietly to himself before lifting a small shot glass to his lips and nearly inhailing the dark liquid inside. It burned in his throat but warmed his stomach upon reaching it. Setting the small vile back on the table, the mysterious man pulled a book sized object from his cloak.*
"I will make my brother's life miserable for everything he's done to me. For ruining me and the chance to be powerful once and for all."
*Shifting his weight slightly, Dantae's eyes came to rest upon the screen of the object in his hands. There upon the pixelated square before him was a small picture matching that of the face of the woman who he had identified but a moment before. Ever since his brother, Anthony, had run off to pursue the Jedi so many years ago, he had been tracking him. Now within the recent year, he'd found that his dear brother had fallen in love -- but Dantae decided that if he could not be happy, he would be sure to destroy the life of the one that was.*
"Oh yes indeed, Ms. Rakai -- I shall be seeing you soon."
*Chuckling beneath his breath, the young man reclined in the shadows and continued keeping watch upon the woman -- his newest and latest prey. Oh how much glee filled Dantae's heart to know she had no clue as to how he was following her and how much information he really had on her. Too much, in fact, that he had to keep everything stored on a portable hand-held computer. Pictures, notes, video, and more was all available to him at the click of a button. A sinister laugh escaped his lips once more as he tucked the small screen away in his cloak once agan and enjoyed watching a life live out its last pathetic days.*
Lady Mylia
Dec 28th, 2003, 02:28:47 PM
Mylia pulled her robe around her closely as she entered the bar and grill. A slight winter chill was still in the air. She nodded to the gaurds as she walked past, they knew she did not carry any weapons on her, not yet anyway.
Mylia removed her hood and went over to the bar, to order a drink. She slid her credits across the bar and the bar tender poored her juma juice for her. She took it with a smile and a nod and looked around and noticed Quay'Na talking with... Zach! Mylia had not seen him in forever. A sad smiled crossed her face, she had missed Zach and it had been hard for him to leave. But Mylia had moved on, and so had Zach.
Replacing her sad thoughts with happy ones, she made her way over to Quay and Zach. "Hi you guys!" She leaned in and gave Zach a hug. "Long time no see, Zach." She said with a wink.
Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 28th, 2003, 03:33:12 PM
"Mylia, it's nice to see you. Sorry, I've not been by lately." She apologized to one of her best friends.
"I was chit-chatting with Zach."
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 28th, 2003, 03:40:28 PM
Zach smiled as Quay spoke. Her home sounded wonderful and though he had never visited Corellia, he had hoped to some day. Naboo was an amazing place that he wished to visit again after competing there several times over the last year. It was one of his favorite places to see. With a bit of a sad smile, he shook his head. "I'm not exactly sure where I am from -- I've been told so many things, but I grew up on a moon, actually." He thought about how strange this probably seemed.
"There is a small planet out there somewhere and I am from its moon. The moon's name was Dinaime and it was a righteous place to live!" He grinned as he recalled his years of growing up there. "My family was really nice -- they adopted me when I was just a gromit." And then his eyes took in the most beautiful sight he had seen in a long time -- Mylia Basque. His jaw nearly hit the table as he attempted to get out of his seat but could not. He remained there until she reached across and embraced him. "DUDE!" Zach exclaimed as he held her close.
Inhaling deeply, the young man caught the same familiar scent that she bore a year ago. How he had missed her -- and it had been hard to go, but it was his calling. Now she had moved on and was happy once again, and so was he. He was in love now, more so than he had ever been. The object of his love now sat beside him on the bench -- a skateboard with red flames on the bottom of the deck, his own name in a funky sort of writing. Thanks to the fact that he was galactically reknown and that he was sponsored, he now had his own line of boards and shirts. It was nothing to him, though, and only came with the fact that he was naturally agile and could do things others had never heard of -- like seeing a fall before it happened.
"It's so great to see you!" He spoke with a joy that had been missing in a long time. His blue eyes rested upon her beautiful set as he reminisced about the times that had shared together before he had gone. "I've missed you." And there came another sad smile across his lips, though he attempted to hide the fact that he had been dreaming of her the entire time he was away. He was unable to really even speak to other women after his few times with Mylia. She had changed him forever. "I've been great -- and you appear to be doing excellent yourself, pretty flower." He blushed and looked down at his food for a moment, again getting lost in his memories of their times together.
Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 28th, 2003, 06:14:29 PM
Quay'Na saw the look between the two. It was the same look she felt when her beloved Anthony was around. "Look, umm. I think, I'll make myself scarce. Looks like you may have some catching up to do."
"I'll just go up to the bar for a bit." She smiled as she stood. "It was nice to see you again, Zach. Mylia, I'll talk to you a little later." She nodded to them both and headed for an empty bar stool. "Juma juice, please." She smiled as she slid into the seat.
Lady Mylia
Dec 29th, 2003, 10:50:32 AM
Mylia stared at Zach, it was good to see him. She did not really notice Quay leave. She slid into the seat next to him, not taking her eyes off him.
The times that they had together were great and it was hard to get over him, but she had. She was with Ridge now and happy. A sad smile crossed her face as she thought about the times she had shared with Zach.
"I've been great -- and you appear to be doing excellent yourself, pretty flower."
She smiled with a twinkle in her eyes. She had not been called that in so long. Zach's pretty flower. She laughed a bit. "I have been well, but it's so good to see you again. How has your tour been? I've heard a couple things about the competitions on the halo-net, but not to much."
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 29th, 2003, 01:04:40 PM
Zach didn't even notice Quay leave -- he was too caught up in Mylia at the moment to notice anything else but her. His heart ached deep within him to feel her touch once again -- to hold her as he once had. But those days were gone now, lost in the sands of time to never be found again. He would do nothing to upset her life now, he wanted her to be happy with whoever she was with. Maybe they could start over and become close friends again -- at least, he hoped so.
His thoughts were interrupted when she spoke, her beautiful voice like a song to his ears. Smiling as the excitement built with memories of the last year, Zach nearly exploded with information. "It was RIGHTEOUS! Dude! The tour took off and like, the guys and I went to so many cities and planets -- it was awesome! Never before have I ripped it up so wickedly cool and all. It was phat and our team did great!" He grinned as his heart pounded over a few beats more than it should have, causing him to cough. Daily now, he noticed little things that his disease caused, catching up with him. Paying it no mind after a moment, he smiled as his eyes locked with her and entranced him.
"Mylia -- I'm so sorry for leaving you, chick. I wan -- I wanted you to go with, but I couldn't have been so selfish as to take you from this great place and your training. I'd give anything to have a Master of my own." He looked down as a few hidden tears stung at his eyes. Indeed, he had lost a lot by going on the tour, but it was part of his life still. He had gained so much from it, but it was a personal endeavor now -- one he wished someone else to partake in with him. Looking up at her as the tears subsided, he smiled sadly and took her hand in his own. "But that doesn't mean we can't be close now, right?" Zach smiled broadly once again, hoping that she would agree with him.
Lady Mylia
Dec 30th, 2003, 10:19:01 PM
Mylia smiled and listened to Zach speak. She loved hearing his accent and lingo. It was extremely.... charming. She laughed at how excited he got when he spoke about his passion. That was another thing Mylia loved about Zach, he was so compassionate with whatever he did.
She listened to him apolgize for leaving, she tried to stop him. "Don't--" She began but got cut off. She smiled to him, insuring him that there was no hard feelings.
"Zach, I know the tour was important to you. It was for you, no need to apologize for anything." She smiled again as Zach questioned their friedship. "Of course not, Zach! Geesh, I can't believe you would even question that. We can still be very close. I except nothing less." She smiled and squeezed Zach's hand.
Dantae Scott
Jan 27th, 2004, 09:20:11 AM
*Dantae grinned as he watched his prey make her way to the bar, just as he had hoped. In his mind circled so much information that he felt as though his head could explode at any moment. Names, numbers, dates, and times made him wonder if this job was really worth what he was getting out of it.*
"I'd do anything to see my brother suffer."
*He concluded with a sly laugh and a coy smile to match. Rising from his seat after slamming down a shot of vodka, Dantae began walking toward Quay'Na. It did not take him long to cross the bar, but he did not wish to appear in such a hurry that he was suspicious. It was just enough, that when he sat down beside her, she barely turned her head.*
"Good, subtle enough."
*Dantae concluded in his mind as he ordered a flask of Whiskey from the barkeep. Turning his body slightly, he gently tapped Quay on the shoulder.*
"Good evening! I couldn't help but come and sit beside you so that I may admire your beauty up close."
*He flashed a suave smile and awaited her response.*
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Jan 27th, 2004, 09:27:13 AM
The mere touch of her hand was intoxicating for Zacharia and the look in her eyes was equally soul-shaking. His heart sank at the thought of merely being friends, but he would take any form of relationship with her at this moment.
"That's awesome, chick. Really righteous that you'd take me back and all." He grinned but fell silent, obviously bothered by something. Zach had already seen the man Mylia decided to be with in his absence. "He has nothing on me!" He thought to himself, but attempted to shake these words from his mind.
Lady Mylia
Jan 27th, 2004, 03:51:08 PM
"How could I not take you back, Zach?! You must be crazy." She laughed with a smile and the same twinkle in her eye that was there the first day they met. "I hope you never think anything different."
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 27th, 2004, 04:49:02 PM
Quay'Na turned and looked at him. "Excuse me? What?" Had it been Anthony saying it, she'd have kissed him. But, this guy was not her type at all.
Dantae Scott
Jan 27th, 2004, 05:47:13 PM
"What a bi --"
*Dantae paused in thought as he smiled coyly at Quay. She did have a bit of a temper and perhaps a hint of a rude attitude. Chuckling ever so slightly, the young man shook his head.*
"No intention to offend, m'lady. I just merely think you're beautiful. Any man should be lucky enough to have you."
*He indeed thought her lovely, but with the firey attitude she had displayed already, Dantae would no more sit and speak with her than live the rest of his life with her. Of course, the highly esteemed Dantae thought his brother to be clinically insane for believing in such a love between them.*
"I see you already have something to drink, but do you care for anything else?"
*Dantae questioned with what appeared to be genuine kindness. His smile and even the gentle flecks of green in his blue eyes were deceiving. The barkeep set his flask of Whiskey before him and the young man grinned as he tossed a large golden coin toward the one behind the counter.*
"I can more than afford perhaps, a drink of greater wealth."
*Again, the smile that was quickly becomming famous etched his lips once again as he attempted to seduce the beauty before him.*
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 27th, 2004, 07:57:18 PM
"Forgive me, that was rude of me." She apologized with a smile. "Thanks for the compliment and yes, I suppose I could use a fresh drink."
Quay'Na held out her hand in a friendly gesture. "Quay'Na Rakai, Padawan learner, nice to meet you."
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