View Full Version : A Most Righteous Dude...(open)
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 24th, 2003, 04:27:08 PM
It had been far too long since Zacharia had set foot in the temple, but finally, he was back. "Man, it's been a while!" He exclaimed with the the strangest accent ever heard around these parts. In fact, he was the strangest being the Jedi temple had probably ever been subjected to. Taking a few steps, the young man looked about and yawned sleepily. "Like -- where is everyone?" He questioned and sighed as no reply came.
Shaking his head, Zacharia took a few steps toward a beautiful man-made waterfall and bent over to see his reflection in the water. What he saw might have been surprising to others, but not himself -- he was comfortable in his image. His shaggy shoulder length light brown hair glimmered in the light, reflecting off of the blonde highlights the sun had brought out. His tan face was a nice contrast to his locks and both a compliment to his muscular frame. Something was not quite right, though.
"Dude, all the Jedi should try this!" The young man exclaimed as he looked down at his Jedi robes -- or rather, what was left of them. The brown material was shredded in various places and now were the length of his waist. Instead of being tied at the center, they were left hanging open to reveal a black t-shirt with white writing on it and a strange logo. "Righteous!" He exclaimed and eyed what topped it all off -- blazing blue baggy shorts that hung down just a bit past his knees.
After laughing for a moment, the young Padawan looked around and sighed, sitting down upon the edge of the waterfall. His eyes moved to sit upon the water until his thoughts began brewing once again. "Is something wrong with me? Do they know about -- no, they couldn't." He concluded to himself, wondering secretly why no one had chose him to be their student though he had been at the Jedi Order for nearly a year now.
Falcon Gyndar
Dec 27th, 2003, 05:40:43 PM
Stop. Silence....
"Ahem..." he says, rather loudly, in the thought that this usually makes those who do not expect it jump. It echoes in the silence of this place.
The man in front of him seemed to twitch a little at the knight's noise. Some surprise, it seems.
"There's nothing wrong with you as far as I can tell. But of course, knowing little about you myself, it remains to be seen."
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 28th, 2003, 11:51:55 AM
Zacharia looked up and smiled, though still slightly alarmed at the voice. He wondered how long this stranger had been in the Temple with him and how much he had seen and heard. It didn't matter, though, for the Padawan rarely paid much mind to how much others thought of him.
"Whoa! You like, shocked me mate." He started with a laugh and thought of what the man had said. "I guess that's why he thinks there is nothing wrong with me." Zacharia concluded to himself but shook it off, keeping a positive outlook on the situation just as he had on life. "The name's Zacharia -- Zacharia Dawnstrider but most people just call me Zach." He smiled once again as the light slightly reflected off of his longer canine teeth. Rising to his feet, the Padawan slowly approached the stranger with an outstretched hand in greeting.
Naturally he assumed that the one who spoke to him was a Jedi. Afterall, he was in the Temple and he felt different from most people that the Padawan had met. In fact, Zach went as far as to think that perhaps this man was a Master from the feelings that he was gathering through the Force. This was an area that he was just naturally good at -- the strange affinity that he held with people and nature. "So, dude -- you don't think anything's wrong with me? Then why am I still trying to find someone to train me? I mean -- if I'm not gonna be good at usin' the Force, then I can find other ways to exercise my talents." Still, though, he remained optimistic about the situation at hand, hoping that maybe this nice man showed up at the right time and could help him with his troubles.
Falcon Gyndar
Dec 29th, 2003, 01:49:18 AM
He returned the handshake...
A few connections, flags up in his mind, something clicked...
"Zach, sometimes it takes longer for some of us to find a master that suits us. Yours will come along yet."
He paused, thinking...
"Come to think of it, you wouldn't happen to know my daughter, Natia, would you?"
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 29th, 2003, 12:55:27 PM
Zacharia smiled as Falcon shook his hand. There was something in the man's eyes that made the Padawan see he was making connections with the name in his mind. Somehow, this puzzled Zach as he had never met anyone else with the last name he bore. At the mention of his daughter Natia, the young man shook his head.
"Dude, I haven't hardly met that many people from here, actually. I've met Mylia Basque and Quay'Na Rakai -- and some others whose names I can't remember to save me from a wave." He laughed slightly as their hands dropped from the greeting. "Natia -- maybe I'll meet her someday." He smiled and nodded. "I hope I get a Master -- I just wanna prove that I can handle this lifestyle!" There was a fire in his eyes that certainly backed what he was saying from his heart.
Sighing, Zach shook his head. The day would never come soon enough but he knew that patience would take him there. "I know I can't push for it, but like, there is just something within me that I can't ignore. This pull -- this calling is so strong and it hurts when I can't do anything to help others and do what I know is right because I haven't been trained. I know I'm cut out for this, I feel it."
Shade Magus
Dec 29th, 2003, 06:45:00 PM
Shade walked in the room. He had been standing outside when he had first picked up on the conversation. The young Jedi Knight hadn't been meaning to listen in on the conversation, but when he had heard the name Dawnstrider.
"Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to know a Verse Dawnstrider would you?"
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 29th, 2003, 07:34:45 PM
Suddenly then, Zacharia's conversation with Falcon and his own thoughts were interrupted by another's voice -- and then the figure of another man appeared in the open space. Smiling toothily, Zach bowed at an awkward angle and eyed the newcomer as he spoke.
"Verse Dawnstrider? Where have I heard that name before?" He questioned himself, and then it hit him. He remembered that night ( at the Bar and Grill with Mylia and those strange people. The strangest one of all was the one this man spoke of -- the goofy guy who mocked Zacharia by stealing his last name.
"Know him? Of course I don't know him, but I've talked to the bloke." Zach laughed slightly as he recalled how the older man who claimed to be a Master had tried to move in on his girl -- or rather, who used to be his girl. Sighing, the young man shook his head. "First impressions, mate -- that's what I always say. This dude was seriously wrenched in the head, claiming to carry my last name!" He laughed again and looked to Falcon. "Who is this Verse guy? You're a Jedi, I'm guessing -- and he claimed to be a Master!"
Falcon Gyndar
Dec 30th, 2003, 11:34:07 PM
Falcon noticed the fellow kinght walk in.
"Yes, Zach, I am indeed a Jedi...A knight, in fact. As well as my comrade here."
He tipped his head to Shade."
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Dec 31st, 2003, 11:18:43 AM
"Whoa! Dude, are you for real?!" Zach exclaimed as Falcon spoke. Two Jedi Knights now stood before him and he was stuck in a bit of awe. "Sorry for my lack of respect, Master dudes." He bowed awkwardly to both once again and grinned toothily.
Then it hit Zach how much of a lack of respect he had actually shown them. Shaking his head, the young man sighed as a deep blush set over his cheeks. "Sorry again." He mumbled, hoping to not have offended them to the extent that they would leave his presence.
Falcon Gyndar
Jan 2nd, 2004, 01:23:31 AM
Falcon just grinned....
Spirited guy...where have I seen that before? Ahh of my students...
....and shook his head, chuckling.
"No worries, ah, Zeke. Not used to the life here, hmm?"
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Jan 2nd, 2004, 09:58:06 AM
"Zeke?" He thought to himself as he realized Falcon's mistake on his name. Grinning and passing it off, the Padawan focused on the question at hand. It didn't take him too long to think of exactly how different this life was and how much he had yet to learn in order to adapt.
"The life here is narly, Master -- and it seems to be most righteous for sure, but from where I come from, this place is rather torqued." He noticed the look of subtle confusion on Falcon's face and he shook his head, waving his arms a bit. "Sorry mate, but it's like this -- it's all so dignified here. So real, if that makes sense."
The Garou's eyes moved about the temple surrounding them. It was so beautiful, and Zacharia counted this place to be the most beautiful he had ever seen in his life. Shifting his weight slightly as he realized that he had begun to become comfortable with his surroundings, the Padawan grinned. "But it's all good! I love it here!"
Shade Magus
Jan 2nd, 2004, 06:09:08 PM
Shade smiled.
"Yes it does make a sense to me becsoue that is how I felt when I first came here. The reason I asked about your name is because it is the name of a very powerful Jedi, but if you say you are of no relation, then I believe you."
Shade looked the young man up and down, trying to formulate an opinion of him.
"Why do you wish to become a Jedi?"
Zacharia Dawnstrider
Jan 3rd, 2004, 12:48:37 AM
Unbeknownst to Zach, he was very much a relation to the others -- of course, only time would tell if this truth would be revealed to him or not. Grinning as he was questioned, the Padawan took hardly any time to formulate his answer. With an excited expression, the Garou answered. "I wanna touch people's lives, dude! I wanna save and protect and keep all from harm. No one deserves to die or be killed or hurt -- like, I have an obligation to stop the pain."
Pausing a moment, his thoughts flashed briefly to his own life and how his disease was quickly stealing away his present breath. "I need to live out the rest of my life giving life to those who can live." He thought with a sad smile. "I've always had a wicked strong draw to serve -- and that is what the Jedi do. I wanna give my life to the people." Zach spoke with pure confidence and heartfelt conviction.
Falcon Gyndar
Jan 6th, 2004, 12:08:08 AM
Falcon nodded...
"That's a very good thing, Zach. Is there any specific area you'd like to focus on? Like healing, combat...What is your main interest and focus in the Jedi studies?"
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