View Full Version : Never-Neverland (open)

Galien Moss
Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:40:07 PM
I do believe I have a plan
To steal the Queen of Neverland
Cause I was in her neighborhood
Feeling just like Robin Hood

With only our love to protect us
Hoping they won't detect us
through the castle's open air
Sliding down the spiral stairs

I do believe I have a plan
To steal the Queen of Neverland
I slipped into her room and said
"Come with me the King is dead"

In the name of lustful just rewards
As Knights shall fall upon their swords
And grant this poor boy's wish tonight
To make the Queen a noble wife

I do believe I have a plan
To steal the Queen of Neverland
When I come breaking down her door
She's the one I'm looking for

Black and white
First you're here then it's cool
It's wrong--it's right--it's right

I'll do whatever I must do
Scale the walls to be with you
And word will spread throughout the land
"He stole the Queen of Neverland"

I do believe I have a plan
To steal the Queen of Neverland
And every boy to become a man
Must steal the Queen of Neverland
Steal the Queen of Neverland
Steal the Queen of Neverland
Never Never Neverland

A long time ago...

It was a sin to engage in intercourse outside the bonds of marriage. There had only been one woman in the history of the little town to do so, and she had been shunned to the point of suicide. It wasn't talked about, and the man involved was never looked at sideways; it was a well known truth that women were seductors, and that they snared men with batting eyelashes and bubbling laughs. He couldn't honestly be blamed. Eventually the incident was talked about less and less, and soon nearly forgotten. Time went on, as it does, and so did the little town.

Four years after the Incident, as it had vaguely become referred to, two things happened in the little town. First, the strange wanderlust people came and set up camp on the edges of the district, bringing with them their flock of raggamuffin children and mangy pets. Second, the missionaries arrived. It was a custom every year for the missionaries to come, baptizing the new infants in the town and giving sermons about the many Evils of the galaxy that multiplied with every passing season.

By chance one of these missionaries came across one of the nomadic visitors. The young man Immanuel Mossman at first felt pity for the woman. Noni had not yet Embraced the Lord and he felt compelled to help her find her way to the Light. Immanuel never once stopped to consider whether or not Noni wanted to see the Light. Nor did he ever pause to think that perhaps she had already found it, and that it just wasn't in the same way that he had.

Noni, for her part, believed that everyone reached their own enlightening; they couldn't be helped along the way, because no one shared the same path. Her people were ancient and of a mindset that had become lost in the galaxy. She had lived a long life, never changing, and went and did what she pleased, free from the binds of any law. Until Immanuel came, she had never wanted for anything. But as soon as the young gypsy set eyes on the straight-backed missionary, she knew that she had to have him, even just for a single night.

What happened next was a culmination of things. Noni relied on the ancient charms and devices of her people, Immanuel on his God and Way. Both were after the same thing, each other, and both were determined to come about it the way they planned. Perhaps it was God, or perhaps it was sorcery, or maybe it was simply fate. But the missionary and the gypsy soon were both suddenly caught up in each other, unable to explain how they had ended up there.

And so it came that the little town had it's second immoral transgression.

Immanuel and Noni fled together, to Corellia, to raise their daughter. Though he knew it was wrong to do so, Immanuel did not ask Noni to marry him. She would have denied him anyway. Somehow there was something very fragile about their relationship; it couldn't be caged, or else it would wither and die. They were happy, yes, but it was a thing that knawed at the back of the missionary's mind.

His child was a sinful possesion.

Present Day...

Galien Moss was neither a fighter nor a lover. She simply was. Some who knew the woman called her shallow. The term was not usually meant in an insulting way, it was just the only way to describe Galien. There was no depth to her. She didn't seem to ponder great anythings, or to feel guilt or shame or regret. The woman just lived and did what she pleased. It was a wonderful life to be sure, but certainly one would expect to feel something...

Plodding down the dark walks of Coruscant, Galien did not make an intimidating figure either. She was small, nearly a midget at four foot eleven, and her vagabond dress made her appear more ridiculous than it did menacing. Her dark-skin was not 'blacker than night', and her eyes held nothing of 'stone cold windows of death' description. In fact, had she done herself up a bit, Galien could have passed for a well-to-do, tax-paying citizen.

There wasn't any real reason for her coming out tonight. She had been restless (unfortunately having inherited her mothers wanderlust) and decided to go and walk until the feeling wore away. A window display of a small shop made her pause; great pewter crosses and rosary beads were spread out on deep green velvet. The instruments reminded her of her father.

The woman stared for another moment and then abruptly turned the corner. Her face collided with somebody's chest and Galien tumbled to the ground--not a far fall from her stature. Still, to be knocked down so callously was not something that Galien appreciated. The woman growled and picked herself up, brushing off her black trousers.

"Why don't ye use yer deadlights, scrap 'eap!?"

Slayn Cloak
Dec 24th, 2003, 12:03:52 AM
Slayn knew of no place he could return to, so he went to the one place he could hide. Coruscant had many places to hide, and his father had left him residence here. Still, so much had changed and it seemed there were just as many ways to find annoyance; This of course was proven as someone smashed into his chest...

"I would say the same, though I can only infer what you meant."

He spoke to the girl in a melodic way, his voice though spoken seemed to echo in her mind.

Galien Moss
Dec 24th, 2003, 12:30:57 AM
Galien was a well-travelled woman and had experienced a great many deal of things. Thus, while she was amused by it, the slightly odd quality of the strangers voice neither captivated her nor aroused interest. What did was the mans response. Galiens eyes widened like an animal about to charge, and the diminutive lady put her hands on her hips defiantly.

"Ye can only infer, is it?"

Her battered old hat fell with a soft 'whoosh' to the duracrete below as Galien's head tilted slightly upwards to jut out her already stubborn chin. The womans hoop earings gently clinked against each other, their gently tune completely out of place in the staredown.

"'S pre'y bloody obvious wha' I meant, boy!"

Slayn Cloak
Dec 24th, 2003, 12:47:49 AM
The woman's earrings descanted the young Cloak, it was unnerving at best, the resonance creeping out from the woman and into his mind. He narrowed his eyes and turned his head a slight bit in discomfort. He solved the problem through the force, not putting pressure on the woman at all, in fact if it weren't for the silence, she wouldn't had noticed. Slayn brought his gaze upon her, she wasn't a dainty thing at all; Though still not of mentionable stature. His eyes fell on to hers, absorbing her abrasive ness. He truly couldn't understand her strife; So he attempted to influence it...

Calm yourself, I'm nothing you want to deal with... ,in fact, you're delighted to se me.

This time the words could only be heard in the young woman's head,almost unnoticed; but accompanied by a great calm. As the Dark Jedi spoke this time the silence was broken by his voice.

" Might I ask your name miss? "

Dec 24th, 2003, 12:53:56 AM
"The prrroperrr thjing to do would be to apologjize."

A red-clad figure walked out from a nearby alleyway, the light of the street slowly illuminating her figure. Blue eyes caught the faint light easily, reflecting back brilliantly.

Galien Moss
Dec 24th, 2003, 01:04:14 AM
"Might I ask your name miss?"


Galien's reply was immediate to come, the woman's challenging gaze never wavering. The stubborn nature of the shrimpy pedestrian alone would have moved her to stand there all night if she had to. Galien snorted softly, her nostrils flaring. She studied the man carefully; it had been a long while since Galien had picked a fight and she didn't know if she could take this one. The buzzing in her head had tipped her off that he wasn't just your average clumsy Joe.

"The prrroperrr thjing to do would be to apologjize."

The new voice made Galien's gaze shift. Upon landing on the figure, the womans eyes widened slightly. It wasn't that she had never seen the species before, but rather the costume that this particular wore.

"If ye mean me, there's'a better chance o' 'ell freezin' o'er. But if ye're referrin' to 'im,"

Galien jerked her head at Slayn.

"Then I agree wif ye."

Slayn Cloak
Dec 24th, 2003, 01:15:52 AM
Slayn was thrown by this, he had very limited power over this girl; He would in fact be moved to admit none. This drove him absolutely mad, now his curiosity had become a fire and it burned greater than a star. Then his attention was stolen by what had been said, and for that matter who had said it. His eyes never left the woman, he could feel the interloper, and had very little concern. He spoke to her again in a lighter tone, all the while trying to pursued her.

" My deepest apologies, if you so desire them..."

He lowered his head in respect as he spoke, but as he did his words ripped into the mind of the interloper, bringing with them fear and disorientation.

You would do well to see yourself off...

Dec 24th, 2003, 01:37:03 AM
The ears of the Cizerack's costume flattened back, as her lithe frame tensed.

"And jyou would do well to avojid a beatjing!"

Firekat then recoiled a little. Something about this Forrda seemed wrong.

Galien Moss
Dec 24th, 2003, 01:47:18 AM
A loud guffaw burst out of Galiens mouth. She clapped her hands together gleefully and took a swaying step back, just in case the red-clad Cizerack decided to make good on her threat.

The grinning woman fingered one of the talismans on her utility belt thoughtfully, looking between the two paralell beings. Galien squinted and pursed her lips in thought. It was hard to say who had the advantage, presuming that they were facing each other ina fair fight...

...Then again, Galien had the feeling that neither one of them ever fought fair.

"Jest pretend like I'm no' even 'ere. I'd fancy seein' this..."

Slayn Cloak
Dec 24th, 2003, 01:57:41 AM
I suppose there's more to this one than clothing... Oh well.

He thought to himself as he gathered his convictions and began to work his way into the cats mind. His eyes were closed as he took a step back from the woman and listened to her clap. He forced uncertainty and fear into his opponents mind, doubt and a childish shiver; All the while hoping for it to turn tale.

Dec 27th, 2003, 04:31:14 PM
Firekat backs away, not sure of what to think of her adversary. Something is wrong about him, in a terrible way. She was suddenly unsure of herself.

She took another step back, and paused on a toe. Fear can be an unpredictable thing. Some run. Some panic. Some lash out.

Firekat chose the latter. In a split second, her lithe frame coiled, and pounced forward, a fist balled tight as she prepared to deliver a haymaker to Slayn.

Slayn Cloak
Dec 27th, 2003, 05:24:45 PM
The cat shot toward Slayn with incredible speed and agility; He had been caught completely off guard. Her fist struck soundly on Slayn's check. His head recoiled from the blow, and if not for his strong footing; He would probably be looking up at both of them from his backside. As his head spun, and to avoid tripping, his body did as well. He began to bend over and stretch his right leg outward. It had gained force from this maneuver, and he promptly swept firekat's legs out from underneath her.

Galien Moss
Dec 30th, 2003, 03:44:43 PM
Galien hopped back a few extra feet as the Cizerack jumped the stranger; one could never be too careful, and this little escapade had the potential to become very rough. The woman squinted her brown eyes as she watched the action, looking for any openings in either impromptu fighter that would warrant an easy takedown. Watching little street-battles was always more enjoyable when you were rooting for both sides.

Somewhere in the back of her mind Galien remembered that she did indeed have a purpose of being here. Her original intent for this evening had been to find a church. She didn't go often, a handful of times in her entire life, and the woman always made sure that it was at an hour when no sermons were being given. Galien hated sermons, all that preachy-teachy codswallop. The woman was partial to confession though. Even if there wasn't a priest there-- no, scratch that, especially when there wasn't a priest there and she could just go right to the Big Guy himself. Galiens father had been a big endorser of Hell and Fiery Torment. The woman had resigned herself to the fact that she was destined to burn indefinatly after death, but something deep inside her still felt that maybe if she fessed up now and then she wouldn't suffer too badly; like perhaps she would get a five minute water break now and again.

Galien shoved the train of though back into a dark place so that she could enjoy the scene before her for the time being. God was patient, he could wait.

"'Urry now, ye've go' t' get 'im down fast! No lad, she'll see righ' through tha' 'un! Bloody 'ell!"

Dec 30th, 2003, 07:51:53 PM

Firekat fell hard on her back from Slayn's sweep. To keep distance, she kicked upwards, catching a heel at Slayn's upper thigh. She recoiled again, and used the momentum to flip to her feet. A hand shot out toward Slayn's face. At the tip of each finger was a formidable curved claw.

Slayn Cloak
Dec 31st, 2003, 03:22:09 AM
" Ergh..."
Slayn stood back up and took a step away, he had to favor his leg a little. If he was fully Ambrelian, that blow would've compromised his leg completely, but even with his engineered physiology, it was still a presser point. She seemed content to fight with her claws, and Slayn wasn't going to bring Eternity out unless he absolutely had to. The spastic feline shot its claws out at the Dark Lord. She had caught Slayn off guard once, but it wasn't going to happen again.

At this point his eyes closed again, and his hands came together a few centimeters under his chest. The Cizerack could feel itself slow down, as if reality itself was denying her to move toward the young Cloak. Slayn had pushed so hard into her direction that derbies on the floor began to move, and even the woman, who was a safe distance away, could feel the effect. It was like space itself grew and widened the gap between the pair. However, it seems this maneuver was to little to late, just before getting force pushed, the Cizerack's acuate claws mauled the sweet princes cheek.

His face burned as he watched the cat fly backwards about a meter, the salient claws of this species were uncanny. It had little more than feathered his face, yet ripped through it to produce a massive wound, and a great deal of pain.

Jan 10th, 2004, 02:36:13 AM

Firekat nearly tumbled backwards, caught off guard by the strange technique that Slayn used. She used a half second to reorient herself, and then sprang into the air in a strong leap, in Slayn's direction.

Slayn Cloak
Feb 3rd, 2004, 07:09:50 AM
Slayn again forced himself upon the mundane physics of reality, pushing himself away from the attack so quickly that he was little more than a blur to the cat. Moving around her he turned slightly to strike her between the shoulder blades with his elbow.

Galien Moss
Feb 4th, 2004, 12:53:21 PM
Meanwhile, Galien had settled herself against the side of a building to watch. The scrap had heated up considerably, but now the woman was getting impatient. She wanted to go forward, not back the way she'd come, but the only way to do that was to mosey on through the fight.


"Could ye possibly 'urry things up an' kill each other? 'Ve go' a date wif someone."