View Full Version : Stop calling me...KITTY! (Open)
Dec 23rd, 2003, 08:08:03 PM
It had happened all day at school, on the way home, and now even as he walked down the catwalks of Coruscant to get something to eat, people called him 'Kitty'.
"Ooooh, just look at him, he's a cute little Kitty!" He remembered the boys at his school saying that to him during one of the breaks, and it made his face turn red, because a girl he liked was nearby and had started to laugh. And the people here! Just as bad, it wasn't hard to hear them either. But he was glad of one thing, his parents had not attempted to provide him succtenance via their horrid cooking, and had given him some creds to go out to eat. He didn't feel like any fast food, and he wouldn't be allowed in a reastuarant, so he came here, to Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill, mostly because he had heard good things about it. As he walked past the guards, who seemed busy making sure an older customer handed over their weapons, and made his way to an empty booth.
Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Dec 23rd, 2003, 08:57:35 PM
Jaas was hungry and the best place to eat was Yog's bar & grill. He walked up to the guard and handed over his weapons and made his way to the bar with his tail swishing through the air behind him
He ordered a glass of vodka at the bar and looked around the room as he took a sip of it. He noticed a boy sitting all by himself in a booth. Jaas walked over to him "hello, jyou look ljike jyou could ussse sssome companjy?" He asked the boy as one of his catlike ears twitched.
Dec 23rd, 2003, 09:36:28 PM
His right ear twitched, and turned slightly, at the words spoken by Jaassuuvi, before he himself looked at the Cizerack.
"My parents told me not to talk to large felinoidal aliens I don't know personally."
Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Dec 23rd, 2003, 09:42:43 PM
Jaas smiled showing his sharp teeth "well then jyourrr parrrentsss arrre verrrjy prrrotectjive of jyou" He said with a little chuckle "but jyou have nothjing to fearrr frrrom me."
Sanis Prent
Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:14:34 PM
"Except maybe fleas."
A voice spoke from a table nearby.
Leorna Skylight
Dec 25th, 2003, 11:06:34 AM
Leorna was watching from the table nearby and came up to the little cat-boy. She smiled and looked at him, "You are the cutest thing ever!" She said with a slight giggle and smile. The popstar looked at him and stuck out her hand, "I'm Leorna Skylight, singer and dancer. Perhaps you have my cd, it's called 'Lover of Less than You?'" She smiled and looked at the little cat boy, and then saw the other cat thing. "Hello there!" She said with a warm smile. She smiled and her brown hair jumped a little as she did, and her outfit shifted some. The half dress moving and brushing the boy some. She looked at the boy and asked, "What's your name?"
Dec 27th, 2003, 08:24:32 PM
As the, girl, started to talk to him, and the Cizerack, Zareb freezed, that was until he went over what she had just said. He's ears flattend against his skull, and his gave the 'pop star' a dirty look.
"I am not CUTE! And Pop music is the lowest form of entertainment EVER, I bet you can't even SING IN TUNE!" He was yelling, but he really wasn't mad at the woman, it was more like her comment was the straw that broke the Nerf's back.
Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Dec 28th, 2003, 05:37:37 PM
Jaas growled at Sanis "keep jyourrr commentsss to jyourrrssself weak human!" He said glareing at the man.
Sanis Prent
Dec 30th, 2003, 03:17:43 PM
"Can it, stripe-head."
I wasn't gonna be talked down by the felinoid. He might be a bit strong, but I knew the type. They weren't exactly big thinkers.
I poured up a bourbon on the rocks, and gambled on the war of words evaporating. I didn't need the hassle.
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