View Full Version : Reign - End Game
Slayn Cloak
Dec 23rd, 2003, 07:53:00 PM
Bast had become something of a nuisance to Slayn. The dark Jedi longed for the wilds he once knew on montucadru, everything on Vjun was dead, or soon to be so. Everything was in unrest, it seemed all the residents were at one an others throats.
Father's gone... He's always leaving me behind.
Slayn exited his room, still lost in the dreary longings his mind was eager to muse him with. He entered the library his father had called home. It wasn't long before he realized there was a hall in the back... Something he hadn't noticed before.
Well now, this is interesting...
He thought to himself as he entered the hall which quickly became a circular stair way. After a very short walk down only one flight of stair; Slayn found himself in some kind of laboratory. There were cloning pods everywhere, and one that was occupied...
On approach the body in the tube took shape; it was a woman.
his mind raced, it had jolted to life upon site of the woman's face; He knew almost immediately who it was. Images flashed in his head, a result of the imprinting Jeseth had done to him. Slayn toppled over onto one of the desks the pain was unbearable; And there he was, in his mind.
ehA... Father...
It was her, really her- His mother. Just another gift his father had left him... The vision continued as Slayn reluctantly watched. He was to see his conception in a manner of speaking, or at least that's how Jeseth would have said it. Slayn watched as Jeseth butchered his mother.
Eh... eh... JESETH!
just like that it ended; Slayn sat with his back against a wall. He felt pain, maybe for the first time. He had always known his father, and dreamed of becoming more than just a tool. Maybe he would've had that chance; If not for what he just witnessed. There was no use in thinking "had that not happened." At this he stood up and walked over to the tank. Brushing some of the dust of he could see her face. A tight smile erupted on to the dark Jedi's face and he began to speak.
" Hello, I've wanted to know so much about you for so long... and now... I do. I've wanted this for so long."
His body pressed against the glass and his arms embracing it. He pressed his cheek against the glass as his head slid to the side.
Jehova Eaven
Dec 26th, 2003, 01:08:18 AM
"Jeseth, are you sure you want me to do this?"
"You must. He has started to sway from my grasp. Soon he will become dangerous to me. That fool, toying with the Jedi. I warned him to stay away. Now it will be the end of him."
"Is there no way he can be saved, brought back under our control?"
"I'm afraid not. I know your feelings, you are beginning to go soft. What happened to the power-hungry asassin that I trained?"
"Hmph, fine then. I'll do your dirty work, but this is the last time. I have already proved myself over you. After this, I bow to no one."
Voices, memories...
They always come into play when you least expect them to. This time the voices were of himself and Jeseth, the very last time they were together... and the last time they would ever meet. Jehova stormed out of his quarters aboard his Star Destroyer.
Eaven lay in his bed remembering that fateful day. How it haunted him now. Jeseth had dissapeared shortly after that argument, and Slayn and Jehova's rivalry had subsided. Several months had passed since then and now they were both on Vjun.
It was the middle of the night in Bast castle, the black sky hidden by the red dust clouds native to the planet. The dark called for him and so did Slayn. "Was it time?" he wondered. "Was it time to fulfill the last mission from his former master?" He thought deep and hard about this. It was true that Slayn's mind was deteriorating, but no one knew exactly how fast. His emotions would ebb and wane like a sea of torment. Jehova couldn't blame him... Slayn lost more than his master, he had lost his 'father'.
Slayn Cloak
Dec 26th, 2003, 01:32:12 AM
He could feel her, the very energy that made her real; That very same force he commanded. Slayn spoke at great length, and felt complacent here, back in his womb, as it were. After some time he grew silent; The smile on his face subsided, and it fell back into a comfortable shape. The very same it had generally accepted.
As he stared at his mother, he noticed the light dancing on the tube; More importantly his reflection. That blank expression that some how forced itself into a smerk, it was Slayn's face from the lips down, just a reflection; A reflection of Jeseth. He watched his mirrored image and he spoke.
" Was this it all along... ?"
His eyes fixed once more upon his mother while he spoke, and with the end of his sentence, then to came his fist. Slayn slammed his fist against the glass as tears fell from his eyes.
" Why wont you answer me!!"
His cry echoed thoughtout the stronghold, and seemed to reply. The liquid that had come from his eyes was gathering in a small pool on the floor; He gazed down at it and thought.
The empty soul had never seen tears before; He hadn't even realized he could cry. Slayn has always been so far behind emotionally.
" interesting..."
The word had been spoken so softly, the dark Jedi scarcely realized he had said it.
Jehova Eaven
Dec 26th, 2003, 02:19:15 AM
"Why won't you answer me?!?"
Slayn... He could tell right away and hoped that he had not gone into one of his bits of depression or lunacy. The young cloak had proved to be quite difficult to deal with when he was like that. The cry had come from his friend's quarters. He would have to think about the mission some other time.
Jehova immediately jumped out of bed and ran towards Slayn's quarters. When he arrived though, no one was there. He began to worry, an emotion which should have been hidden in these dark halls. Afterall Bast castle was known to have ears everywhere. Jehova without thinking cried out.
Slayn Cloak
Dec 26th, 2003, 02:29:54 AM
Slayn had lost himself in the small pool of fluid. He began to think about how fragile he really was, and the people who had hurt him most.
The cry broke his train of thought and startled him just a bit. Slayn recognized the voice write away, but moreover he could feel the concern of it's progenitor.
His thoughts then went to his friend and Slayn quickly followed. His foot smeared the tears across the floor as he made great haste to meet his friend.
Jehova Eaven
Jan 1st, 2004, 08:32:55 PM
"Where could he be?"
He swore the voice had come from that very room, but he was now unsure. The link Jehova and Slayn shared had started dissipating since the initiation rites of the Krath set forth by Jeseth. But now he could feel a powerful force approaching him, a familiar force.
"Ah, he's coming."
His body relaxed slightly, Slayn could feel him now. They both had the same basic skills, but his were strengthened by the rites. Soon Slayn would be there, but now thoughts of the mission handed to him by the elder Cloak trailed in his mind. He managed to hide these thoughts.
"Eliminate him..."
Slayn Cloak
Jan 2nd, 2004, 12:27:22 AM
Slayn entered the room, he showed great signs of fatigue and an overwhelming concern for his friend. He saw Jehova in an entirely different way; something was very wrong. He spoke out in a confused voice, like a child. He was so inept, naive; He didn't understand.
"What's wrong? ... "
Jehova Eaven
Jan 2nd, 2004, 12:51:58 AM
A sigh of relief escaped Jehova as his gaze landed upon him. "Oh, nothing. You cried out." he said matter of factly. His mind was wandering. Slayn seemed to be fine and thinking normally, as far as he could tell. But one couldn't be sure when one could mask his thoughts.
"I was about to ask you the same thing." he smiled that usual smile of his.
Slayn Cloak
Jan 2nd, 2004, 01:12:33 AM
This was most defiantly odd, Jehova had always been pompous but never so , stand offish.
" I need to show you something, come with me."
The young Cloak took Jehova to see his mother, to Jeseths hidden lab; to see the secrets he had kept from them.
Jehova Eaven
Jan 8th, 2004, 11:09:31 PM
"You look serious, lead the way,” he voices. Jehova was now genuinely curious. He had noticed the sweat dripping from Slayn’s brow as well as the tired look on his friend's face. Even his aura seemed off, something had definitely shaken him.
"Jeseth's room? Why were you in here?" he asks as they soon enter their former master's private quarters. The room had stayed untouched since he had left. Short of the books, which he, Jehova, took an intense interest in.
Slayn Cloak
Jan 8th, 2004, 11:20:04 PM
Slayn took Jehova's hand, it startled the man; He thought it was odd behavior. However, to Slayn, it was a great comfort. The young Cloak pulled him down to the laboratory, dust covered everything, it must had been easy to notice what had been disturbed by Slayn's previous intrusion.
Jehova Eaven
Jan 9th, 2004, 12:03:43 AM
Jehova recognized the lab; it was here where Jeseth had given the most pain to him. But it was also where he was also taught to respect life, more so, to respect the life in the tube. Jeseth's cloned "wife" still laid there, her face still cold and distant as if in a dream like state. The exterior of the tube however had changed, most likely due to Slayn.
"You knew about this?" he asked casually. His legs carrying him over to the desk where a few data cubes lay. "Hrm, these weren't here last time. Probably from right before his disappearance."
His gaze shifts to the puddle on the floor.
Slayn Cloak
Jan 9th, 2004, 12:10:21 AM
" No... you know fath... He never told me anything. Not unless it would benefit him; It was always about him "
What started out as a simple answer had quickly led to a peak of emotion. Jehova could feel it, it was like when a breeze began to pick up; As the tension in his sentence rose so did that of the air around that two.
Jehova Eaven
Jan 9th, 2004, 12:26:39 AM
"I see..." Jehova could feel the tension in the air and the power in Slayn ebbing up. "It's starting... this is the wrong place, Slayn." he thought as he prepared his mind to move Slayn out of the room, where the surroundings would be less sensitive to damage.
"Calm down, it's not a big deal. He was always very secretive and most people only act when the situation benefits themselves." He tried to relax him.
Slayn Cloak
Jan 9th, 2004, 12:42:56 AM
The young Cloak was confused, anger wasn't really what held him, but more so fear. The need to exist was driving him, he was never meant to be.
" She is my mother, that's what he would have me think. Use this to make me do as he wished, as if... he hadn't more than ask. "
Slayn turned around, Jehova's behavior was growing threatening; He continued to speak out of desperation.
" Not by choice or desire, convenience garnered this union. This crime against her... her genetics, life, being... I'm a complication..."
There was a bust of Jeseth that sat on the table next to Jehova. Jeseth's vanity was only overruled by his lust, always dragging about portraits and impressions; That bust burst into chaos, crushed by an unseen force; A lament of Slayn's situation.
Jehova Eaven
Feb 20th, 2004, 09:31:14 AM
Hrm... he thought as he saw the shattered pieces of the bust. That was one of many that Jehova didn't particularly like. It seemed Slayn shared his disgust of it, or moreso of Jeseth.
He felt empathetic towards Slayn and suggested, "I see... Perhaps it would be best if we left this place." He was no longer trying to get him to leave the room for the sake of the possesions in it, but for his sake. His surroundings were making him unstable.
Jehova turned around slowly towards the door and looked back at him. "Come on, this place is best left to rot with the rest of this planet. If you wish, we could return later for your 'mother'." Before walking out he would be sure to pick up the data cubes on the table.
Slayn Cloak
Feb 20th, 2004, 10:01:19 AM
Slayn followed Jehova out of the lab and through a large corridor. After a very silent, and short walk; Slayn noticed they were in a special part of Bast Castle. It was a large courtyard; One that had indeed seen many battles, the very one where Slayn had dueled Hobgoblin.
Vjun was a dead world, a planet host to parasites. This place was its diseased heart. Bast had become the central degenerative force on this world, and then turned on itself. Here among the eroding walls, and cobble stone passages, the scars, and malignant growths the pair had found themselves- As they too where simple a testament to this disgusting force.
With these thoughts and more in mind Slayn was compelled to speak, His voice echoed across the iron stained walls; The castle itself seemed to speak.
" I feel sick... "
Jehova Eaven
Feb 20th, 2004, 10:11:43 AM
"I feel sick..."
A solemn grin swept across Jehova, as he brushed his silver hair back away from his face. "You too, hmm?" He began to think hard about that statement. Perhaps it was the environment, or maybe and most possibly it was their situations.
A most miserable time it was for them, now everything felt so uncertain. Their futures... their friendship...
"Eliminate him..."
Slayn Cloak
Feb 20th, 2004, 10:24:59 AM
Slayn heard Jehova speak, his words carried with them a dark uncertainty. It was beginning to make him feel very uneasy. The callous words, and lack of sincerity; Honestly it wasn't unlike him to be this way, but his mind was so distant.
Jehova Eaven
Mar 29th, 2004, 12:24:21 AM
"Should I... follow his last request?" he began to weigh the consequences. All these feelings, memories of their uneasy friendship which slowly grew into a special bond; knowing everything the other felt. "Can I really throw this away?
He stared deeply into his friend's human eyes. "I don't want to do this..." he accidently exhaled under his breath. His vision blurred until he could see nothing but white. There was no planet, no ground, no sky, only an endless sea of white and in the middle Slayn and himself standing as they were doing on Vjun.
"Do it!"
"I can't!" he yelled, seemingly at nothing at first, but then the harsh reality had come. He had his scythe already drawn, activated and at Slayn's throat.
Slayn Cloak
Mar 29th, 2004, 12:46:45 AM
What's happening... I...
Thoughts crowded his mind, was this happening- could it? Power thoughts and reality, all nonsense now. Protector, friend, and now foe. It would have to of been his only adjunct to become his nemesis, But still, could this really be?
I can't do this.
The feeling of complacence Jehova had always granted Slayn was gone; Replaced with a insensate fear for survival.
Why, how can this...
The force came to his aid, creating a barrier- safety. Slayn could feel the energy surge through him, but he could never harm Jehova. The blade of Jehova's weapon held steadily against the opposing power; Slayn spoke out of frustration, fear, and even love.
" What are you doing, control yourself, stop!
As he screamed the final word, the shriek sent a surge through the force. Jehova himself, holding his pose, was pushed back a short distance.
Jehova Eaven
Mar 29th, 2004, 01:24:22 AM
It had started, it would never be the same between the two. The first strike, the first of many Jehova decided. There was no stopping this now, even though he himself had no consious thought of the attack he knew what he had done and how he was made to do it.
That bastard Jeseth, with their last conversation he had implemented a control word. "A sleeper" It didn't matter now, Jeseth's plan had worked.
"I'm sorry, Slayn. There's no stopping this now." Jehova exclaimed. "It's either you... or me."
He took a small step back and then leapt at Slayn aiming the icey blue energy blade at his torso. Going for the quick kill.
Slayn Cloak
Mar 29th, 2004, 01:50:33 PM
" So this is farewell, the end is it?"
The words left a stale taste in the Dark Jedi's mouth, they didn't suit his sweet pallet. He moved back, in tune with Jehova's strike- The blade only just missed him.
" I will not harm you... I can not!"
Slayn barked these words as he shot his left had out toward Jehova, his palm face-out and commanding the force; His right arm sweeping to its side to call out Eternity. Jehova was knocked back about a meter by the gentle force push. Eternity crackled and hissed to life, and the Dark Prince spoke sweetly.
" You can stop this, please don't force me to fight you... I'll have no one left."
The somber look that quickly took control of his face was mocked by the cruel stare from his friend.
Jehova Eaven
Apr 21st, 2004, 02:58:05 PM
"Shut up! Don't make this harder than it already is!" Jehova once again lunged forward and raised his scythe to strike. Several inches from Slayn's face he pulled his weapon back and raised his hand. His eyes began to glow eerily as they always did before his signature move. Streams of blue energy began to form around his finger tips and within a split second a sharp bolt of lightning launched at his friend striking him in the chest. The resulting shock was echoed throughout his entire body, leaving trails all along his flesh.
"Kill him. Kill him. Kill him."
He would complete his final task.
Slayn Cloak
Apr 21st, 2004, 03:23:46 PM
Slayn's flesh burned leaving an interesting pattern scorched into his body. Tears flooded his eyes as the smell turned his stomach. There where only two things to do now.
Why're you doing this?! Am I nothing to you as well? Will you throw me away as you've done everyone else? Do you really think 'He'll' have you back at his side?
These thoughts flooded Jehova's mind and carried with them a taste of the delirium crippling Slayn's mind; And as Slayn struggled to shake the pain and disgust of Jehova's attack aside- He unleashed his own.
The dark Jedi waved his hand, with an invasive cruelty attached. It would appear as if he was attacking the very fabric of reality. With it he tore at the world through the hand of the Force. An entire section of the courtyard's western wall came apart with a terrible clatter; fronted by its cobblestone foreground. All of this made for a horrible sight as it lurched toward jehova.
Jehova Eaven
May 7th, 2004, 09:46:11 PM
"I'm sorry Slayn, but this has to be done." he sent his voice into his mind. Tears began to form in his eyes as he raised his hand and pushed a large human sized chunk in the center of the runaway wall towards Slayn as a counter-attack; the rest flew by his body and smashed into the eastern wall behind him effectively bringing that wall down.
Slayn Cloak
May 7th, 2004, 10:18:01 PM
Slayn was distraught, his mind clouded with Jehova's words. The shock of his initial attack had yet to wear off and had sent his body into defense. His power raged and energy divided. Before he had even realized what was happening, tenebrious matter had gathered in spherical pools all around him, they floated weightless and harmoniously; Prepared to release their disastrous power. And the time came...
Jehova had sent a much more proficient attack his way, and it closed the distance with great haste. Slayn took an awkward step backward as he struggled to think, but this made no difference; He was engineered better than this. Several of the spheres raced behind him and flattened, compressing and spreading out, blending with reality and the shadows of bast.
As he stepped through the portal he was shocked by the drastic drop in temperature, it wasn't unbearable but was unappreciated. This jump was uncontrolled and when he exited his portal he only just missed smashing his head into an archway; He was now three meters from jehova and on the opposite side of the courtyard from where he entered. The debris that where sent at him had hit the adjacent tower- The already derelict tower was dealt a deathblow, and it came crumbling to the ground.
Jehova Eaven
May 7th, 2004, 11:09:40 PM
"Don't think you can hide from me, Slayn!" he yelled as he felt Slayn's Force signature vanish into thin air. But Jehova knew his friend's tactics intimately. It was his tenacity in battle that had initially drew Jehova toward him. Soon afterwards Slayn's signature had reappeared behind him near the entrance of the courtyard.
Jehova turned around as the tower adjacent to the western wallcollapsed, crushing the nearby rooms including that of Jeseth's. As he turned he began to run forward at incredible speed aided by the Force. His scythe was quickly reactivated as he leapt forward with the weapon held above his head.
Slayn Cloak
May 7th, 2004, 11:35:21 PM
Jehova cleared three meters faster than Slayn could even see, but he felt his breatheren; His attack and emotions where a screaming becon.
Eternity was already in his hands as it hissed and cracked to life. Bringing with it a glow and melody that had become a loving chorus to Slayn's life. The blades of both of their weapons crashed and enhanced this battle hymm. Jehova's strike contained so much force that Slayn was pushed backward by it. The pair flew through the air another meter until they crashed into the doors of the Great Hall, or would have, if not for Slayn's next maneuver.
Slayn countered Jehova's speed with a push of his own. As they neared the doors he sent their momentum to the door itself. The result was a force push that slowed them down considerably. Slayn pressed his feet against the doors and colapsed them, for their mass hadn't changed, just their speed. Once that was done he twisted his body, pushing off his feet and sliced through Jehova's beloved weapon. The scythe was split in half and Slayn was now behind his nemisis, as he too had come around.
Jehova Eaven
May 8th, 2004, 12:12:11 AM
They tumbled to the floor and rolled once more before Jehova shook himself free by a well placed kick in the face. He landed on the floor in front of him in a compromising position. Also unfortunate but he had lost his sabre in the process due to an effective counter-attack by Slayn.
Soon Slayn would prepare another attack so Jehova had to react quickly. He began to charge energy into his fist and quickly turned around as he got his bearings and sent a concentrated wave of destructive energy into Slayn's body ripping apart at his very being. Also the resulting force knocked the sabre out of his hand, and into one of the lining pillars around the area.
Slayn Cloak
May 8th, 2004, 12:27:05 AM
The wave of destruction tore through Slayn's very core, the only thing holding him up was his connection to the force. He doubled over grabbing Jehova, the few spheres that remained created a puddle underneath them. As he made eye contact with his dearest friend his lips where parted by speech.
" This attack of yours will be your undoing; You've always kept your mind open to me my friend. "
They began to sink into the cold and sticky ink, Jehova reeled backward as if in some great pain, but this was only a weak attempt at forcing Slayn from his mind. The dark life matter began to pour from both men in the same manner as sweat from their exhausting bodies.
Jehova Eaven
May 8th, 2004, 01:11:48 AM
It worked, his attack seemed to be a fatal blow but somehow Slayn also managed to keep himself alive. He could feel Slayn in his mind, such pain... he was using his own energy to keep himself alive.
"What's this?"
They began to sink into the floor and suddenly his lower half began to feel very cold and clammy. It was a feeling unknown to him. Probably unknown to everyone who wasn't Slayn himself. He tried to break free of the darkness but everytime he would try to move he would sink further and further into it. Slayn had him with his final attack, he would have to bide his time to escape.
Slayn Cloak
May 8th, 2004, 01:25:12 AM
Slayn could feel Jehova, he knew him as only he himself could; his deepest thoughts. His mind. It was all so very clear to him, Jehova's thoughts came to Slayn as if they where his own. If Jehova was of stronger will, he to could indulge in their joining, but there was much more to be done.
The pair where now nothing and everything at once; The clashing of these two titans was now as insignificant as water crashing against stone. They where now a part of the force itself, the very way Aevenon was created. That was long ago, the result of a mental breakdown and a boy experimenting with things he didn't understand. This, on the other hand, was the end of all beginnings; A new beginning for one of them. Maybe simply death, it was to hard to think about, and neither of them dare lament on that fact.
The world they now found themselves in was as bleak as space, but part of all life just the same. The vastness of it all was bewildering, and the thought of what or where reality could be was stifling.
Jehova Eaven
May 8th, 2004, 01:49:47 AM
"I see now... I know what you're trying to do now Slayn. I won't let you."
As Slayn could now read his thoughts and feelings, the road went both ways. Slayn was attempting to merge them, was his loneliness so great? It didn't matter; his persona would disappear if his plan worked. This couldn't be allowed to happen, he wouldn't let it.
Jehova summoned the last bit of strength he had left and attempted to strike at Slayn but he felt so weak. He jabbed his arm out to punch him and succeeded but it was so difficult. It was similar to being underwater but with far more resistance.
Slayn Cloak
May 8th, 2004, 02:03:37 AM
Slayn moved back as Jehova slapped at the air, he would soon adjust and move as he once did.
" It takes great strength to survive here, strength which you no doubt posses. It sucks it out of you the same as the desert sun, the stinging cold, and emptiness; If you only knew the truth as to what this was. "
Slayn placed a back fist to Jehova's cheek, then spun around and added a side kick to his chest. He was more powerfully here, they both where. Surrounded by the very thing that gives, and in some sense is life.
Jehova Eaven
May 8th, 2004, 03:09:32 AM
"Are you giving me a hint Slayn?" he retorted. "You should know better than to do that."
He reeled back around and struck him in the throat, it began to get easier as he started to move and understand exactly where they were. They were in a metaphysical stream of life, the essense of the living Force. Jeseth once had a theory about it and it seemed that Slayn had achieved it. This was what those orbs of darkness were. In essense his connection to the Force should be magnified in here. The initial energy drain however was in part Slayn's doing and the other part of Jeseth's theory. This was where the physical world had recieved it's life giving force.
He swam and performed a psuedo backflip kicking him in the chin. It was so easy now.
Slayn Cloak
May 8th, 2004, 03:27:57 AM
This was still all wrong, he was still acting as if they where actually there; It of course could be argued that this was true. This was all really just nonsense, the truth where the blows being exchanged here, the energy expenditure. With every strike Jehova grew more confident, and Slayn's disposition wavered.
They crashed into each other at great speed, fists coming to lay upon chest and cheek, bones shattering and screams unleashed. It was the greatest battle either had ever been engaged in. Finally Jehova took another swing at Slayn; A swing that landed on emptiness. Slayn had once again disappeared.
Jehova stood, or floated, drifted in the nothingness. Confused and bewildered as he searched for a reason, Slayn's signature, or maybe purpose. The silence was finally broken by his voice, as he spoke to his dear friend for the last time.
" I didn't want things to come to this, to come here. I'm going to attack you now... this is going to end. "
Jehova Eaven
May 8th, 2004, 03:35:13 AM
"End?" Jehova scoffed. "You could never destroy me. You were never powerful enough. I was bred for battle, now face me and know your place at my feet. I promise I'll be gentle, my old friend."
He unleashed all of his power blindly trying to hit wherever he was. Indeed they were both powerful here, but he knew deep in his heart that Slayn had the upper hand here. He had more experience in this world. The area around him lit up completely in an intense explosion of heat and destruction. Akin to a magnified Force storm.
"Face me!" he screamed in blind anger and frustration.
Slayn Cloak
May 8th, 2004, 03:50:36 AM
Slayn listened as he spoke so hatefully, it hurt, and yet, it was of little consequence. And as Jehova let out an amazing display of his control over the force, it was in fact as real lightning; the purging of all he had left.
Slayn faded back into what the too had come to know as reality, this shared, and sacred space. As his body materialized so did many tenebrious arms, which had great talons that anchored themselves into Jehovas body, restraining him and pulling him apart.
" Bred for battle? An interesting way to put it, even now you fill me with envy; What I would have given to be bred, born, raised. I too was bred for this... in a sense, though honestly more like created, engineered. "
Tears began to form in the young Cloak's eyes, they slowly drizzled down his cheeks to drop of his chin; Each carried with it the echo of a thousand screams. All of which had left his mind a million times.
Jehova Eaven
May 8th, 2004, 04:06:27 AM
The pain!... so intense. It was far worse than anything he had ever felt before. The anchors dug deep into various parts of his body tearing him apart as he floated there in the void. His wings, his apendages were spread apart and felt as if they were ready to give. All the power he had even magnified could not break him free.
"Kill him..."
Perhaps the real reason Jeseth wanted him destroyed, he truely had become very powerful, too powerful to control. Probably even too powerful to love. Jeseth always hated being secondbest. He regretted it when he surpassed him, and feared the day Slayn would. Perhaps he thought they would destroy each other. Seems he might have been right.
"You had it easy..." he coughed blood as he spoke. "You don't know how lucky you were to bypass all the crap that normal sentients have to go through."
Slayn Cloak
May 8th, 2004, 04:17:36 AM
" Yes, well, I suppose neither of us knows anything then. It honestly doesn't matter now does it? I never wanted any of this, we're not competing... we never where."
Slayn's tears gathered and fell with every word, his voice hoarse, and broken; He sounded more like a child than ever before.
" You wanted this, and as it was intended, it will end."
Jehova Eaven
May 8th, 2004, 04:24:24 AM
There was nothing he could do now, he wouldn't beg for his life. This was good, he was becoming bored with life and he didn't really want to kill Slayn. Yes, it is better this way.
"Then do it. Why are you hesitating? Either you kill me or I'll kill you."
He bit his lip holding back the tears and the rush of emotion. "Goodbye Slayn, it was good knowing you."
Slayn Cloak
May 8th, 2004, 04:34:09 AM
Slayn's eyes opened as he gasped and shook, finding himself in the ruins that where once a large section of Bast Castle. Many things had come to an end here, and now was no time to gather his thoughts.
As he expected there was nothing left of Jehova to find and yet, he could feel him as if he was right there. His body was fine, save for the scars that now made a pattern on his body. He spoke out loud as everything slowly made sense.
" I have to hurry, there's much to be done... "
With that said, as if to order himself, Slayn stood and made his way to the shuttle bay; He had to get to Coruscant.
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