View Full Version : Two of a Kind
Rognan Dar
Dec 23rd, 2003, 03:55:11 PM
Walking through the doors of the GJO, Rognan stopped at a bench and placed his bags on it. He had quite the last few days. Not only did he get a chance to have some time away from the order but he also met someone that was now a dear friend of his. Her name was Jame and, to top it off, she was a Lorrdian. He was happy to see that more of his kind were getting off of Lorrd and getting out into the galaxy.
When the two of them met, it was just like any other meeting. But as they got to know eachother better, there seemed to be a bond there that clicked in at first site. It was a happy time that they spent together. They talked and laughed, it was great. SHe also seemed to be interested in the Force. So, Rog took her here, to the GJO, to see if she would be excepted. He had great hope that she would, that way they could spend a lot more time with one another.
After all there stuff was put down he leaned over and whispered in her ear, though, he didn't know why everyone was so quiet when entering.
"Now is the time to wait for a knight or master to show up to see if you are ready to join the order. They are not always around, but they tend to show up without having anyone ask for them."
Jame Kaman Dar
Dec 23rd, 2003, 04:00:39 PM
She laughed, placing her bags beside Rog's. Jame whispered back.
"They are Jedi. I think they sense people's presence. And you're a Jedi. I thought you'd guess something like that, silly man."
Rognan Dar
Dec 23rd, 2003, 04:06:29 PM
"Oh, I know. I was just thinking as if I just coming here again without knowing anything about the force. It would just be surprising, thats all."
Rognan would have sat down but was had quite enough of that on the way home.
Jame Kaman Dar
Dec 23rd, 2003, 04:08:24 PM
She nodded.
"Well, I guess that's seeing it how I am now. "
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 24th, 2003, 04:54:58 AM
Dasquian seemed to have popped up out of no where. He smiled warmly and looked to Rognan.
"Is there something I can help you and your friend with?"
Rognan Dar
Dec 24th, 2003, 02:18:11 PM
Rognan was only half surprised as Dasquian's showed up all of a sudden. He was expecting someone to leep out of the woodwork, which is almost what he did. He smiled back at Das.
"Yes, master Dasquian. I have brought someone that I think is able to use the Force and who is also interested in joining the Order. I brought her here so that someone could confurm it and allow her in."
Jame Kaman Dar
Dec 26th, 2003, 12:18:07 AM
It always just seemed like she had one of her flutes in hand. Right now, both her slender hands were gripped around a wooden flute. She smiled warmly, and tipped her head to the man who'd popped into her presence. Lifting her eyes again to look upon he that Rog had called Master Dasquian, there was a certain mirth about her. The girl's life had taken a turn for the much better just in the past week.
"Hello. I'm Jame. Jame Kaman. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 29th, 2003, 03:17:17 AM
He smiled, "Good to meet you too, Jame. Tell me, Jame… do you understand what it is to be a Jedi?"
Jame Kaman Dar
Dec 30th, 2003, 01:49:29 AM
She pursed her lips, and rested her chin on the end of her flute, which was now vertical, and thought deeply. After a few short moments, she voiced her answer.
"Valiant, and honourable protectors of the universe. Wise teachers, watchers, and keepers of the peace. Strong in heart and mind and soul. Not foolhardy. That, good sir, is my description, beleif, and understanding of what the Jedi are."
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 30th, 2003, 04:22:49 AM
"And it is fairly accurate," he nodded.
"Do you know anything of the Force?"
Jame Kaman Dar
Dec 30th, 2003, 11:02:21 PM
She blushed, remembering when Rog had went to pick her brain and met with a rather strong barrier.
"I am an empath, Master Dasquian. And a telepath, linguist and musician."
Jame smiled, rubbing her thumb on the flute.
"I have many other skills, and after err...certain incidence, Rog beleives that I am capable in the Force, and, if I may say so myself, I believe it too. People find it strange, that I know what they're thinking, how they feel, and ..."
She paused.
" music has a rather strong soothing power. I play with my heart, and ...well, it works without fault."
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 1st, 2004, 10:50:15 AM
"Unusual," Dasquian replied, canting his head as he smiled and nodded.
"Do you know anything of how the Jedi use the Force?"
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 2nd, 2004, 12:50:17 AM
She nodded earnestly.
"It's everywhere, in and about everything. Like some cultures beleive a god to be all-encompassing..Everywhere in everything.
It's because of this you can see and feel most things through it...
All matter is surrounded by it. Every particle."
Jame paused, taking in a large breath.
"But not everyone can wield it. It is found, that certain peoples...with unusual talents... are capable of using it. It has something to do with...uhh.. what was the word? Midichlorians? Yeah..."
She looked at Rog, then at the Jedi in front of them...Then blushed.
"Any thoughts?"
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 4th, 2004, 02:11:42 PM
Dasquian smiled and nodded, "Yes, something like that.
Now, if you're going to be a Jedi, you're going to have to face a lot of dangerous situations and even be the subject of some peoples hate. Do you believe you could live with these burdens?"
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 4th, 2004, 05:41:46 PM
She nodded earnestly, knowingly.
"Being in dangerous situations and the target of people's scorn has been my life for ..well, my entire life. I should have no problem with it at all, Master Dasquian."
Jame smiled at the thought of getting one name to memory here already.
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 10th, 2004, 04:50:10 AM
"I see no reason to not welcome you into the Order. You will be contacted when your training is to begin, but until that time you are free to remain on the Orders grounds. I would suggest exploring a little – visiting Yogs Bar and Grill, and perhaps finding a room in the LQ. I have no doubts you will settle in quickly and easily. Good luck with your training."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jan 10th, 2004, 02:49:08 PM
Jame grinned. This was great.
"Thank you. I'm sure I will."
Rognan Dar
Jan 10th, 2004, 02:56:16 PM
Rognan watched and listened through the whole conversation. He didn't interupt because it was between Jame and Das. But now that it seemed to be over, he smiled and spoke up.
"Thank-you, Master Dasquian." He bowed respectfully. "Come on Jame. I'll show you around."
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