View Full Version : When a problem comes along... (Open)

Dec 22nd, 2003, 11:20:30 PM
Nyla sat silently at her desk, staring at the unopened letter laying before her. It read "N.F.C."

She ran a hand through her short black hair, eyes flashing an intense yellow. With jerky movements she grabbed the envelope and slid her hand across the back, cutting into it with her finger nails.

Nyla took in a calming breath and looked at the parchment, reading the words.... then rereading them.


I'm sending you data cards your father left with me. They've gotten me into trouble a few times now. They could mean life or death for you. I suggest you destroy them... but what do I know?
I have yet to look at the Data cards, but apparently they're worth a great sum of money... large enough that people are willing to kill me for them.
I would have destroyed them myself, but your father left with me strict instructions not to do so. I only hope these cards do not fall into the wrong hands.

Raymond Lee Lukeon

Nyla pulled out the two data cards, looking at them intently.
Were the people looking for the cards the same people who killed her father?
What information was on them?
Who would kill for them?
Was she in danger?

Not that the last question matter... Nyla was in danger every moment of her life...
The life of a Jedi.