View Full Version : It's Been a Long Time (Raevin, Katya Sabutai, Taz Finch/Invited)

Ileya Simone
Dec 21st, 2003, 07:01:11 PM
Ileya Simone looked up from what she was doing at the desk of Fatal Beauty Inc. (F.B.I. for short). She was not on any assignment and was not scheduled for one for quite some time it seemed. There had been a lull in the 'hit woman' business right now and Ileya, or as her co workers knew her, Rage, was starting to get restless.

She had not heard from her younger sister Raevin in weeks and she was growing worried. They had made a pact that they would go to their parents and confront them face to face in two weeks time....that was a month ago. The two weeks had come and gone and Ileya began to fret that her sister went off without her.

Ileya had been taken away from her parents when she was very young, leaving them to raise then unborn Raevin in Ileya's shadow, unbeknownst to Ileya. A few months ago, Raevin made an appearance into Ileya's life as herself a target to Raevin who had made a life doing what her sister did, a professional assasin, nearly killing her partner/friend Katya and paralyzing Taz, their resident computer geek and girl crazy teen, from the waist down. Raevin and Ileya had their blows, but they worked through their problems and were now working on building a strong sisterly relationship. It had completely blown Ileya away to learn she had a sister...let alone her parents were still alive and not dead as she was told. Ileya had a hard life growing up, but she would not have changed it, looking back on things now. She liked the person she was and if she had changed her upbringing, she guessed she would not like the person she would have been.

Letting out a sigh and glancing at the chrono on the wall for a fourth time in fifteen minutes, she got up and paced the floor of the office. Taz was in his office, keeping to himself at this computer like he has since the shooting. Ileya still had yet to tell him that the person responsible for him being in a hover chair was her very own sister. She still felt mounds of guilt for him being that way. She peeked into his office, smiling softly at him for a second before going back to pacing the floor.

"Where are you, Raevin?" She murmured to herself, stopping for a moment to gaze out of the window of their top floor office of a ten story building.

Taz Finch
Dec 21st, 2003, 11:37:36 PM
Fingers typed away as he held a hot pocket packet between his teeth. Lately he'd been hidden away at his work station, doing code cracking or what he called "Specter" works on their competitors, keeping track of them and also on their dealings as some jobs were just too "juicy" to pass up.

He had caught Ileya.....Ileya....he shook his head and smirked. He liked Rage better....it gave more character to her personality...plus it just sounded cooler than...Ileya.

He usually wouldve turned to say something sarcastic or witty...but lately it was ignore or look with silence....it was his way of dealing with things. He couldnt deal with the fact he was going to be this way the rest of his life. How would he date? How could someone like him this way? He'd be a burden and he didnt want that. So it was just him and his killer system from now on..... a techno hermit..... or whatever.

Katya Sabutai
Dec 21st, 2003, 11:54:48 PM
walking through the front door, Katya brought her shades down the bridge of her nose to look at Rage. She noticed her partner in a gloomy mood lately. And she was also checking in on the "kid" more than she used to. She pursed her lips and walked over.

Taking her shades off, she looked at her as she folded the arms of the glasses and slid them into a sleeve pocket on her bodysuit.

"Care to talk about it?"

Katya knew she would probably not want to, but sometimes she would. Hopefully this was one of the few times. She gave a glance into Taz's room and then looked back at Rage.

Ileya Simone
Dec 22nd, 2003, 11:36:08 AM
Ileya turned her head slightly away from the window to look at her partner and offered her half of a smile. Glancing back to Taz's office, she sighed and drew her eyes back to the window.

"Just thinking of my sister, that's all." Ileya muttered, knowing Katya still was not fond of knowing the person who had almost killed herself and Taz was Ileya's sister. "I have not heard anything from her in over a month now and I am worried."

She sighed, walking back to her desk, glancing at the holo image of herself and the man in her life, crime lord extraordinaire, Alexei Nabokov and smiled. She let her finger tips trace the base of the frame and then let herself slink into her chair, hey eyes sliding sideways to watch Taz carefully.

Since the shooting, she had been kinder to Taz, more loving and protective of him. She did not want to see anymore harm come to the teen that he has already been through. Taz had been enjoying the attention until he came to meet Alexei and things were kind of weird with him since.

Running her hands through her short black hair, Ileya closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them to look at Kat.

"Yes, I know, Rae's a big girl and can handle herself...but that does not mean I cannot worry about her."

Katya Sabutai
Dec 22nd, 2003, 10:04:45 PM
Katya placed a hand on her shoulder and gave Rage a gentle squeeze. She knew she worried alot lately , of her sister and Taz.

"I know Rage. Youre only being a sister, and a friend."

She smiled and jerked her head to Rage's office.

"Go on....take a break...just go in there and prop your legs on that desk and dont do anything."

She laughed at Rage's expression. Then quietly said as she walked to her own office.

"If I know how your sister is, she'l be calling on you soon....I just know it."

Dec 24th, 2003, 08:28:28 PM
She was in a coffe shop down the road...In a dark blue pant suit. More of a business woman than a expert assasin. Her hair was done up in a slick ponytail and her face had some make up on it. She sat there at the booth, drinking a creamy mixture of a caffinated flavor. It had been awhile since she ran off and left to think of what was going on with her and Ileya.

It was a curve ball that life always threw at her....only this time she missed the ball. She found herself now wanting to be around her instead of putting her six feet under. It was thier parents...the ones who put her through their little hell growing up.

Raevin finished her hot drink and dropped a tip on the table. Leaving the small cafe, she got in a speeder and headed for her sister's business office.

She was walking up to the entrance and pushed the door open. Walking inside she stood there in her dark blue business suit, hair pulled back, and her sunglasses on. Her heeled shoes making a "tap tap tap" as she walked across the flooring to the offices. Upon entering there, she smiled at Ileya and took her shades off....Hazel eyes now happy to see someone she "wanted" to see.

Ileya Simone
Dec 26th, 2003, 03:23:23 PM
Ileya heard the elevator door open to their offices and both she and Katya turned at the same time to see Raevin step out. Ileya's eyes widened in both happiness and shock to see her sister dressed in such an immaculate style. Ileya looked quickly down at her own form always clad in either leather or vinyl and then laughed, walking quickly up to Raevin to take her in her arms and hug her tightly.

"I've missed you, Rae." Ileya chuckled, placing a kiss on Raevin's cheek.

Ileya pulled back, looking into her sister's eyes, searching the answer for which she sought, smiling when she found it.

"I'm glad you waited." Ileya whispered, putting an arm around Raevin's shoulders as they walked to Katya.

Jan 4th, 2004, 02:46:43 PM
Embracing her sister, Raevin laughed softly. Then Ileya pulled away and searched her eyes....looking to see if she had popped off their parents....she didnt....Ileya wanted a chance to confront them, and she would get that chance.

"I too missed you as well.....And I did promise you your chance to get your answers Ileya....I keep my promises."

Walking with her, she could see her partner wasnt too keen on her being there....who could blame her though? She did try to kill her by guilt of association.

"I took some time too think things out, and I now find I like having a sister....especially one that can kill as good as I can."

She said with a playful smirk. Then leaned in to whisper.

"I dont think your friend there likes me much."

Ileya Simone
Jan 4th, 2004, 02:57:52 PM
"One that can kill as good as you, eh?" Ileya chuckled, then sobered a bit as Raevin whispered to her. She had noticed the icey looks Katya had been throwing their way and she could not blame her.

"You can't blame her, Rae." She whispered back. "But things will work out."

Ileya looked over at her best friend and smiled, dragging Raevin a little closer to her, her eyes catching that of the hologram picture of herself and Alexei that had always made her smile. Turning her attention back to Katya, she gave her a warning look and smiled at her.

"Katya, you remember my sister."

Katya Sabutai
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:00:01 PM
Her face showed her distaste. This woman dared show herself in thier establishment, but this was Rage's sister, she couldnt do anything about that.

'How could I forget.....Raevin."

She said with an even and well fought calmness. Rage could see she wanted to repay in kind and shoot her sister. But Katya wouldnt move against her.....not just yet anyway. Let her slip just once, and she would.

Taz Finch
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:07:29 PM
A sound was heard as Taz wheeled himself out of his room. He liked to use the self motivated wheelchair in the office opposed to his hover chair. It gave him excersise of his arms and he didnt bump into things as he did with the hover one.

He wheeled right by them and into the rear room where his hot pockets were stashed in the chill box.


He said as he went by....not really looking up at them. He went into the room and grabbe dhimself a pocket and threw it in the heater....he sat there waiting for it to go "ping". And viola! hot goodness.

Ileya Simone
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:12:30 PM
Ileya watched Taz go by them, not even looking at them really and she sighed, turning to look at Raevin, noticing she was watching Taz closely. Taz and Ileya's relationship had not been the same since he had met Alexei, realizing how serious they were.

Ileya turned sad eyes down to the floor for a moment before taking a deep breath and calling out to the teen.

"Taz, come here for a moment will you? I want you to meet someone." Ileya exchanged looks with Katya and then with Raevin before turning back to look at Taz. "Taz, this is my younger sister, Raevin."

Taz Finch
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:23:52 PM
Taz wheeled out with a fresh "pocket" wrapped in a napkin. He rolled over to the small group and shook Raevin's hand.

"hi, nice to meet you."

And before she could answer, he wheeled himself off and into his room...calling back.

"Sorry....can't chat......got work to do....Kriffing Imps got a security code Im trying to crack through!"

Then silence as he called out once more.

"We're running low on the "Pockets"!"

Jan 4th, 2004, 07:35:36 PM
Raevin shook his hand and was about to say something when he abruptly left. She looked at Ileya. A little guilty look to her.

"Did....did I do that....to him?"

She asked as she felt sick to her stomach. This was because of her parents and what they did....she looked back at Katya and even she nodded at her question....She walked past Ileya and to one the offices and closed the door....she wound up and punched a file....placing a nice dent on it as she cried a little at what she had done to her sister's friends.

Ileya Simone
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:40:08 PM
Ileya sighed, looking at Katya for a few moments after Raevin disappeared into one of the offices.

"Don't hate her, Kat." Ileya said, her voice cracking. "You know what happened to her."

The two friends looked at each other for a few minutes before Ileya went after her sister, finding her in tears. Her heart went out to her and she said nothing as she walked to her and wrapped her arms around her, letting her cry.

Katya Sabutai
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:50:24 PM
Katya stared at Rage and nodded...she understood, but it would take sometime to forgive. Frell, even Taz didnt know what was going on....She patted Rage on the shoulder and walked to her office as she yelled out to Taz.

"Alright you heathen! I'll get your bloody pockets!"

He chuckled from inside his little cubby hole he called his fortress.

Jan 4th, 2004, 08:32:36 PM
Raevin leaned back against her sister, she sniffled as she felt bad for doing that to the kid. She looked at Ileya and wiped her cheeks.

" I'm sorry Ileya....Im so sorry."

She said as she hugged her sister. He didnt deserv the sentence she set upon him....his own personal prison for something he didnt do. For the crime of her parents. She wiped her cheeks again and moved away from Ileya.

"He doesnt know.....does he?"

Ileya Simone
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:48:58 PM
Ileya let her move away from her and she watched her for a moment before answering her.

"No, Raevin, Taz does not you are responsible for him being in a chair. I have not and wil not tell him. He's already on edge with my relationship with Alexei, to know that my sister put him in that chair would send him over the edge and I do not want to do that to him."

Ileya ducked her head for a few moments and then looked back up at Raevin.

"Rae, Kat does not hold you responsible for what happened and neither do I. Do not kick yourself over it. It was our parents' doing for what they did to you." Ileya took a step closer to her and continued, "In fact, Raevin, I want those answers from them and I want them now. Shall we make a trip to find out?"

Jan 5th, 2004, 03:25:34 AM
She nodded and wiped the rest of her face dry. They would pay for her suffering, for her causing Ileya suffering...for her putting Taz in a wheel chair and practically taking his life from him.

"We will both get our answers."

She said as she stepped up to her sister.

"Lets go....Im ready."

Ileya Simone
Jan 5th, 2004, 08:55:16 AM
"We will both get our answers."

"That we will, Sister." Ileya murmured, looking away for a moment then back at her. "Let me square things away here and we shall leave."

Ileya turned and left the office, giving Katya her 'we've got to talk' look. She knew her friend never liked that look and she doubted she would like what Ileya was going to tell her next.

"Kat, no jobs are scheduled for me for awhile and if one comes up, you can more than handle it." Ileya began. "Raevin and I must go back to our parents, Katya. We must have answers."

Taz Finch
Jan 7th, 2004, 05:07:37 PM
In his little darkened fortress of solitude, Taz listened in. He was already booking the transport seating for the two and also gathering spending money on card accounts for them. His eyes averted back to th door and he sighed.

Fingers stopped flying across keys as he sat there and scratched his chin.

She's happy..... and besides..... youre too scrawny and too young for her.....not too mention, you cant do much even if you tried.

The voice rang out in his head, as he looked down at his useless legs....he ran his hands over them and shook his head...useless....that word rang out again.

Sighing , he got back to typing and when it was done he was wheeling out with the two cards and transport vouchers.

"Alright.....here's your two cards with a full charge of fifty thousand credits....and two first class vouchers for transport....Safe trip."

He said as he handed them the envelopes.

Ileya Simone
Jan 7th, 2004, 05:43:09 PM
Ileya's eyes widened in shock as Taz held out the envelopes for them to take. She looked at them and then at him, tears forming in her eyes at his thoughtfullness. She looked away from a moment and let out a sigh before turning back around to look at Taz.

"Thank you, Taz." She said, smiling lovingly at him. Her eyes drifted between Katya and Raevin before she took a step towards Taz, took the envelopes and then did something that hopefully showed him how much she appreciated his help, she leaned over and kissed him tenderly on the lips. The kiss lasted a few moments and she pulled back to look deep into his eyes and she whispered, repeating, "Thank you."

Taz Finch
Jan 7th, 2004, 05:58:34 PM
He stared blankly at her.......for the first time in his life with them, he had nothing to say! Just sat there......blinking. Even Kat hada smirk on her face.....that girl Rage sai dwas her sister wore a similar smirk.....What the FRELL!?

Damn that Rage! Why'd she go and do that!!?? Didnt she know he was now a useless dude?? Didnt she think he couldnt cut the mustard like that Nabokov fella?? FRELL NO!! WOO HOO! Mr Cool back in the saddle again!! *victory dance....ok so he imagined his victory dance....give the chair ridden genious a break will ya??

Taz finally smiled. And red hit his cheeks.....he turned his chair towards his doorway and hurried back in there.

"Alright.......youre....welcome.......Kat, take messages for me please....I'l jus be in here.....dreaming for a bit."

Ileya Simone
Jan 8th, 2004, 09:38:56 PM
Ileya watched the teen smile and blush, trying to act normal as he turned his chair around and wheeled back into his office. She grinned, letting out a breath of relief to know that their friendship was not over with at all. She would definately do what she could to keep it on track when she got back from her trip.

Turning her attention back to Katya, she swallowed hard and reached out to hug her.

"I have to do this, Kat." She whispered, pulling away from her to look back at Raevin. "We have to do this."