View Full Version : Dead Men Tell No Tales, but the Women Surely Do... (open)

Galien Moss
Dec 21st, 2003, 01:39:43 AM
A great many odd-looking characters dwelled on Coruscant, and no doubt the little Jedi bar got it's fair share of questionable clientele. The short, skinny little scamp of a woman that had come in nearly thirty minutes prior didn't cause much disturbance on anyones radar. She had chocolatey brown skin and eyes to match, and her cinnamon hair fell in cheeky bravado tangles to frame her stubborn-chinned face. It was an ordinary face, with perhaps a hint of cheekyness, but it harmonized completely with her adornment.

A weathered, black, tri-cornered hat was perched on her head, tilted just enough to give it a cocky flare. She wore a simple white cotton shirt with a low neckline, tucked into a pair of black trousers and encircled around the waist by a wide blue sash and a utility belt. Hanging from the belt were various jangling talismans, a scuffed up blaster, a vibrosword, and one curious little tin box strung on a piece of oily twine. Around her neck were hung a ridiculous amount of chains and beaded necklaces that jangled whenever she moved, and each of her finely crafted, slender fingers carried, at least, one ring.

When she'd stepped in, loaded with her bodily cargo of jewelery and weapons, the doorgaurds promptly stood and barred her entrance. Not catching sight of the sign that detailed the no-weapons policy, the woman had merely cocked an eyebrow in a puzzled manner. She took a step to the left, and the gaurds followed. She sidestepped right, and they again mirrored her. She scratched her head in a puzzled manner.

"Ehhh... 'ello boys. Galien Moss, at yer disposal."

After several minutes of silence the security had realized that Galien was clueless, and kindly informed her of the establishment rule. She'd grumbled good-naturedly before handing over her weapons and then quickly gone to the bar and ordered an ale. Then, much to the gaurds' surprise, Galien Moss had sauntered over in her tipsy-turvy, jingley-jangley, hurly-gurly way with her beer in one hand and a chair dragging behind from the other. Galien'd pulled it right up to the two, and smiled toothily. She had proceeded to plunk down on the seat and stretch her legs out in front of her, one booted foot hooked nonchalantly over the other. Then she'd begun to tell one of her tall tales. It was winding it's way down to the end now, but the woman's expressive gestures and rapt face hadn't changed.

"...So then I says to this lad, I says to 'im, "Son, ye're o'er yer 'ead. Best t' get out whilst ye still can." Natch'relly 'e didn't want t' take me advice, so's I tied 'im up with some rope and we sent 'im dancin' wif ol' Jack Ketch."

The gaurds, who had until this point resigned themselves to staring at the woman with slightly shocked looks, looked at each other with confused expressions. Galien leaned forward and spread her hands out, fingers waggling. A wicked grin swept across her face as swiftly as a Northern gale.

"We 'anged 'im, luvs."

The men looked at her with blank faces and Galien began to laugh so hard that she had to grip her sides. The woman's eyes teared up as she guffawed loudly, and then she just as suddenly stopped. Her nimble hands dug quickly through the booty around her neck and then untangled a thick silver chain with a shamrock pendant.

"An' tha's where I aquir'd this pre'y little piece o' swag an' the title "Grea' Princess o' Barramow 'Oo Saved the 'arrowdo an' Their Way o' Life". Af'er tha' me'n me crew come 'ere, lookin' fer a bit o' fun an' tumble."

Galien leaned her head back and drained her third cup of ale, belched loudly, and then twisted her neck sharply resulting in a loud "pop!" and a jangling as her multiple hoop earings tanged against one another. Her deep brown eyes sparkled mischieviously and she hunched over and rested her elbow on her knees so that she was closer to the gaurds. Galien's hands folded listlessly at the wrist, her fingers resting against each other in a lightly relaxed way. She lowered her peppered voice conspirationally and raised one eyebrow up.

"Now ye tell me; be there any o' them Jedi abou' t'nigh'?"

Tony Maxwell
Dec 23rd, 2003, 08:59:47 PM
Tony looked up from his table which was near the door, He heard a woman asking about Jedi and since he was mostl likely the only Jedi that heard this he got up and walked over to the lady "I am a Jedi" He said with a weak smile "is there anything I can do for you?"

Galien Moss
Dec 23rd, 2003, 09:30:21 PM
Galien looked up from her chair with a nasty grin and then jumped to her feet. She grabbed her hat off her head and bowed low, spreading her arms out for show. Then, the weasly smile still plastered on her face, the woman straighted, keeping her arms out like a pair of glorious wings.

"Aye, if ye're telling th' truth an' ye 'onest t' God be a Jedi, I b'lieve there is, Lad. Galien Moss, pleasure."

With a swoop Galien bent down and picked up her mug from the floor, simultaneously kicking away her chair with one booted foot.

"'Ave a seat, son, no need t' wear ou' th' legs."

The woman motioned to a table behind the boy.

Tony Maxwell
Dec 23rd, 2003, 09:39:13 PM
Tony was rather suprised with the way the woman acted "um. Tony Maxwell Jedi Padawan of the GJO" He said as he moved to the table that Galien had indicated "so what can I do for you?"

Galien Moss
Dec 23rd, 2003, 09:46:11 PM

Galien plunked down into a seat and threw her feet up onto the table. She leaned back, the chair on two legs, and steepled her hands on her chest comfortably. Her merry brown eyes scrunched up in explanation.

"S'not so much doing as 'tis telling, boy. If I 'ad t' come t' a Jedi tave'n fer 'elp then really, I'd be at th' end of me line."

Galien winked and motioned to a serving droid, handing it her mug and requesting another drink.

"What I'd like is, some inf'rmation. Abou' th' Jedi."

Tony Maxwell
Dec 23rd, 2003, 09:50:08 PM
Tony sat back and rested his hands on the table "I'll give you any information since it is my duty as a Jedi to help those who need help" He smiled "or just in need of information."

Galien Moss
Dec 23rd, 2003, 10:47:07 PM
Galien cocked her head to the side curiously. She glanced from side to side, and then leaned forward lowering her voice.

"Now I 'ave 'eard many things abou' th' Jedi. I don't 'spect many o' them are true. But one thing tha' 'as intrigued me fer quite some time is this,"

The woman's lips froze in an cautionary smile.

"I 'eard that th' Jedi 'ave got a whack o' valubles stashed away in the 'eart o' th' Temple."

Tony Maxwell
Dec 24th, 2003, 01:43:01 PM
"well I'm sure there are Jedi artifacts in the temple but I dont know if there worth anything" Tony said as he leaned forward "you make it sound like your planing to steal from the Jedi of something."

Galien Moss
Dec 24th, 2003, 03:29:56 PM
"'Oo, me?"

Galien leaned back, aghast, and put a hand to her heart.

"Now lad, tha' 'urt. Why would I want t' snatch anyfing from th'Jedi, eh?"

But there was a glint in her eyes that spoke otherwise. Galien chuckled softly under her breath.

""Ve got 'nough riches meself t' last a 'undred lives, boy. I'm no' needin' anymore."

Tony Maxwell
Dec 25th, 2003, 11:09:54 PM
"well If your so rich why would you even care if there was anything valubles in the temple. Becuase I'm betting a pretty penny thay your up to somethin" He grined "but it would'nt be the first time someone broke into the temple."

Galien Moss
Dec 26th, 2003, 11:20:45 PM
"Curios'ty, son, pure an' simple curios'ty. 'Oo wouldn' want t' know if ye Jedi were buggering away the shineys, eh?"

Galien's ale came and she paid the droid, nodding a quick thanks to the little thing. She left Tony in silence for a few minutes while she took a long, uninterupted swallow.

"Now, 'ave any o' these others tha' tried t' rob th' Jedi succeeded?"

Tony Maxwell
Dec 26th, 2003, 11:26:39 PM
Tony grined "they succeeded in losing limbs and their lives" He laughed a little "and anyone else who tried would meet the same fate."

Galien Moss
Dec 26th, 2003, 11:47:49 PM
Two eyebrows rose simultaneously in mild surprise. Obviously the woman hadn't expected that answer, but the look was soon wiped off her face.

"Uh-huh. I see. Jedi gave up on th'peace bit, eh? Never did understand tha'... no profit in it."

She winked.

"So, 'ow much d' you make, lad?"

Tony Maxwell
Dec 27th, 2003, 01:16:54 AM
Tony sighed "I don't make any money. Being a Jedi is not a job, it is a comitment" He leaned back again "And when a bunch of theives break into the Temple and attack us We have the right to attack back."

Galien Moss
Dec 27th, 2003, 02:05:23 AM
Tony was met with a blank stare. Then, very slowly, Galien began to try and reason the whole mess out.

"Let me get this square. Ye come all th'way from wherev'r tis ye come from, make yer way t' 'ere, join the Jedi where ye sweat ye're bloody self 'alf t'death so tha' ye can go out and 'elp a bunch o' 'elpless ingrates from people 'oo'd just as soon slice yer 'ead off..."

Galien paused.

"And ye don't get paid?"

Tony Maxwell
Dec 27th, 2003, 12:23:34 PM
"Thats about right, I really don't like it much and I wished we got paid but we don't" He said with a sigh "and now im really hating it."

Galien Moss
Dec 27th, 2003, 12:26:20 PM
A baffled pause. Galien leaned forward, her face scrunched up.

"'M sorry, ye'll have t' tell me th' point, I missed it. Ye don't like it, and ye don't get paid, but ye do it anyway."

Her face belayed a disbelieving look.

"Doesn' seem ver' smart."

Tony Maxwell
Dec 27th, 2003, 12:51:36 PM
"I made a comitment to the Order and I inted to keep it, until they release me from their survise or I die for them."