View Full Version : Awakening (open to a Knight or Master)

Marga Alton
Dec 20th, 2003, 08:54:51 PM
Marga Alton. Jedi Padawan of the Greater Jedi Order. Daughter in a powerful family on her homeworld. Make that Unwanted daughter in a powerful family. Suffering seems to be her life. Both there and here.

She silently makes her way to a training room. Today she's determined to use the Force for more then just telepathy. Yes, she has used it before, but that was always in anger so she doesn't count that. She is not going to use the Darkside ever again, even if she had in the past accidently.

This is her home now. She has found happiness here. There's Rognan, someone she's fallen in love with. Then there's Yarden, Rognan's Wevicat. Delightful creature. Then of course, there's little Vista. A young child which Rognan has taken into his care.

These are wonderful memories for her to think on. But they are memories, even though the ppl aren't memories. After several moments of walking in silence, she pushes open a door to a training room and enters. She uses the Force for telepathy with ease. Steps. That is how she started to use the Force for telepathy. That is how she's going to try today. She had forgotten that years ago she had learned. Years ago before she started to fall into her memories.

In one hand, she has a small bag, the size of a child's bag. She sits down on the floor and places the bag infront of her. She opens it up and removes several small items. A small stone. A small ruby. And several other small items. All of these she had collected about her childhood home before she had touched the Force for the first time. All these items used to hold significance to her when she was a child.

Today, she's going to revisit her childhood when she was collecting these items. She used them to touch the Force for the very first time. If things go well, she's going to use them to touch the Force again today. After she has all the items arranged infront of her, she straightens out her dress so it won't get creased.

* * *

Time passes for Marga as she goes over her memories of finding her items. All except the stone have significance to her. For the first time in years, she finds herself in a calm state. Completely calm. No worries, no fears. Just peace. It is at this time that she looks up at the stone that is seperate from everything else that she has and focuses her mind on it. She half closes her eyes to also focus on the Force flowing through her. Whenever she feels herself slipping into her memories, she runs a hand over her objects to bring forth those plesant memories.

After a half hour of feeling the Force flowing through her, she opens her eyes and raises her hand towards the stone, willing it to lift into the air.

For a moment, nothing happens, and then stone wobbles slightly and slowly but surely, the stone starts to rise.

Triumph surges through her as she sees the stone lift from the floor. After months, maybe more then a year, she has finally used the Force for more then telepathy.

Shade Magus
Dec 23rd, 2003, 07:34:49 PM
A young Jedi Knight approaches the woman. They had met once before after she had fallen out of her window, but he is curious about her still.

"Hello Marga. How are you today?"

Shade could sense the young woman's presence in the FOrce and smiled. It was always nice to see the young oes in such a genuine state of tranquility.

Marga Alton
Dec 23rd, 2003, 09:30:02 PM
Marga drops the stone that she was lifting when she hears Shade talking to her. She turns to look at the entrance of the training.

Hello Vai Dom. I'm doing rather well right now, and yourself?

Shade Magus
Dec 24th, 2003, 12:14:00 PM
"I am doing well, just enjoying the fresh air. I see you are coming along well in your Force abilities. I also sense that you are having some frustrations. Is there anything you would like help with?"

Marga Alton
Dec 25th, 2003, 11:39:10 AM
I'm not coming along as well as I could be. And yes, I am extremely frustrated, though I am also exstaticaly happy right now. I have just used the Force for more then just telepathy and I wasn't using the Darkside. What's bringing me down though is the fact that I had to do a childs exercise just to life a pebble.

I would be extremely grateful for any help you could give me Vai Dom.

Shade Magus
Dec 25th, 2003, 09:53:47 PM
"I could help you, but let me ask you a question first. Towards what type of Force abilities are you moving?"

Marga Alton
Dec 26th, 2003, 06:49:35 PM
Right now, I'm moving towards any type possible, just as long as I'm using the Force for more then just telepathy.

Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2003, 06:46:52 PM
"Ok...then how about I try and teach you a tick I know. I forget the correct name for it, but with it you can use the Force on a molecular level and transform matter into any of the three stages: gasses, liquids, soilds. It will take a long time to do this, but it can come in handy a lot, if you can manage to learn it. would you like to try that?"

Marga Alton
Jan 1st, 2004, 01:51:45 PM
Marga is silent for a moment as she thinks of what Shade has proposed to teach her. After a moment, she nods slightly.

I'd like to learn that.

Shade Magus
Jan 1st, 2004, 05:32:51 PM
"Very well, but before we begin I must warn you that this technique is very taxing on one's mind and body."

Shade wakled infront of Marga and sat down. He looked around and saw a small rock about ten yards away and reached out with his hand and the rock came zooming towards him and landed gently in his outscretched hand.

"To begin you must first see the rock here through to its very core."

As he spoke the rock shifted slightly an then it collapsed in his hand a gelatin substance now. He looked up at Marga and smiled.

"Now I want you to try and change it into a solid again. Look at reach for it through the Force and see the molecules. Bring them back together. Remeber that it will take some time and a lot of work, but do not get impatient or disappointed."

Marga Alton
Jan 5th, 2004, 12:09:27 PM
Marga nods her head and takes a deep breath. If she can do this, then she has broken the hold which her past has put on her. First she focuses on her items. She knows with that, she can touch the Force. It takes her quite awhile to do just that, but when she has done so, she looks at the gelatin substance which was the rock and focuses on seeing it through the Force. To really see it, not with just her eyes, but with her senses.

Every time she feels herself starting to slip into her memories, she absently runs a hand along the items in front of her. After what seems like an eternity, though is actually only a couple of hours, the gelatin substance starts to harden again, though not as the rock it used to be, but as a rock which is flat.

Shade Magus
Jan 5th, 2004, 04:14:09 PM
Shade nods his head.

"Very good........it is amazing that you have done that in so little of time. To tell the truth it took me a few days to even begin to make it harden. Wonderful. Now that you have done this. Try and break the moecules down, but try and get them farther apart. Mind you there is no gas that a rock can be turned into, but dust it can become. But try to break the molecules and not the rock with the Force. If you need take a breather before you begin. I will try and answer any question I can."

Marga Alton
Jan 12th, 2004, 09:46:02 AM
Marga nods her head slightly. She then again focuses on the items infront of her and lets herself touch the Force again. Again, it takes her quite awhile to do just that, but when she does, she feels the Force flowing through her again. At that point, she goes to focus on the rock with the Force, seeing it again, not with her eyes, but with her senses.

Every time she feels herself slipping, she runs a hand over the items infront of her. After several hours, she manages to get the rock back to being gelatin before she stops, feeling herself at the edge of a slip, but still able to catch herself before she slips.

Shade Magus
Jan 20th, 2004, 06:18:15 PM
Shade watched the girl intently.

"Good...very good."

Marga Alton
Jan 21st, 2004, 09:34:10 AM
I'm sorry Vai Dom. I can't go further with it, at least right now.

Shade Magus
Jan 21st, 2004, 06:27:31 PM
"That is ok. You have far exceeded my expectations for the firt day."

Shade placed a hand on the girl's shoulder and let the Force flow through him to her to show his sincerity.

"If you wish, I am open to questions if you have any or if you just prefer to sit here and talk of other non-Jedi things so you can relax that is fine with me. You deserve a rest."

Marga Alton
Jan 22nd, 2004, 10:25:10 AM
Vai Dom, I'm wondering something. Is it normal to be homesick for a home where you were never accepted?

Marga questions.

Shade Magus
Jan 23rd, 2004, 11:41:14 PM
Shade looked at the woman for a moment before answering.

"I do not honestly know, but I have been before. It is not an easy question. It all depends on the person I guess."

Marga Alton
Jan 28th, 2004, 10:41:27 AM
Marga nods her head slightly and remains silent, as if lost in thought.

Shade Magus
Jan 28th, 2004, 05:38:07 PM
Shade sighed as he looked at the young woman. He could feel much from her, but he couldn't make any sense of it. Last time he had talked to her, she had said something about her homeworld, but he had not gone into much detail about it. He wondered what the girl was thinking, but he said nothing the training he was giving her was tough enough so he dared not bother her about her emotions. He hoped she could learn what he was teaching her, but it may have been to advanced for her especially in her condition, but if she succeded then it wold only make her stronger. That much he knew for certain.