View Full Version : Come take me away (open)

Valanya Belargic
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:51:04 PM
The little Halfling lay awake in her bed, restless. Blue eyes fixed on the stars outside, she listened silently to the sounds around her – the paced breathing of Sejah and her father sleeping, the occasional snippet of conversation beyond the door, and the distance whir of the late-night traffic. She didn't dream when she slept, but awake she was lost in her thoughts. She missed her mother terribly, in spite of having so many other faces around to tend to her. Why had she gone, she wondered? Would she ever come back? If not, would she get another to replace her? She sighed a little sigh and felt sleep overcome her…

Early next morning, she was awoken by her father going out into the courtyard. He always seemed to do this, and then spent what seemed like forever just wiggling about and stretching his arms. Sighing, Valanya sat on the edge of the patio and watched, looking around to the doors of all of the other rooms which backed onto the area, just hoping her mother would appear out of one of them.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 20th, 2003, 01:58:21 PM
*Natia woke early this morning after staying up late last night thinking. She had come to a conclusion. It's time for her to meet her little sister. She doesn't care what others say. Valanya is her sister because her Mother adopted her, then gave birth to Valanya. Her life had been interesting since her Mother was forced to leave.

She gets herself up and dressed and grabbed the tray of freshly baked muffins, baked last night and leaves her room. After several moments, she stops outside of Dasq's and Valanya's quarters. Pausing for a moment, she takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.

Shifting her weight slightly, she tucks her white lock of hair behind one of her ears and waits for the door to be answered*

Cassidy Williams
Dec 29th, 2003, 02:34:38 AM
Apparently Valanya was on more minds than one. Cassidy Williams, outfitted in a garrishly bright orange t-shirt and jeans, strolled through the corridors of the living quarters leisurely. The girl was humming, although there was no discernable tune to the melody. The point was, Cassidy felt okay today.

The padawan had been angry and depressed since her sisters leaving, and hadn't been by to see Valanya in nearly three weeks. It may not have seemed so very long, but in Cassidy-time that was forever. The Garou adored her little niece to pieces. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that neither of them had their mothers about, or maybe it was simply that 'Vally' was just so darn cute. Whatever the reason, Cassidy would've given Valanya the moon, had the Halfling asked for it.

As she rounded the corner Cassidy spotted her other niece. It was always a little disconcerting, thinking of herself as Natia's aunt. After all, Cassidy was nowhere near an age to have a niece as old as Natia. Though she wasn't aquainted with much of her big sister's family, Cassidy knew enough to understand that it was not... conventional. Heck, from where she stood it was downright confusing.

"Hiya Natia!"

Cassidy waved and bounded over to the other girl. The brown-locked girl smiled brightly and then turned to the door of Dasquian and Valanya's quarters. She knew that Natia had probably already knocked, but Cassidy had her own way of doing it. Balling up a fist the padawan began to pound on the door--loudly. Cassidy had been asked countless times not to bash at the door, but she always seemed to forget by the time the reprimand was over with.

"Dasquian, open up!"

She had never been able to call the Elf "Knight Dasquian", or "Master Belargic". It just seemed too formal for an almost-brother-in-law-father-of-her-sisters-child. With a grin at Natia, Cassidy began to drum out a beat with her fists.

"Hey, hey... O-o-pen up! I ca-a-a-ame to see... you-know-who!"

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 29th, 2003, 03:24:21 AM
Dasquian was shaken out of his practice by the pounding, "I'm coming!"

He turned and paced back into his quarters, cutting a glance to where Valanya lay – she was still there, but now awake unfortunately. She didn't seem to be sleeping well. He knew why, even if he didn't like to admit it.

The door clicked open, "Natia – Cassidy… Hello."

He smiled slightly, a little confused. Seeing one Dawnstrider at a time was not unusual, but both of them being here must have warranted some reason, "Ahum," he took a step back from the door, and motioned in the room, "Come in."

Valanya Belargic
Dec 29th, 2003, 03:26:03 AM
Valanya sat up in her bed. Who was her daddy talking to? She sniffed the air and thought, for a split second it was her mommy – but nope! It was her aunt and someone who she didn't recognize, but did smell familiar. They must have been coming to see her! :D

Cassidy Williams
Dec 29th, 2003, 03:34:27 AM

Cassidy waved in the general direction of the Knight as she barrelled past him, grinning from ear to ear. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Valanya and with a playful growl Cassidy leapt forward and fell onto the bed beside the little girl. She scooped up the child as best she could and lay down, putting her head lightly on Valanya's stomach.

"Wow, this is some comfy pillow, Dasquian! Hey Natia, I think I might just have to sleep here all day..."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 29th, 2003, 02:00:00 PM
Hello Cassidy.

*Natia says calmly as Cassidy comes up and starts banging on the door. Before she can say anything to Cassidy about it, Dasquian opens the door*

Greetings Master Belargic.

*Natia says in a rather formaly tone which doesn't frequently come from her*

I brought some muffins and was hoping to spend some time with my sister Valanya.

*Natia steps into the room and immediatly, her eyes are drawn to Valanya. Her sister. A person who until now, she had only seen from a distance. A smile crosses her face at this time*

Hello Valanya. How's my sister doing today??

*Natia questions as she walks past Dasquian and over towards Valanya. For now, she decides not to comment about Cassidy's 'new pillow'*

Valanya Belargic
Dec 30th, 2003, 04:31:23 AM
Valanya giggled and squirmed about as Cassidy lay on her, bopping the girl on the head with little balled fists. Then the word 'muffins' caught her and she looked up at Natia, smiling a mostly toothless smile, save for her little fangs. She wasn't very well versed in basic yet, but Dasquian had taught her his tongue enough so that she could communicate with him. She rolled off something foreign, with her own babyish twang adding to it, and her father nodded. The Knight closed the door and turned on the light, pacing over towards the patio once again, offering it as a place to sit and talk. Still distracted, however, Valanya purred:


imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 12th, 2004, 10:54:13 AM
*Natia smiles at her little sister. A sister, little sister. She walks over to Valanya, rolls Cassidy off of her and scoops her little sister up into her arms, while holding the thing of muffins with the Force*

Yes muffins Valanya. Blueberry muffins.

*Natia carries Valanya outside to the patio with Valanya in her arms, the muffins following behind the two of them. She then places Valanya onto the patio table and puts the muffins down beside her*

Help yourself kiddo, though only take what you can eat.

*Natia for now, decides to use the kinetic communications that she learned as child to understand Valanya, though she may not understand what is being said. She will teach Valanya to understand body language, and possibly to even mimic other voices and postures. And of course, she'll help Valanya cause trouble for her dad*