View Full Version : Lonely Christmas this year....(Open)

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 18th, 2003, 09:32:37 PM
Jacali sighed as she looked at the Christmas tree that she and Mylia had put up weeks ago. It was Christmas morning and the usual Christmas's before were filled with love and joy, not a lot of gifts, but she was always surrounded by family and friends.

This year was different. Her parents were gone, died after a fatal mugging and her older sister 'dumped' her off at the Jedi Order and then took off.

Quay'Na had asked her to come to Naboo with she and Mylia and her family, but the Padawan declined and thought she'd be spending it with Kelt. But, even Kelt had left and didn't even let her know he was going.

Things were going downhill for the two of them, ever since that day in the training room, he had changed. He had told her that he loved her, but now barely spoke to her.

It was a sad thought to think that she had blown the one thing she thought that could ever make her feel like she was something. Still, in her mind, he didn't see her clearly. She handed a lot of blame to the brace she had on her right leg.

Mylia had left her some gifts under the tree, but she was in no real mood to open them by herself.

"I should've left." She said, but now was nearly impossible, there was a blizzard going on outside and the spaceports were closed down. So, she was stuck in Coruscant, alone on Christmas Day.

With a deep breath, she shook her head and limped out the door, her leg brace clicking away as she walked. Jacali went to her favorite room, the Room of a Thousand Fountains.

There was no sign of anyone! With a grumble, she sat down on the edge of a nearby fountain and felt like crying.

Aranel Oronrį
Dec 19th, 2003, 12:53:49 PM
' 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. '

From some where down the hall from the fountain room came this singing, a clear beutiful voice, well trained it seemed in singing and vocals, it sounded so pretty as it wafted down the halls.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

Closer and closer it came towards Jacali, the singing gorwing ever closer before it broke into the fountain room and stoped abrubtly, a hooded man, the top half of his faced covered in the hood stoped dead as he caught site of Jacali, his cheeks turned a very rosey pink as if he was embarrassed to see or have jacali hear him and after a while of a umcomfitable silence, very quietly he mumbled;

' My apologies...; He then tured to leave...

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:04:22 PM
The young Padawan looked upon the man who had been singing and gave him a warm smile. "No apologizes necessary, it was beautiful." She told him. "And you don't have to leave." She added.

"I could use the company."

Aranel Oronrį
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:07:47 PM
Aranel stopped with his back to her, as he was about to walk off. The Padawan liked solitude and disliked socializing with many since he found it rather undeeded. Aranel had made friends back on his homeworld and lost them all in a battle hed rather leave from his memory, he now did not make many friends.

' I am not good company...' He remarked his back still to her, he stood deadly still.

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:16:44 PM
"We don't have to talk, you were obviously coming here to relax. So, was I. Heck, I wouldn't be here if that damn blizzard wasn't going on outside." She remarked.

"After all...misery loves company... She said under her breath. But, wouldn't push him, if he didn't care to stay.

Aranel Oronrį
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:29:58 PM
He turned to her slightly, but not fully.

' It is rather cold outside isent' it? he said, quietly.

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:35:38 PM
Jacali nodded. "Yes, it is. I don't like snow myself. It's too cold, too wet and does nothing, but make you sick."

Aranel Oronrį
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:38:14 PM
' I used to live on a planet where 80% of the planet year was winter, snow was a thing we got used to on Serebon' The blonde man said a chink of sadness in his eye.

' where are you from?

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:43:15 PM
"Corellia and we've had our share of winters. But, no mind...won't be going back there again." She sighed as she saw the hint of sadness in his eyes. It seemed she wasn't the only one blue on this Christmas. "Christmas sucks..." She said, just out of the blue.

Aranel Oronrį
Dec 19th, 2003, 05:48:15 PM
' sucks?' He had never heard that word before, but he guessed he understood its meaning ' Christmas is only bad when you have none to share it with...' Aranel said, now fully turning towards her.

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 19th, 2003, 06:14:44 PM
Jacali agreed with him, now that she saw his face fully.

"No doubt, I could be at a Christmas Bar-B-Q on Naboo, in the warmth, in shorts laying in the sun. But no!! I'm here in this freakin' blizzard, can't even leave! With no one!" The feeling's of not having her parents, Kelt or her friends around suddenly hit her hard and she burst into tears. Shame came over her as she hid her face in her hands and tried to stop, but it was impossible.

These last few months for her had been nothing, but hell for her since her accident and all the while she'd kept it bottled up, making everyone around her believe that she was strong.

Jacali wasn't though, if at all she was breaking more and more as the days lingered by...

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 19th, 2003, 10:15:36 PM
Just then Gyndar arrived in the room himself. He'd been looking for Jacali, gift in hand. The young woman had been through just as much as he had in the past few months, and since he'd befriended her, Falcon wanted to bring her a gift. Jacali reminded him of a student he'd lost years back, to a beast in the most dangerous region of Tyntia's mountains...To this day, he'd been unable to figure what the girl had been doing there. On some level he'd felt guilt. Nonetheless, the past is the past.

When Falcon entered the fountain room, he swept his gaze over the place. He'd never bothered to come here before, but he'd looked in other places he figured the young woman might be, and then he'd poked his head in here. It was quiet, and there were one or two voices. One of those voices being exactly who he was looking for. Falcon started to walk through the place, enjoying the quiet of it, and soon enough, he came across Miss Danner, and another student whom he'd, suprisingly enough, never met.
Approaching from behing Jacali, he caught what it was she'd just said. Quietly, the knight stood right behind her, and placed his free hand on her shoulder.

"You're not as alone as you think, Jacali." He whispered softly.

Aranel Oronrį
Dec 20th, 2003, 03:49:46 AM
' I shall err...bid my farewell...

He said before nodding to them both and exiting swiftly from the fountain room. 2 was company, 3 was a crowed.

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 20th, 2003, 07:09:44 AM
Jacali's vision was blurred from tears as Falcon placed his hand on her shoulder.

Your'e not as alone as you think, Jacali.

The Padawan's tears ceased to Falcon's gentle voice. Her heart was still broken, but Falcon's presence helped her by just being there.

The other Padawan walked out abruptly. He wasn't being very friendly and Jacali though it was rather rude, but figured it was her tears that scared him off.

With a deep sigh, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry, Master Falcon. It seems you've caught me at a rather trying moment. It's not a very good day for me."

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 20th, 2003, 05:05:27 PM
He came around and sat beside her, looking at the fountains.

"This is my first Christmas in a long time without my family...my home. And after this year my Christmases will never be the same. My family is in this place now, and I'm not sure if I'll ever see my brother, my sister again. But I have my friends here...and some small remnant of family. Natia, Faith..But they seem to be out doing their own thing."

Falcon turned to Jacali.

"I have something for you."

He held the package out to her.

"I thought you might like this. "

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 20th, 2003, 08:14:08 PM
Jacali stared at the poffered gift, she was touched. "Master Falcon...you didn't have to do this."

The Padawan took the gift, feeling bad that she didn't have anything to give him in return. "Thank-you, Master."

She smiled and ripped open the wrapping. It was a crystal guardian angel that could be hung in the window.

Jacali looked at Falcon. "It's beautiful, Master Falcon." She stood and gave him a hug. "Thank you."

It was something she would treasure always.

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:27:22 AM
He hugged her back, smiling

I'm glad you like it, Jacali. he thought.

"You're most welcome. Seeing you cheered in this joyous season, when recent time has dealt you some unfavorable cards...That's a good enough present for me. Just to see the people around me enjoy their lives, no matter the case."

Falcon released her. He half-smiled.

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 25th, 2003, 04:05:52 AM
Jacali sat back down while she looked at her angel again. It was beautiful. "This is my first Christmas without my family, Master. Mylia and Quay wanted me to go with them to Naboo, but I thought I was going to be spending it with Kelt and...he left."

She sighed. "He didn't even tell me. So, I'm afraid I've got a bad case of the Christmas blues." She looked at him and gave him the best smile she could muster. "It's not so bad now, since you're here and I don't feel so frightfully alone anymore, Master Falcon. And I thank you for that."

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 26th, 2003, 12:47:53 AM
He grinned.

"Jacali, you're very welcome. I do what I can in this universe."

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 26th, 2003, 07:04:58 AM
"That's how I want to be, but there are times that I feel I won't be able to be the Jedi I had my heart set on, before the accident. That speeder changed my life completely, but also in the same sense, I can see that little boy growing up now. Who didn't get killed because of what I did. So, that makes a difference too, so I would do it again, if need be."