View Full Version : The Return (closed)

Dec 18th, 2003, 05:51:32 PM
The loading ship had arrived. As it stopped, smoke and dust flew into the air from the exhaust. The doors open and no one walked out. After a few minutes had gone by, a body came flying out of the door, landing on the ground with a load thud.

Epyon walked out of the ship covered in blood. The entire crew of the ship had been murdered. Epyon standing there with another body in his hand laughed and threw the body onto some boxes that were next to him. After all that is what he was made for, to kill.

::Pathitic humans, I can't stand them. When are they gonna learn that they are a dying race.::

Epyon began to strech and as he did the blades that were in his wrist and his elbows shot out. Epyon held his hand in front on him. Admiring the blade and wounder at the same time. Epyon thought to himself...

::How many people had these blades killed? How much flesh had been severed by them?::

Knowing the answer to all the question, Epyon laughed. Now that Epyon was back, he couldnt wait to see how things had changed. After all, being in space for 2 years, alot can change. With drawing the blade back into there place, Epyon headed toward the streets.

They where as busy as ever. Just the way they were when he left.

::Ah, my old playing ground!::

Epyon exclamied.

::I wounder if I can find a drink around here? Ah, thats right. The bar is this way.::

Heading west toward a bar he uses to find vitims in, Epyon couldnt wait until night fall....

Dec 18th, 2003, 06:15:56 PM
Walking down the street, receiving strange looks from the locals, Epyon chuckled. Nighttime was almost here and that meant play time for Epyon. But before he went anywhere, he wanted to get a drink after such a long ride.

Arriving at the old bar where he used to drink and kill, Epyon walked in. As he entered the bar tender looked up and then went back to what he was doing. He knew who Epyon was and what kind of trouble he had caused in the past. How many times he wrecked his bar in fights and how Epyon use to hunt down people in the back of the bar.

Epyon walked up to the bar...

::Give me a drink old man! You know what kind::

Indeed the bar tender did. The bar tender rushed to get Epyon's drink.

Epyon looked around the room to see if the bar had attracted many people since he had left. Indeed it did. Not much than what it use to have but a little more.

::What time is it?:: Epyon asked.

"About 8:45." Said the bartender.

::Good, only 30 more minutes. Then its hunting time!::

Epyon sat waiting for nighttime to come....

Dec 19th, 2003, 11:10:19 PM
"Finaly, night time."

Epyon thought as he stood from his stool. Knowing the adventure of the night, Epyon could not wait to leave the bar. But before he left, Epyon wanted to leave the bar tender somthing to remember the old days.

Stepping away from the bar, Kenji grabed a local from his table. Holding him by the neck, Epyon held up his hand and as he did one of the blades that were in his wrist, shot out.

:: Do you know what im gonna do with this? First im gonna cut the back of your legs off and then let you flop around of the ground for a few moments, then im gonna slowly slice threw your stomach as you scream in pain and agony. Then right before you think im done, im gonna cut of your hands and leave you to die.::

As Epyon finished, he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. First cutting off the back of the mans legs and let him flop around, then sliced threw his stomach, spilling his guts onto the floor, and finally cutting off his hands. Finally the man died. looking at the bar tender, Epyon says...

::Have fun cleaning that up, you old fool!::

Having said that, Epyon leaves the bar and heads out into the night....