View Full Version : Thinking about a lot of things this christmas coming... (a ramdom thank-you)

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 17th, 2003, 01:36:03 AM
I know - I'm on holiday but this place has access to the net and a discussion with someone (and I will kill you) has brought a lot of things from the past come to mind so this is more for me than anyone else (yes, I'm selfish). I've been doing a lot of thinking since that conversation and a lot of reminiscing - and been somewhat moody since then as well lol. There a lot of pain and a lot of joy and the pain will always hurt but sometimes I guess it needs to be revisited to remind you of the things that need saying. Normally I wouldnt do this, but I feel like doing this so I will. And if anyone has any smart alec comments (like some people I know who tend to do this) please leave your comments to yourself. I don't want or need to hear it.

My first christmas (you know, get up and have presents) was when I was nearly four. I slept to 12 that day and my parents had to wake me up. Before there was no proper Christmas (by normal standards in Australia). I'm saying this as a fact, not for pity. My Christmas' have been great so far.
So I have to thank someone out there for the Christmas' I've had since and for the Christmas' I've had with the people I've loved - still here and those passed away, because they are memories I will never forget. I thank that someone out there for the gifts given and for the people in my life, my life could have turned out very differently. There are some thing I would desperately change and twist time to save and lose and there are things I wouldnt change for the world.

Now when it comes you guys, here's my reflection and thank-you because I guess it's deserved somewhat :p
The roleplaying has helped sort a lot of past problems, dealing with them IC before OOC and having a clearer head, so I guess the boards I roleplay at deserve a thank-you as well. By having the opportunity to rp my problems with another character, to set up a similar situation I've been able to grow and see the bigger picture and the people who have agreed to rp with me have all helped me in my real life unknowingly.
Thank-you for everyone who has lended ears in the past and who has endured my rants and rages about things that have gotten under my skin IC and OOC, I know I can be pretty rabid sometimes and heck, I have a temper so I can't help it (smiles like an angel).
Anyway I guess I should leave this thread with a last message so it doesnt just appear like sad remiscing post.

Merry Christmas SWFans and a happy New Year.

Dec 17th, 2003, 04:55:01 AM
I think we all come to cross roads in our life where we step back and look at our pasts and peek toward our futures n kinda go "Whoa.."

Sometimes most of us go through life taking things for granted without as much of a second thought, like family, friends, contenment, food in yaR wee bellys, gifts to be given or received. Sometimes it takes tragedies or a good swift kick in the butt to realize what you love or what you should really appreciate. Or sometimes you just step back and look at the entire picture and just realize...something:p

I know personally my moments of reflection come at times when i can stop in the middle of something and just sort of take in whats happening to me, good or bad, and appreciate life.

Its also weird or divine how you walk down certain roads in life, thinking, bah... I really shouldnt have done that or man i cant believe what im doing etc. But then a few years later you may reflect on what was happening at that stage in your life or event that occured and how it changed, taught or lead you down another road that was ultimately better for you.

This is probably pretty vague and confusing for most of you who have tried to read what i just said but its nearly 3 a.m and it makes sense to me?:rolleyes

to base it in a simple metaphorical symbol.. It would be like climbing a tree. Grabbing crooked branch after branch, it may feel like your not going any where but if you keep climbing no matter what path youll eventually make it to the top. ( or be attacked by a family of squirrels..ehem)

Merry Christmas :)