View Full Version : Three days to brush up (Kack, Raut)

Dec 16th, 2003, 08:51:18 AM
Lion contacted Wei. Wei contacted Rog. Rog contacted Jhony. Jhony contacted May. May dragged Zeke out of his bed by his ankles and told him to back to the Greater Jedi Order because his buddies needed him.

So, Zeke went back to the GJO and found Lion. Lion wanted to go and find some crazy lost ship called Chu'keplor. Zeke, as a way of retaliation, signed Jhony and May up to bring their ship as part of the convoy. Then, to prepare for any backlash they may have at him (not to mention any hostilities they may find) Zeke is brushing up his combat skills. He's already worked with his Force Pike. That's as strong as it ever was. Now, holding one of his sabers in his hands, he gets ready to work on his lightsaber combat.

He leads with the remote droid exercise, deflecting the droid's darts. He settles back into his old ways, and is considering pulling his other saber, when an pair of errant darts make an unexpected sound. Zeke looks to the door, and finds a pair of guys rubbing their foreheads and cursing the teensy stinging pain of the droid's darts.

"Hey, sorry," Zeke apologizes, turning the droid off with a wave of his hand. "Was doing the deflection drill."

Kack Mebuff
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:08:23 PM
Kack rubbed his forehead. He had not being paying attention to what might come flying through the doorway. He was more focused on meeting his new master.

"Master Ezekiel, I am Kack Mebuff," the padawan said as he strode through the doorway. He bowed before the Jedi Master.

Dec 19th, 2003, 10:21:08 PM
Zeke siezes up, dropping his weapons and clutching his hair as if Kack struck him.

"Man, I didn't do nuthin' tha--oh. Hey pal."

Turning, Zeke has discovered Kack, rather than Jhony, which means he's not in trouble after all.

"Kack, isn't it? Just call me Zeke. Ezekiel's for if I'm in trouble."

Kack Mebuff
Dec 21st, 2003, 03:01:45 AM
"As you wish, Master," Kack replied with a slight smirk, still rubbing his forehead.

"So what are you plans for today, Master Zeke?" the padawan inquired as he stood before his new Master.

Jan 5th, 2004, 05:40:55 PM
"I wasn't expecting any company. Mostly I was gonna brush up my lightsaber techniques. I'm better with a Force Pike, but those are kinda hard to get a hold of. I figure I need to rework sabers if I'm to take more Padawans. We've got more masterless than we should, and if I'm lucky, I'll be able to pick up some o' that slack."

Kack Mebuff
Jan 7th, 2004, 07:16:03 PM
Kack nodded his understanding.

"Indeed, there are many masterless padawans wandering about the grounds. Even I have attempted to aid some of them as far as my ability will allow. Mostly in combat training."

He smiled slightly at the thought of actually aiding in some padawans' training.

Jan 12th, 2004, 08:26:12 PM
"Ah, so you might know some of this already. Do you, Kack?"

Kack Mebuff
Jan 14th, 2004, 08:10:06 PM
"To some extent yes. I had some martial arts training, I've done some brawling in my day, as well as had a rather large amount of lightsaber training."

He paused for a moment, as a smirk spread across his face.

"So I guess I'm fairly well versed in combat training."

Jan 16th, 2004, 11:02:43 PM
"Yeesh. Guess I don't need to teach you any o' that, unless you wanna spar me or something."

Kack Mebuff
Jan 19th, 2004, 10:59:06 PM
"I'd be willing to spar. It's always good to face different opponents. It helps you adapt better to different combat styles," Kack offered with a smile.

"I want to eventually learn Form VII Lightsaber Combat. So any help you could offer would be great, Master."

Jan 20th, 2004, 06:04:38 PM
"Which was Form VII again?"

Zeke has never bothered looking at the different Forms, and hasn't once studied them or tried to classify his fighting style under any of them. He just...fights.

"Anyways, that isn't important. You can go first, or you can offer me the first strike. Just however it works for you."

Kack Mebuff
Jan 25th, 2004, 09:46:23 PM
"Form VII is the combination of all other forms into one. It is very precision based. Master Mace Windu was quite adept at this style."

Kack withdrew his lightsaber as he spoke, igniting the violet blade.

He leveled the sword with his body and spun it in the air preparing his first attack.

Using the Force, he dashed forward and used a spin attack.

Jan 29th, 2004, 12:16:44 PM
"Sounds hard, pal," Zeke comments, leaping up over the spin. "I hope you succeed. Sounds worth the effort." The Knight sidesteps in the opposite direction of Kack's spin to strike his shoulder.

Kack Mebuff
Jan 29th, 2004, 09:29:27 PM
Kack stopped mid-spin and twirled away, causing Zeke to miss his shoulder strike.

He then swung a hard over-head strike in his master's direction.

Feb 4th, 2004, 12:46:47 PM
Zeke puts his saber up at an angle, letting Kack's slide off as he spins away for a vertical, top to bottom strike.

Kack Mebuff
Feb 6th, 2004, 12:29:22 AM
As Zeke swung down, Kack was quick to slide backwards and avoid the attack.

He then dashed forward and parried fiercly with his master, using the Force to quicken his attacks. Suddenly Kack used the Force to push Zeke off balance.

Feb 12th, 2004, 05:33:25 PM
Zeke falls away with it, catching himself on one hand and using it flip over backwards. His own telekinesis flows through his body, following its arc and tossing Kack into the air.

Kack Mebuff
Feb 14th, 2004, 02:33:18 PM
As Kack sailed through the air, he shifted his own weight to land on his feet.

The padawan then thrust forward slashing erradically at Zeke to keep the Master on his toes. But as they both pressed forward to a gridlock, Kack head-butted Zeke.

Feb 19th, 2004, 04:33:00 PM
Zeke is upon Kack when the Padawan lands, preparing a strike of his own. The blades clash, and Zeke finds himself going toe-to-toe with his own student in a fight for supremacy. Kack has tenacity the advantage of constant practice. Zeke's rusty, and is accustomed to compensating for his Pike's weight, but he has better Force than Kack. He should probably start using it, then, because Kack's headbutt has set Zeke's ears ringing.

Kack Mebuff
Feb 19th, 2004, 05:22:59 PM
As Zeke stumbled slightly backwards, Kack kicked the Master hard in the chest with his heavy boots.

The padawan then slid back preparing for his Master's retaliation, his violet saber drawn close to the floor.

Feb 26th, 2004, 11:50:40 AM
Zeke gets his footing after staggering a few steps.

"No follow-up? You had a good advantage there; if you had pressed the attack you probably would've beaten me."

Zeke makes a quick advance, adjusts his speed with the Force, and looses a strike at Kack's neck, on the opposite side of his body from his saber.

Kack Mebuff
Feb 28th, 2004, 12:21:59 AM
Kack quickly leaned backwards to avoid Zeke's attack. But as the padawan started to compose himself his Master took another swing.

Kack dropped to the floor, nearly losing his head. But as Zeke missed, the padawan kicked hard knocking his master's weapon out of his hands with one foot, while tripping Zeke up with the other.

Mar 6th, 2004, 12:36:48 AM
Zeke falls hard, but isn't done yet. The lost weapon zings back to Zeke almost by reflex, making for Kack's weapon-wielding hands to keep them busy and buy the Knight some time.

Kack Mebuff
Mar 6th, 2004, 11:12:45 PM
Kack was focusing hard on Zeke's attacks. Each blow seemed more powerful than the last.

The padawan slid backwards and flipped over Zeke to break his Master's momentum.

Mar 10th, 2004, 06:12:42 PM
Zeke freezes, taking the saber back into his hands and adopting the proper stance, looking hard at Kack. There must be an opening he can exploit. That's what it's all about; finding an opening and using it to your advantage. Of course, with his Pike he's always been able to make his own openings by using his sabers telekinetically. He doesn't have that advantage here though, and it's making him think hard.

Kack Mebuff
Mar 14th, 2004, 11:46:43 PM
Zeke was concentrating hard and Kack could sense it. He used this chance to dash forward, using the Force to aid his speed, and attack furiously. Each blow hammered down harder than the last. But this was only a diversion. As Zeke struggled to block, Kack kicked his Master hard in the jaw, sending him in a backward motion.

Mar 18th, 2004, 12:09:05 PM
Zeke steps up to the challenge of Kack's furious string of saber strikes, but focuses too much on them. The kick catches him off guard and Zeke goes sliding away across the floor, getting up a bit slowly. The room's spinning from the strength of that kick. Still, he can fight harder than this! The next move he makes is a speedy advance, using his saber in an upward attack. With a little strength, it shoves Kack's saber away, and lets him sweep the strong Padawan's legs.

Kack Mebuff
Mar 21st, 2004, 11:27:54 PM
Kack hit the floor hard with a thud. He was a bit dazed and rolled backwards to regain his bearings.

The padawan quickly called the lightsaber to his hand and continued the battle.