View Full Version : An interesting...Gift. (open w/note)

Angelica Shin
Dec 15th, 2003, 11:26:10 PM
OOC- I would, EVENTUALLY, like Wei wu Wei to be involved in this thread, but that'll be whenever he can, so it's pretty much open-ish

Normally, she wouldn't be here, she didn't belong here, and she knew it. Shaking those thoughts out her head, she looked at the small, bundle, she was carrying. A result <a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27763>of a romantic evening</a> with her husband, the Jedi Knight Wei Wu Wei. The small bundle made a slight noise, so she started to rock it slightly and humming as she moved through the halls of the Living Quarters towards one of the gardens.

"Shhh, someone will find you, and give you to your father, it's a tradition, the men raise the baby boys and the women raise the baby girls." She spoke to the bundle as she placed it on one of the many simular benches that where found in all the gardens, as she grinned at the baby boy all bundled up against any harm.

"Be good to your old man, ok, or I'll come and hurt you." She whispered as she placed a note beside the bundle and her wedding band as well, before leaving as quickly as possible.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 19th, 2003, 12:40:48 AM
"Shh...it's okay, hon...I'm here..."

Daen C'allyx sighed as he limped through the gardens, half asleep. The padawan gently rocked the package in his arms, yawning as he did so. His brown hair was messy, evidence that he had come from bed in a hurry. Daen's face wore an expression of fatherly concern, and he pursed his lips worriedly.

"C'mon Luna, you can't be sick..."

Luna the Kowakian Monkey Lizard merely blinked and continued breathing raspily in her owners arms. Daen's eyebrows knit together in concern as he continued on his trek. At least the little creature had stopped screeching; the walk had calmed her, as Daen had hoped it would.

Master and pet mosied down the darkened trails, one trying to stay awake and the other trying to go to sleep. This was the first time that Luna had ever been remotely ill, and it had Daen worried sick. Worried almost to the point that he nearly missed the other bundle on one of the garden benches as he passed.

"Hush, Luna, that's it..."

Daen paused in the middle of the path and swivelled his neck around as far as it would go. He stared puzzled at the dark mass on the bench and then turned, backtracking toward it. As his face was illuminated in the moonlight, it was easy to see that Daen was confused.

"What the heck?"

There was no one to answer of course, no one but Luna. She just blinked lazily and then closed her eyes again. Cautiously Daen reached one long, articulate finger out (perfect for tinkering with that stubborn piece of machinery) and pulled back the edge of the blanket. The young man straightened in surprise and let the blanket drop back down over the bundle. He blinked.

"Luna, I think we have a problem."

Then he saw the note. Shifting Luna into the crook of an arm, Daen reached down and picked it up. He scanned it quickly, feeling like a nosy busybody, before whistling lowly and folding the note back up. Whoever this 'Wei' guy was, he was in for a surprise. Daen slipped the note into his pocket, retrieved the mentioned ring, and then stared down at the baby.

It--he, rather--was wide awake, and Daen felt a little unnerved as the infants gaze bore into him unrelentingly. He oculdn't just leave the kid here and go look for help. After a moment of hesitation Daen knelt down and scooped up the warm little body, positioning it in the crook of his opposite arm. The little boy and Luna now lay foot to, er, foot. Daen stared at the two juxtapositioned beings and shook his head. It certainly was an interesting night.

The padawan turned around the way he had come and walked back to the temple, pushing the door open with his back so as not to disturb his two charges. It seemed though, that despite his careful attempt not to disturb either, the baby was less than impressed by his slightly clumsy entry. He let out a squaller that startled Luna, who began to screech in that loud, grating Kowakian Monkey Lizard way. This in turn made the infant cry, which made Luna scream more.

Daen stood helplessly in the middle of the living quarters, holding both of them, with now way of plugging his own ears.

"Oh for the love of the Force..."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 19th, 2003, 12:02:51 PM
Wei was sitting at the desk near his bedroom window reviewing some data from the last few Council meetings and some lesson plans he had been fortunate enough to write down before he had forgotten them.

"Oh, my goodness. This is entirely too much work. I think I ought to take a break. But somehow it feels good to be making all this progress."

Wei leaned back in his chair, pushed up his glasses, then let his hand keep going so his fingers ran through his hair.

Wei looked around. A lot had happened recently. Wei had gotten a desk, and a lamp for the desk. Not to mention the various datapads in the drawers.

"What's happened to me?" Wei asked his reflection in the window. "I've become so incredibly organized all of a sudden. I wonder how it happened?"

Wei and the reflection shared a good hearty laugh. After the laugh was over, Wei got out of his seat to go get a glass of water. That's when he heard it. A very loud sound that begged for attention. A shiver ran down Wei's back, causing him to flinch. He hated shivers.

"Came from outside. I wonder what's making so much noise."

Wei went to his window and leaned in towards it, covering the lamp with his hand so it wouldn't cause a glare on the window. It was hard enough to see outside the window at night.

Wei couldn't help but smile when he saw where the noise came from. A young man, a Padawan by the looks of him, had two small wriggling things. He held one in each arm and looked positively exasperated.

"Poor guy. I ought to go help him." Wei opened the window and stood on the sill. "Hang on pal, I'll be there in a jiffy."

Wei launched himself out of the window with a Force boosted jump and landed a couple of yards away from the spot where Daen stood.

"Wow," Wei said, looking back at the Living Quarters. "I didn't think I could jump that far. Maybe it's because he's so close to the building and I just think I jumped a long distance."

Wei shrugged and jogged up to Daen. "Hey," Wei said over the cacophany the babies made. "Looks like you got your hands full."

Wei lifted his son out of Daen's arm to give him some flexibility to deal with the Monkey Lizard. The Jedi Knight pulled the cloth away from the baby's face and smiled.

"That's a cute baby."

Wei shifted the blanket around so he could get a good look at the kid's diaper. "Not messy. Maybe some food will calm you down. Come on."

Wei started walking towards the Living Quarters, rocking and shushing his charge. Wei beckoned Daen to come with him. "I hope Lillian won't mind sharing some of her baby supplies with me...I know how nervous she can be around men."

Lillian Snow
Dec 19th, 2003, 10:43:07 PM
Wei's knock goes unnoticed by Lillian, who is sleeping fitfully in a ball, hugging a pillow tight in her sleep. Her little boy, however, is staring intently through the bars of his crib at the door. He knows what that sound means. That means there's people on the other side of the door. People means he gets to look at things. People means there may be red, like those dots that visit him some nights.

The boy screams, jarring his mother awake. Lillian gasps and shrieks, a plea for mercy from the phantoms that haunt her, and sits listening to the more rapid knocking outside. Whoever's out there probably heard them both yelling. Listening closer, in the sudden calm, she can hear a pair of men. Men.

Lillian scoops Titian up into her arms and carries him to the door, opening it slightly.


Daen C'allyx
Jan 6th, 2004, 02:45:29 AM
Just when Daen was beginning to think that he would go deaf with the screeching...

... a man launched himself out a window and took the infant from his arms. Blinking, Daen just stood there with the howling Luna in the crook of his arm. The fellow seemed to have a failry good idea of what he was doing so the young Padawan followed him. He was so flabbersgasted that he hardly noticed the comment about the 'cute' baby.

"Uh... yeah uh..."

Busy with his struggling pet, Daen didn't even try to correct the man. Instead he followed, and before he could even get Luna resettled found himself standing in front of a door and being peered at by a young--very young, that was--woman.

Daen smiled crookedly.


Wei Wu Wei
Jan 6th, 2004, 12:06:18 PM
"Um, yeah. Lillian, I hate to be such a bother to you, but I was wondering if I might be able to get a hold of some daipers and maybe a bottle and some formula? It seems we've found this baby outside and I need some stuff so I can take proper care of the child until I can get to the store tomorrow."

Wei spoke slowly and calmly, so as not to try and startle the poor girl. He knew she was a nervous wreck around men and tried to make himself appear to be especially non-threatening.

Lillian Snow
Jan 6th, 2004, 09:19:03 PM
She flinches at Daen, and almost shuts the door in their faces when Wei requests baby supplies. She hesitates, hidden in the door's shadow, then shuts it gently. She settles Titian in the center of her bed and gets a full container of baby formula and a stack of diapers. Cautiously, she opens the door and holds the items out, in a gesture that almost begs for mercy.

"He-here," she offers, unable to look at either of them.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 7th, 2004, 02:13:15 PM
Wei took them from her slowly. "Thank you, Lillian. I'll be sure to re-imburse you for the supplies when I go to the store tomorrow."

It was hard for Wei not to allow a look of pure sadness creep onto his face as he talked to Lillian. "I hope Titian is doing all right. You take care of yourself ok? My mother has been worried about you. You ought to give her a call and let her know how you're doing. She likes to think of you as a daughter."

Wei turned to Daen. "Across the hall is my room. We can go in there." Wei bowed to Lillian and turned aroundto unlock his door. "Come in, get comfy."

Most of Ange's furniture was still there. Wei would soon be shipping it back to her father, though. Everything except the rocking chair, bed, and desk. The bed was the GJO's, but the chair and desk were his.