View Full Version : A Lost Killer. (Open)

Kaytor Surna
Dec 14th, 2003, 02:22:10 PM
A cloaked figure wandered around the roof tops of Courscant. Her dark presence could be felt by most force sensitive people in the area. But she did not care. She did not mask her presence to anyone that was strong enough to sense her. She just walked along the roof tops.

Finaly she stopped on a tall building. She looked out and saw that the next building was the old jedi temple. Her dark red eyes just watched it for a long while, emotionless. Her soul had still not been returned. It still slept with in Soth. All she felt was death, anger and saddness. She had already tried to retreive her soul from Soth and still had the scars from it.

Kaytor watched the jedi temple, remembering all that had happened in there. Remembering Lance, Dios, Tomak and all of their friends. She remembered mostly her master, Xazor. All that she had done for Kaytor and all that Kaytor had done to her. A single blood tear dropped down her cheak as she thought of it. But she didnt wipe it away.

A low wind picked up, blowing her cloak to the side slightly. The black hilted saber could be seen at her side. Right next to a blood covered hand. Blood from the hand slowly dripped to the ground, forming a small pool. She still did not move from her position of watching the temple, lost in thought and in mind.

Tomak Ohara
Dec 18th, 2003, 09:51:36 PM
An old figure came up from behind her. He smiled and looked around, looking at this new girl that was here. Then he remembered her. His jedi ways kicked in and he looked upon her and smiled. His low voice came from his diaphragm and his large figure could barely be seen he was hidden so in the moonlight.

"Hello my love. I see you have returned." He said to his former wife. He looked upon her, and his hand reached under his leather cape. He smiled and grabbed his lightsaber hilt. The saber given to him by Xazor. He smiled and looked at her. He saw her turn toward him and waited for a response.

Kaytor Surna
Dec 21st, 2003, 03:20:18 PM

She laughed lightly, still not turning to face him. He could feel the dark aura around her. The night almost seemed darker here, the stars not so bright. She brought one hand up to her face, as to what she was doing, he did not know.

After she lowered her hand, she slowly turned to look at him. Her hand slipped down to grasp her saber. Her eyes glowed a dark red color. Tomak knew what had happened. The soul was gone from her. Possibly never to return. A small smirk lay on her face.

"Love is lost. An emotion wiped away by the masters of darkness. I am not your love. But mearly a shadow of her."

She watched him, carefully, waiting to see what he would do next. She could barely belive that he still loved her. In her mind, it was laughable.