View Full Version : Xanders new room (open)

Xander Caine
Dec 14th, 2003, 02:36:26 AM
Hmmm..Nice building. Xander thought to his self, but anything would of been better then the two bit excuses for hotel he was staying at before hand.

He made his way up the hall to room that he was going to claim as his own, with a few of his personal possessions: A tooth brush, his weapons, a couple of posters that he bought about a week back, and a large trash bag of candles.

The man at the front desk showed him his room earlier so he had at least some clue where he was going. Though he still stumbled around the halls at least a little lost he found his place with some ease.

Walking into his new room, home, he began making it is own..by throwing all his things on the floor.

"Hmmm...so this is going to be mine. I guess I should make my self at home" he said with a big smile.

He took off his long coat and laid it on the bed. Then he pulls 5 candles from the big bag. He looked around for a moment for a place to put them on, then found a table by one of the walls.


He pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit each candle. Then he walked over to his Katana that he had thrown down on the floor when he first arrived in his room. He took a deep breath, unsheathed his blade, said a small Parr, and then swung his sword 3 times with unbelievable speed. The first swing struck the bottom half of the candle, the second the middle, and the 3rd a tiny bit below the top of the candle.

He smiled at the fact that 3 of the 5 candles still had a flame.

"I guess I'm off today"

Then he pulled a cigar from this pocket and lit it from one of the still burning candles.

"I've been needing one of these for a while now"

After saying those words he swings the sword 2 more times. One to put the out the remaining flame by but cutting off the wicks. The 2nd was with his blades broad side to the center of the candles which knocked the candles, in their finely cut pieces, toward the wall which made a nice "Thud!" sound.

"Hope my neighbor didn't hear that"

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 14th, 2003, 09:25:30 AM
Padawan learner, Quay'Na Rakai had been laying on her bed, reading when all of a sudden she heard a 'thud' come from the other side of the wall her bed was adjacent to. "What the..."

She stood, knowing full well the room on the other side had been empty, apparently not anymore. Being her usual friendly self, she threw down the book and walked out of her room.

Hayes, her roommate was gone for the time being, it seemed the two of them barely ever saw each other. But, sure enough as she exited her room, George, his dog barked happily and brought her over a toy.

"Not right now, George, I've got some welcoming too do." She patted him gently on the head and walked out into the corridor.

A moment later, she was standing in the doorway. A man was standing there with his back to her, smoking a cigar. She cleared her throat and said. "I see, I have a new neighbor."

"Or heard." She added with a smile.

Xander Caine
Dec 14th, 2003, 09:56:47 PM
Smiling at the comment Quay'Na just made, he replied

"Yeah, sorry about the noise..I guess I just got carried away."

Looking down at the floor he saw that he still had his things laying all over the place. So he quickly begins picking them up.
As he is reaching down he says

"I'm Xander Caine..nice to meet you...and sorry about the mess"

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 15th, 2003, 04:23:20 AM
"No problem, I know how it is to just arrive. Quay'Na Rakai; Jedi Padawan. Nice to meet you too." She answered as she noticed all the candles in the trash bag.

"I take it you like candles?" He didn't have much else.

Xander Caine
Dec 16th, 2003, 04:19:57 PM

"Yeah..I do have a lot don't I?..


"Candles are okay I guess..I just mainly use them for training ..I helps me to learn how to control the force and power of my swing when I'm using my sword..."

Xander pulls out 2 or 3 hooks from his pocket and begins putting them in the wall. As he continues what he was saying

"They work great for it..if you hit the candle to hard you move it stead of cutting it, which will put out the flame, and if you don't hit it hard enough it does the same"

Begins putting in the 3rd hook as he looks over at the battle scythe by Quay'Na

"Will you hand me that please?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 16th, 2003, 04:27:35 PM
"Sure," she answered as she came in further and picked up the scythe. "Now, this is interesting." She commented and walked over to him. "You don't see these very often, Xander. I'd hate to be the one on the receiving end of this."

She handed it to him with a light smile.

Xander Caine
Dec 16th, 2003, 05:02:22 PM
Smiles as he takes it from her to put on the wall hooks

"Yeah, I think thats why I like her so much. Not many people can use them"

Places it just right on the wall. Then takes a step back.


reachs over to grab his Katana and begins holding it up and looking around..to see where he wanted to hang it.

"So I assume your a jedi..because your here..do you like the order?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 16th, 2003, 06:44:15 PM
"Yes, it looks good there." She commented with a smile. "Yes, I'm a Padawan and I like it here. But, I've only been within these walls for about a year."

Xander Caine
Dec 19th, 2003, 04:09:08 PM
"Really a year, how far away from being a knight are you at this point..or a round about guess any ways"

ooc-sorry it took so long for me to reply..I've had the flu and at the same time I've been study for finials so I really haven't had alot of time the last few days.

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 19th, 2003, 04:48:19 PM
OOC: No worries, hope your finals went well and I hope you're feeling better...


"Ya know, I'm probably not any further to being a knight than I was when I got here. I've been part of the Order for nearly six years, but returned to the temple about a year ago. Since, I'm on my fourth master. Must sound pretty sad, huh?"

Xander Caine
Dec 21st, 2003, 12:02:50 AM
Kind of makes a strange face when she says that she has had 4 masters

"Nah, not really..or at least it doesn't make you look bad, maybe the order..but not you"

Forces a smile

"doesn't really make me look forward to training though..I hope I can get one dependable master for the whole time I'm here."

Grabs the rest of his things from the middle of the floor and throws them on the floor off in the corner.

"I haven't found out just yet who my master will be, I hope they tell me soon though."

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 21st, 2003, 05:33:15 AM
"Don't worry, I was just one of those who didn't have much luck, but my new master is the greatest. She's pretty cool." Quay'Na replied with a smile. "I had a master for five years, but a year ago she was killed during a mission, so I returned. But, no matter, that is all in the past, what about you? What brought you to our humble establishment?"