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Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 11th, 2003, 05:29:57 PM
The council room was quiet and dark, when Anbira entered. Instead of taking his seat in the circle of chairs, he knelt in the center of the room, in preparation of meditation. The world around him slipped away, and the Jedi Master reached out with his senses. He brushed past the intangible, the metaphysical, and beyond. He sought answers for which he could not form questions.
Hours passed. A storm raged outside, a cycling of Coruscant's weather grid. In the shelter of the Jedi tower, Anbira followed a whisper and a shadow...riddles left like breadcrumbs by the living force. Ethereal half dreams spread about him like the morning's mist, as his mind's eye walked in a realm of light and shadow. The Force was a mysterious mistress, and she was careful not to give away her secrets. It took much devotion, and much pleading, to win the favor of foresight. And even then, foresight could be misleading to the confused.
When Anbira felt he could not continue any longer, he felt it. A presence about him...all around. It was another world, this world, but a shadow, and another time. Through this microcosm, Anbira could see events, action, and consequence. Everything was an insubstantial haze, a illusive metaphor of the future which could not be tamed. He saw himself, locked in a battle...which he could not win.
The where and how escaped him. Only the why seemed willing to divulge her secret.
Anbira's shoulder's sagged, and his head bowed low to the ground.
"Why do you forsake me so? What must I do?"
It came as a weary whisper, and Anbira opened his eyes, to find the floor beneath him wet with the moisture of a single tear.
The tribulations of Anbira Hicchoru were set to begin anew once more.
Dec 11th, 2003, 05:36:38 PM
:: AB had exited the lift on the way to the empty council chamber. The storm outside was magnificant, and she wanted to catch glimpses of the tendrils of lightning raining from the sky. ::
:: As the doors slid open with a quiet "woosh", the room wasn't empty as she'd expected. Kneeling at the center of the floor, looking weary and worn, was Anbira. ::
:: Abira had always been like a father figure to her (even though technically she was older than him, though still looked young because of her species), and she stopped at the door, looking at him as he regarded the floor. ::
Anbira? Are you alright?
Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 11th, 2003, 05:39:59 PM
"No, Rie. I am not."
Slowly, Anbira rose from his kneeling spot. He looked at her strangely, as if he was intent on burning her face into memory. Then, he turned toward the window, and looked outside.
"A storm is approaching."
Loki Ahmrah
Dec 11th, 2003, 05:54:00 PM
After having caught a glimpse of Master Rie entering a turbolift, Loki summised that she was headed for the Council Chamber; he could've been wrong but it was his safest bet and so far she had been the only member of the Jedi Council he had seen all day. He was looking for his master, Anbira, it was late in the evening and they hadn't spoken all day. This was a rare occurence and Loki enjoyed the warm company of his master. Not only that but he couldn't remember for the life of him what time they were to meet in the acadamy the following day.
"Master Rie--" Loki huffed as he entered the room shortly after the red-haired woman, he was out of breath from running here and there and finally sprinting after the Jedi Master. After spying Rie across the room, he gave her a bow and smiled but his attention was quickly drawn to the elderly man by the window. His smile brightened and he approached the ran-spattered window.
"Good evening, master." Loki bowed and looked outside at the weather, shooting Anbira an incredulous yet amused look. "Approaching? I'd say we're pretty much in the thick of it."
Dec 11th, 2003, 05:56:35 PM
:: She'd heard Loki enter, but had been to preoccupied with Anbira's state of mind. She'd never seen him look so tired. She watched as he looked at her intently before turning to look out the window. ::
"A storm is approaching."
:: She frowned at this statement, looking at the window he was looking out of as the rain splattered against the window pane. She doubted very much he was refering to the thunder storm outside. ::
:: She walked to where he stood, standing beside him and looking out the window. Loki had followed suite, and his comment almost brought a smile to her face. ::
What have you seen, Anbira, that makes you believe that trouble is approaching?
Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:05:02 PM
Anbira looked down to Loki, placing a hand on his shoulder as he smiled bittersweetly.
The smile faded when he looked back to the thunderclouds.
"The dread wind blows before the world is turned to ice, and all that once lived with vigor shall be turned to the corruption of darkest winter."
Anbira could see in both their eyes that the riddles he spoke in did their concern no justice. Turning away from the storm, Anbira rested in a nearby seat.
"My time is coming to an end."
Loki Ahmrah
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:12:12 PM
Quickly enough, Loki realised that something was troubling his master. He could see it in his eyes, etched into his face and burdening his old voice. His smile quickly withered away to a solomn and contemplative frown while he listened to Anbira's enigmatic words.
But when he finally said 'My time is coming to an end', the youngsters heart skipped a beat and he froze still, staring at his aged master. Then his face changed once again to a look of mixed relief and amusement, he shook his head and smiled. It wasn't until he opened his mouth to brush aside his master's words as either a joke or downright silly that he realised he knew Anbira better than that and that this was serious. His voice turned shakey and weak.
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:14:49 PM
:: AB had not moved from her spot as Anbira went to sit down, but finally did move, turning slowly to look at him with a questioning look in her eyes. ::
What do you mean "coming to an end"? Are you saying that you have seen your...
:: Her words trailed off. She knew Loki was a smart lad and would pick up on what she was refering to, if he hadn't already. It's just that she couldn't bring herself to say it. ::
Morgan Evanar
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:19:03 PM
Morgan was almost disturbingly light on his feet for someone of his size. What little noise he did make was drowned out by the patter of rain and thunderclaps.
He slipped an arm around Rie's shoulders after Anbira had clarified things. Morgan frowned.
"Your time with us," the tall Jedi motioned vaugely at those in the room, "or your time?" he favored the elder Jedi with a quizical look, but feared the answer.
Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:27:03 PM
"What is one is both and the other."
Anbira gave a pained look to Loki, whom he did not wish to speak of such things with. But now, it was done.
"I will be slain, for the purpose of a greater good. Those that I have known will know me not as I am, but as I was. I have done much evil in my life, and though I have atoned in my own way, the full purchase has yet to be made."
Loki Ahmrah
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:38:09 PM
At first, Loki was somewhat uncertain as to what exactly was meant by Anbira's time coming to an end and he certainly didn't like Master Evanar's talk of his time coming to an end. He shook his head and spoke with the air of someone who was wholly unconvinced.
"No, that can't be true." He stated bluntly, then addressing Anbira. "You're not a seer, master. You've probably got mixed signals or something. Ask Master Evenstar, she'll tell you!"
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:49:23 PM
:: AB blinked and a small shiver ran through her shoulders, one that was not seen, but would be felt by Morgan who had his arm around her shoulders. It was as she'd feared. And yet, she didn't want to believe it. Nothing was written in stone, even by Force standards... more like written in clay. ::
:: She shook her head, partially thinking along the same lines as Loki. ::
No. We can prevent it. The future is always in motion.
:: She shrugged. ::
And there's some truth in what Loki says.
:: Her voice was almost taking on a pleading tone. ::
Perhaps you merely saw one of several outcomes...
Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:21:34 PM
"The force speaks on its own accord. It is true, I cannot coax these visions on command. The will of the force has guided me to this vision."
Anbira smiled at Loki, and tussled his hair.
"You are gifted with a sharp mind, my young Padawan. Be thankful always for that blessing upon you."
Anbira hugged the boy close.
"You will see things, as I never was able to see them. Loki, you must follow the path of the light. See, with all your might, that which surrounds you.
I feel that I have neglected my duties as your master, my son. You deserve more of me, and I am remiss in my obligation."
Another tear fell from Anbira, as he looked to his padawan.
"There is...the world...that I have yet to teach you. I yearn to the will of the force that you find the wisdom that I have found only too late."
Loki Ahmrah
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:30:38 PM
Normally, Loki was only too happy when on the recieving end of his master's affection but this time there was something painfully wrong and although the boy didn't accept what Anbira was saying, he was overwhelmed at the prospect of losing him. There was a shimmering in his eyes now and he fought back the angry tears.
"Will you stop speaking like that? All this talk of failing and being too late!" He shot back with indignation. "You're talking like everything is over. Like there's no hope left. You're not yourself!"
Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:55:18 PM
"There is always hope, young Loki."
Anbira smiled, inspired by his student's stubborness.
"I cannot spend my days in despair over the impending events."
He looked to Rie and Morgan.
"I am not so presumptuous to understand the full extent of the will of the Force. Yet, what has been revealed to me has been done for a reason."
Anbira looked back to Loki.
"That reason...must be you. Loki, we cannot take the things of this world with us when we die. Our riches in life, are the things that carry on after we are long-since taken from this place."
He looked to his padawan wistfully.
"My are like my son. You have so much potential, to be whatever the Force decides for you. My time may or may not be on the horizon, but my destiny is in your eyes.
I intend to right the wrongs of my absence and preoccupation. Loki, I need you to see. You are coming upon a crossroad in your life. I can only show you the way, but you have to decide where to go. Your heart is pure, and that fills me with a reassurance that I never had before.
Whether it is my time to depart from this life or not, I need you to find your path, Loki Amrah. Jedi cannot live forever, but their legacies can."
Dec 12th, 2003, 11:57:56 AM
:: There was nothing AB could thnk of to say after Anbira's words. She just stood there, watching him shower encouragement and hope upon his Padawan. ::
:: Finally, she found her voice, and spoke almost in a whisper. ::
Will you be telling the Council about what you have seen?
Falcon Gyndar
Dec 15th, 2003, 09:30:02 PM
Falcon Gyndar, Jedi Knight. Ever Watchful. This day the man by this name was out for a walk, thinking on everything that had happened since his return to this place. He was glad. All things were going well for him here. Gyndar had a certain feeling of peace..But when he started to pass the council chamber, that feeling was distrupted. Enough that he sat at the bench he had stopped by.
What is going on here? Doubt...Worry...Much of it is here. A small sandess is also present.
The 30-ish man seated himself on the bench. He thought on what had now come to him.
Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 20th, 2003, 01:43:59 PM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
Will you be telling the Council about what you have seen?
Anbira shook his head.
He turned to look at Rie.
"I feel that what I have seen will come to pass, regardless of action taken. The council must not second guess itself on my behalf. You, all of us, must see with your heart, and let your feelings guide you."
Loki Ahmrah
Dec 20th, 2003, 05:39:48 PM
While his master spoke in what he affectionately referred to as Vintage Anbira, Loki's frustration grew inside and with each word past the old man's lips, his misery multiplied. Despite the words of support and encouragement, even his wise master couldn't hide the sense of foreboding which burdened them and every sentence felt like a goodbye. Loki didn't like goodbyes but rather than dampen the situation with soggy sadness and doubt, the padawan straightened himself somewhat resolute with a determination to make his master proud.
"I don't think I understand, master." He said with wavering confidence. "But I will do my best and wont let you down. You tell me what you want and I will do it."
Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 21st, 2003, 07:44:39 PM
"No, Loki."
Anbira dropped to his knees, looking his student in the eyes.
"You do what your heart says. All you have to do is see the things around you."
Loki Ahmrah
Dec 22nd, 2003, 06:15:50 PM
"Then that is what I will do." Loki replied obediently. He still wasn't too clear on what his master wished of him but like with everything else Anbira has said in the past, it makes sense in time and the boy was totally confident in his masters' guidance. Then with a less assured face, instead with a look of concern, he added:
"Now, no more of this pessimistic talk, okay?"
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