View Full Version : Gathering of the Powers (Estelle, all Jedi Masters)

Figrin D'an
Dec 9th, 2003, 11:28:21 PM
OOC Note: Continued from here (

Figrin led the way from the balcony back into the Jedi Council chambers. The Council was no longer present, and the room was dark, save a single central light shining from the ceiling in the council's circle of chairs. Just outside the influence of the light, stood several figures, indiscernable and shadowed, but not ominous as might be presumed.

Figrin and Estelle approached the circle of figures, and Figrin motioned for her to step forward beneath the circle of light. As she did so, the faces of the shadowy figures became clear to her. Each of the Jedi Masters of the Order were around her. Figrin stepped into the opening in which Estelle has passed, and completed the circle.

"For millenia," Figrin began to speak,"since the earliest days of the Jedi Order, the rank of Jedi Knight has been bestowed upon those whom are skilled and learned in the ways of the Light Side of the Force. Acknowledged as the guardians of the galaxy, to be Jedi Knight is a great honor and priviledge. This is not an end, but a beginning. The journey continues, and becomes more difficult and trying. Many take this challenge, and do well. But there are a few Jedi whom rise above the rest, complete the journey and achieve a new understanding of the Force and of themselves. For these select few, there is only one appropriate title... Jedi Master."

Figrin motioned to the members of the circle.

"To be chosen as a Jedi Master is to be tested and acknowledged by the other Jedi Masters of the Order. They are gathered here because the test has been completed, and they wish to welcome an new member into their circle."

He looked to Estelle.

"Estelle Russard, Jedi Knight of the Order... you have served in the role of Jedi Knight, and have risen above the meaning of this rank. A greater future is put before you. Will you answer it's call?"

As he said those final words, the members of the circle shifted, and created an opening in the ring. An opening that could be filled by a single person. In somber silence, they awaited Estelle's response.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 11th, 2003, 05:15:53 PM
Anbira stood to Figrin's side, clad in the fine regalia that such a meeting required. Hands clasped before him, he looked to Estelle with interest.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:24:03 PM
Morgan, too, was dressed in finery. He stood between Anbira and Rie, with one hand in his pocket and one hand holding hers.

He deadpanned an even, sure look as best he could.

Estelle Russard
Dec 13th, 2003, 02:48:41 PM
Estelle felt the eyes of the Masters on her as she looked to Figrin, listening to his words. The moment carried on it the echo's of those who had stood in this place before her, of footfalls that had stepped to their place within the solemn circle in times passed.

Estelle felt such pride and yet was humbled at the same time. She wished that ReaperFett could be here. She knew in her heart he would be proud of her and satisfied he had layed a true foundation in her training. The vision of his face made her smile softly.

She indrew a deep breath, taking a moment to look at the faces of each the Masters surrounding her. Connecting with each one as if in silent promise of loyalty to each of them. Returning once again to look to Figrin, she released her breath slowly, calmly.

"I am willing" she said with simplicity and stepped to the place open and waiting for her presence.

Dec 19th, 2003, 03:58:03 PM
:: AB was clad in a delicate light green dress, a silver belt at her waist, with her lightsaber hanging from it. She held Morgan's hand as she stood beside him, watching as Estelle walked forward and filled the void that had been opened in the circle by all the Masters. AB couldn't help but smile pleasently. ::

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 28th, 2003, 03:13:18 PM
Well, it's about time, isn't it? I thought to myself, smiling widely at Estelle. Of all the Knights in the Order, she was truly ready to bear this great title of Master... and yet many had not known her, because she did not ask for such titles. She simply did her duties, above and beyond that which is expected.

And that was most certainly a reccomendation to be a Jedi Master.

Dec 29th, 2003, 09:50:03 AM
Satine can't help but show a small grin, resplendent in his silver and black robes used only for ceremonial purposes. He stands in the circle, watching Estelle.

He did not know much about Estelle beyiond the fact that she was a loyal member of the Order, and worked hard to be worthy of her title of Jedi Knight. It was time for her to get a just reward for it, he thought.

Figrin D'an
Jan 2nd, 2004, 01:05:53 AM
Figrin smiled slightly at Estelle, but quickly returned to formality. She was happy beyond words, yet calm and at peace. Her aura in the Force was true to light, and Figrin knew that all of the masters could feel it just as strongly as could he.

"Today," Figrin continued, "we are stronger because there is another among us. Let it be said from this day forth that Estelle Russard is a true Master among Jedi. Remember always that the journey never ends, and just as you once began a new path as a Jedi Knight, another is now before you to travel. May The Force Be With You as you walk that path."

"Congratulations, Jedi Master Russard."