View Full Version : Restoring old Ways.

Dec 9th, 2003, 09:43:36 PM
The sleek shape of a black lambda shuttle cut its way through the dawn lit skies of Corellia. After several vigorous questionings from escort fighters and route controllers asking for verification codes, the shuttle was allowed to proceed to the landing pad. The cold white symbol of the Empire was emblazoned on both sides of the central wing of the shuttle, hinting at the occupants within. Thrusters erupted with a resounding boom, halting the shuttles advance while two wings began to fold upward along the central wing, preparing to land. The high pitched mechanical hiss faded away slowly with the powering down engines. Landing gears compressed, touching down onto the landing pad, bearing the heavy load of durasteel armor and heavy weaponry the shuttle donned. A dull whir of hydraulics permeated the air as a large ramp dropped down from the shuttles head touching down to the ground fully extended. There was silence at first…before an outline of a figure formed in the darkness of the shuttle’s belly.

Shadows clung to his form until he descended from the ramp, stepping foot on Corellia, the light of dawn broke over his features, revealing a fit young man in his twenties with short blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Black armor covered the Colonel’s body full from toe to shoulders. A leather belt hung low on his hips with various straps crisscrossing from thigh, to belt, to thigh again. Dark leather holsters were fitted tight to each outer thigh, displaying the handles of twin DL-44 blasters sitting snuggly in their holsters. After each step a soft metallic tacking noise could be heard from the gentle sway of a metallic cylinder dangling from a leather strap also attached to the belt. Tear had come not expecting any trouble but he was always a man prepared for the worst.

Soft blue eyes were quick to center onto the first person to begin walking toward him…

Lady Vader
Dec 12th, 2003, 12:25:13 PM
*LV had opted to meet the Imperial when she had received word of the shuttle asking for permission to land on Corellia. It hadn't taken long for her to give the authorization to lower the planetary shield and order an escort for the shuttle.*

*The luxury speeder took her to the landing platform, a rather heavily guarded one, where she exited and walked up the short ramp to the landing pad within the landing dome, which was now closing overhead.*

*She regarded the man standing with a straight back near the bottom of the ramp of his ship as she walked towards him.*

It has been many years since the Empire has decided to visit Corellia, and even longer since they have called upon the presence of the Sith Order.

Dec 22nd, 2003, 06:07:05 PM
The Imperial known only as Colonel or Agent Tear stood rigid with hands clasped behind the small of his back. Tear’s eyes floated briefly over the woman’s body as she approached, force infused sight giving insight to things normal eyes couldn’t see, or comprehend. The essence of the dark side swirled over her being like black oil over water.

A casual smile rose over Tear’s lips as the woman approached closer. “Lady Vader, I am honored to be in the presence of one so beautiful and powerful such as yourself.” He gave a slight bow to the Sith Mistress.

“It has been many years since the Empire has decided to visit Corellia, and even longer since they have called upon the presence of the Sith Order.”

Tear gave a simple nod in recognition of her words “That is one of the many things I am sure will change by the end of our talks. I must thank you for the invitation to your planet. It is indeed much of what I had heard it is.” Soft blue eyes floated over the room while spoke sensing the presence of a rather large security force about the area. “Expecting trouble?” The agent asked a soft smile breaking over his lips as his eyes floated back to hers.

Lady Vader
Dec 31st, 2003, 09:56:00 PM
*LV's lip curled into a half smile.*

Not neccessarily. But one can never be too careful.

*She gestured for Tear to walk with her.*

Please, come with me. I have a transport waiting to take us back to the Palace where we can discuss your proposal in comfort.

*The ride didn't take more than 10 minutes, taking them from the secured space port for TSO business to the Palace. The ride was mostly puncuated by small talk and comments on the landscape and weather. The transport took them up through the winding road, leading up to the Palace situated on a hill that overlooked Coronet, the capitol of Corellia.*

*The original Palace had been an agent castle made of stone and mortar, but it had been destroyed during a revolt. The Palace that stood in it's place now was made of a tough and resiliant obsidian stone, imported from a planet far from Corellia. The stone's existance was found in old journals that spoke of a strong hold made of the same rock. It was resistant to laser fire and could only be chipped and fully destroyed by a bombardment of heavy explosives and projectiles. It had been a costly endevor by the Order, but it had been deemed neccessary after the original had been so easily destroyed.*

*What Tear did not see were also the sheilds protecting the Palaces grounds, hidden turrets, and the underground command center, protected by layers and layers of volcanic rock, for the hill the Palace stood on had once been a mighty volcano, now long since dead. Aside from the underground command centers was also a hidden hangar bay with doors leading through the cliff face on the west side over the Corellian ocean.*

*LV and the other Elders had made every possible effort to beif up securities and defenses, along with assault capabilities.*

*Once they entered the Palaces courtyard, LV disembarked with her guest and lead him into the grand entry way and down a short hallway into a medium sized meeting room that resembled more of a casual living room, with a small fire crackling in the fireplace, couches and chairs. On the table were refreshments of varying kinds to satisfy the palet.*

Please, Colonel, make yourself comfortable.

*She herself sat in one of the chairs.*

Jan 14th, 2004, 01:24:11 AM
The Sith certainly knew how do surround themselves in comfort, Tear thought to himself as Lady Vader guided him through various gates and corridors leading to a simple, yet lavish living room.

“Please, Colonel, make yourself comfortable.”

Tear nodded simply, “Thank you.” While taking a seat in one of the more lavish armchairs across from the Sith Mistress.

Kill her Tear. Kill them all. The maddening voice roared up from the depths of Tears min to come, clanging against an invisible wall. Snarling and spitting like any animal, it growled and raged forth its hatred, trying desperately to claw through its invisible prison. Then a sudden silence…calmness settled as the presence stepped back, locking his fingers behind his back, his soft voice picking up in a melodic tone…singing.

Tears eyes opened, he had not realized he had shut them and quickly brought a hand up to rub the bridge of his nose. “My apologies, It was a long trip I am a little tired.” A gentle smile rose over Tears lips in a reassuring manner.

“Long ago the Empire and the Sith where nearly one and the same. If it wasn’t for the Sith the empire might have never came to be. The master and the apprentice in a sense,” Tear paused for a moment before continuing, clearing his throat slightly as he did. “The empire was a tool for the Sith to maintain their grip on the galaxy, they were the leaders, the ones in control. The Empire was the scalpel used to cut away the weak and inferior.

Since the rise of the New Republic and the fall of the Empire things have changed a great deal. You no longer hold a grip over the galaxy…you may have a presence in it and the various civilizations avoid you like a chained dog. But that is all you are at the moment…chained and snarling with limited ability to bite the hand that wanders too close.”

Rising to his feet, Tear walked over to the fireplace a few fingers stroking against his course chin in thought as his eyes danced with the flame’s reflection. “I wish to restore the old ways, Lader Vader. The Empire is at its strongest since its fall…we are taking back what is rightfully ours and soon we will be whole again. I’m bringing our presence back into this galaxy and I want the Sith to be a part of it.”

The flames danced and swayed, popping sounds sending sparks of cinders to float gently into the air. Tears eyes kept still, mesmerized by the images his mind played out in the flames… “The Jedi rule over the majority of this galaxy. Imposing their ideals and beliefs onto worlds in the name of peace. They roam the galaxy carefree because they believe we are trapped and contained, posing no real threat to them anymore. No longer will this be true…Your husband started something and wasn’t able to finish it before the Empire crumbled…I will continue where he left off and I will bring that fear back to them.” Tear growled the final words through clenched teeth as he turned to face the Sith mistress, a soft glow of flame bouncing off his skin. His eyes, no longer trained on the fire blace still burned with emotion as they floated to meet hers, looking for a reaction “Your thoughts?”

(/ooc Grows old n dies :rolleyes *cough*)

Feb 5th, 2004, 02:37:57 PM
"Children playing with toys,"

The old Warlock had entered soundlessly, listening to the Imperial profess and outline his ideas and plans. Robed and hooded, he watched the unfamiliar face with a sceptical eye.

"Are we really to believe that the conquest of planets will regain what we have lost, Lady Vader? Planets are nothing. Simply drains upon resources. A single base is all that is needed. To spread our forces is to provide a greater number of targets for the enemy. We must remained nucleated within the Corellian system, at least until we have once again grow.

We are, now, vulnerable. I believe it is best that we do not push our luck too far, lest we stumble and fall."

Lady Vader
Feb 6th, 2004, 01:49:12 PM
You bring up a good point, Warlock. Though do not forget we not only have the Corellian system, but a few other outlying planets as well, such as Korriban and Dathomir.

*She turned to look at Tear.*

Your offer is very tempting and certainly not one we are closing a door on, but what Warlock speaks is true. We need to move slowly in that direction.

I've seen far too many rash and qucik moves made that have turn organizations into shambles...

*She thought of the old TSC at this point.*

I will not have that happen to the Sith Order.

Feb 7th, 2004, 03:39:48 AM
Tear’s eye climbed over the new comer in a curious fashion, nodding respectfully at the same time. “Your words do hold truth to them stranger and your worries do heed merit Lady Vader. Too many fairy tale’s I have heard of the slow and steady winning the race were fast and rash crumble to failure.”

Tear paused for a moment holding up a gloved finger, “But this isn’t a fairy tale. I would not blame you for sitting behind closed doors hiding from the dangers that dot this galaxy of ours. It is true you are vulnerable, we all are. There will never be a moment in your lifetimes when you are care free from danger. But you forget just because you lay here in hibernation, waiting for something to wake you from your slumber…the rest of us are already awake and looking for food.”

Reaching out toward the fire an open palm pulled an ember from the fireplace. Tear held it inches above his palm, watching it dance and float gracefully before extinguishing into ash. “Such is life. Our lives burn constantly until the moment the glow fades, its something we don’t have control over. But we do have control over how bright we burn for in that time.” Tears looked at the Warlock as his next thoughts made their way to his lips. “You speak of staying still in hopes to grow. This may help…you may survive the storms outside from within your shelter, but no one will notice you here. Instead of biding your time to grow, you may just whither away in the darkness, leaving long forgotten tomes to be read over by some Jedi explorer. I am not asking the Sith to join the Empires army’s in battle against their enemies. I am asking you to join me in battle against the Jedi.”

Feb 7th, 2004, 04:51:51 AM
Warlock gave a vague nod, as though he was weighing up this proposal.

“What makes you think you will be able to overcome the Jedi? Coruscant is swarming with the parasites. It is a boon of lightside energy and with the New Republic army and navy at their side, nigh on unstoppable. All that stands in the way of their victory over us is apathy and their constant bumbling to try and organize the fruitless training of younglings. Were we to attack them now, it must be as swift as lightning; else, they bring order to their members and see what untapped resources they possess.”

Feb 9th, 2004, 03:17:58 PM
Tear smirked at the elder’s cautious words. “It is true, the Jedi on Coruscant do hold a significant advantage in numbers with the young ones they train, or try to train.” He corrected himself. “No one is unstoppable not even the New republic. If you look at the Empire of old…it was crumbled by a mere handful of those with the heart to fight for something they believed. Ironic how things have turned so that we are the ones with the heart to fight while the republic is the mountain that we will crumble.”

Tear gave a slight shake of his head, “I don’t believe our strike must be swift. This is where many fail. Believing they can topple a foe so strong in number and strength as the Jedi in one decisive action. Mountains are not brought down in a day but over many. We will hunt for the Jedi, where they move about freely and without care. I do not believe threat from us will bring order to their chaos, their adepts remained largely untrained and untaught in the ways of the force…and largely ignorant to the powers that the darkside may grant."

Dark Lord Rivin
Feb 10th, 2004, 01:26:24 PM
Voice comes from the shadows from behind Tear.

"I think I am understanding what this man is trying to put before us. If I am correct, he is wanting us to become the eyes in the shadows, the ones that pray on the weak, untill the strong are forced to spread to protect them. They have to many padawan, and not enough knights or masters to keep them and the people of the new republic safe.

When they send out the padawans to do the work of knights, we will be the shadows that ungulf them in darkness. Without the padawan they will be forced to spred the knights and masters even thiner, and most likely be forced to ignore what will look like minor gang activities, and more of us will be able to slip through their widely spred hands."

Feb 23rd, 2004, 02:39:47 AM
Tear felt the tingle of a force user’s presence before the words escaped the new stranger’s lips. Turning slowly his eyes met with that of the new dark knight, flickers of flame from the fire place, randomly giving glimpses to the face of the stranger concealed in shadow.

“Indeed. Knights rarely go anywhere without a young adept nipping at their heels, eager to learn and watch. The Jedi weakness lay within their younger generations. Eager to learn the ways of the force some will succumb to the tempting allure of the darkside and the power therein. Not only that but many Jedi of today take their padawans on little “romps” throughout the galaxy in order to teach, again carefree because their dangers lay in hibernation. Again, another time to strike out against the Jedi while they are cut off from the horde. Which leads to the a few options touched on by you.” Tear looked at Rivin.

Pausing briefly to wet his lips, wondering just how many more Sith were lurking in the shadows. “To feel you’re heart pounding in your chest as your rage into battle. The feel of the darkside as it courses through your veins in tandem with your strikes. The look on your enemies face when the realization of his loss sets in, knowing there will be no mercy, and the exhilarating feel of when you bring his life to an end. Would you truly pass the chance to one again strike at your most hated enemies?”

Dark Lord Rivin
Feb 25th, 2004, 02:39:25 PM
"The chance to strike is always there, but weather or not the strike will be completed with victory is another matter. I have heard much of what we will do in this, but how do you expect the Empire to help with this task? What proof can you offer that The Empire will do anything? What can you say that will make us think that The Empire will not just try to use the Sith as a strike force to do the work that your own can not? Please, let us know that The Empire is expecting to get from a military alliance with The Sith Order."

Feb 25th, 2004, 04:40:31 PM
Tear arched an eyebrow curiously at the new comer. He obviously hadn’t been hidden in the shadows the entire time since some of what he was asking was already answered. The other questions had left Tear irritated because of their implications toward the Empire that he served.

“I have heard much of what we will do in this, but how do you expect the Empire to help with this task? What proof can you offer that The Empire will do anything? What can you say that will make us think that The Empire will not just try to use the Sith as a strike force to do the work that your own can not? Please, let us know that The Empire is expecting to get from a military alliance with The Sith Order."”

Tear sighed while crossing his arms, pointing briefly to the white symbol emblazoned on his armored shoulder. “That is the symbol of the Empire, or more accurately the symbol of The Imperial Sovereignty.” Tears blue eyes locked with the stranger. The answers to the questions he was looking for had been staring him straight in the face. “I am proof enough that the empire will do something or I would not be here asking for you to join me. As for your question about needing the sith as a strike force to do the work we cannot…” Tear let a smile rise over his lips before answering the question. “It’s a simple answer, there is no work that you can do and we cannot. The reason I am here is to request you join me in hunting the Jedi, not to enlist the Empires armies. Although, to my knowledge the Sovereignty and the Sith already do have a military pact dealing with your protection from the New republic in return for the use of your shipyards.”

Dark Lord Rivin
Feb 26th, 2004, 11:39:17 AM
Rivin walks out of the shadows, and looks towards Warlock and LV as he says...

"I hope I am not stepping out of line with my questions, since I am only a simple Knight in the presence of such great Masters, And as such I am un able to speek on behalf of the Order. But in my travels through out this galaxy I have become rather warry of anybody offering something sounding too good to be true."

Rivin walks around tear looknig him over.

"This man brings us an offer to assist them in distroying the Jedi, But how do we know that They have not already gone to make a deal with the Jedi to ask for their help in getting rid of us? From looking at the Empire's history, anybody could tell that they will hold a grudge for as long as they still have one breath in their lungs, and If I am not mistaken, was the Corellian system not one of the Empire's most productive systems before they lost it? Also I would not be incorrect in saying that Dathomir is also a former Impieral world."

Rivin stops behind tear after doing two full circles around him, and looks up at Warlock..

"Have you not already said that with the Jedi and the New Republic on the same side they are nigh on unstoppable? Is it not concivable that The Empire may see us as a simpler force to defeat in order to get back their former worlds that we now hold?"

Rivin looks back at Tear.

"In the past The Empire made alliances with the New Republic in order to defeat a common foe. The Jedi and Republic have been at war with the Sith since back to the times of Exar Kun. So it is not far fetched that They would except an offer to destroy us if one was offered to them, and this could just be the Empire's part in their plan. He could be trying to lead us into a trap."

Feb 29th, 2004, 03:47:22 AM
Warlock had listened silently for long enough, "I agree with Rivin. We need more than words to proove your loyalty, Imperial. If we are to band with you against the Jedi, you must make the first strike upon them, as a show of good faith."

Darth Vader
Mar 6th, 2004, 04:38:57 AM
The doors opposite Tear opened in a wide movement, as a black-clad man entered the room. Man wouldn't be a proper description. This being wore an armored guise of all black, and his visage was an instantly-familiar Death's Head, one the galaxy had grown to fear in years before. He came to a stop near LV, glassy "eyes" fixated on Tear.

"I suggest that we put the Imperial's loyalties to the test."

Mar 7th, 2004, 01:47:01 AM
Originally posted by Dark Lord Rivin “So it is not far fetched that they would except an offer to destroy us if one was offered to them, and this could just be the Empire's part in their plan. He could be trying to lead us into a trap."

The Imperial honestly couldn’t believe the far-fetched paranoia he was hearing. An alliance with the Jedi to destroy the Sith? Any Jedi to be unlucky enough to be taken by the Sovereignty never saw the light of their temples again. Not only that, but in essence the Jedi held the backbone of the New Republic, the most hated enemy of any Imperial faction. The mere mention of Tear and the Sovereignty allying them selves with the Jedi was an insult. After all what would the Empire have to gain from a costly invasion of Sith controlled worlds? They already controlled their shipyards, what would they gain from an invasion? Agent Tear wasn’t a diplomat or one to train in the art of conversation, his temper, along with his patience where waning.

Tear had to restrain a growl as Rivin began to circle him. He had come here to extend a hand in arms not be caught up in wild paranoia or go on stooge missions for the Sith. Their religion was a dying one. Noting the empty hallways and courtyards, devoid of fresh minds and recruits or the teachers who instructed them in their dark arts. The Sith had hibernated too long, even from this meeting the Colonel could tell they had no sense of clear leader ship to wake them from their cave and revive their feared legacy.

Suddenly a pair of doors opened wide to admit a hulking black figure. Tears had felt the power emanating from the being before his blue eyes recognized the imposing helmet of Darth Vader. Tears eyes carefully followed the machine of a man as he walked across the room to stand by Lady Vader. His entrance had interested Tear and distracted him from his otherwise rising temper and failing patience. Darth Vader did indeed hold a legacy, a legacy the Tear wished to match or surpass, which is why he had come to the Sith in the beginning for their aid against the Jedi. Nodding respectfully toward the Imposing new presence as Tear folded his arms across his chest, he would atleast indulge the Sith in their requests. “What did you all have in mind?”

Darth Vader
Mar 7th, 2004, 02:16:33 PM
The Dark Lord wastes little time.

"You will provoke the Jedi into action by striking the New Republic on the Outer Rim. You bring the enemy to me, Colonel, and I will bring you victory, and the power you desire. You will answer to myself and no one else. My command ship stands ready to join your task force. For your sake, I hope you do not delay in your decision."

Mar 13th, 2004, 03:18:51 AM
Finally. The Dark lord had given Tear what he wanted even though it was test of faith. First blood would be drawn. Tears couldn’t help but let his lips slide back into a grin as he spoke, “It will be done.”

A respectful bow was given to the fellow Sith situated in the room before the black armored figure removed himself from their presence. He had enough talking to last him and now he had a mission he would fulfill, there would be no lingering. A nimble finger tapped his wrist communicator, which then transmitted his command to prep the shuttle for immediate departure and to rally the task force.

Moments after the dark figure made its way up the shuttles ramp and into its belly the shuttle was found rocketing through the soft pink of Corellia’s dawn swept skies. Above the planet in star blanketed space several pin points stretched in from its depths to form the shapes of eight Skipray II blastboats. The sleek black ships were without any identifying marks as they glided through space above Corellia. Only the authorization from Agent Tear before hand, warning the other Sovereignty ships guarding Sith space to be expecting the eight ships. If he hadn’t the small group would have been ripped to shreds by the zealous Imperials as the kept Corellia and surrounding Sith space the most heavily guarded it has been in fifty years.

“Sir” Ylor, Tears second in command gave a brisk salute as his commander stroke over the Bridge of the Enrapture, the lead Skipray in formation. “Vader’s flagship has formed up with us we are ready to depart.”

Tears cold blue eyes scanned the view port in front, admiring the bustling shipyards that were full of production. The imperial war machine was fast at work preparing for the times to come. “Transmit the coordinates to New Republic held Almania to Vader.” Tear folded his arms confidently as he continued to stare out into the void of space. “Lets go pick a fight.”

Mar 31st, 2004, 04:32:24 AM
Its begun.

Fragile Lives (

Darth Vader
Apr 1st, 2004, 02:19:28 PM
I'll join in when we've snared our two targets.