View Full Version : Thus is the hour of our Discontent.... (Mockadane seeking a counsil... or Bounty!)

Dec 9th, 2003, 12:13:19 AM
Corriscant... a bustling planet metropolis. The skyline of the planet, wrought from the diverse materials brought here, was splendid to look at from space. But one had to be on planet to gain the full effects of the districts seemingly endless personalities, so to speak!

The sun was in its zenith in the Planet's rotation at the time that Mockadane had made his way, by shuttle, to His destination. Which happened to be YOGS bar and grill. His companion walked in stride with the Bounty Hunter, looking at him periodically to watch his demeanor. As they walked up the street from where they exited the taxi-shuttle, Mockadane knew the spies had spotted him and signaled ahead. Most knew of Mockadane, and would consider him a threat... Yet thus far, not breaking any laws, He was allowed to proceed to his destination.

Arriving at Master Yogs bar & grill, the big man found his way blocked by two well dressed gentlemen that asked him to remove his weapons ... they had a very intent look upon their face's

"Well ... do you mind if I leave them with my friend?" Mock smiled..."As he'll stay outside!"

Estelle Russard
Dec 27th, 2003, 11:39:12 PM
Coming up behind the men as arms and weaponry were transfered from one burlesque man to another, Estelle tried as much as was possible to step around them and squeeze by to enter Yog's Bar and Grill.

She accidentally jostled Mockadanes elbow, causing it to neatly nudge the hilt-end of a blaster rifle into his friends teeth.

"Oops, sorry. There's not much room and you look like you are going to be a while, and Im late. Im supposed to be meeting someone. ... Sorry again"

She stepped by them into the entrance of the bar.

Dec 27th, 2003, 11:52:16 PM
As the two men approached the threash hold that led into the Bar and Grill, they were stopped by the guards that waited outside the door that led into the tavern, waiting for any occupants who wanted to come into the tavern and make them remove their weapons. Eldoracks large companion sighed and then started to undress himself of his weapons. Handing them over to his coheart in crime, the Mercinary held them as he piled them higher and highter. Dog sat patiently at Eldoracks side, wagging his tail, knowing that this was only mandatory.

A woman walked past the two scoundrells and accidentally bumped into Mockadane's arm. He lost all concentration of what he was doing an stared at her back side as she walked into the Bar and Grill. Eldorack cleared his throat in an attemp to get back the attention of his companion.

"Hey...We are here for buisness remember...?"

Mockadane finished handing his weapons to his companion. 'Stay alert' is the words that were utterd from the large Bounty Hunter.

Dec 28th, 2003, 12:03:54 AM
Walking into the establishment, a faint music filled the air along with murmured sounds of conversations being held. Scanning the crowd for the petite with the flowing dark hair, he took a few moments to pick her out. Casually glancing around Mockadane watched her as she moved through the bar.

Walking up to the bar tender, the large man orderd a drink. Adding for him to send a drink to the dark haird beauty on his account.

As he watched, a servant droid approached her. As she heard the droids mechanical voice requesting she would have, paid for by another, Mock watched her dark tousles of hair shift as she looked towards him.

A smile and a toast of his drink is what she saw.

Estelle Russard
Dec 28th, 2003, 12:13:18 AM
Her surprised look gave way to a bashful smile and she ordered an orange juice from the droid, reminding him that he give her appreciation to the man for his kind gesture.

She sat at the empty booth, the person she had come to meet not having arrived yet.

She smiled a little nervously at the man at the bar, who was still looking her way.

Was she supposed to do something else? Buy him a drink in return gesture perhaps? She wasn't really sure of the protocol for such things. Instead, feeling very selfconscious, she sunk down into her seat and tried not to keep looking his way.

Dec 28th, 2003, 12:31:21 AM
The big man sat within ear shot of the droids request to the bar tender, hey laid three hapan gold coins.

"This should do."

Following the droid to the table, Mock put on his best smile.

"I doubt anybody will introduce us so I will take the liberty..."

With a slight bow..."I am Mockadane, scoundrel extrodinare...And you are?"

Motioning to the seat across from her, not waiting for a response he seated himself.

OOC:sorry...this is mockadane. Sorry for all of the confusion.

Estelle Russard
Dec 28th, 2003, 07:58:05 PM
ooc: Im assuming you guys forgot to switch nics and this is meant to be Mock posting. right? If not, Ill edit after you see this if you like.


As he squeezed his large frame into the booth, introducing himself, Estelle was a little surprised at his forwardness.

He was rather a rugged looking fellow and had no lack of self-confidence.

His opening line brought a wry, grin to her lips.

"Scoundrel extraordinare are you? Well arent I a lucky girl."

Her smile was unguarded and honest, and took any sting from her comment. She took the orange juice from the server droid, murmering polite thanks to Mockadane.

"My name is Estelle" she began, "and you should know that I am meeting someone"

Dec 29th, 2003, 12:35:31 AM
The big man nods and acknowlages her words with a polite courtesy.

"I will leave your company at your first word, lady. " His best smile exuded outward as he calculated his next words.

"Perhaps you can help me locate someone of your order.... that is my reason for being here." Mockadane took a drink from his glass... " Im seeking a Padawan named EBONY and would like to give her a gift!"

Smiling at the beautiful dark haired woman Mock took in her demeanor along with his surroundings. "This may come late ...but, are you married?"

Estelle Russard
Dec 29th, 2003, 09:53:35 PM
While it was not unusual for people to travel Coruscant well armed, Estelle had noticed the amount of weaponry Mockadane had shed into is comrades possession outside the Bar on her initial arrival, and had noted then that this was a man whose business was violence.

Him asking about a padawan of the Order did not bode well, though he had stated his intentions were good ones. They may have been pure - though Estelle was disinclined to believe it.

Fortunately, she did not know any padawan named Ebony, and therefore did not have to fib.

"Im afraid Ive no knowledge of Ebony" she shrugged as if that was the end of that.

"And no, Im not married. And.." she added with another smile, "that is the last peice of personal information I will give you"

Jan 7th, 2004, 01:08:50 AM
"The only reason I was asking... is so I wont have an irrate husband show up and spoil our little interlude..."

With a half smile Mockadane attempted to pull away from cornering questions.

"Besides this Ebony has no merrituous value to me, I was just wanting to give her something so as she was to be enlightend on her secret admirers."

"Would you like another drink, My dear?"

Estelle Russard
Jan 7th, 2004, 01:40:12 AM
"Not yet, thankyou, this is still good"

She gestured to her glass that still had a third left in it.

Smiling at Mockadane, a touch of mischief lit her eyes.

"Secret admirers, huh. You dont look much like a Hallmark Errand Boy to me. How about you start telling me the truth as to why you are here..?"

She lifted her eyebrows expectantly, wondering what tall-tale this rascal might have for her.

Jan 14th, 2004, 01:46:35 AM
Mock smiled at the Jedi's genuine words. The one constant in the universe still holding true, Jedi's are peace ladened beings.... with Russard being no exception to this.

"I have a client that wishes to speak to her, it seams that this person has a personal agenda," 'Hmmf' The big man exclaimed as he took a drink of his ale. "Of coarse he's a rookie, letting me set the terms of her speaking with him, and paying me in full before the job was compleated!" with that statement Mock slapped his hand on the table with a rather boisterous laugh.

"Anyways ... in good conscience I had to make an attempt to talk to this Ebony person and parlay the message!"

Estelle Russard
Jan 17th, 2004, 10:24:10 PM
"So..you have your money. That is all that matters in the end...? People are just so much currency.."

It was a bold question, really. And Estelle surprised herself that she had even voiced it.

She wasnt being judgemental of the man across from her. Just she had seen his type before. Bounty Hunters. Guns for hire. Her best friend was one, Aurelias Kazaar, and she knew his motivation was more than just credits. He got a kick from the whole "game."

She wondered if that was a universal trait in men such as this.