View Full Version : Red Dragon...(Mockadane)

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 8th, 2003, 08:25:42 PM
The Illusive Seech was a place for only the scoundrels who are after the easy money, such as the Bounty Hunters and Smugglers. The place was set inside of an asteroid that was very hard to find. Even for the employers of the establishment. Ambrose had to ask for the navigation sequence to enter the Seech's hidden docking bay. Ambrose was not here for the money this time though, he was here to find the main Bounty Hunter in the establishment. Mockadane, along with another man who went by the alias Eldorack were the sole owners of the Illusive seech. The Dark Knight was only here to deal with Mockadane. He will see why Mockadane has made people fear him to the end of the galaxy and back again. The Sith Knight did a back ground search upon the large man and found out that the man had originally come from Myrkrr. But Mockadane was not as stupid as he looked. He has been in many situations where any other person would have been dead, but this Bounty Hunter had managed to wiggle his way out of it. Ambrose had read up on the time when the large man had a run in with two Sith Mistresses. One of them he delt personally with was Darth Hera. She was afiliated witht he Shadowfene Fortress, and a deadly person to handle all by yourself. But Mockadane had held his own with her.

Ambrose walked around the room and wondered where the large man was and what he was doing this very instant. The being of darkness looked over all of the ancient weapons and tapestries that lined the walls of this archaic place. The Vampire knew that Mockadane was old, and had collected many things, much like himslef. But some of the things on the walls the Vampire had never seen before.

"Mockadane my friend....where do you get all of this stuff...."

Ambrose said mostly to himslef. Ambrose had a saying when he was about to go into battle. It was a prayer that he had performed when he was human, and was praying to what he knows know is false gods. Ambrose repeated the prayer once more to himslef.

"Red Dragon. From darkness to darkness I Shout/ Beneath my feet all is mande firm. "