View Full Version : A Royal Arrival

Darrsh Grunsk
Dec 8th, 2003, 04:02:42 PM
It was an unusual for anyone who walked into the recruitment center to be followed by an entourage. One this day however one would-be Jedi was trailed by a pair of guards. The trio was all tall, muscular and despite being humanoid in appearance, had a distinct feline air about them. Unbeknownst to the others waiting to be spoken to, they were now in the presence of royalty.

The young man who held himself with an air of regality smiled as he looked around, taking in the nuances of decoration and layout of the Jedi temple – it was very much unlike his home world, as an ambassador he felt it was his duty to try not to offend the customs of whichever world he visited. Being that he intended to stay a long while on this particular planet, he thought it to be extra important. At a wave of the man's hands, the guards dropped back to a less imposing position by the door.

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 8th, 2003, 09:28:49 PM
Everything was falling into place for this knight. All except a few things. This gave Falcon a sense of relief, that there was a certain amount of order coming into his life again.

This space of time, on this particular day, Falcon had nothing he was doing. Deciding he'd check in on the RC, the Jedi Knight walked in, and almost immediately, his eyes set upon a young man with..an entourage. A regal looking young man.


Seeing that no one was greeting him at this time, Falcon took the task. He took long, fluid steps to meet with this man, and stopped within 4 feet in front of him, and tilted his head, chin to chest, in acknowledgement of him. He then looked at the young man, showing a small, gentle smile.

"Good day, sir. I am Falcon Gyndar, a knight here at this Order. May I be of some help to you?"

Darrsh Grunsk
Dec 9th, 2003, 02:48:56 AM
Ever polite, he held out a clawed hand and gave the Jedi Knight a firm handshake, "Good to meet you, Falcon. I am Darrsh Grunsk. I was told this is where one must come if one is to be a Jedi. I assume from your presence here that I have not been misinformed."

He smiled warmly, showing a nice set of pointed teeth, "If it is possible, I'd like to train here."

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 10th, 2003, 09:04:48 PM
Falcon returned the handshake.

A rather polite young man...A likeable trait, if I must say so myself.

He grinned.

"It is indeed. You are in the right place. As for training here, it is entirely possible...But first, I would like to ask you some questions."

Darrsh Grunsk
Dec 12th, 2003, 11:20:57 AM
The guards stood by the door seemed happy with the situation at hand and relaxed some as a result. The Togorian too nodded, pleased that his request could be accommodated. "By all means then, my good man, ask away."

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 14th, 2003, 12:07:30 AM
So he proceeded with a question...

"What brought you here to this Order? To believe that you have the ability to accel as a Jedi...Are there any traits common of Jedi that you have fourd you have?"

Darrsh Grunsk
Dec 14th, 2003, 07:22:31 AM
"Originally, I intended only to visit this Jedi Order to profile it for my people – as a record, a history of sorts. During my research on it, however, I have come to find that you hold similar beliefs to my own, and uphold what is most important in life. I have not, as far as I am aware, ever experienced these Jedi traits you speak of, but am fully prepared to work to and beyond my limit to be able to achieve them."

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 16th, 2003, 05:03:02 PM
Falcon revealed a small smile.

"Jedi traits..that is telepathy, telekinesis, foresight. Like, a hunch for example, that turns out to be very correct. I do not think they are something that can be achieved...that is, if you haven't already experienced them in a small degree, or say, if you were to be tested for aptitude in the Force. That may be needed."

Darrsh Grunsk
Dec 17th, 2003, 10:10:34 AM
"I see. Well, whatever is needed, you have my permission to do, sir."