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Dec 8th, 2003, 09:34:19 AM

Why Exactly Do We Care So Much?
In defense of George Lucas. Guest Editorial by Phil Tinajero.
Wednesday, Wednesday, October 15, 2003 0:36 AM EST
By: Phil Tinajero

Recently there's been a boom of negative criticism towards George Lucas. I think it's been sparked by the recent City of Angels Film Festival where A NEW HOPE was shown to represent one of the films of the 70's that shaped the face of cinema. They showed the Special Edition, despite efforts to get permission to show the original version. Over the past two days I've heard comments like"F--- Lucas" or "Lucas is a selfish a--hole" or even "Lucas is a rapist of cinema." Well, I'm here to ask, Do you really care that much?

I mean, all the man's doing is trying to improve on his work. He's made these movies and he's made us happy countless times. All this fretting is just proving one thing, we care TOO MUCH. They're just movies after all. I am one of the biggest SW geeks on the planet and right now, I'm kind of ashamed of myself. Here is Lucas, spending over 25 years of his life making us smile with his fun stories of fantasies and we're cursing his name because he wants to fix a few of his mistakes. That's why pencils have erasers, ladies and gentlemen. I know a lot of us love the old rusty effects of the Classics,
but we're getting carried away.

Maybe bad special effects aren't necessarily mistakes, but to Lucas they are. After that horrible car accident, when he was lying in that hospital bed, George Lucas dreamed of starships and a galaxy far, far away - one single story of a certain family living in that galaxy, to be exact. He put those ideas on paper and trasnformed those ideas into a movie. Imagine his dreams during those times when he was lying there, folks. Was he dreaming of a stop-motion rancor, or snowspeeders with black lines around them, or lightsabers that fizzed in-and-out, or landspeeders with yellow blobs floating under them? His dreams weren't restricted to that kind of technical stuff. But when he made those dreams come alive, they were restricted. If you look at some of the old Ralph McQuarrie art, you can see that Lucas had a grand vision. I mean, he’s been wanting to use those air whales that we saw on Kamino, since A NEW HOPE. They got nixed, and then he pushed to get them in EMPIRE, but then they got nixed again. Poor George.

I know everyone must believe that all Lucas believes in now is special effects, and that’s understandable, but imagine if the world was flipped around for a second - the Prequels made in the seventies and RETURN OF THE JEDI coming out in 2005. Everyone would be saying “Why can’t these movies be more like the originals? I loved how the Geonosis battle was kind of old and model-looking. It’s just classic. Or how Watto is obviously a puppet held up by wires. I like how Coruscant looks like an old model city. Or how they used a dummy for Yoda’s fight with Dooku. I like that stuff. These new movies only rely on CG. There’s no story anymore.”

I know you’re all thinking, there’s no way it would be like that. Oh yes, my friends, it would. For some reason, human kind has found a new enemy; CG. “I hate that CG crap” or “It looks like a video game or something.” Even Quentin Tarantino chimes in with: “If I wanted some computer game bulls--- I would have stuck my d--k in a Nintendo.....that CGI s--- will be the death of movies.” Wow. Okay, I see your point. But CG is ultimately a tool. It’s the same as prosthetics, pyrotechnics, matte paintings, models, stop-motion, or any other effects device. It’s a way to make unreal things real. Maybe all this hatred, comes from the fact that it’s not physically real. You can’t touch it. It’s a animated image created by a computer. But it’s still living on the screen. Okay, CG Yoda may not seem as tangible as Classic Yoda, but he’s a creature from a fantasy world. It’s almost like looking at a dream. Maybe in 20 years or so, there will be another method of visual effects and we’ll all be defending CG then. It’s the way of the universe. People miss things once they’re gone.

Maybe you’re saying that you’re totally fine with CG in new movies, but going back and adding CG to classic films is unforgivable. Maybe that’s true, but it all goes back to IMPROVEMENT. All Lucas is trying to do is improve his invention. If we thought this way about everything, imagine where the human race would be in terms of technology? No innovation? I mean that’s all this is. “Oh my God! A phone that’s not held down by a chord? You’re raping the original, classic telephone model!” or “Why can’t we just stick with the grammaphone? I mean, why do we have to have a CD Player. Listening to music worked just fine with the grammaphone! It was a little scratchy, but hey it’s CLASSIC!”

See what I mean? Innovation, my friends. It’s improving on what we have created or built. It’s just paving the road to the "ultimate" of things. You start small, basic, maybe even crappy, but you get there. You get to what you DREAMED of. This is what this is all about: innovation.

Imagine Lucas hearing stuff from the early ILM guys like "we can't do that" or "that's definitely not possible" or "there's no way in hell we can even attempt that." I know I would've been crushed; how about you?

Right now, fanboys' minds are being dominated by the LORD OF THE RINGS films. I know, I love them dearly, as well. But those movies have a lot of things that only could have appeared on screen via today's visual effects and yet those films aren't undergoing serious verbal bashings like the Star Wars films are. JRR Tolkien had a dream of another world, just like Lucas did. The only difference was that Tolkien could let his dream live within readers' minds. Lucas was a filmmaker and had to let his distorted, revised dream live on film.

We all love the Classics for what they are. But all Lucas is trying to do is make his dream finally come to life! We're living in a time when filmmakers can do things that were never possible. It's Lucas' turn. Let him have it.

Gotta say, I agree with him. :)

Dec 8th, 2003, 12:31:11 PM
Very well written - and I too agree with him. I have no problem with GL fixing stuff. I think that it would be nice to have the true originals available in some format, though. I personally like the SE better than the originals (except for the whole Greedo thing), but I still like popping in the originals now and again.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 8th, 2003, 06:55:22 PM
Greedo shooting first and also changing the line in ESB (Luke to R2D2 "You're lucky you don't taste very good" to "You're lucky you got out of there") isn't an improvement. It's just a change, and I still don't like it.

The CGI cleaning up and 'added scenes' are kool in my book. I do wish I could find a copy of the originals, but I can only find the S.E.'s nowadays.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 8th, 2003, 07:01:52 PM
Screw them, I want the OT unadulterated or not at all. It just happens to be damn good, whatever Lucas or this writer thinks.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 8th, 2003, 09:46:24 PM
I dont like the way Jabba was done in ANH. It looked totally fake and I dont think its an improvement at all.

Figrin D'an
Dec 8th, 2003, 10:30:20 PM
The scene itself (Han/Jabba in ANH) was fine. They just need to redo the digital Jabba to fit more with his look in TPM.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 8th, 2003, 11:30:26 PM
You might have liked it but I thought it was awful. IMO, I didnt think the extra scene in the docking bay needed to be added.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 10th, 2003, 01:07:07 PM
I actually like the scene I agree with Fig he needs to fix Jabba. Actually I like the SE better than the originals my only complaint is the Greedo deal, because it looks fake nobody could miss that close.

Dec 10th, 2003, 08:51:36 PM
Is it possible for any of us to get our own 'perfect' Special Edition? Everyone one of us has their own unique wish list of changes we'd like to see made. Would any Special Edition Lucas made be able to satisfy all of us? It's impossible. Nevertheless, I think the writer is missing one crucial point, the original OT SHOULD be made available to us again in some form. For many of us, those Tie Fighters with black boxes were hardwired into our consciousness decades ago. We grew up with them. They're part of our history and cinema history. GL can make changes until his last days if he wants, good for him. But I don't like the idea of him acting as if the original versions of the OT never existed.

At some point, I want to see those black boxes, I don't want to hear Luke scream like a girl when he takes his dive in Cloud City, I don't want to see Jabba and Fett in ANH, and I DON'T WANT TO SEE GREEDO SHOOT FIRST!

Dec 11th, 2003, 02:02:15 AM
The changes in the Special Editions added more sanitized fluff to three classic great films. No need for the changes, IMO in fact there is something ethically wrong from a cinematic point of view about a director constantly toying and making changes to films that had hit the theatres twenty some years earlier. What if more directors considered doing likewise, changing their great films, adding and deleting scenes. What if Francis Ford Coppola decided he wasn't satisfied with Godfather Saga and decided to add CGI effects. Actually, I am of the opinion we haven't seen Lucas direct a great film since A New Hope or write a great script since Return of the Jedi or act as executive producer of a decent film since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I feel George Lucas did rob everyone blind with the Prequels. Those films were so unfulfilling and lackluster in the light of their potential. Like popcorn films or cottencandy, sweet to behold but never filling.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 11th, 2003, 08:59:11 AM
I wasn't satisfied with the CG in the Prequels. In the SE it was ok...the Greedo thing was ridiculous though and Jabba. To me the CG was to the point of being unrealistic in the Prequels, the models used in ROTJ for the battle of Endor were IMO far more convincing then the battle of Geonosis or the half hearted battle of Naboo.

Dec 11th, 2003, 10:24:46 AM
Both have their pros and cons. CG can be much more liberating and dynamic, while stop motion can appear with those black boxes around ships, or choppy movements with creatures. The one thing models and props have on CG is the real human interaction factor. I would hate to be an actor and have nothing to react with aside from blue blue and more blue. And sometimes green.