View Full Version : Proposal for attack

Jarek T'chort
Dec 7th, 2003, 11:15:52 PM
I have been thinking of this for a while now, I belive that once the Empire has finished in Remnant space, we must move to take action against the New Republic.

I propose an attack on the trade hub of Bestine. It lies directly on the Corellian trade spine which is one of the largest trade routes that runs through Sovereignty space after Yag'Dhul. Bestine has two principal space docks, one on the planet Bestine itself and another on the fourth moon of Bestine, Kerrel. With possesion of these docks our shipbuilding capactity will be increased, not to mention we shall not have a stranglehold on trade on the Inner Rim.

Firstly, Bestine has a powerful Shield generator which encircles the planet. It also has two KMD 23 Ion Cannons. I propose the infiltration of the planet by Colonel Tear and an elite task force, once on the planet they will disable these defenses, leaving the world ripe for the taking. *note: these defenses would not be utterly destroyed, merely put out of action*

I suggest a 5 Destroyer task force which will consist of the SSD Intimidator under the command of Grand Admiral Desaria and another smaller task force of 1 Star destroyer, and Interdictor and assorted escort ships. Grand Admiral Desaria's battlegroup will move into orbit and administer a bombardment of the world and protect the ground forces that will land to secure the vital sheild and other important areas, under the command of myself and Colonel Drayton.

Rebel intervention is practically assured, the system being in close proximity to the NR base on Mrisst. Grand Admiral Desaria's battlegroup will engage them. Then however, Captain Balades group will be out of scanner range, they will move to engage, ensnaring the rebel fleet. The Indictor will hold anything that tries to escape.

Once the world is secure and the Rebel fleet defeated, Imperial technicians can repair the generator and cannons in order to have formidible defenses in case of Rebel counter attacks.


Telan Desaria
Dec 8th, 2003, 04:26:53 PM
I agree wholeheartedly. Speak with Lion el Johnson, rebel fleet commander, and run the idea past him. I would not want to tip our hand, but we'll need opponents - and their permission unfortunately.

jarek - love the sig and avatar. I should give you a medal.


As for your plan of attack I agree with one addendum - it is divided in two parts. The first will be Tears insertion into the planet with his team setting things up for an attack. You and I wil run rped drills on a smiliar planet and see if they'll catch the hint.

The second will be the battle itself.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 8th, 2003, 04:48:19 PM
Excellent, I'll pm Lion about it asap.

Detail wise i think its sound, any suggestions for fleet compliments?

Jarek T'chort
Dec 9th, 2003, 06:22:53 AM
Good news, Lion and the NR are game. Lions away until near Christmas so we will have to start without him, the first stage of the plan, with the Intel team and the ground forces landing.

I also suggest, to buy more time for the ground troops, in sending one of our hired pirate fleets to attack a rebel target to draw away the Rebel fleet until we are safely landed.

Secondly, Reshmar will most likely attack the Imperial fleet in the second role play. He will be beaten off unti Lion arrives with his sector fleet.

Teleran Balades
Dec 9th, 2003, 07:22:51 AM
I'd like to get Shmir involved, if he still plan to rp. It would be helpful to have someone in the fighter command part of the navy.

Telan Desaria
Dec 9th, 2003, 07:43:59 PM
Agreed. When yaga minor is taken, this first phase will commence.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 10th, 2003, 04:52:27 PM
Bestine IV (Commonly known as Bestine)

A world with almost 60% ocean covering the surface, the planet is made up of volcanic terrain. A modest population of colonists dwelled on the planet up until seven years before the Battle of Endor, when the Empire shipped them all offworld in order to secure the planet. They subsequently turned the planet into a sizeable naval yard similar to Fondor, with large industrial areas and production facilities.

The world was taken by the NR some eight years post-Endor with the facilities in ruins. A large rebuiling program started which repaired the majority of the damage. The program was halted following the Imperia / Rebel peace treaty due to the lack of need for such a large scale naval facility at that pause in the war.

Following the Vong invasions the faciity was remembered and the NR built it up with minimal defenses. Post Imperial Fragmentation, the yards were forgotten until recently. The NR holds the system and has brought in a small army of technicians and droids to bring the yards up to scratch. The Empire wants these Yards, it will increase our ship building capacity and provide us with a substantial victory over the rebels on the Inner Rim.

The world has one orbiting dock, which is undergoing massive repairs (think Death Star II) . They have a few cruisers stationed there and two X-Wing squadrons. On the ground, mainly a civilian workforce, NR Infantry and an armoured division.

The opposition will be Reshmars fleet which will arrive to engage us.

Telan Desaria
Dec 15th, 2003, 05:31:12 PM

Dec 15th, 2003, 06:39:39 PM
I've given this alot of thought and have had little lead way. Going in undetected into a system can be difficult but i've come up with some ideas on how to infiltrate Bestine.

One. Fairly generic would be to stow my Team away on a commericial transport of some sort. Sneaking off when they onload cargo. Now it has its pro's and con's

Pro's: We get into the systems with fair ease. Getting into a commercial transport would be fairly easy, with just sneaking on board or paying a frieghtor captain off.

Cons: Its fairly generic. Its been done before alot.

Two. Which is a more unique plan but would involve the imperial navy somewhat. They would near to gather a few astroids from wherever. Then jump to the edge of the system out of scanning range. Then using tractor beams would hurl the asteroids toward Bestine. My ship with my team would be either attacked to one of the astroids or floating admist them, powered down to avoid detection.

Pros: A slight bombardment against the world shields. Which could weaken them slightly for the incoming attack. With the choas of a group of astroids coming NR forces may be distracted. Having dispatched all their ships to meet the threat. The invasion fleet could jump in and catch all their forces off guard.

Cons: They could blow up one of the astroids id be on or near. Piloting a ship between astroids at the dive down through and atmoshpere to smash into a world shield could be pretty dangerous :p

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Telan Desaria
Dec 15th, 2003, 07:23:39 PM
I'll let you pick - - you're the highest PC Intel man we've got. You're head is on the block.

Teleran Balades
Dec 16th, 2003, 07:08:35 AM
Hurling asteroids would take a lot of time. They would be traveling at sublight speeds from out side the system. It could take days or weeks for them to reach a planet that way.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 16th, 2003, 07:36:52 AM
Plus remember the power needed by the tractor beams to "hurl" an asteroid through space. It practicaly burnt out Thrawns destroyer tractor beams when he was only depositing the asteroids.