View Full Version : Past Darkness, Present Deeds (closed)

Dec 7th, 2003, 01:57:24 AM
Hera let her mind swirl with the power of the Darkside.

Freely it flooded her thoughts, her senses - her entire being.

It felt good.

It felt right.

It was a pleasure she needed more than the touch of a lover. More than the companionship of a friend. It was her lifeline. Its what drove her, what made her alive.

Everything else was superfelous to this one, dark, divine truth. She was a Sith - those of the most dreaded force weilders of the galaxy.

And she was a Master.

A powerful Master.

Luminescint blue eyes glowed eerily in the darkness of the room. The incandescent fire that burned within them a stark contrast to the stone face that housed them. Only the prickle of dark energy rippling over her body stirred the night air.

For what seemed a lifetime, the Faene Mistress had toiled relentlessly in establishing the foundations of her ambition. Long years she'd spent building the platform from which to further her own agenda.

And she was far from done. The criminal networks she had forged, the knowledge of the underworld cartels, the wooing of the rich and influential and the allying with the powerful was still far from complete.

But now...


Hera caught a deep, euphoric breath and her chest rose ss her mind filled with such dreadful possibilities. Her hands gripped the armrests as she sat, her head circled back against the chairs highback edge, expelling a breath of ecstacy through her lips.

The arrival of Dan, the assassin from the Black Sun was a harbinger of events - a portent of change..The ignition switch to the next phase of her ShadowFaene strategy..

It was time to collect them.

It was time to equip them.

And soon...it would be time to unleash them.

Hera would raise her "Ushers of Charon" and then...then galaxy would see the power of the Dark Lords hailed down upon them from the hand of a woman.

Her hands released and uncurled from about the arm rests, her nails imprinted in small tears in the leather. A satiated smile crept across her face.

It was good to be Sith.