View Full Version : (GROUP ACTIVITY) The Last Will and Testament of a Miraluka (open to everyone)
Salem Ave
Dec 6th, 2003, 10:46:51 AM
When training was over for the day, Salem liked to explore the Palace. There wasn't much that he hadn't seen within its walls yet, thanks to his innate ability for getting into hard to navigate spaces. Today he had chanced upon something, entirely accidentally, that he hadn't noticed before. Oddly, it was a stone block in the Palace walls. He watched it intently, as he felt it calling out to him somehow. His brow furrowed as he stepped towards it, and felt its pull growing stronger.
Unable to contain his curiosity any longer he knelt down and traced his claws around the bricks edge. Sure enough, with a pull it dislodged itself from those around it. Inside there was nothing but black, it appeared. The vampire could see the wall beyond this one, which created the insulating vacuum that kept the Palace warm. Still, something didn't feel right however, so he dipped his hand into the shadows and rummaged about. He felt his hand pass across something metal, and gave it a tug.
What he found he was holding when he withdrew his hand was most peculiar. There, covered in dust, was a rusted scabbard. It was two and a half feet long at most, and made from a silver-grey metal. It was heavily tarnished with age. After a glance up and down the hall to make sure he was alone, Salem reached into the hole once more. Again, he found something – this time far less substantial. It was a letter. It went on for some time…
Then all of a sudden, the letter stopped. There was simply no paper left to write on. Both sides of the scrap had been filled. Frowning, he leant forward and inspected the crevice again – nothing! He rose up to his feet and replaced the stone. The scabbard he placed beneath his robes and the note in his pocket, before stalking towards the library. On his way, he put out a message to anyone who was free at the time – or who took an interest – to come to the library immediately. There he sat and waited.
Dec 7th, 2003, 07:18:39 PM
Southstar wasn't entirely sure what this was about, but it was something to do other than read or practice. The Sith palace, everywhere had been explored and everything had been discovered, that definition had a word for it and it was boring. He walked into the library to find his fellow knight Salem sitting down.
"So what is this little meeting all about?" He said curiously. Hopefully it was something good.
Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 8th, 2003, 05:57:35 PM
Jezreal had been sitting on her bed reading one of her books when she got the message from Salem "I got nothing better to do" She said to herself as she laid her book down and grabed her staff and headed for the library
The tapping of her staff on the ground could be heard as she walked into the Library, Jez spotted Salem and Southstar and walked over to them "I got you message mr. Ave" She said sweetly "so what did you call us here for?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 8th, 2003, 07:17:39 PM
Rivin walks into the library after having gotten the message from Salem.
He walks over to the small group that was forming, and says to Salem....
"You made this sound important, This had better be good, or I may be playing kick ball with your head."
Salem Ave
Dec 9th, 2003, 02:57:22 AM
"Watch yourrr tongue, drannit. Leave if you have sss-omething else so imporrrtant to do,"
Salem hissed in reply to Rivin, before looking back to his somewhat more cordial peers.
"I've found sss-omething which… I believe to be important," he began, and retrieved the letter, beginning to read it aloud.
If you have found this, then the Sith have captured me, it began.
Do not expect me to beg to be rescued. I expect that as you are reading this I am drawing my final breath – but I assure you, Master Hulis, that the secrets of our Order will remain as such for all time. They will draw no information from me.
I and four other students were completing our mission to finalize the agreement of peace with the Nimbanese when our vessel was boarded by a band of unscrupulous characters. They slaughtered the crew and commandeered the ship, changing our course to bring us here – to Corellia.
I knew that they must have wanted the Falchion – it is a rare and precious artifact, after all, and so in the night, while the evil ones slept, I sent it away on one of our escape pods. When they woke, they were furious and killed two of my peers, demanding to know where it was.
They will never find it, Master! We have given our lives for it and will not allow it to fall into the hands of these bastards. I hope that you are able to find this message when you come for us, and that you will be able to find the Falchion too. It is in the pod now, headed for Fan
With this done, ever so slowly, he removed the scabbard from his cloak and laid out it on the table which they were all stood around.
Dec 9th, 2003, 03:03:33 AM
Warlock, who thought sometimes that he might as well live in the library, paced out from behind one of the towering cases of books and looked between the array of Sith, then down to the blade sheath.
"A Jedi artifact or relic perhaps? But what of it's counterparts location? Fan? I have no knowledge of any such planet."
Dec 9th, 2003, 10:50:53 AM
Southstar turned to Warlock, "Perhaps Fan is only part of the word. Or does it it end there, Salem?" Southstar glanced over to the scrap of paper. He couldn't tell if it had been torn.
Southstar picked up the sheath and looked over it for a moment. Was something inscribed on it? No, that was just a scratch. He passed it off to whoever would take it. "Well, the counterpart would obviously be a sword. What are the odds it has been found?"
Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 9th, 2003, 05:09:21 PM
Jezreal took the sheath from Southstar "Fan might be a code name for a planet" She said as she weighed the sheath in her hands.
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 10th, 2003, 12:29:26 PM
"does TOS Have any record of this encounter in it's computer system? If we knew the location where the escape pod was lanched it may be easer to find Fan."
Salem Ave
Dec 12th, 2003, 11:33:49 AM
"It ends therrre, although it does look like 'Fan' is only parrrt of the name. Perhaps therrre is information on such a planet on the database. We need to look that up and yesss, Rivin, see also if there is a rrrecord of these Jedi being here, to see if there is any significance to them."
Dec 20th, 2003, 06:30:47 AM
"To the books then?" Warlock asked, glancing expectantly to the others.
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 22nd, 2003, 02:53:03 PM
Rivin nods
"That sounds like a good plan.... Would the books that we want be in the library, or some other location?"
Lorani T'sava
Dec 25th, 2003, 05:16:08 PM
Lorani had slipped into the library while Salem was reading the letter. She glances at Rivin and then chooses a spot away from him, but still able to hear everything that is being said. She wants to prove her worth to TSO since she is only just a child after all.
She climbs up onto a chair so she's more the height of everybody else before she says anything.
"Is there anything I can do?"
Lorani questions as she looks at Salem.
Lucianus Adair
Dec 27th, 2003, 09:11:56 PM
He'd shifted into the library about fifteen to twenty minutes before Salem, and kept to the edges of the library. A decent book is something that the teen often sought, as he went through them quickly. Phoenix had parused many of them and was deep into one by the time he'd got distracted out of it.
Several persons had arrived, and were talking...of something important. Marking his space in the book, young Mr. Whyte had been listening in for several minutes now. Whatever they were discussing caught his interest. So the tall 14 year old moved much closer. Soon thereafter, Lorani came in. One of his peers.
He came around, and up beside her.
"I too, would liek to be of any assistance that I can."
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 11th, 2004, 03:35:01 AM
Kria’thn had scuttled in almost from the beginning, waiting in the background he tapped his legs in a rythmic motion, a sign of confusion. Why would anyone seek out ancient relics, it seemed a better job for a worker, not a warrior. Still he would study these events carefully. He knew he didn’t have the feeling that some of the others experienced yet, he didn’t have the sensitivity awoken within him. The Charon did however see the curiosity in their eyes and that in itself made him curios.
He attempted to pick up a book, more to get into the spirit of things than actual awareness. Clumsily fumbling the small item, eventually off the shelf, it bounced along the floor in front of him. Kria’thn muttered, not realising the significance of items in the library, he pulled up his leg about to squash the cause of his aggravation.
Makoto Neo
Jan 11th, 2004, 09:47:19 AM
"Don't even dare," A deep voice echoed from around the corner as Makoto rounded it. An old, ragged, time-worn book was open in his hands to about mid-writ and the Knight had seemed to be reading it on the other side of somewhere. The wolven looked up from the book at the creature, then cut his glance to the others.
Mako shut the book swiftly, 'The Art of War' written on the cover in thick letters, his tone is oblivious to what happened past since Salem had arrived. "Someone's organised a study group, or is there something important to cause such attention?"
Salem Ave
Jan 11th, 2004, 09:55:10 AM
"I've made a find within the cassstle. Half of a Jedi artifact. We'rrre going to try and research more information on it…"
Salem then looked to Rivin, "We'd bessst start by looking herrre. If there's nothing about this 'Fan' planet here, we'll move on to the Coruscant national library databassse."
Makoto Neo
Jan 11th, 2004, 07:37:52 PM
"It must be of some importance, to have all these assistants. What sort of artifact has caught your interest?" Mako replied as he came closer to the centre table, glancing down at what it held up.
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 12th, 2004, 08:33:29 AM
The Charon cocked his head, lowering his leg, unsure as to why there was a problem with eliminating an old musty book. After all what value was there in books, history. All someone else’s history recorded were mistakes made by another. What value were they, when the end is never in doubt.
The Jedi, interesting, he had heard them mentioned at odd times like these, though had yet to meet one. Lost in a train of thought, again his time around these beings was clouding his mind. The Charon collected himself, he would not lose his focus again.
“Can we not send... workers to find this antique?” He said dispassionately, addressing Salem and Makoto equally.
Lucianus Adair
Jan 13th, 2004, 12:25:37 AM
The young Mr. Whyte observed everyone around him, listening to the occuring conversation. Then the Charon, the man of arachnid species, made a careless comment that Phoenix's own lord and guardian would frown upon. Mars' eyes shifted rather quickly to the Charon. Then he turned to him.
"Mr. Ki...There is no 'workers' here, except for ourselves. Many of us work, without the help of any such servants. And furthermore, a matter such as this is of the importance not to be trusted to servants. I would suggest, and this is a suggestion, that you take your snout out of the air, and bring yourself to our plane, where we are, as I have been told, equal. You would do well to remember that."
Jan 14th, 2004, 02:56:23 PM
Southstar shut another book, it contained nothing of the word 'Fan'. The search was getting old, 'fan' could mean just about anything; a city, planet, star, moon. It could even be a person for all they knew.
Some discussion took place from Salem and Makoto as well as a few of the apprentices."Coruscant national library database..." Southstar mused to himself. "Is that going to require an expedition?" he said to Salem outloud.
Oolana Taine
Jan 14th, 2004, 09:23:34 PM
Oolana walked in just in time to hear Southstar's last question. An expedition? she thought to herself. Any chance to fly her new craft was a welcome one.
Looking around she could tel something important was happening and a search for information was being conducted. She grabbed a book and sat by Southstar asking, "What should I be looking for?"
Kria'thn Ki
Jan 15th, 2004, 05:42:22 AM
Kria’thn turned to Phoenix, the odd being whom he had met in the halls earlier. Staring at him coldly, his reaction was just to stare for a moment, calculation over emotion. What odd language was used by the creature ‘his snout’ out of the air. Perhaps the human was unwell. Though he did note the comments on the lack of workers, was it really true no worker caste was present. No how could it in a place such as this. It must just be more of this strange creatures ramblings.
The Charon was pondering the possibility of removing the obviously afflicted human, after all the others might not even miss him, their attention on other matters. Kria’thn clicked his legs together betraying his deep thought.
No it would have to wait, at least till he had established himself further. His last bungled attempt at sacrifice, still heavy in his mind. He would watch this one, for any further… opportunity.
"Coruscant, I have heard of this place." In fact the name spoke volumes, though he would not betray that here.
Jezreal Darkshard
Jan 16th, 2004, 12:41:28 AM
Jezreal walked though the rows of books every now and then pulling out a book that caught her eye and after a moment placed it back in the shelf. She saw Oolana walk into the library and smiled to herself as she watched her first master talk with the other sith
She came apon a book labaled "guide to planets" and pulled it out and sat down in a chair as she fliped through the pages and looked at a large chart that showed many planets. Jez aslo looked though a list of planet names and names of moons looking for any reference to a "fan" or something that might go along with it.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 16th, 2004, 03:18:05 PM
Rivin nods to Salem, and goes to start looking through the books in the sith library.
Lucianus Adair
Jan 16th, 2004, 03:29:57 PM
Mars' brow furrowed, he turned these things over in his mind.
The creature has a fair amount to learn.
The Charon, as Phoenix could see by the gleam in his eyes, was resisting an ancient and predatory urge to snatch him up as a snack. A sly smile crept across the darkness-born teens' face. Saying nothing further to Kria'thn, he turned to the books, picking up also, where he left off in the texts he was reading.
Lorani T'sava
Jan 20th, 2004, 11:40:57 AM
Lorani goes and grabs a book and starts to look through it. She wants to prove that she is a valuable member and not just any kid. She starts reading the book she grabbed, looking for any mention of 'Fan' in it.
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