View Full Version : Word of warning to people RPing with me.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 6th, 2003, 12:57:02 AM
Hiya guys. Exams come up next week on Thursday. I also have to re-write my termpaper to turn in on Tuesday. So I won't be on at all until the paper is re-written. Then after that I shift gears straight into study sessions round the clock in preparation for the exams. But if I think I can get away with it, I might post at work or something.

But yeah, it's about to hit the fan real soon. Just wanted to let you guys know so you wouldn't worry.

Estelle Russard
Dec 6th, 2003, 12:01:20 PM
good luck with exams

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 6th, 2003, 12:20:07 PM
Yeah, good luck Wei :)

Kelt Simoson
Dec 6th, 2003, 12:48:44 PM
gluck Wei :)

Rognan Dar
Dec 6th, 2003, 01:48:34 PM
Hang in there, buddy. Good luck on the with all of it!

Dec 6th, 2003, 07:20:22 PM
I'ma visit your sorry butt and make you relax at some point during all this. Mark my words!

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 7th, 2003, 03:25:44 PM
:lol Thank y'all. I've been keeping myself relaxed this weekend. I went to a big dance called Snowball here at college, and saw a movie with some friends last night and now is a Christmas Party with my BSU's drama group.

My term paper re-write is nearly complete. i just have to have a few more sentences to make it the minimum 12 pages. Then I'll be off to studying my tail off.

Dakota Gue
Dec 7th, 2003, 04:56:46 PM
Wei has a tail?

Rognan Dar
Dec 7th, 2003, 04:59:42 PM
Is there something your not telling us Wei? Now is a good time to spill the beans.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 11th, 2003, 08:44:30 PM
Originally posted by Dakota Gue
Wei has a tail?

Not anymore. I worked it off. Old Testament Exam over, Intro to Biblical Greek is next. I've got oldies parodies to help me remember declensions and tenses, then I'm up to my neck in sentences to translate. I can only hope the professor doesn't ask me to parse any verbs or nouns. I'm not too good at that.

Dec 12th, 2003, 10:21:35 AM
I'm gonna talk to mom this afternoon, and if she lets me, I'm comin' down there Saturday at some point. You lot need a break.