View Full Version : Fleet Skirmish

Dec 5th, 2003, 05:31:35 PM
The New Republic research vessel Endeavor was wallowing in space. The vessel was out testing a new propulsion system when the reactor suddenly overloaded forcing the crew to shut it down. The ship sent out a distress call to a nearby New Republic patrol fleet

::This is the research vesel Endeavor. Our reactor has overloaded and we've lost engines. We're requesting immediate assistance.::

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 7th, 2003, 05:23:37 PM
With a suddenness that startled everybody aboard the Endeavor, Lion El' Jonson and a small taskforce dropped out of hyperspace...30 klicks away.

Aboard the small cruiser, Lion was demanding an answer from his navigation officer.

"Lieutenant, why did we exit hyperspace 30 klicks from the Endeavor?" he asked pointedly, walking down from his command chair to get an answer from Lieutenant Riemann. The young officer turned to his keyboard and typed in several rapid queries to other sections of the bridge. A second later, he looked up.

"Sir, it appears that Endeavor's reactor overload triggered an alarm on our probe sensors. The new engines they're testing vented the reactor mass, but it was dense enough to register as a mass shadow."

Lion nodded, thoughtfully.

"Like an Interdictor effect, Lieutenant?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. Exactly like one. I expect it will last only 10 or 15 more minutes."

Lion grabbed a datapad from the nearest table and linked it to his ship's sensors. It showed an faint, opaque blue surrounding the stricken Endeavor: The blue was no doubt that accidentally generated interdiction field. Thinking to himself, he returned to his command chair.

"This field, it'll cut off any ship from getting close to the Endeavor via hyperspace jump?"

"Yes, Admiral: As long as it lasts."

"So if any Imperial Remnant forces get into the area, it's going to be a race...and maybe a fight, if neither of us can jump out." He turned to the helm section. "Very well then. Helm, give me all ahead 2/3rds, set a course for the Endeavor. Engineering, boost reactor output to 90%. Tactical, bring shields online, and weapons to standby. Starfighter Command, ready squadrons Typhon and Azrael for immediate launch. Systems, sound yellow alert."

The men on the bridge hurried to their tasks, and soon the small cruiser was underway, heading at high speed towards the stricken testbed vessel.

(ooc: Fleet composition: )
-(1) MC-45L Light Cruiser, Tigris
-(1) Corellian Gunship, Aladar
-(2) Starfighter Squadrons, Typhon(B-Wings), Azrael(X-Wing XJ)

Vhiran Crescent
Dec 8th, 2003, 06:02:39 PM
Vhiran watched out of the port hole in the barracks of the Tigris, as it dropped out of hyperspace farther out than he should of. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but he would figure it out later.

Vhiran was new the republic fleet, however, not new at all to piloting. He had joined less than a month ago and had already completed his training as an X-Wing pilot. He was still reluctant of informing the Republic of his smuggler operations. He doubted they would care, but they didn't need to know either. But either way, that was another story for another time.

The alarm sounded in the Barracks, flashing a yellow light around the room. The pilots in the small room scrambled to their lockers to suit up as the sortie commensed. He as well, suited up and quickly headed to the Hangar of the Tigris. Apart of the Azreal squadren, he darted across the hangar to his X-Wing, where his captain and other wingmen were heading out. He looked around quickly as he climbed into the pilots seat and the R2 unit into the back. He wondered if Sollak was around, if he had even come aboard this ship. He hadn't talked to him since they planned to join the New Republic.

He didn't have time to keep looking, so he closed the cockpit and launched out of the hangar upon request.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 9th, 2003, 08:19:56 AM
"Captain Dolama, hail the Endeavor. Let's see if communications are still working."

The Mon Calamari captain of the Tigris nodded and triggered a button on his comm headset.

"Endeavor, this is the light cruiser Tigris. What is your status?" The Mon Cal began repeating his hail. "Endeavor, please reply."

As the Captain began repeating his reply, Lion moved to his command chair and hit the transmit button on his own headset, trying to contact the Corellian Gunship that was, according the the Tigris' sensors, flanking them to their right.

"Captain Logrisa, break formation and take your ship closer to the Endeavor. See if you can make out any damage. Just be aware, once you get closer you won't be able to quickly hyperspace away, the reactor overload generated a mass-shadow effect."

Captain Logrisa's reply was not long in coming. Her melodious voice came in over his headset speakers.

"Aye, sir. Don't worry, we'll be in and out. Hope you enjoy babysitting the fighter squadrons, sir. Captain Logrisa, out." she said, and Lion could imagine her enjoying the laughter of her bridge crew. He sat down grumpily, wondering how somebody 10 years his senior could make him feel so...old...

He watched the Aladar shoot directly over the Tigris' bridge, eliciting a couple of shouts or oaths from the bridge crew, as well as maniacal laughter from Captain Logrisa over the comm channels. Smiling, Lion watched the Corellian Gunship head at full speed towards the Endeavor.

Vhiran Crescent
Dec 11th, 2003, 12:28:48 AM
Vhiran formed up with his small flight group. He didn't know any of the pilots yet, he simply hadn't had enough time. But he loved the feel of the small fighter. The new X-Wing XJ series had just come off the line about a week or so ago, and the Lt. had gotten one right away. He didn't bother playing around with it, as now was not the time.

He formed up with his two wingman, taking the lead post in the triangle. Groups were to his left and right, all heading in the same direction, towards the Endeavor.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 13th, 2004, 08:00:43 AM
Lion opened a line to Lieutenant Crescent, one of his newly promoted squadron officers.

"Lieutenant, how's the Endeavor looking? From here, she's floating like a hutt that's had one too many meals. Maybe you can see better than I can." he added, attracting the sniggers of several on the bridge.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Jan 18th, 2004, 08:08:29 AM
Darriann was in the weapons locker of the Aladar checking over the armaments. He looked at the list. Everything appeared to be in order. All weapons accounted for with enough extra power packs to take down a walker. He left the weapons locker and headed to the mess hall for something to eat.

He walked in and went to the vendor. He wasn't sure how long it would be before he was called to duty so he only grabbed a bottle of water and ration pack.

"And today's ration is...." He opened the pack, "Beef jerky."

He took a sip of water and had a piece of the jerky. The two mixed. Darriann found himself start to choke but then he started chewing. He looked at the label. Dehydarted mini-steak. After finishing his meal he watched the holovision. Not much was on but a sports review.

Vhiran Crescent
Jan 18th, 2004, 08:05:14 PM
"Aye, sir. About the same from here." He was still about half the distance away from the Endeavor as the light cruiser. He brought up and image of the floating ship and magnified around the stern of the vessel. "I can see several fires breaking out on the stern of the Endeavor. Something must of ruptured inside the engine room. I can see some debris floating away as well, Admiral. Will arrive in 5 minutes."

Lion El' Jonson
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:22:10 AM
Lion nodded as Vhiran's voice broke over the comm.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. If there's fires happening aboard the Endeavor, it means there's still oxygen left aboard. A boarding party should be able to get aboard with little difficulty. Lieutenant Crescent, you and your squad will run cover for the Aladar. Anything starts shooting at her, take it out; ask questions later."

Lion switched comm channels.

"Captain Logrisa? Get the Aladar into docking position with the Endeavor. I want Sergeant Sollak to lead 4th Platoon aboard that research vessel. They're to rescue any crew members aboard the Endeavor, and then get the hell off of that ship; I've got a feeling her reactor-containment systems won't hold much longer."

imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 1st, 2004, 09:11:28 AM
Captain Logrisa's voice came through Darriann's comlink. "Sargeant you and the 4th have work to do and fast. The troops are getting ready they'll be waiting at the air lock. I'll brief you from the comm as you get geared up."

"Aye, I'm headed to the weapons locker now." He replied

Darriann got up out of his chair and headed to the weapons locker. He grabbed one of the remaining E-11s and a power pack.

"Ok. You and your team will be searching the ship for survivors and evacuating them back here to the Aladar. You'll only have a short time. We believe the reactor is going to overload."

He replied as he was finishing getting his suit on with some magnetic boots, "Ok I'll get some men to try and slow the reactor. That should give us enough time, to search the ship."

He grabbed two remaining breathe masks as well just in case he had to go through a hull breached section and had to escort a survivor. He left the locker and proceeded to the airlock. His unit was there and ready. He looked over to one of the engineers, Graham.

"Graham you assemble the engineers and head to the reactor. Try to slow it down. If you can, shut it off completely and go to backup power."

"Yes, Sir." Graham replied.

"Captain, my team is ready." Darriann said through the comm.

"Ok were providing an uplink with a map of the Endeavor to your units' datapads. We'll try and help as much as possible with are sensors but there's interference. If you can get internal sensors on that ship up and relay them to the Aladar. We'll assist you as much as possible. Were docked, you are clear. Now get going." Captain Logrisa's voice said over the comm.

"You heard her, get a move on." Darriann shouted, "Keep an open comm. Split up into groups of two and look for survivors. Graham you know what to do."

He hit the switch for the hatch and it slid open. The team moved in and split up. Darriann took right and headed for the bridge.

Vhiran Crescent
Feb 2nd, 2004, 08:54:05 PM
"Roger that, Tigris. Swinging around," Lt. Crescent said over the comm. Him and his squad did a wide 180 and came back around, headed towards the Aladar.

"Delta formation C," Vhiran commanded to his squad as they reached the Aladar. The groups formed up around the transport, all in a flying V formation. Each unit matched speed with the slow transport, following it all the way to the Endeavor.