View Full Version : Meeting someone.

Dec 4th, 2003, 08:36:38 PM
A young boy of the Sith Order had asked Southstar if he would be interested in training another apprentice. Southstar had two already, he wasn't sure if he would be able to handle more. But no one else could and the Sith Order needed more knights. Some things just need to be done, regardless of whether or not Southstar wanted, or even could. He would have to make himself do it. However, whether or not this Rowan would accept him as a master remained to be seen.

He stood around for a moment and noticed a figure approaching him. Perhaps this was the Rowan Jorshal had spoke about.

Dec 9th, 2003, 03:08:33 PM
Rowan approached Southstar. Hoping that this would finally be his chance to start training. "Hi. Im Rowan."

Dec 11th, 2003, 10:33:38 AM
"Ah, good." he said and then gave his name. "Southstar." He gave the man a brief look over and nodded his head. "Well, assuming you want to be trained, I will be your master."

"So what you can do is give me a brief overview of any experience you've had with the Force as well as some history of yourself. we'll figure out where you are, where you need to be and how to get there."

OOC: As well as the IC stuff, let me know what your plans are for Rowan on terms of character development and what you want him to be.

Dec 12th, 2003, 12:00:38 PM
"Of course I wish to be trained." It finally starts, Rowan thought to himself. "I dont have much experience in the force except that I have allways been the highest jumper and fastest runner which I heard means that I have potential with the force. My history is simple. My father was killed by jedi and now I want to kill jedi, other than that my history is pretty boring. Grew up on Uven III where I shot people that my boss didnt like. I hope that helps."

OOC: My plans for Rowan are that I want him to basically become an assassin type person. (Im sorry if I suck at this I'm still a newbie.) Thats basically it.

Dec 21st, 2003, 12:50:05 PM
"I see. Well, let's see what you can do already. Your speed and agility may be due to the Force, or perhaps natural talents that can grow in the Force." Southstar said and took an estimate of how far the palace wall was from them. "We're going to do a little time trial. A little boring I know, but it is effective. I would say the palace wall is about a quarter of a mile away. I want you to run there and back." Southstar looked at his chrono, "Ready... Go!"

OOC: i apologize for the serious lack of posting but I had final exams in my first semester of college and it required much more time than I expected, on top of that I seem to have caught some of that flu thats been floating around.
Concerning you character, we'll work on developing him and creatigna persoanlity and such for him. To write a good story depends more on the person rather than the happenings around him. So I'd suggest working out some personality traits. Figure out if he is quick to anger or if he leans towards gaining knowledge or personal glory.
The best advice I can give for devloping personality is to remember that Rowan is a Sith, he is likely to be selfish and more concerned with himself rather than other, which I can assume he is based on his background.

Dec 27th, 2003, 12:11:19 PM
Rowan took off as fast as he could. He wanted to make a good impression, like allways. He made it to the wall in two seconds and made it back in another two. "how's that?" He asked. He didn't look worn out at all.

OOC: I know how the finals go. I just took mine to.

Dec 29th, 2003, 12:01:07 PM
He nodded his head and noted the time in his mind. "Well, you definitely are fast, and you don't look worn out. I suppose you have a natural gift." Southstar said then related it to the Force. "It always best to access the Force through your natural abilities. In fact, you likely are using it, you just don't know it. So what I want you to do is tell me how it feels to run, especially anything about feeling overly powerful."

Dec 29th, 2003, 01:01:28 PM
"When I run, I feel like I can do anything. I seem to hear more clearly afterward and things of that nature. Is that good?"

Jan 4th, 2004, 11:23:16 PM
"Possibly the Force still running through your body; likely, actually." Southstar said. "Well, since the Force is evidently active inside you, we should start doing some things you haven't done before." Southstar called a small rock to his hand. "Telekinesis. Moving objects with the mind." Southstar tossed the rock close to Rowan. "This is going to be difficult because it is the first time, but it isn't impossible. Call the stone to your hand using the Force."

"Like you find the Force when you run, access it and you will see, in a sort of way, the the rock in the Force. Once you 'see' through the Force you should be able to reach out and grab it. Give it a try"

Jan 5th, 2004, 01:22:11 PM
Rowan nodded. He opened himself up to the force as he did when he was running. Come on, you can do it Rowan! He told himself. He opened his eyes to see if the rock had moved at all, it didnt move an inch. Rowan sighed and was about to give up when the rock shot to his hand, leaving a big bruise. "I dont know how the hell I did that."

Jan 6th, 2004, 12:10:34 AM
"The Force works in ways you may not understand... yet." Southstar had watched the rock move with the Force. As Rowan had tried to grab it, nothing was happeneing. But when he finally did it was like he grabbed it in an instant with no control over his power. Control was the next lesson.

"Now that you have the rock, I want you to move it out and hold it in the air with the Force. As you try to do so think about how you are doing it. The sooner you understand the sooner you will be able to preform this trick at will."