View Full Version : A foundation (open)

Dec 4th, 2003, 06:48:19 PM
"Dare, we've got a lock on." Boris, Dare, Harris had been her partner for the past year. He was what she would desribe as a big brother.

"I read you, Phasic get that photon fired."

"Roger." Nyla, Phasic, Corozan searched her cockpit looking for the one dial that would fire the Photon Missle directly at the TIE fighter. As she reached for the button a large buzzing caught attention. "I've been locked."

"Muska, get that TIE off Phasic's tail." Dare's order launched Muska into a hurry to fire his dual blasters at the TIE. Jake, Muska, Yanis was an annoying kid who Nyla warned Dare of bringing along. "Incoming. Three more TIE fighters." More shots were fired in the team's main direction. Nyla glanced over her shoulder out the side windows then returned her focus on the My'Til's computer screen.

"Their still locked on me and I'm running low on defense power." Her ship's defense systems would never be overridden and it would eject her into space. She would either suffocate or freeze, considering how far their team was from a pickup shuttle. She flipped some more dials, determined to keep the defense shield up.

"Look-out Phasic their diving in." The computers went blank as her ship boomed and rattle from the hit of several laser bursts.

"I'm dead in the water, Dare. You and Muska make sure to get that datacard in the right hands." Nyla wanted them to get out of this fight as soon as possible so they could return to Mon Calamari.

"We're calling the starship in to retrieve us. We'll be back in no time." They all knew how important the cards were.

They were out of her view and then the TIE fighters took her as their main target. The lock on her ship beeped once more in warning and Nyla jumped to action. She unstrapped herself and crawled behind the seat, pulling up a platform behind the pilot's chair and crawling down into the storage space. The My'Til hapan cluster ship was small on the outside, but that betrayed the inside space. She found a locked black box and unlocked it, pulling the fuel cell from it. On the wall were three ejection compartments and without hesitation she pushed the fuel cell inside. This is your only chance Nyla, make it work. She hit the large button on the wall, ejecting the fuel cell into space. They fired the Photon Missle at her ship, but it picked up a new source of energy... one of much greater source. The Photon Missle acquired the fuel cell as a new target and Nyla crawled back up, closed the compartment and slid into her seat, strapping back on. Her hands gripped the stress bars on the side walls, built for the sole occasions of not losing it before a big event.

The Photon Missle hit the fuel cell and the explosion destroyed the three TIE fighters. The My'Til systems boosted back up, putting every last drop of power into the defense shield. Her ship rattled and was thrown into a spinning course.

The comm systems reconnected with the base ship. "This is Phasic reporting in... I really, really want a vacation."

The wounded QuickSilver ship was being repaired in the docking station of the Rebellion Base Ship as Nyla walked around in her civilian attire. A black tanktop, black pants, and black combat boots. On the utility belt was her identification cards, a bag of credits, and a blaster, located on the left side as Nyla is left handed. On her wrist she wore a metallic bracelet, inside was a small datacard storage slot and an international watch.

Nyla was a small woman, apparent age of 24, average height of 5' 5" and a femininely cut build. Her hair was a dark brown, usually tied back, and her eyes changed colors in the iris's. She was born in the planet of Corellia and named after her Grandmother. Most of her past she keeps to herself.

Nyla gave a sad look towards her ship then sighed. Unfortunately they were keeping it grounded, telling her that it would become garbage if she flied it so soon after an accident. They gave her a ticket to Tatooine, but Nyla was not a big fan of dust so she decided that she would travel solo to Corellia.

She packed her bags, some clothes, some credits, a couple of weapons, and the obvious necessities. One black bag hung over her left shoulder and the other she carried in her right hand. After saying some short goodbyes to her comrades she boarded a shuttle and was on a nonstop flight to Corellia.

OOC-(first post yay)

Eluna Thals
Dec 4th, 2003, 08:26:10 PM
OOC: Corellia is a Sith-controlled world



Eluna leaned forward.


The viewscreen zoomed forward noticably, revealing the shape of a shuttlecraft.

"Check the vectors, Lieutenant."

A young officer went to work at a computer terminal.

"Vector intercept at 56.678.435"

He looked up to Commander Thals.

"From the rebel starship's last coordinates, it would seem like it was launched en route."

Eluna arched an eyebrow.

"No escort?"

The lieutenant doublechecked.

"None detected."

Commander Thals drummed her nails on the armrest of her chair, looking through half-lidded eyes at the screen. She almost seemed bored.

"Best intercept course at hyperspeed. Lets see what the cat can drag in."

Thals' Carrack cruiser, the Narcissant, accelerated to light speed, drawing a bead on the rebel shuttlecraft.

Dec 4th, 2003, 08:40:23 PM
Nyla looked around, noting the civilians onboard. It had been years since she had been on her home planet of Corellia. Recent news of her father's death had pulled her back. Blake Corozan, her father, had always been someone she had dissapproved of. He led a life of greediness and violence and was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Three years at Kessel had not even changed him.

Nyla kept her eyes on the windows. The past years of training taking it's toll on her. Her eyes flashed an erie green and she looked up and out the shuttle window. Her leaders had understood the risk that was with her going to the planet. The ship would be stopped, searched, but she would not be taken into custody. No identification on her proved her to be a rebel soldier.

It was a necessity for her to go to the planet. Along with her father's death she recieved a small sum of credits and a box she knew held the datacards of select Imperial ship statistics. Specific ships had specific weaknesses and her father was one of the few civilians who had those access to that information.

Nyla, are you sure your ready for this?

The captains began talking, speaking in wispers, catching her attention.
"The Imperial's have a sole ship tracking us. They're set on course to intercept."
Another Captain matched the wisper. "We don't have much to worry about... They don't have the fleets that they used to. This sole ship is probably just that... all alone."