View Full Version : Female or shemale?

Master Yoghurt
Dec 4th, 2003, 05:15:41 PM

Try to see who is what, and post your score afterwards. I bet you won't beat my 15/16!

If youre a male and don't score well, I sincerely fear for you on your drunken nights out.. :D

Dec 4th, 2003, 05:17:39 PM
12. I said more were shemales than females :)

Dec 4th, 2003, 07:36:50 PM
I'm afraid to look. >_<

Figrin D'an
Dec 4th, 2003, 08:50:35 PM
I tied your score, Yog. 15/16.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 4th, 2003, 09:07:19 PM
>_< 10/16, I guessed right on 65.2% of the men and 65.2% of the wimmin.

Dec 4th, 2003, 11:19:25 PM
13/16 for me. I was harsh on some of the ladies :lol

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 6th, 2003, 11:34:01 AM
Yeah, I got a very fearful 12. None really shocked me too much. :)

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 6th, 2003, 11:43:31 AM
13/16. Most of them were pretty easy to spot. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 7th, 2003, 05:19:32 AM
<img src=http://www.3-points.com/rhertz/img.asp?id=2161>

Master Yoghurt
Dec 7th, 2003, 09:48:08 AM
<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/pics/macros/wow.gif>

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 7th, 2003, 09:50:20 AM
... I ... don't even want to know!

Dec 8th, 2003, 03:32:51 AM
Originally posted by Master Yoghurt
<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/pics/macros/wow.gif>

Get this furry shit off my internet.

Master Yoghurt
Dec 8th, 2003, 10:29:26 AM
Charley, you are joking/not being serious right?? Its not my intention to offend anyone. Thats not a furry, but a guy dressed up in a suit as a Tanuki, an ancient mythological version of a racoon according to Japanese folklore. The animation is based on a TV advertisement of a construction company that builds "mansions", or large concrete-block style apartment buildings. The theme is (obviously) Little Red Riding Hood, and the girl is singing and dancing together with the animals of the forest.

Such goes the song:

It makes your dreams expand and grow, Saabasu Mansion
It makes your hopes expand and grow, Saabasu Mansion
It also makes your chest expand, expand, expand... (!)


(Heck, you even posted a gif from the same commercial in the gallery yourself! :p)

Some more info about the commercial can be found here,and even the whole clip can be seen if you want. Trust me its very cute and innocent, and more than a slight touch of hilarity (cheesy Jap TV add stuff) . Nothing gross about it at all :)

And here are some interesting facts about the Tanuki! :)

The Mythical Tanuki

Animals with the power of transformation -- for either benevolent or malevolent purposes -- are called "henge" in Japan. In Japanese folklore, the kitsune (fox) and tanuki are considered masters of transformation, as is the Tengu, the bird-man goblin of the forest and mountain who is revered as the slayer of vanity and pride.

There are countless tales about the mischievous Tanuki. The Tanuki can transform into any living or inanimate shape, but in legend it often assumes the form of a monk or a tea kettle to play tricks on people. Real Tanuki live in the lowlands, forests and mountain valleys, and in legends, the mythical Tanuki is most often shown playing tricks on hunters and woodsmen. They can cast powerful illusions -- they can turn leaves into fake money or horse excrement into a delicious-looking dinner. Like the fox, the Tanuki's powers of transformation are not perfect, for a careful inspection often reveals their true nature (see below stories).

The Tanuki is said to love Japanese sake (rice wine), and is often depicted with a sake bottle in one hand (usually purchased with fake money made from leaves) and a promissory note in the other (a bill it never pays).

Even today, ceramic Tanuki statues can be seen everywhere around Japan, especially outside restaurants and bars, where the Tanuki beckons drinkers and dinners to enter (similar to the role played by Maneki Neko, the Beckoning Cat, who stands outside retail establishments). The beckoning Tanuki is most often depicted with a big round tummy, gigantic testicles, a flask of sake, a promissory note, and a straw hat.

The Tanuki is also known in some localities as Mujina. Indeed, about one century ago, the Japanese court system ruled that the Tanuki and the Mujina were the same species. When hunting of tanuki was prohibited by law, one hunter claimed he was out hunting mujina, not tanuki. The court threw out his case -- that is, he lost the case.

What About Those Big Testicles?

A curious and defining characteristic of Tanuki is its gigantic testes. According to some legends, the testicles / scrotum can be stretched to the size of eight tatami mats. Others point to the word Senjojiki (the space of 1,000 tatami mats) as an indication of the Tanuki's testes size. Called Kin-tama (Golden Balls) in Japanese, the testes are supposedly symbols of good luck rather than overt sexual symbols (the Japanese are more tolerant of low humor than most Western nations). In the movie Heisei Tanuki Gassen Ponpoko (see below), the Tanuki stretches out its scrotum as a parachute in a desperate suicide attack. In other Tanuki folklore, the Tanuki uses the testes as an impromptu drum, beating out the "ponpoko" sound (no pun intended).

In biological terms, the Tanuki's large "golden balls" are a true depiction of the real-life Tanuki. According to evolutionary biologists, the Tanuki's scrotum is large because of fierce competition among Tanuki males for females. Phrased differently, Tanuki copulate frequently, and those Tanuki with larger testes size have a greater chance of getting their genes into the next generation. The same is true in the world of chimpanzees.

All this and more about the Tanuki can be read about here:

Dec 8th, 2003, 10:52:27 AM
Originally posted by Master Yoghurt
Charley, you are joking/not being serious right??

Yes, mostly.

Shanaria Fabool
Dec 8th, 2003, 12:02:50 PM

Dec 16th, 2003, 11:04:43 PM
Originally posted by SWFans.Net
I'm afraid to look. >_<

Me too.

Hold me.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 17th, 2003, 08:31:21 AM
10/16 Which makes me glad that 1: Im not a guy 2: Im not attracted to chics and 3: Im not a drunk guy attracted to chics :)

Dec 19th, 2003, 02:20:45 PM
^ Yeah, what Daiq said.

Xyver Khale
Jan 7th, 2004, 09:12:27 AM

Darth Viscera
Jan 7th, 2004, 08:00:20 PM
You identified 87.5% of the shemales correctly and 62.5% of the ladies.

sometimes it's hard to differentiate between a shemale and an unflattering picture of a female. One of those girls had the cutest little adams apple though.

Jan 16th, 2004, 01:56:11 AM

I just mistook a few of the ladies for men :uhoh

Darth Viscera
Jan 16th, 2004, 08:34:46 AM
Well, some of them were rather fugly and mannish.

Jan 16th, 2004, 04:19:08 PM
I'm just glad I don't have to actually deal with worried if my woman has a penis. I haven't heard of very many women getting penis implants ;)

Darth Viscera
Jan 16th, 2004, 04:27:41 PM
Originally posted by Crystal
I'm just glad I don't have to actually deal with worried if my woman has a penis. I haven't heard of very many women getting penis implants ;)

Did you just come out of the closet?

Jan 16th, 2004, 04:32:13 PM

No.. I mean.. that no men are becoming women.. I just.. um.. men.. Ah never mind

Sure, yeah... it's easier to just agree.