View Full Version : New Vessel Stats.

Dec 3rd, 2003, 01:49:34 PM
Here are the complete stats I have on the vessels I mentioned. I posted the Defender Star Destroyer in the Academy since Tie will be using one i thought he may need it. here goes.

Endurance Fleet Carrier

Length:1,040 Meters
Crew: 6795
Troops: 1600
Weaponary: 12 Turbolaser Cannons, 20 Laser Cannons, 8 Ion Cannons, 4 Tractor Beam Projectors
Speed: 10 MGLT
Hull: 3,600 RU
Shield rating: 4,860 SBD
Hyperdrive: X1
Hanger: 12 Squadrons

Defender Class Star Destroyer

Defender Class Star Destroyer
Length:1,040 Meters
Crew: 6795
Troops: 1600
Weaponary: 40 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 40 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons, 20 Ion Cannons, 8 Tractor Beam Projectors, 8 Concussion Missile Launchers
Speed: 16 MGLT
Hull: 2,850 RU
Shield rating: 4,135 SBD
Hyperdrive: X1
Hanger: 6 Squadrons

Majestic-Class Heavy Cruiser

Length: 700 Meters
Crew: 4050
Weaponary: 30 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons, 20 Laser Cannons, 20 Ion Cannons, 8 Concussion Missle Tubes, 4 Tractor Beam Projectors
Speed: 13 MGLT
Hull: 2,220 RU
Shield rating: 4,800 SBD
Hyperdrive: X1

Corona Class Frigate

Length: 275 Meters
Weaponary: 10 Turbolaser Cannons, 10 Laser Cannons, 4 Ion Cannons, 2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Speed: 25 MGLT
Hull: 640 RU
Shields: 1,520 SBD
Hyperdrive: X1
Hanger: 3 Squadrons

Warrior Gunship

Length: 190 Meters
Weaponary:10 Turbolaser Cannons, 8 Laser Cannons, 4 Concussion Missle Launchers
Speed: 80 MGLT
Hull: 230 RU
Shields: 860 SBD
Hyperdrive: X1

Complete specs on the MCL 45

Mon Calamari MC-45L Light Cruiser

Length: 500 Meters
Weaponary: 20 Turbolaser Batteries, 10 laser Cannons, 10 Ion Cannons, 8 Tractor beam Projectors
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hull: 1,428 RU
Shield Rating: 1569 SBD
Backup Shield Rating: 1,389 SBD
Second Shield Backup: 1,150 SBD
Hyperdrive: X1
Hanger: 2 Squadrons

The MC80b and MC90 are missing some info so I will post what I have for them as well.

Mon Cal MC80b Class Star Cruiser

Length:1,200 Meters
Weaponary: 48 Turbolaser Batteries, 20 Ion Cannon Batteries
Speed: 14 MGLT
Hull: 2,000 RU
Shield rating: 3840 SBD
Backup Shield Rating: 3,600 SBD
Secondary Backup: 3,600 SBD
Hyperdrive: X1
Hanger: 4 Squadrons

Mon Cal MC90a Class Star Cruiser

Length: 1,255
Weaponary: 75 Turbolaser Batteries, 30 Ion Cannons, 8 Tractor Beam Projectors, 6 Proton Torpedo Tubes
Speed: 16 MGLT
Hull: 2,728 RU
Shield rating: 3840 SBD
Backup Shield Rating: 3,800 SBD
Secondary Backup: 3,600 SBD
Hyperdrive: X1
Hanger: 6 Squadrons

The rest I beleave have all of the stats we may need.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 7th, 2003, 04:40:45 AM
I think we may need to increase the number of crewmen on the Defender-class Star Destroyer. 7,000 men may be the correct number, but a larger number of crewmen could make the ship more efficient, as well as increasing the difficulty of boarding operations. In the event of casualties, there'd be that many more men to take the place of injured crewers and still run at maximum efficiency. I say up the number of crewers to around 16,000, or maybe even more: Crewmen aren't in short supply anymore.