View Full Version : Wine and Waiting..(open)

Lucianus Adair
Dec 3rd, 2003, 01:05:35 PM
So I must wait. Very well. My lord has taught me the value of patience. So wait I will...

The tall human male, a teen in years, came to the Sith Order to train in the ways of a Sith, Warrior and all. For all of his years before this day, he had been conditioned in such a way that would set him eternally on this path. Phoenix Whyte remembered no days that he was more than a slave to inferiority. Lucianus Lucifer Bane had made sure of it.

It is something to be earned. Out in the world you do not know...You will find others like yourself, working the same path. Where some of them fail, you will pass.

That had been the confidence he would have in himself, and no more was said of it. But yet, it was enough.

Phoenix had, as he had been requested to do, explored the Sith Palace. There were many areas of this place, and the last place he sought out was the living quarters. And an empty living space. A decent one for one body of his size, and he found one at the intersection of two passageways.

Gripping the cold handle, he opened the door. Having to duck a little through the doorway, Whyte entered the room, to find a ceiling comfortable for his height, a table, two chairs, and a clothing cabinet with three drawers and hanging space. He did not close the door, so if someone walked by, they might be able to see him there. A newcomer. Phoenix placed his luggage on the floor, and crouched down to remove a small package from the case. Unwrapping it, revealing a pair of fine wine glass, he headed to the table, and set down the two glasses, and the bottle of wine. Returning to his bag, he grabbed a small book, and went back over to the table, and sat in one of the chairs. He began reading at a marked spot.

Dec 5th, 2003, 08:44:55 AM
Jorshal was walking through a hallway in the Palace. Which one it was, he didn't exactly know. Everytime he began to walk around the Palace he always found somewhere new.

He pushed a door open and it creaked as it revealed more of the room to his eyes. There sat a man, maybe ten years older than Jorshal, maybe. The young man was sipping wine and reading a book, the title was unknown to Jorshal. He noticed a second glass filled as well. This guy must be expecting someone.

Slowly and quietly he walked behind the man. He was so absorbed by the book he failed to notice Jorshal sneaking up behind him. Jorshal also had the Force to help him covertly make his way to the table.

He snaked his arm underneath the man's and pushed the second glass of wine over spilling it across the table. "Oops." He said monotonistically.

He changed the subject quickly. "Who are you?"